Mobile Computing

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Part I.

Circle T if the statement is true or F if it is False

1. T—F Telemedicine is the use of modern telecommunications and information technologies to

provide clinical care to individuals located at a distance and for the transmission of information
to provide that care.
2. T—F Pervasive Computing (Ubiquitous computing) is invisible “everywhere computing” that is
embedded in the objects around us – the floors, the lights, our cars, washing machine,
microwave oven, cell phones, clothes, and so on.
3. T—F Mobility is the most important feature of a wireless cellular communication system.
4. T—F Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology allows manufacturers to attach tags with
antennas and computer chips on goods and then track their movement through radio signals.
5. T—F Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are networks of interconnected, battery-powered,
wireless sensors that are placed into the physical environment.
6. T—F War driving: is the act of locating WLANs while driving around a city or elsewhere.
T—F Eavesdropping: refers to efforts by unauthorized users to try to access data traveling over
wireless networks.
7. T—F Wireless Markup Language (WML) A scripting language used to create content in the WAP
environment; based on XML, minus unnecessary content to increase speed
8. T—F Compact Hypertext Markup Language (cHTML) A scripting language used to create content
in i-mode
9. T—F wireless access point is an antenna that connects a mobile device to a wired LAN
10. T—F Hotspot is an area or point where a wireless device can make a connection to a wireless
local area network (using Wi-Fi)

Part II – Direct questions – Answer Any Five of the following questions

1. Differentiate between WiMAX vs Wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN)
2. List and explain the five Drivers of M-Commerce
3. What are the four Barriers to Location-Based M-Commerce
4. What is pervasive computing?
5. Explain the following: 1) Radio transmission 2) Satellite radio
6. Differentiate between Short-range wireless networks, Medium-range wireless networks and
Wide-area wireless network.
7. What is a mobility database?
8. What is Mobile Cloud Computing?
9. List three advantages of Mobile cloud computing


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