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IJ--tla-ll ~m /General Branch,

kl-bciai ci 'j,{J--1 /Thiruvananthapuram

fi".No.V/G.157/ADRM/Misc. ~01icf>/Date: 16.03.2020


Sub: Precautions in view of Kovid-19 .

The following instructions are issued to be followed with immediate

effect in view of the Kovid-19 issue:

1. People other than staff coming into Divisional

Office premises shall be restricted and only the very
essential category should be permitted inside. If DSC
required a Register can be maintained in RPF Out
2. The EQ box shall be kept in the RPF Out Post Sr.DCM
3. Sanitisers should be provided in the lifts. The
cleaning staff in the Divisional Office premises shall ACMS
be given instructions to frequently clean the lifts,
staircases and office surroundings. The concerned
HI shall be made responsible for this.
4. Branch Officers shall instruct the field units that
movement of tapal should be restricted and staff All BOs
movements also from field units shall be restricted
except in case of extreme emergencies. Tapal shall
be transmitted via e-mail until further advise.
5. Meetings/interactions should be lessened All BOs
6. Any staff having doubts about the onset of the
disease shall take immediate action to self-
quarantine and to seek help of the public health All BOs
authorities for further necessary action in this
7. One wash basin preferably portable shall be
provided at the entrance to the office with soap Sr.DEN/Co
8. All Branch Officers shall ensure that soap solution
is made available at all the wash basins/lavatories All BOs
in their blocks. Any problem in this regard shall be
brought to the notice of the undersigned.
- -- - -
9. The Branch Officers shall identify the staff dealing ,
with public in the office and mask shall be provided All BOs
for them . Please take the help of Sr.DCM in this
regard .
1 - - - - l ----""' - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ----
10. The Branch Officers shall make necessar y
arrangements to ensure that entry of outsiders into I
the respective blocks is restricted at the entry point All BOs
of the respective blocks deploying suitable staff to I
reg ulate the entry . _ _...__ _ _ __
11. The action taken in this regard and the problems if
any in implementing the protocol shall be shared in I All BOs
the qrou p with immediate effect. I

12. Any special imprest required for the purpose of

stationeries in this regard may be brought to the All BOs
immediate notice of the undersigned.
13. The Ch.OSs concerned shall be responsible for the
implementation of the above instructions in the All BOs
res pective offices.

The matter may be implemented in all its seriousness in view of the

present condition prevailing.

All Branch Officers

Copy to: ORM for kind information.

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