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Public Service Announcement Rubric

Topics that MUST be included:

• What Staphylococcus aureus is _____/1

• What a S. aureus infection is _____/1

• What MRSA is _____/1

• The difference between _____/1

• How to recognize (Symptoms of both) _____/2

• What do to _____/1

• How to prevent (Where you can contract it) _____/1

• Other types of medication to take (treatments) _____/1

• Description of Antibiotic your group chose _____/2

o What it is
o Why it will work

• Importance of taking all prescribed medication _____/2

o Medical reasons why
o Environmental reasons why

• Significance of hazardous waste _____/2

o What will happen if significant amounts of people don’t take the
prescribed amount
o Hazardous waste plan

• Why an outbreak of MRSA could be devastating to a community _____/1

• Address the value of this announce for the public _____/1

Total: _____/17

Presentation & Write Up

1 2 3 4
Layout Layout is Layout is Layout is Layout is
confusing. somewhat organized. well
Components organized. Most organized.
are Most of the components There is a
inconsistent components are consistency
and are not consistent in its
information consistent. within the components
is missing Partial publication. that allows
information Information the reader to
can be can be easily locate
located located the _____
Mechanics There are There are There are There are no
and Spelling many several minor mistakes in
mistakes in mistakes in mistakes in mechanics
mechanics mechanics mechanics and/ or
and/ or and/ or and/ or spelling
spelling spelling spelling do
not detract
from the _____
Presentation The PSA is The PSA is The PSA is The PSA is
presented as presented presented presented
difficult for with choppy with a fluentwith an
the audience voice, and voice, and expressive
to hear, and an attempt is occasional and fluent
little or no made to eye contact voice, and
eye contact make eye good eye _____
was made contact contact
Length PSA write PSA write PSA write PSA write
up was one up was at up was at up was at
paragraph least 2 least 3 least 4
long or less paragraphs paragraphs paragraphs _____
long long long
Duration Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
was less was between was between was between
than 4 4-6 minutes 7-9 minutes 10-12
minutes long long long minutes long _____

Total: _____/20

Professional Conduct _____/1

All Representatives Spoke _____/3

Total: _____/23

Total Points for PSA: _____/40

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