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Global Encounters

19/09/2018 3:29 PM

1. Global
○ Worldwide, intercontinental
○ Interdisciplinary
○ Electronic communication binding the world into a small community
○ Growing interdependence between different peoples, regions, and countries as
social and economic relationships come to stretch worldwide
○ Interdependence via media, culture, and economic interests
2. Encounters
○ Meeting someone
○ Interface (sharing & exchanging)
○ Not limited to humans
§ Also extends to nature and technology
○ An unexpected or challenging confrontation or experience

Daybreak by John Donne

Dramatic situation (context/dialogue) <-> what's happening

Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare

• Sonnet
○ Has 14 lines
○ Must be written in iambic pentameter
○ Follow a specific rhyme scheme
○ Depending on the type of sonnet, can be about any subject

History of sonnet
• Originated in Sicily in the 13th century with Giacomo da Lentino (1188-1240), a
• Poetic traditions of the Provencal region of France apparently influenced him, but
he wrote his poems in the Sicilian dialect of Italian
• English word "Sonnet" comes from Italian word "sonetto"

Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, among which he addresses Sonnets 1 through 126

Shakespearean sonnet
• Also called the "English sonnet"
• Has three four-line stanzas (quatrains) and a two-line unit called a "couplet"
• Wrote in iambic pentameter
○ A technical term for a poetry pattern in which each line has 10 syllables,
beginning with an unstressed syllable and a stressed syllable, followed by
another pair of unstressed and stressed syllables, and so on

Other related terms:

• Poetic feet
○ Iambic – a metrical foot consisting of one unstressed syllable followed by one
stressed syllable
○ Trochee – a metrical foot consisting of one stressed syllable followed by one
unstressed syllable
○ Anapest – a metrical foot consisting of two unstressed syllables followed by
one stressed syllable
○ Dactyl – a metrical foot consisting of one stressed syllable followed by two
unstressed syllable
○ Spondee
• Poetic lines depend on the number of poetic feet
○ One foot (monometer)
○ Two feet (Dimeter)
○ Three feet (Trimeter)
○ Four feet (tetrameter)
○ Five feet (pentameter)
○ Six feet (hexameter)

• Lover
• Passionate
• Believes that true love is constant — it doesn't change

• Someone loved, those who believe that love is temporary?
• Confused?

The Gods We Worship Next Door by Bienvenido N. Santos

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