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Ramos, Alysa Nicole L.
Inso, Michelle M.
Doliente, Mary Alelei
Loy, Sophia


Dr. Erlinda Frogoso

First Semester, 2019-2020
Chapter I


Food preparation is an introductory course valuable for all

students as a life foundation and academic enrichment it is especially
relevant for students interested in careers related to nutrition, food
and wellness. This is a nutrition class that introduces students to only
the basics of food preparation so they can become self-sufficient in
access for heathy and nutritious foods.

Food packaging relates to variety of new articles, publications

and materials when typed into search bar. Nowadays, the topic of
packaging arises interest seeking more detailed information about
different aspects and influence. The potential of package itself is still
one of the concepts in companies that are not developed to its true
extent. The awareness about the issue is presently rising, and there
is growing number of materials to learn from, as this issue taps into
every individual’s life.

Street foods are ready to eat foods and beverages prepared

and sold by vendors or hawkers especially in the streets and other
similar places. Street foods may be the least expensive and most
accessible means of obtaining a nutritionally balance meal outside
the home for many low income people, provided that the consumer is
informed and able to choose the proper combination of foods.

In recent years, food packaging has developed well beyond its

original functions as merely of product protection and now plays a key
marketing role in developing shelf. Appeal providing product
information, and establishing brand image and awareness. The
structure of the packaging design is ultimately a significant partner to
the silent salesperson that sells on the shelf right next to other
competitions, since it is the consumers, initial experience with the
product. The structural design of the package is responsible for the
crucial introduction.

Increased consumer awareness on the environmental impact of

food packaging and food waste is creating a need for improved
efficiency in the supply chain. The current nature of supply chains
adds to the problem, with lengthy times spent in transit leading to loss
of product quality and nutritional value. The functions of modern day
packaging go beyond containing, protecting, and preserving products.
Food was produced and consumed locally so there was no need for
packaging. But as the civilizations grew, the need to contain, protect
and transport food supplies became critical. This approach provided
unique lenses to look at the history packaging and preparation
revealed very interesting perspectives on where things stand today
and how we can design better for the future of packaging and
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the differences of food preparation

and food packaging in street foods in UMAK. Specifically the
researcher will seek answers to the following questions.

1. How do the respondents rate the preparation and packaging of

street foods among the vendors?

2. What is the level of health condition among food production

students in UMAK?

3. Is there any relationship of food preparation and food packaging of

the street foods to the health of students?


There is no significant relationship between food preparation

and food packaging in health of food production students at
University of Makati.
Significance of the Study

Preparing food, aim to preserve the nutrient value of the food

and utilize, healthy fats, reasonable portions, and whole foods. Food
related choices have an important impact on health. Food preparation
may be linked to diet and health benefits. However the factors
influencing peoples food choices, and how they are shaped by food
preparation and experiences are still no fully understood.

Food packaging offers a modern marketing medium to the

sellers and helps improve customer satisfaction level as well as
information transmission. It protects the food products from
contamination caused by micro-organisms air, moisture, and helps
catalytic activity in fresh food.

The following group will benefit from this study:

City Government of Makati can have a strong and direct

concern people’s health and well-being and are well positioned to
make positive changes in food environments in communities.

Umak officials can see that it is safe to eat because it’s in a

good packaging and has a proper ways of preparing their product to
maintain its cleanliness.

Students will benefit this research because through this they

will identify that the food they will eat are satisfying and went through
the right process.
Parents will ensure that the food they are buying for their kids is
fresh and free from any contamination. The product quality will
prevents it from external moisture and dirt.

Future researchers will have an idea if they will going to do

some research related in our topic also this research will give them
some knowledge they can used in buying a product.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study aims to investigate food preparation and food

packaging of street foods. The data will be conducted to 20% of the
total population in G12 SHS that are taking food production at
University of Makati. The study would be done through the utilization
of questionnaire for the students as a survey and reference. The
researchers will measure the food preparation and packaging of
street foods by using the weighted mean and Pearson product-
moment of correlation coefficient.
Definition of Terms

Aroma is a distinctive, typically pleasant smell.

Awareness refers to concern about and well informed interest in a

particular situations or development.

.Collection is the action or process of collecting someone or


Contamination is the action or state of making or being made a

impure by polluting or poisoning.

Convey means transport or carry to a place.

Moisture refers to water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as

vapor, with in a solid condensed or a surface.

Packaging is the business or process of packaging goods.

Self-sufficient means needing no outside help in satisfying one’s

basic needs.

Supply chain refers to the sequence of process involved in the

production and distribution of a commodity.

Utilization is the action of making practical and effective use of


Vendor is a person or company offering a trade especially in the

Conceptual Framework

The study of some researchers about food preparation and

food packaging of street foods. Food facilities and equipment must be
constructed and maintained to ensure that they can effectively and
efficiently cleaned and sanitized all the time. Hygiene during handling
and cooking of street foods must be. (Malcolm Tatum 2003 – 2011)

Packaging of street foods has been on the environmental

agenda for decades. It has been discussed and debated within the
society mainly as an environmental problem. Production, distribution
and consumption of food and drinks contribute significant to the
environmental impact. However, consumers in the EU waste about
20% of the food they buy. The function of packaging in reducing the
amount of food losses is an important but often neglected
environmental issue. ( Helen Williams)

Food packaging lies at the very heart of the modern food

industry and very few foods are sold unpackaged. Good packaging
prevents waste and ensures that the food retains its desired quality
throughout its shelf life. Despite its importance and the key role that
packaging plays, it is often regarded as, at best, somewhat
superfluous, and, at worst, a serious waste of resources and an
environmental menace. Such views arise because, by the time most
consumers come into contact with a package, its job, in many cases,
is almost over. Feed billion people, then the quality and quantity
of food packaging is going to have to increase considerably.
Figure 1. Theoritical Framework of the research

Review of Related Literature

(Helle Scimuelson, Dec 2006) Sending of street food in urban
areas is a growing and world-wide phenomenon and today street
foods are important of daily foods massive urban populations not
least in African towns.


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