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VietSentiLex: A Sentiment Dictionary That Considers The Polarity Of Ambiguous Sentiment Words

Background ❑ VnEmolex: 5420 lexicons (positive/negative) Result

➢ Sentiment analysis Involves reading and understanding what is ❑ Duyen et al. dataset: 1170 hotel reviews
being said about a brand, product or service.
❑ Quang Ha dataset : 11000 online shopping reviews in 10 categories.
➢ A dictionary based method is practical, especially for a low-
resource language like Vietnamese. VietSentiLex
Dataset VnEmolex (without
➢ One major problem in sentiment dictionary (full)
Many lexicons do not have fixed sentiment such as positive or

Without neutral
Binh and Son (2012) 0.54 0.76 0.95
negative in all cases.

Duyen et al. (2014) 0.65 0.77 0.87
Method * Review data used: 5000 hotel reviews taken from Binh and Son
(2012) corpus. products
(Average of 10 0.52 0.56
Binh and Son (2012) 0.57 0.70 0.82

With neutral
Duyen et al. (2014) 0.60 0.69 0.77 products
For ambiguous words, not only the sentiment words, the contextual words (Average of 10 0.51 0.50 0.53
are also considered when making the dictionary. categories)
Sentiment word Contextual word Conclusion
gần#A bãi_rác#N#neg nhà_hàng#N#pos biển#N#pos
(near) (landfills) (restaurant) (beach) ❖ VietSentiLex sentiment dictionary consisted of 6231 words: 849 are
“strong positive”, 1793 are “positive”, 789 are “negative”, 448 are
sân_bay#N#neg trạm#N#pos ... “strong negative”, and 2352 are “ambiguous” (included their
đắt#A#neg buôn_bán#V#pos khách#N#pos show#N#pos contextual information to help predict the polarity)
(expensive/ (trade) (customer) (show)
a lot of customers) ❖ The construction process included manual checking to ensure that the
accuracy of our dictionary lexicons was very high.

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