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English B HL Paper 1

Respond to one of the following options. Write 450 to 600 words.

1. Some of your classmates are unaware of the dangers associated with loss of privacy while using
social networks. Your principal has asked you, as the president of the student council, to raise
awareness of the issue among your fellow students. You decide that you need to explain which
common uses of social networks are dangerous for privacy, and why, and then suggest ways in
which students can protect themselves.
Presentation … E-mail … Review

2. As the editor of your school magazine, you recently spoke to the Director of the school, and
found out that there are plans to make radical changes to the way that the school day is
organized, and to how classes are organized. You think it is important to inform everyone of this
news, by describing how the Director sees the present system and what changes are proposed,
and by explaining the advantages and disadvantages of the changes.
Diary … Proposal … Interview

3. You recently went to a demonstration in favour of taking seriously the dangers of climate change.
During the demonstration, you found yourself involved in an argument with a group of protestors
who claimed that climate change was all nonsense. This argument disturbed you, and you want
to sort out your ideas through discussion with someone, so as to express what you understand
by the ideas put forward by the protestors and the counter-arguments that were suggested, and
what you personally feel overall about the issue.
Email … Report (official) … debate speech

© David Ripley, InThinking

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