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Research Paper Outline: Food Security

Bansi Dhirendra Joshi

Professor Marianne Kettlewell

Royal Roads University

Author Note

Prepared by Bansi Dhirendra Joshi, taught by Marianne Kettlewell, PMAS095, Royal Roads

University, November 2018

Introduction #1:


Can Community Gardening and Technology overcome essential requirements for food security?

Connecting/general Info:

Essentially, food security can be described as a phenomenon relating to individuals. It is

the good/healthy/adequate nutritional status of the individual household member that is the

ultimate focus, and the risk of that adequate status not being achieved or becoming undermined.


There is inadequate food security across the globe. Fulfillment of agricultural

requirements is significant to achieve food security; however, problems with food distribution

and Climate Change act as the biggest hindrances to eliminate hunger today.

Introduction #2:

Background Information

1. The League of Nations finally, however, agreed that increasing food production to meet

human needs would bring prosperity to agriculture, which would overflow into the

industry and bring the needed expansion of the world economy through what was

described as the “marriage of health and agriculture”. (Boyd Orr, 1966, p. 119) and (D.

John Shaw, 2007, p.7).

2. During the 1930’s, and following World War one, world affairs were being dealt with by

the League of Nations. (D. John Shaw, 2007, p.6).


Add something here about how food security became a problem – which is the main focus

of your essay

Define “food security” in this paragraph

Body Paragraph 1 (Argument #1):

Claim/Topic Sentence: remember – “Climate Change” is your first point in your thesis –

you might be better off to choose a specific problem like “soil degradation due to climate

change” to start and then you can move into #1 below.

1. Crop productivity, soil fertility, and fertilizers utility significantly contribute to ensuring

food security.

2. Also, inefficient and mismanaged usage of resources is the biggest challenge to make

India a food secured place. (this can be part of the above sentence)

Research/Evidence to support your claim:

1. Efficient management of soil health plays a vital role in better agricultural production.

(Archana, Nandish, Savalagi & Alagawadi, 2013).

2. The significance of usage of different micronutrient like phosphorus, urea and many

more nutrients are required for better soil dynamics. (Archana, Nandish, Savalagi &

Alagawadi, 2013).

3. Remember to add information here about the problem that lead to poor soil and food

insecurity before moving into the solutions

Analysis of connection between claim and evidence:


Agricultural requirement being the key aspect of food security, its inefficient and

mismanaged usage can lead to food insecurity; however, significant use of varied micronutrient

like phosphorus, urea etc. can upgrade the soil dynamics.

Body Paragraph 2 (Argument #2): Topic Sentence:

Claim/Topic Sentence:

1. Climate change affects agriculture and food production directly through changes in agro-

ecological conditions.

2. It also impacts indirectly by affecting the growth and distribution of incomes, and thus

demands agricultural produce.

Research/Evidence to support your claim:

1. Changes in temperature and precipitation associated with continued emissions of

greenhouse gases will bring changes in land suitability and crop yields. (Schmidhuber, &

Tubiello, 2007)

2. In temperate latitudes, higher temperatures are expected to bring predominantly benefits

to agriculture: the areas potentially suitable for cropping will expand, the length of the

growing period will increase, and crop yields may rise. (Schmidhuber, & Tubiello, 2007)

Critical analysis of connection between claim and evidence (so what?):

Deviation in global and regional weather conditions bringing greater fluctuations in crop

yields and local food supplies they can also adversely affect the stability of food supplies and

thus food security.


Body Paragraph 3 (Argument #3): Topic Sentence:

Claim/Topic Sentence: group these two ideas under one umbrella: poor food management

policies, for example

1. There are several measures like Export Tax, Minimum Export Price (MEP) etc. which

have the effects of reducing the flow of export.

2. A handful of agro-industrial multinational corporations operating under free trade

arrangements from the private and offshore bank and stock exchanges those are driving

food prices up through speculation.

Research/Evidence to support your claim:

1. There are several measures like Export Tax, Minimum Export Price (MEP) etc. which

have the effects of reducing the flow of exports. Remember your citation here

2. A handful of agro-industrial multinational corporations operating under free trade

arrangements from the private and offshore bank and stock exchanges those are driving

food prices up through speculation.

Critical analysis of connection between claim and evidence (so what?):

Export is the biggest contributor to food security. But, few measures like taxes and MEP

are hindrances; however, government policies can boost up the economic activity like Argentina

and Chile.

Counter Arguments and Refutations (1-2 paragraphs)


Counter Argument 1: this counter argument should argue against the importance of

establishing food security (re-visit your thesis – making it stronger will help)

1. A community garden is a single piece of land gardened collectively by a group of

people. Community gardens utilize either individual or shared plots on private or public

land while producing fruit, vegetables, and/or plants grown for their attractive

appearance. (Wikipedia) this is the support

2. Even though, there is a scarcity of agriculture requirement or limited access to food,

community gardening overcome these barriers to meet the food security need. (Furness &

Gallaher, 2018) this is the argument

Refutation 1:

1. Community gardening overcomes the scarcity of agricultural requirement and limited

access to food; however, it is an expensive practice. The land is very expensive

2. As past studies have observed, simply willing community buy-in and creating spaces for

urban agriculture to happen does not necessarily lead to sustainable, successful local food

systems (Guthman 2008, Heynen, Kurtz, and Trauger 2012)

Counter Argument 2:

1. There are many advantages confederated with technologies in every sphere of life.

2. We can enhance the use of technology for predicting weather and concluding the best

climate of the year for agriculture. This would, in turn, enhance the land productivity.

Refutation 2:

1. Technology can be useful for predicting weather and enhancing land productivity;

however, this requires huge investment for research and electronic devices.

2. Many agricultural lands are in remote areas and do not have adequate connectivity and

can lead to inaccuracy.

3. So what really needs to be the focus is…[present your solution]

Conclusion #1:

Restate Thesis:

Food distribution and Climate changes are the major contributors to food insecurity, with

the Agricultural requirement being the prime cause of food security across the globe.

Critical Analysis of what you’ve learned and why it’s important


1. Food insecurity – often rooted in poverty – decreases the ability of countries to develop

their agricultural markets and economies. Access to quality, nutritious food is

fundamental to human existence. Secure access to food can produce wide-ranging

positive impacts, including Economic growth and job creation.

2. Expensive practices like Community Gardening and use of Advanced Technology can

enhance land productivity and easy access to food. But, this cannot be a long-term and

assured solution for Zero Hunger Day.

Conclusion #2:


Traditional farming activities should be focused on and more government policies should

be introduced to enhance the farmer’s knowledge and tax policies to encourage export activity.


Pandey, A. (2015). Food Security in India and States: key challenges and policy option. Journal

of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 2(1), 12-21.

Archana, MS. Nandish MS, Savalagi VP, Alagawadi AR (2013) Characterization of potassium

solubilizing bacteria (KSB) from rhizosphere. Soil Bioinfolet 10(1B):248–257

Schmidhuber, J., & Tubiello, F. N. (2007). Global food security under climate

change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(50), 19703-19708.

Furness, W., & Gallaher, C. (2018). Food access, food security and community gardens in

rockford, il. Local Environment, 23(4), 414-430.

Guthman, J. 2008. “Bringing Good Food to Others: Investigating the Subjects of Alternative

Food Practice.” Cultural Geographies 15 (4): 431–447.

doi: 10.1177/1474474008094315

Heynen, N., H. E. Kurtz, and A. Trauger. 2012. “Food Justice, Hunger and the City.” Geography

Compass 6 (5): 304–311. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2012.00486.

Fischer, G., Shah, M., & van Velthuizen, H. (2002). Climate Change and Agricultural

Vulnerability, A Special Report Prepared as a Contribution to the World Summit on

Sustainable Development. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis,

Laxenburg, Austria


PAPER”. Food Export Restrictions: Review of the 2007-2010 Experience and

Considerations for Disciplining Restrictive Measures. P 13. Retrieved from:

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