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Reflection Paper

Chapter 2

Historical Foundation of Education

In education, it is made for students like us, but then there are processes and era that past
before it is made an education that we have right now. The creation of education is not that fast
as what we have in this generation. There are many things that happened, different instructional
materials, different approaches and different teachers.

First is the primitive society that focuses in native way of educating students. The
primary focus is for the haunting and making life under the life of survival. The Greeks have two
kinds of learners. The Athenians which is taught of reading and writing, they are well known to
be the liberally educated person and the Spartans, they are trained to be a soldiers, they are
taught of military systems. Next is the Romans, who develop the civic responsibility and also
taught of the arithmetic subjects also the private school for rhetoric. The fourth is the Arabic, it
is the era of Arabic numerals, also cultivate the religious commitments which is the Islamic.
Medieval is the next period. Liberal arts, philosophy and theology are the main topics in this
period. Parishes, charity and cathedral school are also developed. The sixth period is the
Renaissance who cultivates a humanist Greek and Latin. The educators are classical humanist
and the school used Latin grammar. Lastly, the Reformation that is committed to universal
education to provide literary masses. And the periods that are follows until now.

Now that I already discussed the different periods in education, let us now talked how
this helped the education. From the instructional materials and approaches it creates the
foundation that education has right now. We should be thanking for the people behind this
creations. Because of them we had now a better education which is more easy to understand and
we had a lot of ways to learn with a easy access of information.
Reflection Paper

Chapter 1

Philosophical Thoughts in Education

According to Jiddu Krishnamurti there is no end to education. It is not that you read a
book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you
are born, to the moment you die, is a process of learning. Therefore we have a lot pf philosophers
that define and give a meaning to education and they stand by it with their theories.

There are philosophers who contributed a lot of ideas and meaning to education. We have
6 philosophers that we discussed. First we have John Locke who presented the Empirical Theory
of Human Knowledge. He said that learners are not passive but active learners. They participates
actively and observe. Herbert Spencer his theory is about Utilitarian Education which is his
concept of “survival of the fittest”. John Dewey for him Education through Experience.
Education is a social process and so school is intimately related to the society that it serves.
George Counts believed that Building a new Social Order. Education is not based on eternal
truths but is relative to a particular society living at a given time and place. Theodore Brameld is
presented the Social Reconstruction. Which is the reformation of society. Lastly, Paolo Freire
presented a Critical Pedagogy and Dialogue vs. the Banking Model of Education. Teaching and
learning as a process of inquiry in which the child must invent and reinvent the world.

Personally I like the theory of John Dewy which is the learning through experience,
because just like he said that the child are socially active human beings who want to explore their
environment and gain control over it. As a student I can also learn from my experiences it is not
being thought but this learning will be instil in my mind and never be forgotten in this is the most
effective way of learning for me.

Whatever the definition it is. The important thing is that you learn and you educate
Reflection Paper

Chapter 3

Social Science Theories (Implication to education)

A society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large

social group sharing the same spatial or social territory, typically subject to the same political
authority and dominant cultural expectations.

The structural functional theory, Herbert spencer define society as a human body, that
there are different parts and every parts had a unique functions. Education is a part of society and
it has a big impact to our society, because if our society is compose of educated people then we
will have a better society. The purpose of schooling according to functionalist theory are
intellectual purposes which is the acquisition of cognitive skill and inquiry skills. Next is the
political purposes that educate future citizens, promote patriotism and assimilation of
immigrants, ensure order , public civility and conformity to law. Economic purposes, prepares
student for later works roles , select and train the labor force needed by society. Social purposes
who promotes social and moral responsibility, serve as a site for the solution or resolutions of
socializations such as the family and the church.

This means that without the education, society is breakable. Without it society can’t
provide the needs of the people that surrounds it. Education sets the foundation of the society. Us
like the future educators, we create change for the little young children to have a brighter side
and produce the productive citizens in this world.

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