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Guava became one of the fruits favored by the people of Indonesia, which is usually processed into juice
and salad. Besides delicious when served, this fruit also has many benefits, one of the benefits of guava
is that it can prevent dengue fever.

Just like fruit in general, guava is also rich in nutrients and vitamins. In one guava fruit contains vitamins
C, A, potassium, and antioxidants, and contains nutrients such as fiber, iron, protein, magneisum, and

The content of vitamins and nutrients in guava makes it able to overcome various health problems. The
benefits of guava can also be felt by pregnant women.

Guava became one of the fruits favored by the people of Indonesia, which is usually processed into juice
and salad. Besides delicious when served, this fruit also has many benefits, one of the benefits of guava
is that it can prevent dengue fever.

Just like fruit in general, guava is also rich in nutrients and vitamins. In one guava fruit contains vitamin
C, A, potassium, and antioxidants, and contains nutrients such as fiber, iron, protein, magneisum, and

The content of vitamins and nutrients in guava makes it able to overcome various health problems. The
benefits of guava can also be felt by pregnant women.

The benefits of guava you need to know

1. Can protect the body from exposure to free radicals

Vitamin C in guava acts as an antioxidant that functions as a body protector from free radicals. Bad
consequences can occur if the body is exposed to free radicals, including triggering the development of

2. Boosts the immune system

Besides being able to protect the body from free radicals, the content of vitamin C in guava can also
maintain healthy bones, teeth, gums and blood vessels. In addition, this fruit is also useful in helping
heal wounds, improve brain function, and absorb iron in the body.

3. Helps digestion

The fiber content in guava can help smooth the digestive system and can prevent constipation. The
function of fiber is to ensure that the good bacteria in the digestive tract are still working well.

4. eye health

In addition to vitamin C, guava also contains vitamin A which is good for mat's health. The benefits of
guava are of course not to be missed. Vitamin A is important for the health of body cells. Improve the
immune system, and maintain healthy skin.
5. Lowering Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

The benefits of guava to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol because of the content of vitamin C
and fiber in it. This assumption has also been proven by a study

Benefits of Guava Seeds for Pregnant Women

Guava is rich in various vitamins such as vitamins C, A, B2, and E. It is even believed that guava contains
more vitamin A and vitamin C than oranges.

In addition, guava contains folic acid which is very important for fetal growth. Folic acid in guava is also
beneficial for the circulatory system and helps in the development of the fetal nervous system.

In guava whose flesh is pink, there is a pigment called lycopene. Lycopene is known to help reduce the
risk of cancerous growth around the mouth.

Guava is also another good source of nutrition such as potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, and
phosphorus. These minerals play an important role in the development of bone and cartilage. In
addition, minerals also play an important role in helping the body get energy.

Eating guava during pregnancy can be beneficial for overall health. If consumed in the morning, guava
can be an excellent natural remedy for nausea, aka morning sickness.

One other benefit of consuming this fruit during pregnancy is controlling blood pressure and preventing
blood clotting, which in turn helps to prevent the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Here are some other benefits of guava for pregnant women

1. Reducing the Risk of Anemia

Guava is rich in iron. The content can reduce the risk of anemia that often occurs during pregnancy.

2. Prevent Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes often occurs in pregnant women due to increased blood sugar levels. To prevent
this disease, pregnant women can use guava.

3. Muscle and Nerve Relaxation

It has been explained that guava contains magnesium nutrients. The content is useful for maintaining
muscles and nerves to remain relaxed during pregnancy.

4. Preventing Infection

Rich in vitamins A and C make guava useful to prevent infections in pregnant women.

Side effects of eating guava excessive during pregnancy

Of the various benefits possessed by guava, still pregnant women should remain cautious and not eat
excessively. This is because there are several complications that may arise if you consume excessive
amounts of guava during pregnancy.
One of them is diarrhea, which is known because guava contains high fiber. Although it is known to help
overcome digestive problems, but if consumed in large quantities, this can actually cause diarrhea.

Like most other fruits, guava is often stored using many chemicals. Well, these chemicals can cause
bacterial infections which can adversely affect health during pregnancy.

This is dangerous, especially if the consumption of guava is done without washing and cleaned first.
Therefore, it is important to wash the guava before consumption.

 How to safely consume guava during pregnancy

Most of the fruit when consumed in chunks and still fresh can provide more health benefits, including
guava. Apart from being consumed directly, guava can also be made into juice. Both of these processed
forms are still safe for pregnant women to consume as long as they are not excessive.

Drinking guava juice can keep your skin hydrated and strengthen hair. But to make it safer, make your
own juice at home. Avoid adding too much sugar because it can reduce the health benefits.

Peel the guava skin, remove the seeds, then puree with a blender. Don't forget to choose guava that is
well cooked and clean the guava first before it is processed or consumed, yes.

In essence, guava is very nutritious and very safe for consumption during pregnancy, both in the form of
cut fruit or made juice. But it is better before regularly consuming guava, still consult with your doctor
first. Especially to discuss how much guava is safe to consume in a day or even a week.

Besides being beneficial for pregnant women, guava can also prevent the corona virus which is currently
being widely spread among the public.

Guava has compounds that can target the Corona virus layer, and prevent it from mutating or
reproducing itself in the body until it finally affects humans.

This red guava based on researchers, can remove the virus from genetic material so that the virus can
not develop further. The method of administration is quite easy, such as in juice or eaten directly to
increase endurance.

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