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Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393 – 405


A flexible technology for modified release of drugs:
multi layered tablets
Shajahan Abdul, S.S. Poddar *
Department of Pharmaceutics, Principal K.M. Kundnani College of Pharmacy, Plot No. 47, R.G.Thadani Marg, Worliseafce,
Mumbai-400018, India

Received 2 January 2004; accepted 30 March 2004


Modified release dosage forms offer definite advantages over conventional release formulation of the same drug.
Hydrophilic polymers are mainly used for preparation of matrix type controlled delivery systems. The system usually provides
nonlinear release profile. The multi-layered matrix system overcomes inherent disadvantages of non-linearity associated with
diffusion controlled matrix devices by providing additional release surface with time to compensate for the decreasing release
rate. This technology also demonstrates a wide flexibility for various applications. In this article, we review system design,
various constructions and formulation parameters of modified release dosage forms.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Multi-layered tablets; Linear release; Time programmed release; Layered matrix system; Bimodal release

1. Introduction controlled by ion exchange mechanism, systems using

three dimensional printing technology and systems
Oral ingestion has long been the most convenient using electrostatic deposition technology. The design
and commonly employed route of drug delivery due to of modified release drug product is usually intended to
its ease of administration, least aseptic constraints and optimize a therapeutic regimen by providing slow and
flexibility in the design of the dosage form. It is well continuous delivery of drug over the entire dosing
known that modified release dosage forms may offer interval whilst also providing greater patient compli-
one or more advantages over immediate release for- ance and convenience [1 – 3]. The most common
mulations of the same drug. There are many ways to controlled delivery system has been the matrix type
design modified release dosage forms for oral admin- such as tablets and granules where the drug is uni-
istration; from film coated pellets, tablets or capsules formly dissolved or dispersed throughout the polymer,
to more sophisticated and complicated delivery sys- because of its effectiveness, low cost, ease of manu-
tems such as osmotically driven systems, systems facturing and prolonged delivery time period [4,5].
Hydrophilic polymers are becoming more popular in
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-22-24938618, 24937204;
formulating oral controlled release tablets. It is well
fax: +91-22-24932808. documented that the dissolution curve of drug release
E-mail address: ssp306@rediffmail.com (S.S. Poddar). from a hydrophilic matrix shows a typical time depen-

0168-3659/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
394 S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405

dent profile [6 –11]. The release of a dissolved drug have negative therapeutic consequences (e.g. toxicity
inherently follows near first-order diffusion with an due to increase of the concentration of the delivered
initially high release rate, due to the dissolution of the substance beyond the acceptable higher limits espe-
drug present at the surface of the matrix, followed by a cially on repeated administration). After this burst
rapidly declining drug release rate (Fig. 1). The en- effect, hydration and consequent swelling and/or ero-
hanced release rate observed at the beginning for a sion of retard polymer occurs. These phenomena
short time of the release process is known as burst control the release process but, with time, the diffusion
effect and is many a times undesirable since it may path-length increases and a saturation effect is attained,

Fig. 1. Effect of the application of polymeric layers (barriers) on the release of drug from a matrix core.
S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405 395

resulting in a progressively slow release rate during the counterbalanced by the simultaneous increase of the
end of dissolution span [6 – 11]. To overcome this area available for drug release [35]. By this way,
undesirable behavior, many authors [12 –19] evaluated combining a time-dependent control of the hydration
a number of variables able to affect the release patterns rate of the device with the reduction of tablet surface
in polymeric matrix devices such as physio-chemical exposed to the dissolution medium, it is feasible to
properties (solubility, viscosity, etc.); content of drugs achieve a linear release profile. It is also possible to
and polymers; drug/polymer weight ratio; administra- obtain various dissolution patterns such as multi mod-
tion form and dosage and manufacturing process to al, pulsatile or delayed delivery, extended release
achieve a constant rate release. Over the years consid- (characterized by reasonably constant rate) for differ-
erable efforts have been expended in the development ent drugs by varying the formulations of layers. In all
of new drug delivery concepts in order to achieve zero- the applications, the multi-layered system should
order or near zero-order release, since constant rate swell, gel and finally erode completely, leaving negli-
delivery is the primary goal of controlled release gible residue in the gastro-intestinal tract [36]. The
systems, especially for drugs with a narrow therapeutic system is a unique drug delivery device, which over-
index. Examples of altering the kinetics of drug release comes the major disadvantage of non-linear release
from the more commonly inherent non-linear behavior associated with most diffusion controlled matrix devi-
to linear included the use of geometry factors (solid ces. This system also has the advantage of being
units having spherical, cylindrical, conical, biconcave, compatible with conventional manufacturing methods.
biconvex, donut shapes, hemisphere with cavity, core-
in-cup, circular sectioned cylinder, rings, oval bi-dose
divisible tablets, etc.), films, erosion/dissolution con- 2. System design
trolled and swelling controlled mechanisms, non-uni-
form drug loading and matrix-membrane combination Generally the drug release mechanism from hy-
[20 – 33]. Various matrix geometries have been recom- drophilic, swellable matrices is a coupling of poly-
mended over the last two decades to achieve an almost mer macromolecular relaxation and drug diffusion
constant release rate of the drug with time. One of [11,14]. Both the phenomena depend initially on the
these techniques relies on the use of multi-layered rate at which water may enter the device. Multi-
matrix tablets as drug delivery devices. layered design is based on the following aspects: (1)
Multi-layered matrix tablet is a drug delivery de- matrix hydration rate and consequent swelling and/or
vice, which comprises a matrix core containing the lowering of diffusion rate; (2) modulation of the
active solute and one, or more barriers (modulating surface of matrix through which the drug can be
layers) incorporated during the tabletting process. The delivered. These principles are more effective in the
modulating layers delay the interaction of active solute initial phase of the dissolution process and less
with dissolution medium, by limiting the surface pronounced as swelling proceeds, leading to linear-
available for the solute release and at the same time ization of the release profile. To achieve similar
controlling solvent penetration rate [34 – 36]. In this objective, coating of the matrix tablets selectively
device, the coat layers prevent the water penetration, on various sides with an inert impermeable film have
through the protected core for some duration. This been attempted [37,38]. The coating was applied
results in reduced hydration rate and controlled area extemporaneously on the tablet faces and/or on the
for solute release at the core. Thus burst effect can be sidewall in order to obtain different coating combi-
smoothened and the release can be maintained at a nations as schematically represented in Fig. 2. Their
relatively constant level during the barrier layers’ release performance was tested in vitro. From Fig. 3,
swelling and erosion process (Fig. 1). After this phase, it may become clear that, as the extent of coating is
during the subsequent portion of the dissolution pro- increased, the release is slowed and the release
cess, these swollen barriers are erosion dominated and kinetics approached zero-order. The release rate
the surface available for drug release slowly increases. was mainly driven by the surface geometry of the
In this way the decrease of delivery rate due to the system (coated –uncoated surface ratio) [39]. From
increase of diffusion path-length (saturation effect) is these observations it is confirmed that, during disso-
396 S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of the matrix tablet (a) and of the four partially coated designs (b, c, d and e).

lution, although the matrix swells, the coating con- mance of such layered tablets and their morpholog-
siderably reduces the drug-releasing surface com- ical behavior were examined and compared to that of
pared with the uncoated matrix and also hinted partial film coated system [35]. The partial film
towards the ability of coating design to modulate coating does not swell and maintains its original size
both release extent and kinetics. The casting of and shape and offer consistent release retardation for
impermeable membrane on a portion of the matrix the whole duration of dissolution process. On the
tablet is a manual process [37,38]. To overcome this contrary, the barrier made of an inert polymer tends
drawback, which does not allow for the automatic to crack and detach itself from the core within hours
production of the system, different approaches were after water immersion. This effect is due to core
tried. In particular, the application of polymeric volume expansion upon water immersion, by poly-
swellable and erodible barrier layers, instead of mer swelling. This stresses the outer barrier layer,
impermeable film, was evaluated taking into account which does not expand to accommodate the swelling
that former should exhibit properties of drug imper- of the core. The swellable barriers show a more
meability similar to those offered by the latter. The homogenous system in which both the barrier and
development of the barrier formulation was carried the core may swell simultaneously without any inter-
out through two different approaches [35]. The first nal stress during the dissolution process [35]. The
was based on the use of inert insoluble polymer barriers can be applied using a multi-layer compres-
(ethyl cellulose) and the second was based on the sion process. The easiest example was represented by
use of hydrophilic swellable polymer (Hydroxy pro- either double layer (Fig. 2b) or three layer tablets
pyl methyl cellulose). The in vitro release perfor- (Fig. 2c) in which only one layer contains the active
ingredient (active core), while one or two other layers
are barrier layers. A considerable time has been
devoted to the optimization of suitable barrier for-
mulations that could be applied on the core directly
during the tabletting process. The performance of the
final barrier formulation was evaluated using many
active cores, compositions [40] proving the efficiency
and flexibility of the multi-layered concept, particu-
larly in controlling the release of drugs of high
solubility [41 – 45]. Based on these new develop-
ments, a product was launched in 1992 in the US.
It is DILACOR XR of Rhone Poulene-Rorer, a
device for the 24-h extended release of Diltiazem
Hydrochloride a drug of high solubility.
The multi-layer design allows for the production
Fig. 3. Release profiles of the uncoated matrix (a) and of the four of different tablet designs by varying the geometry
partially coated designs (a, ; b, x; c, ; d, w ; e, ) [35]. of the device or modulating layers characterized by
S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405 397

specific release properties to achieve various disso-

lution patterns (not limited to a constant release)
such as delayed, pulsatile or multi modal delivery
profiles. The section below deals with various tablet
possibilities based on this proposed design.

3. Different designs

3.1. Zero order sustained release

This system as has been described in the previous

section, comprises either a hydrophilic or hydropho-
bic intermediate layer containing the active drug(s)
and one or two barrier layers which are press coated to
the faces of the tablet core, leaving the sides of the
core exposed. Many authors have evaluated this Fig. 5. Simulated plasma levels for different dose fractions com-
design, to approach zero-order sustained release binations for a quick/slow Geometric device [7].
[46 – 49]. The widely used barrier polymers for sus-
taining the drug delivery are either hydrophilic and/or matrix tablet coated with hydrophobic barrier layers
hydrophobic materials. In general linear release pro- on both the faces (Fig. 4) [48 –51].
files can be obtained by applying hydrophilic barrier
layers (H) on both the faces of a hydrophobic matrix 3.2. Quick/slow delivery system
tablet (M) or by applying a hydrophilic barrier layer
on one face and hydrophobic barrier layer (L) on the During the early stage of formulation develop-
other face of the matrix tablet. However, net formu- ment, the question of interest is ‘‘what in vitro release
lation and variables within the matrix and barrier characteristics will achieve the in vivo target?’’ To
layers need to be controlled rather carefully in order answer, a simple simulation approach using tra-
to achieve zero-order drug release from hydrophobic ditional pharmacokinetic model is of sufficient so-
phistication to define an ideal range of formulation
characteristics. The objective of these simulation
exercises is to provide in vitro release targets to
maximize efficiency of development of a new system
bio-equivalent to SR form of model drug. This system
may be achieved by quick/slow delivery system
[52,53]. This is characterized by an initial rapid
release phase, followed by a period of constant slow
release (Fig. 5). This is achieved by the application of
immediate release layer to the conventional layered
matrix tablet. This system can produce a rapid rise in
plasma levels for those drugs that are needed to show
appearance promptly for the therapeutic effect, fol-
lowed by an extended release phase at a constant rate.
Collaborators Maggi et al. [53] have developed a
Naproxen quick/slow system. This new system was
Fig. 4. Invitro release profiles of different matrix designs: (5)
uncoated single hydrophobic layer matrix M; (o) Layered matrix
more likely compared to a simple slow release sys-
HMH; () Layered matrix HML; (D) Layered matrix LML tem, to prove its bioequivalence to Naprosyn SR,
containing Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride [48]. which were used as the in vivo target with the premise
398 S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405

that these would be similar to those for the US have been developed using various techniques and
product, Naprelan of Elan Corporation PLC. Thus functional polymers or additives [62 – 65]. Press
these quick/slow drug delivery systems demonstrated coating technique is one candidate for such a novel
their versatility for those dosing regimens where a system that not only acts as a rate controlling system
simple constant rate of drug release does not entirely but also delivers the drug in the gut when it is
satisfy the therapeutic objective [52 – 54]. required, which is in a time-controlled fashion. This
technique has many advantages because no special
3.3. Time-programmed delivery system (press coated coating solvents or equipments are needed for coat-
tablet) ing of tablets and manufacturing speed is also faster.
The system consists of a core (either conventional or
Recently the concept of the Chronopharmacoki- a modified release formulation), which is coated by
netics and Chronotherpay of drugs has been exten- compression with different polymeric barriers (press-
sively utilized in clinical therapy for improving the coated systems) [66,67] (Fig. 6). This system deliv-
drug efficacy and preventing the side effects and ers the drug from the core tablet after swelling/
drug tolerance [55 –57]. The maintenance of a con- eroding the hydrophilic or hydrophobic barrier of
stant drug blood level in the body is not always the coating shell and may exhibit a pulsatile release
desirable for optimal therapy. For ideal therapeutic of the drug [68 – 71]. This outer shell may delay the
efficacy a drug with optimum concentration should penetration of fluid, thereby inducing a long lag time
be delivered only when and where it is needed. prior to the start of drug release. Once the solvent
Hence the drug release behavior should be controlled penetrates into the interior core tablet, the core tablet
by time in addition to rate. To avoid developing will dissolve and/or swell to break the outer shell
tolerance and to follow the innate circadian rhythm, resulting in rapid drug release [71 –73]. This delay in
a reasonable and generally accepted rationale is to the start of release is not influenced by the core
have a delivery system capable of releasing drugs, in composition and only depends on the shell formula-
a pulsatile fashion rather than continuous, at prede- tion. Moreover, except for time lag, the release
termined time points and/or sites following suitable kinetics of the core is not significantly influenced
administration like oral [58 – 61]. For this purpose, by the presence of erodible barrier. However, the
different systems including the time clock system kinetics is strongly influenced by the presence of

Fig. 6. Geometric press coated tablets for the delayed release of drugs (courtesy: Conte and Maggi [7]).
S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405 399

the core and penetration behavior of the swelled/

gelled coat.
Fig. 7 shows the dissolution profiles of core tablets
and two types of press coated tablets [71]. The press-
coated tablets displayed a timed-release function i.e. a
lag phase was observed in the dissolution profile and
the drug was released rapidly after the lag time.

3.4. Bimodal release profile

An oral controlled release system which releases

drug at zero-order rate is often considered an ideal
Fig. 7. Dissolution profile of Diltiazem hydrochloride from core system for maintaining constant drug levels in plasma.
tablet (o) and two types of press coated tablets ( and D) [71]. This is based on the assumption that drug absorption
occurs rapidly and uniformly through the entire GI
gellable or expandable polymeric shell. This type of tract, so that the rate of elimination dictates the rate at
coating hydrates and gels completely but does not which the drug must release from the dosage form.
get removed from the surface of the core; the device However, for many drugs, absorption is moderately
can be considered as a reservoir system [66,67]. The slow in the stomach, rapid in the proximal intestine, and
net release pattern depends on the release kinetics of declining sharply in the distal segment of the intestine.

Fig. 8. Release profiles of theophylline from investigated tablets ( ) Bimodal; (x) Single layered tablet; (5) Tri-layered tablet (modified from
Ref. [82]).
400 S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405

This means that to maintain constant drug absorption, delivery system) affected neither the intermediate
the delivery system should release drug in such a way slow nor the second rapid phase or constant phase,
that it is able to compensate for the changing drug this layer is not necessary to be considered in the
absorption pattern in the GI tract by increasing or formulation process. Therefore multi-layered tablet
reducing drug release rate to adjust the regional flux. consisting of a core and one or more barrier layers
Thus, a release system with variable rate of release may and/or a core and outer shell (in the case of press-
indeed be more desirable than a constant zero-order coated tablet) should be taken into account while
release system. The bimodal release system provides determining the parameters involved in the process-
such a variable rate release. Bimodal release is charac- ing. The following factors should be considered for
terized by an initial rapid release, followed by a period the process and formulation [83,84].
of slow and constant release, and again a second phase
of rapid drug release (i.e. sigmoidal release profile) 4.1. Granulation-layer containing therapeutics
[74]. Such bimodal release system can offer two major
advantages over other systems: (1) it produces rapid The following factors are to be considered while
drug release during the initial and later phase to making granulation of active substances: granulation
compensate for the relatively slow absorption in the liquid percentage, massing step time, outlet air target
stomach and large intestine; (2) it can be used to design temperature during the drying step and milling screen
programmed pulse release oral drug delivery systems apertures as well as the interaction between the
for the therapeutic agents that perform more effectively amount of granulation liquid and the outlet tempera-
when drug levels at the site of action undergo periodic ture [85]. While considering the impact of these
changes. To obtain bimodal drug release patterns, factors on the final product quality, the responses
Collaborators, Shah et al. [75,76] used hydroxypropyl- are classified into four categories: (i) granulation
methylcellulose based matrix tablets. Collaborators, physical characteristics (e.g., flowability, bulk density,
Marvola et al. [77 –79] developed core-in-cup tablets. ability to settle, particle size distribution), (ii) exten-
Collaborators, Conte et al. [80,81] developed three sometric responses (e.g. cohesion index, lubrication
layer GeomatrixR tablets. Recently Collaborators, index, ejection strength, plasticity, elasticity), (iii)
Streubel et al. [82] developed layered matrix tablets. Tablet characteristics (eg. Thickness, weight variation,
Fig. 8 shows that in bimodal delivery system an hardness, friability) and (iv) analytical results (e.g.
additional layer, i.e. fourth, containing initial dose content uniformity, dissolution profile). Wehrle et al.
rapidly disintegrates to produce quick onset of disso- [85] reported that granulation liquid percentage and
lution, promoting greater concentration gradient to milling screen aperture were considered as significant
compensate for poor absorpitivity in stomach. The factors affecting the granulometric fractions. The bulk
release from the SR portion-containing drug is con- density increased with increase in amount of granu-
trolled by barrier layers to achieve constant rate release. lation liquid. The ability to settle was also affected by
The appearance of the pH 7.4 in the GIT is the initiator the granulation liquid. But the extensometric
for the second rapid drug release towards promoting the responses, tablet characteristics, and analytical results
absorption in large intestine. Thus, although the in vitro did not vary according to factor variations. The
release profile is stepped, the in vivo picture, though authors also have recommended the Table 1 given
dependent on GIT transits and pH values, would be below for setting the above factors [86]. A balance
smoother due to improved absorption in stomach as between the advantage and disadvantage permits
well as large intestine [82]. confirmation of nominal manufacturing process and
also validating of granulation process.

4. Influence of process and formulation 4.2. Compression process

The critical parameters in the compression pro-
Since the incorporation of initial dose layer (as in cess are turntable speed and compression forces
the case of bimodal delivery system and quick/slow corresponding to first, second and main layers. The
S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405 401

Table 1 added to the outer shell polymer to prevent the

Recommendation for process setting: granulation penetration of dissolution medium into the pores in
Process Recommended Advantages Disadvantages the outer shell. For example, Magnesium stearate
variable setting
(MgSt) calcium stearate (CaSt) were added to the
Granulation 11% Decrease: Decrease: final Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose acetate succinate
liquid massing load bulk density
(HPMCAS) polymer to increase the lag time [72]. Eiji
and drying
duration Fukui et al. [72] reported that the drug release in
Increase: Increase: gastric fluid was completely suppressed until 15 h in
massing wet ability tablets containing MgSt irrespective of compression
density and to settle force and for those containing CaSt, it was necessary to
particle size
increase the compression force to more than the range
>63 Am
Massing 1 min Decrease: Decrease: applied, to suppress until 12 h. In the intestinal fluid
time massing crushing the lag time was not prolonged to more than 2 h by
product strength addition of MgSt. In contrast lag time could be
temperature prolonged by CaSt as long as 9 h by increasing the
Drying 36 jC Decrease: Increase:
compression force. The above results suggested that
temperature drying time crushing
and drying strength press coated tablets intended for colon targeting main-
product ly depends on compression force when poor wettabil-
temperature ity additives used.
drying yield
4.3. Hardness of compressed tablet
and final yield
Screen size 1.25 mm Decrease: Increase:
sizing duration particle size Hardness of tablet is expressed in terms of tensile
and particle >1.0 mm strength. The tensile strength of the tablet is calculated
size >500 by the formula, according to Fell and Newton [88]:
and >250 Am
Increase: final r ¼ 2P=pDt
where r = tensile strength (kg/cm2), D = tablet diame-
ter (cm), t = tablet thickness (cm), P = force applied to
tablet crushing strength response improves when the fracture (kg).
turret compression speed on the main compression The porosity of the tablets decreased with increas-
force is increased. But these parameters (within a ing compression load indicated by the rise in tensile
particular range) do not influence the content unifor- strength. But since the compression force (particular
mity and the release performances in multi-layered, range) does not influence the release rate, generally in
press coated and, bimodal delivery systems [35,69,82]. layered construction, the hardness of the tablet has
But in the case of press coated tablet intended for minor significance in the formulation [35,69,82].
distant destination (e.g. colon targeting) the release
rate and lag time are dependent on the compression 4.4. Adhesion strength
force. The release rate of drug decreases and the lag
time increases with increasing compression force till a This factor should be considered in the process of
critical point. After this point increasing compression complex layer tablets (Smatrix tablets), which have
force does not provide further reduction in porosity. layers that are shaped individually. The individual
There is necessity of increasing the lag time more than shaping of layer is achieved by geometry and direc-
10 h in the gastric fluid under some physiological tions of one pre-compressed layer (‘‘core tablet’’) that
conditions [87] and also there is need for suppression is made available as a central layer in the tablet. Upper
of release in the intestinal fluid for more than 3 h in and lower layers are pressed onto the central layer in
order to obtain colon targeting. To achieve these the second step [89,90]. Adhesion strength should
certain additives, which have poor wettability, are have to be considered here because of (i) the outer
402 S. Abdul, S.S. Poddar / Journal of Controlled Release 97 (2004) 393–405

layers control the rate of release from the central-layer 4.6. Filler concentration in core
[91,92]; (ii) the central-layer is already a compressed
tablet, a fact that makes adhesion quite difficult to The amount of added fillers influence the rate of
achieve. The parameters setting to achieve high ad- release of drug from core. If the amount of filler is
hesion strength in complex layer tablets are low increased, there is need to decrease the amount of
lubricant concentration and low compression force polymer (to keep the tablet at constant weight). This
for central-layer core tablets and finally high com- leads to significant acceleration of drug release and
pression force for complex layer tablets. But this this is mainly due to water solubility of filler such as
demand is limited to practical reasons: (i) lubricant lactose. Upon contact with the release medium, the
concentration has to be sufficient to avoid sticking; lactose dissolves and diffuses out of the device,
(ii) compression force for central-layer tablets has to increasing the porosity of resulting polymer network.
be high enough to achieve sufficient crushing strength
and resistance to friability; (iii) compression force for
complex layer tabletting cannot be increased infinitely 5. Conclusions
because of (a) limitations of tablet process and tool-
ing; (b) the asymptotic approach toward a final Although the burst effect has been reported in
density of the tablet; [93] and (c) when the central- numerous publications in our field, much of research
layer tablet has been highly compressed, an increase has focused on methods to prevent this. One of the
in compression force during the complex layer tablett- techniques is multi-layered tablet system. This system
ing can not reduce its volume further. Dietrich et al. provides zero order or near zero order release. This
[94] reported that if large fraction of lubrication in the concept also demonstrates a wide technology for
central-layer has to be used, adhesion strength could various applications such as quick/slow, bimodal,
only by obtained with low compression forces during pulsatile delivery of active ingredients because it
central-layer tabletting. Furthermore, the positive ef- allows the precise modulation of drug release process
fect on adhesion strength of higher compression even for drug characteristics by extreme physico-
forces during complex layer tabletting increased with chemical properties.
central layer tablets that were tabletted with lower By considering various formulation parameters it is
compaction force at all lubricant fraction levels. possible to get the appropriate release kinetics. The
system has the advantages of relatively low cost and
4.5. Polymer concentration in core potentially feasible to large scale production using
layered tablet process.
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