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The game starts by asking you to choose your gender (性別) and name (名前), followed by a
chatroom scene with your avatar (AI◎BA) and friends.

EDEN Entrance
After the opening scenes, you will gain control of your character and be in EDEN Entrance
(EDEN). Behind you is a teleporter that takes you to other areas in EDEN.

Don't leave through it yet, instead, talk to the Intellectual Businessman on your left. Then
talk to the Creepy Hacker standing to the left of the first set of stairs. Go to the end of this
area by climbing three sets of stairs to find a shiny object on the floor. Pick it up
for [Gummymon Medal]. Now talk to the Male Student ( 男 子 学 生 ) on your right side to
trigger a short scene. Afterwards, use the teleporter to leave the area.

Once you leave EDEN Entrance, you will be in EDEN. This is the selection screen where you
can choose which areas to visit in EDEN. You will unlock a new area called EDEN
Community Area. You can also choose to log out of EDEN but it's not possible to do so now,
so just enter the newly unlocked area.

EDEN Community Area

You will get a short scene once you enter this area, at the end of it, you will get the
keyword "Galacta Park, Kowloon". Keywords are the main investigation method to get new
info from NPCs. In order to use a keyword, you have to find NPCs with locked locks above
their head. Using the right keyword will unlock those locks. You will be getting many
keywords throughout the game, but they lose their usefulness once you finish the chapter.

Go all the way east for a shiny object [Upamon Medal]. Then go southeast down some
stairs for another shiny object [Minomon Medal]. Now talk to the Apathetic Businessman
with a lock above his head and use the keyword you obtained earlier. Leave this area and
enter EDEN Entrance again.

EDEN Entrance
Use the keyword on the Creepy Hacker you talked to before (the one standing to the left of
the first set of stairs). You will obtain the Kowloon URL, which will allow you to visit the
Kowloon dungeon. Leave the area.

You have now unlocked Kowloon Lv. 1 (クーロン Lv. 1), the first dungeon in the game. Enter
this new dungeon.

Kowloon Lv. 1
You will start with a CG scene, followed by a long scene where you will meet Nokia
Shiramine and Arata Sanada. After the scenes are over, you'll obtain Digimon Capture and
become a full–fledged hacker. This Digimon Capture won't be in your items tab, but it will
allow you to scan the Digimon you meet automatically at the beginning of battles. This will
be the main way to acquire new Digimon. You can save your game starting from this point,

just press the Triangle and choose the Save icon to save your game. Once you're ready to
move on, go north into the next area.

After the short scene, go right and keep moving forward until you reach a fork to
trigger a short CG scene. Followed by a scene where you can choose your first
Digimon. You get the following three choices:

Your Choice Starter Digimon

The excessively adorable animal type. (やたら可愛い動物タイ

Terriermon (テリアモン)

The possibly fragrant plant type. (いいニオイがしそうな植物タ

Palmon (パルモン)

The mechanical-looking machine type. (メカメカしい機械タイ

Hagurumon (ハグルモン)

Once you've made your choice, you will get two more choices. The top one confirms your
Digimon, the bottom one will let you pick another Digimon.

Anyway, after you pick your starter Digimon, the scenes will continue. When you regain
control of your character, backtrack to the fork and go west into a small area with a
treasure chest containing three [HP Capsule C]. Now go back to the fork and go north.

In this area you will see a short scene, then start your first battle along with your starter
Digimon. You will be fighting against a Kurisarimon (クリサリモン). Don't worry about losing
this battle, as you'll have a guest character helping you with his Machinedramon (ムゲンド

Guest Character: Yuugo with Machinedramon.

Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

EXP: 116 ATK Restraint Chip C

Kurisarimon (クリサリモ
Free Dark
Yen: 136
Kurisarimon Medal

Note that leveling up from battles will fully recover your Digimon's HP and SP. Winning the
battle will trigger some more scenes. Once those are done, go south into the previous area.

Some more scenes will play. Random encounters will begin from this point on (only in
dungeons though). I recommend getting the scan data for each Digimon to 200% before
moving on. Go right and keep moving forward until you can go north into the next area.

You're back in here again, go west and open the south chest for an [Escape Gate]. North
of this chest is another chest containing two [HP Capsule C]. Continue going north and
into the next area.

You will be facing a boss after
some scenes. You won't be able to damage this boss,
so just keep doing normal attacks.

Boss Type Attribute Status

Eater (イータ
Free Neutral Invincible

After a couple of turns, the boss battle will end. During the scenes after the boss, you will
get three choices to pick from, pick all three one after the other to progress the story. The
prologue will also end.

Chapter 1: Welcome to Kuremi Detective Agency

At the end of the scenes, you will perform a connect jump into the TV. You will be in...

Digital Network I
Digital Networks consist of paths connecting several nodes together. Random encounters
in them only occur when you step into a node. Sometimes you might find items in some
nodes. Digital Network I is very simple, it has one straight line with a few nodes on it. Just
go all the way to the end to exit the area.

Note that after leaving Digital Network I, you will unlock it in the Mirror Dungeon.

EDEN Open Space

You will end up in a new area, which is called EDEN Open Space. Attempt to leave the area
to get a scene, which takes you to the DigiLab.

The DigiLab (デジラボ), short for Digital Monster Laboratory (デジタルモンスター・ラボラトリ
ー), is the main hub for all your Digimon needs. In order to progress, you need to examine
all the tools available to you in the DigiLab.

The six tools you can use are as follows (from right to left order):

 Mirror Dungeon (ミラーダンジョン): Allows you to revisit the dungeons you already
cleared and unlocked.
 Shop ( シ ョ ッ プ ): Buy items essential for your DigiFarm. DigiLab Shop has the full
stock list.
 DigiBank ( デ ジ バ ン ク ): Allows you to acquire new Digimon, change your current
party, digivolve and de-digivolve Digimon.
 DigiFarm (デジファーム): Allows you to train, feed, or assign your farm Digimon on
 Medical Machine (メディカルマシーン): Completely recover your party's HP and SP.
You have to spend 200 yen for each healed Digimon.
 Collosseum (コロシアム): Battle others online or locally through Ad-Hoc.

Once you are done checking out the six tools, attempt to leave the DigiLab to view a scene.
You will obtain the ability to use Hacking Skills (ハッキングスキル).

Kowloon Lv. 1
You will end up in Kowloon Lv. 1 after the previous scene. You will be in front of a blue
EDEN Access Point. You can use these in several EDEN locations to enter the DigiLab
whenever you want to. Once you're done with the DigiLab, head north to the Junk Yard.

You will find a firewall blocking your way. Break it with your hacking skill Wall Crack Lv.1 (ウ
ォールクラック Lv.1). You can open the hacking skills menu with the square button. Walk
north a bit to trigger a short scene, DigiLine (デジライン) will be introduced here. For more
info visit the DigiLine (デジライン)|DigiLine section. Go north into the next area.

The first thing you'll notice is a floating Jigsaw puzzle piece; this is part of the avatar parts
you need to recover your avatar's visual appearance. Examine it to ini tiate a battle.

Miniboss 1 Type Attribute

EXP: 8
2 Koromon (コロモ
Free Fire
Yen: 40 (60)

After the battle, you will get the first [Avatar Part (アバターパーツ)], you will need three
more. Go east and follow the path until the fork, but instea d of going to the next area,
go west for another Jigsaw piece.

Miniboss 2 Type Attribute

Biyomon (ピヨモン) Vaccine Wind EXP: 12

Gotsumon (ゴツモン) Data Earth

Yen: 120 (180)
Syakomon (シャコモ
Virus Water

Win the battle to get the second [Avatar Part (アバターパーツ)]. Now go north from the
fork into the next area. In this area go west until you see the third Jigsaw piece.

Miniboss 3 Type Attribute

EXP: 4
Pabumon (バブモ
Free Neutral
Yen: 10 (15)

This will give you the third [Avatar Part (アバターパーツ)], almost there. Now go north into
the area where you fought the Eater boss in the prologue. Open the chest on your right
side for an [SP Capsule C]. Climb the stairs to your north and on your left there's another
chest, open it for [Export]. Now keep going north and examine the last Jigsaw

Miniboss 4 Type Attribute Results Possible Drops


Poyomon (ポヨモン) Neutral EXP: 8 HP Capsule C Poyomon Medal

Tsunomon (ツノモ
Earth Yen: 30 (45) ATK Boost Tsunomon Medal

The fourth battle will net you the last [Avatar Part (アバターパーツ)]. Afterwards you will
get a scene. Once it is over, you need to leave the area by backtracking all the way to the
entrance of Kowloon Lv. 1. Or you can use the Export item you got from the last chest to
instantly teleport to the entrance. When you exit Kowloon Lv. 1, log out of EDEN to go back
to Kuremi Detective Agency.

Central Hospital
After the long scenes, you'll be in the Central Hospital (セントラル病院). Head north to see a
new type of Access Point left of the elevators. This yellow Access Point functions the same
way the blue one you saw in Kowloon Lv. 1, except it'll ask you if you want to visit EDEN or
the DigiLab.

Use one of the elevators and choose the top option to go to the Special Ward (特別病棟). Go
east and talk to one of the guards. Once that's done go back to the elevators and this time
choose the middle option to arrive at the General Ward ( 一 般 病 棟 ). Go east to trigger a
tutorial explaining connectors, the small portal where you can Connect Jump from it. Don't
do that yet, instead, go north to the back of the General Ward and enter the left door.
Inside the room you'll find a shiny object that gives you [Kunemon Medal ( クネモンメダ
ル)]. Now go back to the connector and connect jump.

Digital Network II
Pretty straightforward here; there's only one path to follow. Exit at the end to enter the
guarded area of the Central Hospital's Special Ward (特別病棟).

Central Hospital
A short conversation will take place once you arrive, go north after that for a scene. Enter
the north room and examine the monitor on your left. This will trigger another scene, and
you'll have to choose all three choices once you get them to advance. Afterwards,
you'll be back in Digital Network II.

Digital Network II
Go all the way south to leave the network and get back to the Hospital's General Ward.

Central Hospital
Head west to the elevators and go down to the Lobby ( ロ ビ ー ) for a scene. You will get
1,000 CSP (Cyber Sleuth Points) after that and the chapter will end.

Chapter 2: Search for the Father, Yuuko Yamashina

You start the chapter with the game explaining the white board (ホワイトボード). You can
now accept cases from this board.

Chapter 2 Main Cases Part 1

Kuremi Detective Agency
Accept the only case available (Red 01) and leave the detective agency.

Top Quality Beans (豆は高品質) - Pin: Red-01

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Kyoko Kuremi (暮海杏子)
Place: Kuremi Detective Agency (暮海探偵事務所)
Purchase coffee beans at K-Cafe. You can find the place yourself. Make sure you say hello to everyone.
Reward Money: 300 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
HP Capsule C x 5

Nakano Broadway
After the scene with Mirei, you can access the DigiLab from the phone in front of the
agency, but you need to clear the current case. If you have the DLC Digimon installed, the
female NPC standing right next to the Detective Agency entrance will give them to you,
along with some items. Go left into another area, use the elevator in the top left corner to
reach the 4th floor.

At the 4th floor, head east to find the Nakano Arcades corner. Enter the small area behind
the displayed arcades and talk to the Boy ( 男の子) there. You won't be able to see him so
just keep hitting "X" until you start the conversation. He will give you [ToyAgumon Medal
( ト イ ア グ モ ン メ ダ ル )]. The Offline Colosseum will become accessible by talking to the
maid next to the arcades. You can undertake the Bronze Cup, then the Silver Cup after

Go back to the 4th floor elevator but don't use it, head south and enter the door with the
"K-Café" sign above it instead. Talk to the K-Cafe Owner (K-カフェのマスター) behind the bar
to obtain the coffee beans for Kyoko. If you want, you can talk to the Medal Man NPC ( メダ
ル お じ さ ん ) that is standing south of K-Cafe, you can sell your medals to him. You also
have access to three Gacha Machines in Nakano Broadway if you want to get more

Now go back to the elevator and go down to the 2nd floor. Go south and talk to Nokia, who
is standing in front of the CD shop Rainbow Turntable. From the elevator make your way
east and past the Card Shop, at the end you will find a shiny object next to the restrooms.
Pick it up for [Agumon Expert Medal (アグモン博士メダル)]. Go down to the first floor then
to the Detective Agency to turn in the case and get your reward. Now you can enter the
DigiLab or use the agency's TV to visit EDEN. Leave the agency and go south into the next
screen, then go south again until you reach the exit. Once you leave Nakano Broadway,
choose the new place, Shinjuku (新宿), from the Tokyo Map.

You will see Arata right north of you here. After talking to him, go northwest and cross the
road intersection to see a shiny object to the northwest. Pick it up for [Arcadiamon Medal
(アルカディモンメダル)]. From here go straight east and talk to one of the two NPCs with an
exclamation mark above their heads. These are your classmates Ryota ( リ ョ ウ タ ) and

Sakura ( サ ク ラ ); they will start messaging you from here on out. Once that's over, head
back to the Detective Agency.

Kuremi Detective Agency

After the scene, you will obtain the keyword "Account Raiding" ( ア カ ウ ン ト 狩 り ). Now
Connect Jump from the agency's TV to enter EDEN, then go to EDEN Entrance (EDEN エント

EDEN Entrance
From this moment, you have access to the EDEN Entrance Shop. Talk to Flashy Dude (チ
ャ ラ い 男 ) standing before the second set of stairs and use the Account Raiding keyword.
You will obtain the "Zaxon" (ザクソン) keyword. Leave this area and go to Kowloon Lv. 1 (ク
ーロン Lv. 1).

Kowloon Lv. 1
Head north into the next area, then talk to the Sad Ex-Zaxon Hacker (陰気な元ザクソンハッカ
ー) on the left side and use the Zaxon keyword. You will obtain Zaxon Forum's URL ( ザクソ
ン フ ォ ー ラ ム の URL), which allows you to visit the Zaxon Forum. Go back south and exit
Kowloon Lv. 1, then enter the new area.

Zaxon Forum
Talk to the Reliable Zaxon Hacker ( 堅実なザクソンハッカー ) wearing the green hoody and
use the Account Raiding keyword. You will obtain Zaxon Mask (ザクソン仮面). Walk left a bit
to see a shiny object, picking it up will give you [Mojyamon Medal ( モジャモンメダル )].
Exit Zaxon Forum and head to Kowloon Lv. 1 again.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Head north into the next three areas until you reach firewall blockade. Use the hacking skill
Wall Crack Lv.1 ( ウ ォ ー ル ク ラ ッ ク Lv.1) to break the wall. Pick the shiny object
for [YukimiBotamon Medal (ユキミボタモンメダル)], then use the green lift to ascend to
the next level.

Kowloon Lv. 2 (クーロン Lv. 2)

Head north into the next area, keep going north ignoring the stairs. Follow the path until
the next set of stairs, take them for a chest containing two [HP Capsule C]. Continue
going south and follow the path until you get questioned by some Zaxon hackers. Show
them the Zaxon Mask you obtained earlier (top option). Go north and up the stairs on your
left for 2 chests. The south chest has[Revival Capsule], while the north chest
contains [Topaz]. Take the stairs down and head north into the next area.

Go northwest up some stairs, then go east into another area. Go southeast to find a chest
that has [ATK Attach E]. Go back to the previous area and head northwest from the
stairs. Go south and follow the path as it turns north until you see a shiny object in the
corner to your right, it's a [Dodomon Medal (ドドモンメダル)]. Keep going north for chest
with two [SP Capsule C]. Go east and up the stairs, at the end you will find a chest. Open
it for an [Export]. Go down the stairs you just climbed and go north then east. You will be
stopped by another group of Zaxon hackers, show them the Zaxon Mask (top option again)
to proceed. Keep following the path into the next area.

Follow this linear path until you see a chest, open it for three [HP Capsule C]. To the right
of this chest is a shiny object that gives you [Yuramon Medal (ユラモンメダル)]. Go north
to get questioned a third time by Zaxon hackers, show them the Zaxon Mask to get past
them. Up north above the stairs is another chest, open it for two [SP Capsule C]. Head
back down the stairs then go west, then north. After the Support Skill tutorial, go north to
see an Access Point. You can visit the DigiLab to prepare if you wish, I recommend having a
few Vaccine Digimon in your party. The three costume Agumons are really effective in the
next fight. Once you're ready, save your game and go north into the last area.

Getting close to the NPCs up north will trigger a scene, after which a boss battle

HP (Normal /
Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Exp: 300
Growlmon (グラウモ
1,350 / 2,025 Virus Fire Memory UP
Yen: 3,400

You just got your first Memory UP item, this item will increase your Party Memory capacity.
Use them whenever you get them. After the scene, you will earn 1,000 CSP and get
teleported back to the Detective Agency. You get to view some more scenes as well.

Toyosu Condos ( 豊 洲 集 合 マ ン シ ョ ン ) will now be unlocked at the Tokyo Map. Also,

the Nakano Broadway 1F Shop will begin operations now. It's located near the escalator.

Kuremi Detective Agency

Check the white board to see two new cases. Let's start with the side case (Yellow 01) first.
Accepting this case will teleport you to the case client. After the scene, choose Yes to
Connect Jump.

A Game, a Bug, and an Imperiled Job (ゲームとエラーと僕のクビ) - Pin:

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Game Company Employee (ゲーム会社の社員)
Place: Shinjuku (新宿)
My phone game was released, but there's a really huge bug in it! Aaaahhh! Please help me!
Reward Money: 1,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Bank Expansion Drive x 1

Digital Space 03
Follow the single path going west, you can use the Access Point if you wish. Then use the
teleporter to reach the next area. Before talking to the Digimon here, there's two chests to
open. The north one has three [Topaz], while the south chest has two [Pearl]. Now go
to the center of this area and talk to Poyomon (ポヨモン) for a short scene then a

Yellow-01 HP (Normal / Results
Type Attribute Possible Drops
Miniboss Hard) (Hard)

Exp: 399 HP Capsule C
Poyomon (ポヨモン) 100 / 150 Free Neutral
Yen: 89 (173) Poyomon Medal

After the battle and a short scene, you will clear the case and get sent back to Shinjuku.
Exit the place and go back to the Detective Agency to turn in the case.

Kuremi Detective Agency

As you make your way to the agency, Kyoko will contact you through your Digivice. This
will unlock a new case, leave it for later though. Once you turn in the yellow case, accept
Mirei's Red 02 case. Leave the agency and enter the DigiLab to talk to Mirei. Then go back
to the agency and use the TV to enter EDEN's Kowloon Lv. 2.

Search Wanted Hacker (お尋ね者ハッカーを探せ) - Pin: Red-02

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
There are lots of bad hackers in this world. The poor Digimon... Don't you think it's time for just
Reward Money: 1,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 100
HP Capsule B x 1

Kowloon Lv. 2
Head north into the next area. Then make your way to the end and before the exit climb
the stairs to your left and talk to the hacker with an exclamation mark above his head to
fight him.

HP (Normal / Results
Red-02 Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops
Hard) (Hard)

Exp: 388 Panic Recovery

2 DemiDevimon (ピコデビモ
86 / 129 Virus Dark
Yen: 232
DemiDevimon Medal

Go back to the DigiLab to report to Mirei and complete the case. She will explain to you
that this type of case from her can be unlocked from sending your DigiFarm Digimon on
investigations. Head back to the agency to turn in the case.

Kuremi Detective Agency

Inspect the white board for a new DLC case (Purple 01). Pick it up, then talk to Mirei in the
DigiLab. After that, head to Kowloon Lv. 1.

Urgent Case from Mirei (ミレイからの緊急依頼) - Pin: Purple-01

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
This is very urgent. There are malicious hackers... Will you teach them a lesson?
Reward Money: 3,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Developer Know-How x 1
Mega HP Generator x 1
Mega SP Generator x 1

Kowloon Lv. 1
Go north twice to arrive to the third area, then follow the path until the three-
way intersection. Go west from it and talk to the hacker for a battle.

Purple-01 Miniboss 1 Type Attribute Possible Drops

Botamon (ボタモン) Free Neutral EXP: 58 HP Capsule C Botamon Medal

DemiDevimon (ピコデビモ
Virus Dark Yen: 68 (103) Panic Recovery DemiDevimon Medal

After the fight, head to the next area. Then go northeast and talk to the second hacker
sitting in the corner for another battle.

Purple-01 Results
Type Attribute Possible Drops
Miniboss 2 (Hard)

Gazimon (ガジモン) Virus EXP: 82 Paralysis Recovery

Pagumon (パグモン) Free Yen: 88 (132) DEF Boost

the last
Go back down the stairs then head west, keep following the path until you reach
area of Kowloon Lv. 1. Talk to the final hacker northeast of this area to start the
last battle for this case.

Purple-01 Miniboss Results

Type Attribute Possible Drops
3 (Hard)

2 Tsumemon (ツメモ
EXP: 162 Topaz Tsumemon Medal (ツメモンメダル)
Free Dark
Yen: 136
Keramon (ケラモン) Escape Gate Keramon Medal (ケラモンメダル)

Head back to the DigiLab and report to Mirei to clear the case. Turn it in at the Detective

Detective Agency
Take the only available Red pin case (Red 03) from Kyoko for a scene with her. When
prompted, pick all three choices to progress.

Wow! Mysterious Digital Face (追跡!怪人デジ面相) - Pin: Red-03

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Kyoko Kuremi (暮海杏子)
Place: Kuremi Detective Agency (暮海探偵事務所)
This is a personal case... Help me with the Matayoshi case without being noticed. Discretion is
Reward Money: 150 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
SP Capsule C x 2

You will obtain the keyword "Mysterious Digital Face" ( 怪 人 デ ジ 面 相 ) after the scene.
Connect Jump through the TV and go to Kowloon Lv. 2.

Kowloon Lv. 2
Go north into the next area. Skip the two hackers with locks above their heads in here and
proceed to the next area. In this area, skip the first two hackers with locks again and talk to
the third one, the Whimsical Hacker (気まぐれなハッカー). Use the keyword you got earlier to
trigger a scene. You will obtain the keyword "Police-Hating Hacker" (ケーサツを憎むハッカー).
Leave EDEN and go to Shinjuku (新宿).

After the short scene, take the northwest exit into the next area. Walk north a bit until you
see an officer with a lock sign. Talk to the Smiling Police Officer ( 笑う警察官 ) and use the
Police-Hating Hacker keyword. Go back to the first area of Shinjuku and talk to the
in the last
Suspicious Man ( 怪し い男 ) standing next to the Access Point. You will end up
area of Kowloon Lv. 1. Talk to the Suspicious Man again to trigger a battle.

Red-03 Miniboss Type Attribute

EXP: 596
Vegiemon (ベジーモ
Virus Plant
Yen: 376

After the fight and some scenes, you will be back in the agency. Turn in your case then
head out to the 1st floor of Nakano Broadway.

Nakano Broadway 1F
Talk to the Worrywart Female Student ( 悩 み 多 き 女 子 学 生 ) standing in front of the stairs
leading to the second floor. Then go to the back entrance of Nakano Broadway near the
elevator and talk to the Guy on Break ( 休 憩 中 の お 兄 さ ん ), who is near the red Gacha
Machine. In front of this NPC you will see digital particles coming out of the ceiling vent. Go
near it and examine it with the "X" button. After the short scene, you will unlock a new
case so head back to the Detective Agency.

Kuremi Detective Agency

Examine the white board and accept the new case for a scene.

Time Capsule Snow Woman (タイムカプセル雪女) - Pin: Red-04

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Broadway Management (ブロードウェイ管理)
Place: Broadway (ブロードウェイ)
There is something wrong with the air-conditioning in Broadway. Find the cause.
Reward Money: 100 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

Make your way to the 4th floor and into the K-Cafe (K-カフェ), then talk to the K-Cafe Owner
(K-カフェのマスター). After the long scenes, examine the left wall of the Cafe to end up in.

Digital Space 02
Break the firewall north of you with Wall Crack Lv.1 ( ウォールクラック Lv.1) hacking skill,
then use the teleporter behind it to reach a chest with three [HP Capsule C]. Go back to
the first map and take the west teleporter into the next area, then all the way east to
another area. Make your way southward and past the Access Point for a chest that
contains [HP Attach E]. Prepare in the DigiLab if you want, I recommend a Data
type Digimon. Once you're ready use the teleporter nearby, then talk to the NPC
for a scene.

HP (Normal / Results
Boss Type Attribute Possible Drops
Hard) (Hard)

Exp: 548 Friendship
Frigimon (ユキダルモ
296 / 444 Vaccine Water
Yen: 352
Frigimon Medal

After the battle and some scenes, you will be at the Detective Agency. Turn in the case to
end this chapter.

Chapter 3: Digital Monster

After the scenes, you can proceed the story by skipping to Kowloon Lv. 1 down below or do
the new side case. I will go through the case first.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Accept the Blue 01 case to get teleported to the case client, choose the second option
when talking to him. Once that's done, head to the 4th floor and enter K-Cafe and examine
the left wall.

Broadway on Fire! (灼熱ブロードウェイ) - Pin: Blue-01

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Chinese Restaurant Owner (中華料理屋店長)
Place: Broadway 1F (ブロードウェイ 1F)
Something is wrong with the Broadway air conditioning. It's just way too hot! Will you check out what
the problem is?
Reward Money: 500 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
SPD Attach E x 1

Digital Space 02
Proceed to the next area by using the west teleporter, then keep following the path until
you reach the end of this dungeon. You'll see a BlueMeramon, talk to it to trigger a battle.

Blue-01 Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

Exp: 220
BlueMeramon (ブルーメラモ
Virus Fire BlueMeramon Medal
Yen: 304

After the battle, you'll be back in Nakano Broadway. Turn in the case, then go to Kowloon
Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Head north into the second area, then approach Nokia in the center for a scene
followed by a battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute

DemiDevimon (ピコデビモ
Exp: 178
Virus Dark
Yen: 148
Gazimon (ガジモン)

Once the battle is over, keep moving forward until you get to the lift. Use it to reach
Kowloon Lv. 2.

Kowloon Lv. 2

Break the firewall with Wall Crack Lv.2 (ウォールクラック Lv.2). In order to use this hacking
skill, you need to have four or more Rookie (Child 成長期) Digimon in your party. Once the
wall is gone, go up to the third level using the lift.

Kowloon Lv. 3 (クーロン Lv. 3)

Choose both options when prompted at the scene. After that, head north into the next
screen. In this area, there's a wide intersection with three paths to choose from. The north
path is blocked by the Obstructing Hacker ( 通せんぼうするハッカー ), talk to him to get the
keyword "How to Get a girlfriend?" (どうすれば彼女ができるか).

From the intersection, take the west path first into the next area, now head northwest and
go around this path to reach a chest with three [SP Capsule C]. Go back to the entrance
of this map by dropping down 2 ledges, then go up the southwest stairs. Go west for a bit
to get to another chest with [ATK Boost]. Backtrack east and drop down the ledge south
of you for the third chest in this map, which contains [HP Spray C]. Now make your way
back to the intersection, and this time take the east path for a different area to loot.

Follow the north path and talk to the Stray Hacker ( 野 良 ハ ッ カ ー ). Use "How to Get a
girlfriend?" on him to get "Mixer" ( 合 コ ン ). Past the ledges going east there's a chest
with [Memory UP]. Drop down one of the two ledges for another chest three [HP
Capsule C]. Go southeast to see a Cheerful Hacker ( 明るいハッカー), talk to him and use
"How to get a girlfriend?" to get the "A Smile" (笑顔) keyword. Skip the stairs south of here,
and drop down the ledge west of you. Approach the two Winner/Loser Hackers (勝ち組&負け
組 ハッ カー ) to your right for another keyword "Digimon" ( デジ モン ). In the corner behind
them is a shiny object, pick it up for [Ninjamon Medal (イガモンメダル)]. Now make your
way west toward the entrance, before leaving the area, talk to the Capricious Hacker ( 人任
せなハッカー) south of the entrance. Use the "How to get a girlfriend?" keyword to obtain
the last keyword "Friend" (トモダチ). Go back west to the intersection.

Talk to the NPC blocking the north path and use the "Digimon" keyword, then go north into
the next area. Head east here and open the chest southeast of you for a [Topaz]. Follow
the path north, climbing two sets of stairs to reach a chest with [Export]. Continue going
north and drop down the first ledge you see for a shiny object to obtain  [Ikkakumon
Medal (イッカクモンメダル)]. Drop down again, then a third time from the west ledge for a
chest with two [Revival Capsule]. Drop down again, then continue south to be back at
the start of this area. Retrace your steps to where you had to drop for the medal, this time
proceed west. Keep following the path while going west and into the next area.

After the scene, move forward to the next area. Another scene will occur when you reach
the end of this area, then a couple of boss battles. There's an Access Point before that, so
bring some Vaccine and Virus types of Digimon. Also, if you want to save your game,
make sure to do so where the Access Point is located. Going further than that will
start the next scene.

Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

BlackGatomon (ブラックテイルモ Virus

Dark Exp: 310 INT Restraint Chip C

Goblimon (ゴブリモン) Earth Yen: 260 (390) Stun Recovery

Some more scenes will take place, then another boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

2 Meramon (メラモ
Data Fire Exp: 428 2 Panic Recovery

Yen: 688
Devimon (デビモン) Virus Dark Memory UP

You will obtain 1,000 CSP after the scenes, and will be asked if you want to save. After that,
you will be sent to Shinjuku.

Enter the second map in Shinjuku to end this chapter and start the next.

Chapter 4: The Shinjuku Underground Labyrinth Incident

You begin this chapter where you left off in the previous one, the second area in Shinjuku.
You can leave Shinjuku now if you have some things to do, but in order to progress the
story, continue forward. After entering the subway, you won't be able to leave until you
beat the boss. Once you're ready, move towards the crowd to trigger a scene, then enter
the subway.

Shinjuku ???
Note that your DigiLine won't function inside this dungeon. While you can still receive
messages, they just won't be delivered to you until you defeat the boss and leave this

To your left is a new type of Access Point, it has a different appearance than the blue
Access Points found in EDEN but functions exactly the same. This Access Point is limited to
non-EDEN dungeons. Walk a bit north for a forced regular encounter, then a short scene
and tutorial explaining guest characters. Approach the north exit for a scene, enter the
next area for another scene. Going north a bit will trigger yet another scene, you can buy a
few items from Akemi Suedou ( 末堂アケミ ) while you are here. Continue forward to the
next area.

Make your way northeast past the red "!" mark on the map until you see a chest on your
right, open it for three [HP Capsule B]. South of this chest is a shiny object, pick it up to
obtain the [Shellmon Medal ( シ ェ ル モ ン メ ダ ル )]. Move northwest to see a floating
sphere, touch it to trigger a battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

2 Gotsumon (ゴツモ Data Earth Exp: 748 Topaz


Yen: 376


After winning the battle, you will obtain the key item [IC Card (IC カード )]. To the left of
you is a chest containing [Memory UP]. Go back south to the red exclamation mark on
your map. Examine the gate to open it with the IC Card, then proceed to the next map.
There will be an Access Point here, use it to heal and prepare for the upcoming boss
battle. Once you're ready move forward for a scene then a battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results

Exp: 914
Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

After you win the battle, you will get a few scenes and obtain 1,000 CSP.

You'll be back in the Detective Agency, check the white board for a new case.

A Life Crisis!? (命の危機!?) - Pin: Blue-02

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Hagurumon (ハグルモン)
Place: Broadway 1F (ブロードウェイ 1F)
Click... I lost...a gear... Click... If...I don' it... Click...I'll die!!
Reward Money: 500 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Exciting Meat x 2
Exit the agency and head left to the area with the elevator. While still in floor 1, go all the
way south to see a place where you can Connect Jump.

Acquiring the EXP Digimon (Optional)

I highly recommend getting 200% scans for three Wanyamon from Kowloon Lv. 2 and
leveling them and their digivolutions in Digital Space 05 (the next dungeon) until you have
three PlatinumNumemon. You can use the digivolution path below to

Wanyamon > Kudamon > GoldNumemon > Vademon for Nightmare III > back

to GoldNumemon > PlatinumNumemon.

I recommend digivolve the three Digimon to Vademon to learn the Nightmare III (level 45)
dark skill, which will help you kill opponents with PlatinumNumemon, since they have a
pretty much useless special skill. Having three PlatinumNumemon in your battle party
will help tremendously in leveling your other Digimon, equipping each one with three
Tactician USB (click here for info on this) will result in even more experience gain.

Digital Space 05
Talk to Hagurumon here for the case details. In this dungeon there are two teleporters on
each of the four direction, for a total of eight teleporters.

Take the north right-side teleporter, then the one to the right. Go southwest for a chest
that has [DEF Attach D]. Go east and use the teleporter to be back in the starting area.
Now take the west bottom-side teleporter, open the chest above for [SP Attach D]. Take
the teleporter that got you here back to the starting area.

Now take one of the south teleporters, then the one at the top. Pick up the shiny object at
the end of this closed area for the case item [Small Gear (小さな歯車)]. You will be back in
front of Hagurumon and clear the case.

You can still explore this area or level up, but once you turn in this side case you won't be
able to enter the dungeon again for a while. Once you have had your fill, return to the
agency and turn in the case.

Main cases are the important story related cases with red pins, they are often required to
advance the story. We need to do a couple of them to end this chapter. Exit to the map,
then enter the new area Shibuya (渋谷) from the Tokyo map.

Take the left side crosswalk and talk to the NPC with a red exclamation mark. After the
scene, go northeast and into the next area. Check your map (R button) to see the exits. Go
all the way to the end and past Shibuya Records music store, near the map exit is a shiny
object. Pick it up for [Kiwimon Medal (キウイモンメダル)]. Go back to the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
There will be a new case to pick up, which is listed below.

Scramble Pentagram (スクランブル五芒星) - Pin: Red-05

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Inoden Occult Research Club (井ノ電オカルト研究部)
Place: Shibuya (渋谷)
The legend of "Shibuya Hirasaka..." I need help verifying it.
Reward Money: 1,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Panic Barrier x 1

Accept the case then leave the agency after the scene. Talk to the President Mei ( 部長のメ
イ) outside the agency. Head south and talk to Vice President Kenji ( 副部長のケンジ) next to
the escalator. Go to the 2nd floor and talk to the Regular Member Manaka (半部員のマナカ)
near the elevator. At the 3rd floor, talk to Slacker Lily ( 幽霊部員のリリィ) north of the stairs
to trigger a few scenes.

After the scenes, head northwest and talk to the Pitiful High School Girl (憐れな女子高生). Go
back south, then onto the crosswalk to the east and talk to the same NPC again. Then back
to the club members, talk to the NPC behind them a third time for some scenes. After that
is done, you will finish the case. Turn it in to get your reward. Now enter EDEN.

EDEN Entrance
Go to the back of this area and examine the glowing spot in the top left corner to unlock a
new case. Then return to the Detective Agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Accept the new case to start a long scene, you will then be in EDEN Entrance.

Nightmare Eater (夢喰いコックリさん) - Pin: Red-06

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Occult Research Club's Manaka (オカルト研究部員・マナカ)
Place: EDEN
My DigiLine is weird... It keeps transmitting without me doing anything. Please find the cause!
Reward Money: 600 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Memory UP x 1

EDEN Entrance
Examine the same glowing spot again (the top left corner) for another scene. Attempt to
leave the area to end up in a new dungeon.

Digital Space 10
Follow this linear path around until you reach two firewalls. Break the Lv.2 firewall with Wall
Crack Lv.2 (requires four Rookie/Child Digimon) for a chest containing three [Sleep
Recovery]. Now if you don't have four Champion (Adult 成熟期) Digimon in your party, you
can drop down to get back near the Access Point. Try to digivolve some Digimon to get four
Champion (Adult 成熟期) Digimon then go back to the Lv.3 firewall. Break it with Wall Crack
Lv.3 ( ウ ォ ー ル ク ラ ッ ク Lv.3) to get access to a chest with [Emerald].Now use the
teleporter south of you. Talk to Clockmon in here for short scene then a battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute

EXP: 916
Clockmon (クロックモ
Data Electric
Yen: 536

After the battle will get some more scenes and you'll find yourself back in the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Once you turn in the case, Kyoko will ask you to get her some more coffee beans for her
(not an official case this time). But before going to K-Cafe, head to Shibuya (渋谷).

Victory Uchida - Shibuya

Move north into the second area. In front of the Shibuya Records music store, you will find an NPC
wearing a strange yellow V-shaped hat. Talk to Victory Uchida (ビクトリー・ウチダ) to get [Ninja

USB]. This NPC can be found throughout story mode, and each time you find and talk to him, you will
get unique prizes. Some of them are even missable. I will mention his appearances whenever he
becomes available.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Back to Broadway, head to the 4th floor and into K-Cafe. Talk to the bartender to
receive [Select Coffee Beans (特選コーヒー豆)]. This will end the chapter.

Chapter 5: The Search Continues, Yuuko Kamishiro

Detective Agency
After the scenes, exit Nakano Broadway and enter the Toyosu Condos (豊洲集合マンション).

Toyosu Condos
Examine the rightmost apartment for a short scene. Now head to Shibuya (渋谷).

Go to the second map and talk to Chika (チカ) standing in front of Shibuya Records music
store. After the scene you will obtain the keyword "Nile Corporation" ( ナイルコープ ). Now
enter EDEN.

EDEN Entrance
There are three NPCs with locks in here, you need the one left of the shop to progress. Talk
to the Elite Businessman ( エリートサラリーマン ) and use the "Nile Corporation" keyword.
Return to the Agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
After the scene, enter the DigiLab and talk to Mirei Mikagura ( 御神楽ミレイ ). She will give
you the hacking skill Stealth Hide (ステルスハイド), you can only use this skill if you have at
least one Virus type Digimon in your party. Kyoko will contact you after this and give you
Kamishiro HQ (Special Visit URL) [カミシロ本社 (特別見学用 URL)]. This will allow you to visit
the Kamishiro Enterprises (カミシロ・エンタープライズ) location inside EDEN. Make sure you
bring one Virus Digimon, then login to EDEN and enter Kamishiro Enterprises.

Kamishiro Enterprises
Once the scene is over, examine the shiny object in the right corner
for [DarkTyrannomon Medal (ダークティラノモンメダル)]. Now talk to all the employees in
the lobby, then talk to Yuuko. Use the Stealth Hide hacking skill, then examine the Flunky
Kamishiro Manager ( 太 鼓 持 ち な カ ミ シ ロ 幹 部 ) northwest of Yuuko. Choose Yes ( は い ) to
Connect Jump.

Digital Network IV
From the first node, go all the way right to reach a shiny object with two [CRT Boost]. Go
back to the starting node, now go all the way left for another shiny object with  three [SP
Capsule C]. Backtrack two nodes, then make your way north. Keep going northwest
whenever possible until you reach another shiny object, it gives you three [HP Spray B].
Return to the last split, this time go northeast until you reach the exit. Don't leave yet, go
all the way southeast for the last shiny object with two [Revival Capsule]. Head north
and exit this dungeon.

Avalon Server (アヴァロン・サーバ)
Before continuing north, make sure you have at least one Data type Digimon in your party
and some Vaccine for the boss battle ahead. Go north to come to a maze-like area. Follow
the northwest path for a chest with five [Panic Recovery]. Now go east/northeast for two
chests. The one below has two [HP Capsule B], and the one on top has two [DEF
Boost]. Go to the center of the area west of here, then move north and leave this area
through the teleporter. You will get a scene.

Equip some Panic Barriers on your Vaccine Digimon. Approach the purple object in front
for a tutorial, you need to use the hacking skill Code Scan ( コードスキャン) on
this device. Doing so will trigger a scene, then a battle. Try taking down both
BlueMeramon at the same time, because if one dies the other will get an attack

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 680
2 BlueMeramon (ブルーメラモ
Virus Fire 2 Memory UP
Yen: 1,000

After the boss battle, you will get some scenes and the chapter will end. You also get 1,000

Clearing this chapter will unlock Digital Network IV in the Mirror Dungeon.

Chapter 6: Serial Disappearances in Akihabara

You now have access to the Offline Colosseum's Gold Cup, provided you beat the first two
cups. During the chapter's opening scenes, you will obtain the keyword "Akihabara
Disappearances" (アキバ神隠しの失踪者).

Victory Uchida - Nakano Broadway

Leave the Agency and climb the escalator to the 3rd floor, go northeast a bit to
see Victory Uchida in front of a store. Talk to him to get [Vigor
Mushroom] and [Creepymon Medal (デーモンメダル)].
Exit Broadway and enter the new place Akihabara (秋葉原).

Go around this map by crossing the three crosswalks until you see a shiny object. Picking it
will give you [Golemon Medal (ゴーレモンメダル)]. Talk to the Weird Nerd Boy (キモめなオ
タク青年) east of you and use the keyword you have. You will obtain the keyword "Florist
Staff" ( 花 屋 の 店 員 さ ん ). Now go back to where you started this area. Talk to the Prim &
Proper Four-Eyes (めがねで清楚なお姉さん) near the Access Point and use the "Florist Staff"
keyword. After the scene, go back north and go to the Weird Nerd Boy again, you can
choose any of the choices while talking to him. You will obtain the URL to the Comic Mania
Forum (コミマニフォーラム). Use the Access Point near the entrance to enter EDEN.

Comic Mania (Comimani) Forum

Talk to the six NPCs with exclamation marks above their heads to trigger a scene. When
that's over, logout of EDEN and head to Nakano Broadway.

Nakano Broadway
Go up the escalator to the 3rd floor, then talk to the Country Girl ( 関西弁の少女). Enter the
Detective Agency for a scene, then go to Kowloon Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Before proceeding any further, make sure you drop by the DigiLab and bring one Data type
Digimon. Enter the next area for a scene. After that, go north and talk to Arata in the
Galacta Park. Once you get Arata as a guest character, head north to enter the dungeon.
Go all the way to the last area in Lv. 1, the place where you first fought an Eater. On your
left will be a purple device, scan it with Code Scan ( コードスキャン) hacking skill to trigger a

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 364
Wisemon (ワイズモ
Virus Dark
Yen: 2,000

After the battle, exit EDEN then head to Akihabara (秋葉原).

Head towards the northwest corner for a scene. You'll end up in the next dungeon.

Akihabara ???
Note that your DigiLine won't function inside this dungeon. While you can still receive
messages, they just won't be delivered to you until you defeat the boss and leave this

Go east from the first intersection and approach the NPC past the Access Point for a scene.
Continue east after the scene until you see a chest south of you, open it to receive [Farm
Expansion Plugin]. Now go northeast to meet Akemi Suedou (末堂アケミ) again. After the
scene with him, he'll open his shop. Head north
and follow the path as it leads you
west, then south for a scene. A short distance south of you is a sphere, touch it to
trigger a battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,428
GoldNumemon (ゴールドヌメモ
Virus Light CAM USB
Yen: 3,712

After you beat GoldNumemon, the obstacle blocking the path east of the
northeast Access Point will disappear. You might want to bring some Vaccine
Digimon and someone with the Venom Trap skill. Head down the new path into
the next area. Then go north to another area. Approaching the NPC will trigger a

scene and a battle. The shiny object in this area is unobtainable at this point, but
it's not missable.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 388
Wisemon (ワイズモ
Virus Dark Memory UP
Yen: 2,000

Another scene will occur, then a second boss fight. Venom Trap (poison) is very
useful against the next boss.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: 2,808
Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

Once you defeat the Eater, a few scenes will play out, then you will obtain 1,000 CSP. You
will be back in the Detective Agency.

P.S. The shiny object in the back of the boss room is obtainable later in the game, so don't
worry about it for now.

Detective Agency
Check the white board for two new cases. If you leave the Agency through the front door,
Kyoko will contact you and a new case will be available. Go back inside and pick one of the
cases. For this guide I'll start with the blue case first.

I'm Not a Flower Person... (花の趣味はないけれど…) - Pin: Blue-03

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Hot Guy (イケメンな男)
Place: Shinjuku (新宿)
I have all of these pictures of flowers saved on my phone. I keep deleting them, but they keep coming
back. Help!
Reward Money: 1,300 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Agunimon Medal x 1
Poison Barrier x 1
Accepting the case will take you to the case client, you will be given [Hot Guy's
Cellphone ( イ ケ メ ン の 携 帯 )] and will be asked if you want to Connect Jump. You can
choose no here if you have something else to do. Once you're ready, talk to the NPC again
and choose to Connect Jump.

Digital Space 12

Start by going northeast to find a chest, open it for three [Poison Recovery].
Now use
the teleporter south of this chest. Follow the path north and drop down to use
the teleporter there. Head westward until you see another teleporter, use it to
reach the last area. You can use the Access Point south of you, but once you're
ready, head northeast and talk to the Digimon Lilymon for a battle.

Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,300 Multi-Recovery
Lillymon (リリモ
Data Plant
Yen: 1,024
Lillymon Medal

After the battle, you will be teleported back to the case client in Shinjuku. He will take back
his cell phone and that will end the case.

Detective Agency
Once you turn in the previous case, pick up the yellow case next.

Red Fists and Hot Sweat! (真っ赤な拳、たぎる汗!) - Pin: Yellow-02

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Boxing Association Staff (ボクシング協会の人)
Place: K-Cafe (K-カフェ)
Site views for the association are through the roof! The site went down... Is something sabotaging us?
Reward Money: 1,100 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Defender Patch x 1
ATK Restraint Chip C x 1
Accepting the case will take you to the client in K-Cafe, and you will obtain the  [Boxing
Assoc. Card (ボクシング協会の人の名刺 )]. Connect Jump through the glowing spot on the
right table.

Digital Space 06
As soon as you arrive, there will be a scene and then a battle afterwards.

Yellow-02 Results
Type Attribute Possible Drops
Miniboss (Hard)

EXP: 844 Stun Recovery

Gaomon (ガオモン) Data Neutral

Yen: 376
Gaomon Medal

Your objective here is to go around and fight all the Gaomon Digimon around this place.
Each battle result will be the same as the battle you fought above.

Almost directly north of the entrance is the first Gaomon, talk to it to initiate the battle.
Going back south a bit then west, you will find the second Gaomon. After defeating the
second one, go all the way east and use the southeast teleporter to reach the third
Gaomon. Defeat it then go back to the previous area. North of you is a chest, open it
for three [HP Spray C].

Head west into the next area. East of you is an Access Point, go south from it and follow
the path westward until you see the fourth Gaomon. Defeat it then use the teleporter north
of here. You will be in front of the fifth and final Gaomon. After the fight, you will be back in
K-Cafe and the case will be cleared. Go back to the agency to turn in the case.

Turning in this case (Yellow-02) will unlock Digital Space 06 in the Mirror Dungeon.

Detective Agency
Back in the agency, turn in the case to get your reward. Now it's time to do the case listed
below. Accepting the case will trigger a scene with Kyoko. After that, exit Broadway and
enter the new location Nakano Underpass (中野地下道).

Nakano Underground (中野アンダーグラウンド) - Pin: Red-07

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Government (役所)
Place: Nakano Underpass (中野地下道)
This is a case from the government. The door in the Nakano Underpass has been unlocked. What waits
on the other side?
Reward Money: 800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Farm Development Kit x 1

Nakano Underpass
Getting close to the door on the right will trigger a short scene. Examine the glowing spot
right of the door for another scene.

Digital Space 03
Follow the linear path west, but before going into the next area make sure you have one
Vaccine type Digimon in your party. After arriving in the second map, you will notice a
floating yellow object north of you. Make your way to this object and copy the data it has
with the hacking skill Copy and Paste ( コ ピ ー ア ン ド ペ ー ス ト ). Now go to the opposite
direction down south, you'll see a similar device but without the yellow data, paste the
copied data with Copy and Paste. Doing this should open the door to the Underpass. Now
exit this Digital Space.

Once outside, examine the door you just unlocked and choose Yes (はい) to enter. After the
scene, head north then go left at the intersection. Entering the next area will trigger
another scene, you'll be back in the agency afterwards. Exit Broadway to find another new
place unlocked from the Tokyo map, enter the Tokyo Metropolitan Office (東京新都庁).

Tokyo Metropolitan Office

After the scene, head northeast and enter the building. Inside the lobby, examine the
glowing monitor near the top right corner for a scene. You will Connect Jump and end up in
a new Digital Space.

Digital Space 11
Go west and follow the path until you reach a chest, open it for three [Bug Recovery].
Now go back to the exit, this time head east and follow the path to the next area.
Make your way northeast to the Eater, then examine it to fight it.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: 1,239
Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

Once the battle is over, you will get some scenes and get teleported back to the agency.
The case will be over after that.

Turning in this case (Red-07) will unlock Digital Space 03 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "A Game, a Bug, and an Imperiled Job" (Yellow-01) case.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Head to K-Cafe (K-カフェ) at the 4th floor and talk to Ryota (リョウタ) there. Now head back
to the agency and check the white board for a new case.

Ryota's Youth (リョウタの青春) - Pin: Red-08

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Ryota Takei (武井リョウタ)
Place: K-Cafe (K-カフェ)
Ugh... Work... Work... Work... I want an easy job with lots of money. There aren't many jobs like that...
Reward Money: 750 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

Accepting the case will teleport you to Ryota. After the scenes, you'll be back in the
agency. Leave it and head west then south from the elevator. Talk to the Dodgy Realtor ( 怪
し い 不 動 産 屋 さ ん ). Now go up to the 3rd floor from the escalator and talk to the Occult
Magazine Editor (オカルトな雑誌編集者さん). From there, go to the northeast side of the 3rd
floor, and talk to the Odd Laundromat-Owner ( おかしな洗浄屋さん ) standing in front of the
restrooms. After the scenes, enter EDEN and go to Kowloon Lv. 3.

Kowloon Lv. 3
After the short scene, head north into the next area, then go left from the intersection
(other paths are blocked). Go up the stairs to the southwest and talk to the Cool Hacker ( 冷
静 な ハ ッ カ ー ) up above. Choose the 3rd option during the scene. The case will be over
afterwards and you will be back at the agency.

Detective Agency
Turn in the case to claim your reward, then go to Shibuya (渋谷).

Head to the second map and enter the Shibuya Records store. Talk to the lady for a scene,
then head back to the agency.

Detective Agency
Check the white board for a new case. This case will also teleport you to the case client
once you accept it.

Reiko Tawa's Case File (田和玲子の事件簿) - Pin: Red-09

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Reiko Tawa (田和玲子)
Place: Shibuya Records in Shibuya (タワーレコード渋谷店)
There have been some weird pranks at
Shibuya Records where I work.
We need the help of a Cyber Sleuth!
Reward Money: 600 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

Shibuya Records Music Store

You will obtain the keyword "Strange Pranks" ( ビミョーなイタズラ ). Talk to the CD-Loving
Boy (CD を愛する少年) on the right side of the store, and use the keyword you just obtained.
Then talk to Reiko again, the case client. After the scenes, attempt to enter the pixelated
area in the back for some more scenes.

Shibuya ???
Enter the next area southwest of where you started this dungeon. Now follow the hallway
as it turns until you reach an item in a garbage can, examine it to get two [HP Spray C].
Continue following the path into the next area. Head all the way south past the intersection
for a chest that contains [SP Attach C]. Go back north to the intersection, then head east
to see Etemon (エテモン).

Our purpose here is to follow and corner Etemon. Head south into the next area, then Go
east and follow Etemon down some stairs into another area. Go near Etemon northeast of
here, then examine the garbage can to get three [Paralysis Recovery]. Continue
northeast and approach Etemon, then go southwest and get near it again. Make sure to
bring some Vaccine Digimon for the battle ahead and someone with Venom Trap, then
Connect Jump from the vending machine (glowing spot) east of the Access Point.

Digital Network X
Head north from the first node, then go west and follow the path north until the path splits
into two. Take the northeast path first for a shiny object, examine it to obtain [Exciting
Meat]. Go south once, then take the northwest path for another shiny object

with [Friendship]. Now make your way southeast, and head north towards the exit once
you see it. Once you're ready, save your game and log out of this place.

Shibuya ???
You will be back in this area, a short scene will play out as soon as you exit the
Digital Network. Then a boss battle will take place. The boss is susceptible to
Poison status effect, so I recommed using Venom Trap on it to make this fight

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 2,356 INT Restraint Chip B

Etemon (エテモ
Virus Dark
Yen: 1,728
Etemon Medal

After the battle and some scenes, you will be back in the agency. Turn in the case to end
chapter 6.

Turning in this case (Red-09) will unlock Digital Network X in the Mirror Dungeon.

Chapter 7: Demon Pilgtimage Capriccio

After the scenes, leave the agency.

Nakano Broadway
Take the elevator up to Nakano Broadway 4F, then head south and talk to the Medal Man
(メダルおじさん). Next, enter EDEN and choose Kowloon Lv. 3.

Kowloon Lv. 3
Use Wall Crack Lv.3 (ウォールクラック Lv.3) hacking skill to break down the firewall on the
left side. If you can't use the skill, enter the DigiLab from the Access Point near you and
bring at least four Champion (Adult 成 熟期 ) or above Digimon. Once the firewall is down,
use the lift to ascend to the next level.

Kowloon Lv. 4
Before proceeding north into the next area, make sure to have at least one Vaccine type
Digimon in your party.

Victory Uchida - Kowloon Lv. 4

Go north a bit and climb up the stairs to your left, you will find Victory Uchida southwest
of you. Talk to him to receive [Researcher USB].

Operate the yellow lift northwest of here and talk to the Gainfully Employed Buyer (世渡り上
手バイヤー) for a scene. Go back down the lift, then make your way northeast. Use the Copy
and Paste (コピーアンドペースト) hacking skill on the device to copy the red data. Return to
the entrance, then go east this time. There's a shiny object with [Gawappamon Medal (ガ
ワ ッパ モン メダ ル )] on the southeast corner, pick it up then climb the stairs north of you.
Paste the data on the empty device on your northwest, this will make the east yellow lift

operational. Take the east lift up then the next lift down and enter the next area to the

Go up the lift on the west side here, then down another lift to the northeast. Use the
northwest lift and talk to the Wicked Maiden Hacker ( 悪 魔 的 に 乙 女 な ハ ッ カ ー ). After the
short chat, a battle will take place.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

Cherrymon (ジュレイモ
Plant EXP: 848 HP Restraint Chip B Cherrymon Medal
Yen: 736
Bakemon (バケモン) Dark HP Restraint Chip C AGL Attach C

After the battle, you will be sent back to the agency and obtain 1,000 CSP. After the
scenes, exit the agency.

Nakano Broadway
Climb the stairs to the 2nd floor, then immediately go south. You will see Nokia in front of
the Rainbow Turntable store, talk to her for a scene. Take the elevator to the 4th floor, go
east then north and talk to Ryota (リョウタ). Now head back to the Detective Agency.

Detective Agency
After the scenes, Nokia will join you as a guest character. Enter EDEN through the TV in the
office, then go to Kowloon Lv. 4.

Kowloon Lv. 4
Go north into the next area. Make use of the two lifts northeast of you to reach
the exit, then enter the next area. Now go west and up the lift, then back down
from the other end. From here, operate the lift to the northeast, then back down
the lift east of you. Walk south a bit to trigger a scene then a battle.

Boss Type Attribute Possible Drops

Ogremon Medal (オーガモンメダ

Ogremon (オーガモン) Earth EXP: 912 CRT Boost
Gigadramon (ギガドラ Yen: 776 Searcher Gigadramon Medal (ギガドラモン
モン) (1,164) Patch メダル)

After the battle, you will obtain the URL for Demons' Hideout ( デ モ ン ズ ア ジ ト ). From the
collapsed Ryota, go east a bit and look for a shiny object in the southeast corner, pick it up
to obtain[Wendigomon Medal (ウェンディモンメダル)]. Now use the lift directly north of
you to find a chest with three [Panic Recovery]. Go back down the lift, then head back to
Ryota. You can choose to continue the story, or fight an optional boss here. If you want to
skip the optional boss, head over down to the Demons' Den section.

Optional Boss – Flamedramon

Once you go up the lift in the southeastern corner of Kowloon Lv. 4's last dungeon map,
you will find an NPC with a Flamedramon blocking two chests. You can challenge the
Aggressive Hacker (攻撃的なハッカー) here for a Digi-Egg item and the chest contents. If you
listened to my advice in Chapter 4 Side Case, you should have three PlatinumNumemon
in your party. Those are great against Flamedramon because of their high defense. If you
taught them a magic skill, Nightmare III for example, they will be even more effective in
the fight to avoid its physical counterattack skill. If you don't have three
PlatinumNumemon, try to use three high level magic Digimon or two magic, one healer
Digimon. You can skip this battle and come back to it later in the game.

Optional Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 820
Flamedramon (フレイドラモ Digi-Egg of Courage (勇気のデジメンタ
Free Fire
ン) ル)
Yen: 1,000

The Digi-Egg you just obtained allows Veemon to armor digivolve to Flamedramon. After
the battle, claim your rewards from the chests. The right chest contains  [Memory UP],
while the left one contains three [Miracle Meat].

Exit this dungeon, Export ( エクスポート) item is useful here. While still in EDEN, enter the
Demons' Den (デモンズアジト).

Demons' Den (デモンズアジト)

After a scene, you'll be thrown into a boss battle.

Guest Character: Nokia (ノキア) with Agumon & Gabumon.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

2 SkullMeramon (デスメラモ
Fire EXP: 1,680 2 HP Spray B
Yen: 2,500
Boltmon (ボルトモン) Electric Memory UP DX

After the battle and a scene, another battle will happen. Howe ver,
this time you will be
controlling Nokia's Digimon. As such, you won't be able to use the battle
commands "Item" and "Change".

Boss Status

TigerVespamon (タイガーヴェスパモ

After about one or two turns, the battle will end. Some more scenes will play out, and you
will obtain 1,000 CSP. Before going any further, enter EDEN and go to Demons' Den again.
Examine the shiny object in the northeast corner for [Deputymon Medal (リボルモンメダ
ル)]. Now return the the Agency.

Detective Agency
Check the white board to find two new side cases, let's do the new blue side case first.

The #1 Gamer! (最強のゲーマー) - Pin: Blue-04

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Rank-Obsessed Gamer (最強にこだわるゲーマー)
Place: Nakano TRF, Broadway 4F (ブロードウェイ 4F・中野 TRF)
I want you to look into the guy who took my title as champion in Top Grappler. Is the guy a cheater!?
Reward Money: 1,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

Broadway/Detective Agency
Accept the case, then exit the agency and climb the elevator to the 4th floor. Go right to
reach the Nakano TRF (arcades) corner, then Connect Jump from the connector on one of
the arcade machines.

Digital Space 11
Follow the east path into the next area. Head east again until you see a Digimon. Before
talking to it, go west for a chest with [INT Attach D]. Go back to the Digimon and talk
to it to initiate a battle.

Blue-04 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 2,356 HP Capsule A
GrapLeomon (グラップレオモ
Vaccine Electric
Yen: 1,728
Ranger Disk

After the fight, you'll get a couple of messages from the case client telling you to meet
back at the arcades. Exit the dungeon to be back in Nakano TRF.

Turning in this case (Blue-04) will unlock Digital Space 11 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished "Nakano Underground" (Red-07) case.

Broadway/Detective Agency

Talk to the case client near you to finish the case. Return to the agency to turn in the case,
then take the yellow side case.

Home Security Guard (自宅警備員) - Pin: Yellow-03

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Shut-in Boy's Mother (引きこもり少年の母親)
Place: K-Cafe (K-カフェ)
My shut-in son likes chatting online. There is one girl he really likes but need to know if she's for real.
Reward Money: 1,500 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
ATK Attach C x 1
DEF Attach C x 1

Accepting this case will teleport you to the case client in K-Cafe. The mother will give you
her son's account ID and password for the chat room. With those in hand, use the laptop on
the table to enter the chat room from Naoya's (her son) account. After a series of multiple
choice questions (you can choose anything), you will be asked if you want to Connect Jump,
do so to end up in a new Digital Space dungeon.

Digital Space 07
Open the chest southeast of the entrance for two [AGL Boost]. Follow the path north all
the way to the opposite side, ignore the teleporter south of you. Instead, drop down to the
east and use the teleporter there. Drop down to the area west of you for a chest, open it to
get two [HP Restraint Chip C]. Go all the way south and into the next area, you'll
be back in the first map. Drop down east again and return to the 2nd map. This
time drop down east, then talk to Minervamon in the top right corner.

Yellow-03 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 1,588
Minervamon (ミネルヴァモ Minervamon Medal (ミネルヴァモンメダ
Virus Neutral
ン) ル)
Yen: 2,500

After the battle, a couple of scenes play out, then the case will be over. Turn it in back at
the agency.

Nakano Broadway
Make your way to the front entrance of Nakano Broadway, you will see an NPC with an
exclamation mark on the way. Talk to Gluttonous Lady (食いしん坊なレディ) to unlock a new
case. Let's unlock another case before doing this one, head to Shinjuku (新宿).

Go northwest into the second map, keep going forward until you see a glowing spot on the
ground. Examine it for a short scene, this will unlock another case. Now return to the

Broadway/Detective Agency
Check the white board to see two new red cases, let's do the one star (Red 10) case first.

Broadway Food Tour (BW グルメ探訪) - Pin: Red-10

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Undercover Eater (シュミラン覆面審査員)
Place: Broadway (ブロードウェイ)
I am an undercover eater for food reviews and I need someone to help me investigate something...
Reward Money: 900 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Bank Expansion Drive x 1

Accept the case above to trigger a scene, you'll end up outside the agency. Your goal for
this case is to review the food quality of three restaurants in Nakano Broadway. Head to
the front entrance again, examine the store with a yellow sign on the right side for a scene.
The second store is directly opposite of this one, so just walk to the left a bit until you see
the "X" button prompt. After the scene, climb the stairs to the 2nd floor. Examine the store
right next to the stairs (north side) for some more scenes. This will end the case.

You will be back in the agency, turn in the previous case and pick the other one (Red 11).

Broad Daylight (白昼のかまいたち) - Pin: Red-11

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Matayoshi (又吉)
Place: Shinjuku (新宿)
An invisible slasher is rampant in Shinjuku. Catch the culprit before something serious happens. Please
Reward Money: 800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Bank Expansion Drive x 1

Once you accept the case, a couple of scenes will play out. After those are over, exit
Broadway and go to Shinjuku (新宿).

Enter the second area in Shinjuku, then examine the glowing spot near the wall up top.
After the chat is over, continue going northeast in this area until you see another glowing
spot. Examine it for a scene, your choices here won't matter. After the scene, you will
Connect Jump into the next network dungeon.

Digital Network III

From the first node, go right twice to reach a shiny object, pick it up for  three [Stun
Recovery]. Go back to the first node, then head left twice for another shiny object. Picking
it up will give you five [SP Capsule C]. Go back south one node, then northeast two
nodes. Now go northwest three times for a shiny object with [SP Capsule A]. Go back
three nodes to the southeast, then northeast once and then southeast once. Now go
northeast twice, then northwest for the last shiny object in this area. Pick it up for eight
[HP Capsule C]. Now go back south for two nodes, then northwest to see a
Tankmon blocking the north path. Going north and talking to the Digimon will
trigger a scene, followed by a battle.

Red-11 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,188 Fighter Patch

Tankmon (タンクモ
Data Electric
Yen: 672
Tankmon Medal

After the scene, you will be back in the agency. This will mark the end of the case, along
with the chapter once you check the white board.

Turning in this case (Red-11) will unlock Digital Network III in the Mirror Dungeon.

Chapter 8: No Stopping the Gale Girls

After watching the long scenes, you will be in the Detective Agency. In order to progress
the story, you need to finish two cases from each of your in-game
friends, Nokia and Arata. You can do them in any order you wish, as long as you complete
both of them. These cases are not posted on the white board. I will go with Nokia first,
since it's shorter. But before starting, go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office ( 東京新都庁) from
the Tokyo map.

Victory Uchida - Tokyo Metropolitan Building

Enter the lobby up ahead. You will find Victory Uchida standing in the bottom left corner of the lobby.
Talk to him to receive[Mental Melon] and [Barbamon Medal (バルバモンメダル)].

Nokia's Case
From the agency (or any Access Point), Connect Jump from the TV to enter EDEN then
choose Kowloon Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Head north into the Kowloon's Galacta Park area, then talk to Nokia for a scene. Once
that's over, exit back to EDEN. Your next destination is Zaxon Forum.

Zaxon Forum
Talk to the Stray Hacker ( 野 良 ハ ッ カ ー ) in the top left corner, choose the third option to
progress. If you pick any option other than the third, you will have to talk to him again. Now
leave this place and enter Demons' Den.

Demons' Den

If you didn't revisit this place for the medal in chapter 7, you can pick it up now from the
northeastern corner for [Deputymon Medal]. Talk to the bottom right Stray Hacker
(野良ハッカー) to trigger a battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

Kabuterimon (カブテ Kabuterimon Medal (カブテリモ

Vaccine Plant EXP: 864 AGL Boost
リモン) ンメダル)

Yen: 752 SP Restraint
Datamon (ナノモン) Virus Electric Datamon Medal (ナノモンメダル)
(1,128) Chip C

After the fight, talk to the Stray Hacker ( 野 良 ハ ッ カ ー ) in the bottom left, then the Stray
Hacker ( 野 良 ハ ッ カ ー ) in the back for a scene. This ends Nokia's event and you will be
rewarded 1,000 CSP for your efforts.

Arata's Case
Exit EDEN and head to Shinjuku (新宿).

Make your way to the back of the second map, then talk to Arata near the subway entrance
for a few scenes. After that, go back to the first map of the area. Approach the Access Point
for a quick scene, you will Connect Jump and end up in a new Digital dungeon.

Digital Line
This place is shaped like a circle, with two nodes sticking out of it for the entrance/exit. At
the intersection, take whichever path you want as both lead to the same point. Once you
reach the exit on the other side, log out of this area. After the scenes, you will arrive in
another dungeon.

Note that after leaving Digital Line, you will unlock it in the Mirror Dungeon.

Asakusa ???
You can stock up on items from the female shop clerk on the left side. Go into the first
small path to your left for a chest with [Farm Expansion Plugin]. Continue north on the
main road, then take the second path to your left for another chest, open it for three
[Sprite Recovery]. Go back to the main road, this time take the second small path going
right for two chests. The south chest contains[Multi-Recovery DX], while the north chest
contains five [HP Capsule B]. From the main road again, take the third path on the
right. Follow it north until you see a sphere, touch it to trigger a battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

Reppamon (レッパモ Vaccine Light EXP: 836 Aquamarine


Yen: 496 Reppamon Medal


Head back to the main road, then take the third path going left. Follow the path
north until you see another sphere, touch it for another miniboss battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

EXP: 836 HP Spray B
Leomon (レオモ
Vaccine Earth
Yen: 496
Leomon Medal

Now pass through the gate you just opened to enter the next area. Turn right into the first
small path to get a chest with [Memory UP]. If you continue going north from the
main path, you will trigger a scene followed by a boss battle.

Boss Type Results

EXP: 3,628
Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

After the battle and a few more scenes, you will obtain 1,000 CSP and be sent back to the
agency. Return to Asakusa from the Tokyo map.

Examine the shiny object in the middle for [Raremon Medal (レアモンメダル)]. Now return
to the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Check the white board to find one new side case, pick it up be sent to the case client in K-
Cafe. After the chat with her, examine the glowing spot on the table and Connect Jump.

Problems at Digipedia (おかしなフリー百科大辞典) - Pin: Blue-05

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Dictionary Site Administrator (辞書サイトの管理人)
Place: K-Cafe (K-カフェ)
Have you heard of the Digipedia? It's an online dictionary site that I run. But something strange is
Reward Money: 1,600 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Electric Symbol x 1

Digital Space 09

Use the teleporter up north to get to the next area. Once there, go south then west for a
chest with [Paralysis Barrier]. Now use the easternmost teleporter then go southwest to
find a chest, open in it for [Plant Guard]. Go back to the previous area (using the same
gate), this time take the south teleporter. If you have Wall Crack Lv.4 ( ウ ォ ー ル ク ラ ッ ク
Lv.4), use it to break the firewall at the top to gain access to a chest with [Electric Guard
DX]. Backtrack to the previous area again, now drop down the ledge southwest of the
Access Point. Follow the west path into the next area.

Operate the teleporter down the ramp to the right, then head all the way east. Open the
chest here for [Stun Barrier], then use the teleporter south of you. Head north into the
next area, then all the way west. Open the chest in this side for [Sleep Barrier], then use
the teleporter north of you. Drop down twice to find yourself back at the ramp, go east for
a chest with [Noise Guard]. Finally, make your way north and talk to Tentomon for
a battle.

Blue-05 Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

EXP: 794 Paralysis Recovery

Tentomon (テントモ
Vaccine Plant
Yen: 356
Plant Guard

After the battle, you will be sent back to K-Cafe and the case will be cleared. Return to the
agency to turn it in.

Nakano Broadway
Climb the stairs to the 2nd floor, then go north to the card shop. Examine the glowing
poster on the right side of the shop to unlock a new story case. Now go to Shinjuku (新宿).

Talk to Arata near the entrance to unlock another story case. Now return to the agency to
do these new cases.

Detective Agency
Check the white board and pick up one of the story cases. I'll go with "Living Doll, Dead
Person" (Red 12) first. You will get a scene once you accept the case. You will also obtain
the keyword "Living Doll Club" (リビクラ). Make your way to Akihabara (秋葉原).

Living Doll, Dead Person (生き人形・死に人間) - Pin: Red-12

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Occult Research Club's Mei (オカルト研究部員・メイ)
Place: Broadway (ブロードウェイ)
Have you heard of "Super Ultra True Puppets?" "We" ply our trade there...

Reward Money: 800 Yen

CSP Obtained: 500
Stun Barrier DX x 1

Use the keyword on the Unstable Nerd (情緒不安定なオタク) near the entrance, then head to
the top left corner. Talk to the Odd Man ( 奇妙な男) east of the shop. Afterwards, go east a
bit and examine the glowing spot in front of the Sega store. After the chat with Kyoko,
Connect Jump from here to arrive in a Digital Space dungeon.

Digital Space 02
Make your way northeast for a chest with three [SP Capsule B]. Now use the
westernmost teleporter, then another teleporter to the east. Follow the path northwest to
reach a chest with three [INT Boost]. Go southward until you come to the Access Point,
use the teleporter south of it to find the last chest in the dungeon. Open it for  two [HP
Capsule B]. Head back to the Access Point and go east to see Infermon, talk to it
to fight it.

Red-12 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 2,356 ATK Restraint Chip A

Infermon (インフェルモ
Free Dark
Yen: 1,728
CRT Attach B

After the battle, you will obtain [Mysterious URL (謎の URL)]. Some scenes will play out,
then you will end up in EDEN Open Space.

EDEN Open Space

Talk to the guy in the middle, Dreaming Guy ( 夢の狭間の青年), for a scene. Afterwards, the
case will be over, turn it in to claim your reward.

Turning in this case (Red-12) will unlock Digital Space 02 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "Time Capsule Snow Woman" (Red-04) and "Broadway
on Fire!" (Blue-01) cases.

Detective Agency
Accept the next story case (Red 13) from Arata, then enter EDEN Community Area (EDEN
コミュニティエリア) in EDEN.

Rare Comic Collection (レアコミ・コネクション) - Pin: Red-13

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Arata Sanada (真田アラタ)
Place: EDEN Community Area (EDEN コミュニティエリア)
A mysterious man has issued a challenge: a fight with rare comics at stake! Cyber Sleuth! I need your
Reward Money: 1,000 Yen

CSP Obtained: 500
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

EDEN Community Area

Talk to Arata near the entrance for a scene. Now climb down the stairs to the south and
talk to the Low-Level Game Master (序の口ゲームマスター), who is standing right next to the
stairs. It doesn't matter what you choose here. Once that's done, exit this place and enter
EDEN Entrance (EDEN エントランス).

EDEN Entrance
Talk to the Mid-Range Game Master ( 中堅ゲームマスター ) sitting on a bench south of the
shop. Choose anything in the scene, then exit the area and return to EDEN Community

EDEN Community Area

Go west and talk to the Top-Tier Game Master (最後のゲームマスター). After choosing any of
the three options, you will obtain the keyword "Address of St. Erase" ( 聖イレイズ学園の住所
は?). Exit EDEN.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Leave the agency, then go south and climb up the escalator. Talk to the first NPC with a
lock, the Manga Nerd Boy ( 漫画オタ青年), and use the keyword. Enter EDEN and back into
the EDEN Community Area.

EDEN Community Area

Talk to Arata southwest of the entrance for a scene. Exit this place to find a new area in
EDEN, that's your next destination.

EDEN Free Area

Enter the enclosed area to the north, then immediately turn right. Follow this narrow path
to the end to find a shiny object, you will receive the [SkullSatamon Medal (スカルサタモ
ン メ ダ ル )] from it. Return to the entrance and go east this time, talk to the Rare Comic
Game Sponsor (レアコミ争奪戦の主催者) for a scene. This will end the case.

Detective Agency
You will be back here. Whenever you are ready to end the chapter, turn in the case you
just completed.

Chapter 9: Our Master Plan!

After the scenes, exit the agency.

Victory Uchida - Nakano Broadway

Climb the stairs to the 3rd floor, you will find Victory Uchida here next to the Gacha and vending
machines. Talk to him to receive a [CAM USB].

Now Connect Jump to EDEN and enter Kamishiro Enterprises.

Kamishiro Enterprises
After the scenes, Connect Jump from the northwest monitor to arrive in a new Digital

Digital Network V
This Digital Network doesn't have any items, so you can take the first path going east,
which is a shortcut that takes you straight to the exit, to avoid random encounters.
Otherwise, go north if you want to fight more encounters. Either way, go all the way north
to reach the exit and logout of this network. After the short scene, use the west teleporter.

Avalon Server
Head north to see two Digimon blocking your path, approach them to trigger a

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Andromon (アンドロモン) Vaccine EXP: 1,160 Large Capacity USB

MetalMamemon (メタルマメモ Yen: 2,800
Data Researcher USB
ン) (4,200)

A few scenes will play out after you win the battle. Then you're free to explore a new area
of this dungeon. If you don't have a Vaccine Digimon in your party, go back south and get
one from the DigiLab. You need it for a hacking skill soon. This maze like area consists of
four rings around a circular platform in the center. I will address the rings as follows: inner
ring, inner-middle ring, outer-middle ring and outer ring.

On the outer ring, go east until you reach a dead end. You will get a short scene, the path
will open up after that. Continue north on the outer ring to reach a chest with [HP Capsule
C]. Go back a bit and make your way west into the center platform. From here, go west
then northwest into the outer-middle ring for a chest, open it to get [Brave Point D]. Now
go right into the inner-middle ring, follow it south until you can go west again. Do so then
follow the path southeast, step onto the inner-middle ring and continue east. You will find a
chest at the end that contains three [Escape Gate]. Go back west into the outer-middle
ring, this time head northwest into the outer ring. Go south for a chest with three [HP
Spray B]. Now go to the north side of the outer ring for a short scene that will open a path
for you. Copy the red object here with the Copy and Paste hacking skill, then paste it on the
device in the center of the map. Use the teleporter north, past the path you just unlocked.

As soon as you enter this area, you will see two chests on each side. The east chest
contains two [HP Capsule C], while the west chest contains two [SP Capsule B]. Go
north to reach a new maze-like area. From the outer ring, go right and enter the outer-
middle ring. Ignore the first path into the middle ring and take the second one for a chest
with three [Pearl]. Take the path you ignored before and follow it until you reach to the
inner ring. From there, go all the way northeast to the outer ring, then open the chest to
the south for [Fighter Patch]. Copy the blue object north of here, then go back to the
center. Paste the blue object on the left device in the center platform.

From the center, head northwest and follow the path north into the outer-middle ring for a
chest with [SPD Restraint Chip C]. Go back south to the inner-middle ring, follow it
west/southwest for a scene that opens a path for you. Once you're in the outer-middle ring,
go south and into the outer ring and open the chest north of that point for [HP Capsule
C]. Go back to the outer-middle ring, then head north into the other part of the outer ring
you didn't explore yet. Copy the green object with your hacking skill Copy and Paste, then
go back to the center of the map. Past e it on the right device to unlock the path
ahead. Attempt to go north for a scene, then a boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: 3,000
Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

After the scenes end, head north and attempt to use the teleporter for another scene.
You'll be in Kamishiro's Top Secret Room.

Kamishiro Enterprise Top Secret Room

Examine the northwest dresser to find "Kishibe Rie's panties"... But that's not what we
came here for. Check the bed to find "Rie's Heart-Wrenching Diary," the actual item we're
after. A few long scenes will play out at this point. After the scenes end, you will obtain
1,000 CSP.

You will also unlock both Digital Network V and Avalon Server in the Mirror Dungeon.

Broadway/Detective Agency
After the scenes, you will be outside the agency. Go back inside and enter EDEN's Kowloon
Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Head north and talk to the Rebel Tamer ( リ ベ リ オ ン ズ の テ イ マ ー っ ス ) to unlock a case.
Return to Nakano Broadway.

Nakano Broadway
Climb the elevator to the 4th floor and enter K-Cafe. Speak to Ryota ( リョウタ ) to unlock
another case. Climb back down the elevator and enter the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
I will go through Ryota's case first. Check the white board and pick up the following case
(Red 14).

Flowers for Sakura (サクラにバラの花束を) - Pin: Red-14

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Ryota Takei (武井リョウタ)
Place: Broadway (ブロードウェイ)

Oh... What should I do!? What can I do!? Is there something I can give to win over a girl's heart...?
Reward Money: 900 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Flame Symbol x 1

After you accept the case, you will see a scene. Choose the third option in the scene. You
will obtain the keyword "Present to Get the Girl" ( 乙女心をつかむプレセント). Go to Shinjuku

Make your way to the shopping district (second map). You will find Nokia half way through
this area, speak with her and use the keyword you just obtained for a scene.

Detective Agency
You will be back in the agency. During the chat with Kyoko, choose the first option. You will
obtain the keyword "Romantic Present" (ロマンチックな贈り物). Now go to Akihabara (秋葉原).

Follow the linear path to the other side of Akihabara to find Arata near the exit. Speak with
him and use the keyword you have for a scene.

Detective Agency
You will be sent back to the agency again. After the scene, you will obtain the keyword
"Simple is Good" (素朴でイイ感じのもの). Now head to Kamishiro Enterprises in EDEN.

Kamishiro Enterprises
You will find Yuuko here. Talk to her and use the keyword for a scene. This will clear the

Detective Office
You will be sent back here. Turn in the case and pick the other one (Red 15). After that,
enter Kowloon Lv. 1 in EDEN.

Expanding the Nokia Corps! (増殖!ノキア軍団) - Pin: Red-15

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Rebel Tamer (Yasu) (リベリオンズのテイマー (ヤス))
Place: Galacta Park, Kowloon (クーロン・ガラクタ公園)
I want to help Akkino! But I am totally powerless... I need you to help instead of me!
Reward Money: 850 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Friendship DX x 1

Kowloon Lv. 1

Go north into the Kowloon's Galacta Park and speak with Rebel Yasu ( リベリオンズのヤス )
there. Afterwards, go north until you reach the map with the lift to Kowloon Lv. 2. Head
northeast for a scene. After that, use the lift that leads to Kowloon Lv. 2.

Kowloon Lv. 2
Make your way to the end of this dungeon. As you enter the third map, you will
find Nokia along with an NPC. Approach them for a scene, then a boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Status

MetalGarurumon (Blk) (メタルガルルモン

Electric Invincible
BlackWarGreymon (ブラックウォーグレイモ
Fire Invincible

After three turns have passed, the battle will end. During the scene, your
Digimon will get healed by Yasu. Nokia's Digimon will join you in the next battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

MetalGarurumon (Blk) (メタルガルルモン MetalGarurumon (Blk)

Electric EXP: 5,100
(黒)) Medal
BlackWarGreymon (ブラックウォーグレイ Yen: 6,400
Fire BlackWarGreymon Medal
モン) (9,600)

After the battle, the case will be over and you will be back in the agency.

Detective Agency
Once you turn in the case at the white board, you will get a short scene, which unlocks a
new case. Check the white board again and pick up the case (Red 16). Next, go to Zaxon
Forum in EDEN.

La Missel (ラ・ミゼール) - Pin: Red-16

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Yuugo (ユーゴ)
Place: Zaxon Forum (ザクソンフォーラム)
I have some concerns about Nokia. There is something I need to ask you...
Reward Money: 1,200 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Memory UP x 1

Zaxon Forum
Speak with Yuugo (ユーゴ) in here for a scene. You will be taken to EDEN Community Area
after the scene.

EDEN Community Area
Guest Character: Yuugo (ユーゴ).

Go down the stairs and examine the south bench. After the scene, exit the area and go to
Kowloon Lv. 4.

Kowloon Lv. 4
Guest Character: Yuugo (ユーゴ).

Go north into the next area. Approach the two hackers in front of you for a scene,
then a fight.

Boss Type Attribute Possible Drops

MegaSeadramon (メガシー
Data Water EXP: 5,804 SP Spray B Sleep Barrier DX

Okuwamon (オオクワモン) Virus Plant HIT Boost Poison Barrier DX

Yen: 4,000
Aquamarin Ankylomon Medal (アンキロモ
Ankylomon (アンキロモン) Free Earth
e ンメダル)

After the scene, you will be back in the detective office. Once you're ready to end the
chapter, examine the white board to turn in the case.

Chapter 10: To the Promised Land

After the scenes are over, go to EDEN's Free Area.

EDEN Free Area

You will see Nokia inside the enclosed area to the north.

Victory Uchida - EDEN Free Area

Before approaching Nokia, go right through the small opening and follow the narrow path until you
find Victory Uchida. Talk to him to receive [Power Pine] and [Lilithmon Medal (リリスモンメダル)].

Go back to where you saw Nokia, approach her for a scene and a quick fight.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

MegaKabuterimon (アトラーカブ DEF Restraint Plant Guard

Vaccine Plant EXP: 1,952
テリモン) Chip C DX

Yen: 1,616 SP Restraint Chip Datamon

Datamon (ナノモン) Virus Electric
(2,424) C Medal

After the battle, you will get a few more scenes and end up in K-Cafe. Go back to EDEN, but
this time enter EDEN Community Area.

EDEN Community Area

Speak with Arata near the entrance for a scene. He will give you the URL to Valhalla Server
(ヴァルハラ・サーバ). Leave this area and access the new dungeon from EDEN.

Valhalla Server (ヴァルハラ・サーバ)

Guest Character: Arata.

Pick up the shiny object to your left for [Mamemon Medal (マメモンメダル )]. Make sure
you have a Vaccine Digimon, then go north to see a familiar maze like area. This dungeon
consists of mazes similar to the Avalon Server dungeon. On the outer ring, go west until
you reach a dead end. Hop on the middle ring south of you for a chest, open it to
obtain [Export]. From the outer ring next to you, go south, then east into the middle ring
again. Follow the middle ring to the end until you can go north and back onto the outer
ring. The chest near you contains two [Aquamarine], and the other end of this outer ring
has a chest that contains three [Revival Capsule]. Return to the middle ring and follow it
southwest. Go north into the inner ring, then the center platform. Take the north path all
the way to the end and use the teleporter there.

Head north until you reach the outer-middle ring. There are two chests on each side of this
ring. The right path has a chest with [HP Capsule B], and the chest on the opposite side
of the same ring has three [SP Spray B]. The inner ring also has two chests on each side.
The east chest contains [Farm Development Kit ( フ ァ ー ム 開 発 キ ッ ト ), while the west
chest contains [Farm Expansion Plugin]. Copy the blue object on the northwest part of
the outer ring, then paste it on the two empty devices. One of them is south of you in the
inner-middle ring, the other device is in the opposite side of the outer ring. Once that is
done, a path to the next area will unlock. Take it and use the teleporter at the end.

Turn left on the outer ring, then north onto the outer-middle ring. Head back northwest
onto the outer ring. Copy the blue object below you. The other end of this ring is a chest.
Open it for [Memory UP]. Go back to the outer-middle ring, then make your way northeast
to the center. Out of the four empty devices in the center, paste the blue object on the
northeastern device. Now go south onto the inner ring, then head northeast onto the inner-
middle ring. North of you is a chest that contains three [Medical Spray]. Go south until
you can enter the outer-middle ring to the east, then follow it north. Take the first turn east
onto the outer ring, then open the chest north of you to get [Bank Expansion Drive].
Now go south and copy the green object, then backtrack to the center. Paste the green
object on both the southeastern and northwestern empty devices. Go back to the outer-
middle ring on the east side, take it all the way north, then east onto the outer ring. Copy
the yellow object here, then paste it on the southwestern empty device on the center
platform. This will unlock the path north of the center leading to the next area.

Under Zero
Follow the path north until you get a scene. After that, you will end up in the last map. You
can use the Access Point on the right to heal your party and prepare for the battles ahead.
Once you are ready, go north and take any path on the outer ring, both paths lead to the
center. A scene will trigger once you enter the center platform, then a boss battle.

Guest Character: Arata with Infermon.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 1,048
Machinedramon (ムゲンドラモ
Virus Electric Memory UP DX
Yen: 6,500

A short scene will play out, then another boss battle. For this boss, you will be controlling
Nokia and her Digimon. As such, Item and Change battle commands will not be available.
You won't be able to win this time, so just proceed with the battle until Nokia's
Digimon end up with 1 HP. Shortly after that happens, you will get a CG scene.
After that, the actual battle start.

Boss Type Attribute

Sakuyamon (サクヤモン) Data Light

TigerVespamon (タイガーヴェスパモ
Virus Electric

Hououmon (ホウオウモン) Vaccine Fire

After the battle, you will obtain 1,000 CSP. After some more scenes, you will face another
battle, with your party this time.

Guest Character: Arata with Infermon.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: 1,958
2 Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

You will witness some more scenes after the fight. When you get two choices during one of
the scenes, you have to choose both to progress. Once the scenes end, the chapter will
end with them.

Chapter 11: Paradise Lost

The Offline Colosseum's Platinum Cup will be available right now. If you didn't beat the
first three cups, however, you will have to do so before participating in the Platinum Cup.

Detective Agency
Enter Zaxon Forum in EDEN.

Zaxon Forum

Speak with Nokia or Omnimon to trigger a scene.

Detective Agency
Guest Character: Nokia (ノキア).

You will be back here after the scenes. Exit Nakano Broadway and go to the Nakano
Underpass (中野地下道).

Nakano Underpass (中野地下道)

Guest Character: Nokia (ノキア).

Operate the elevator to the east to enter the actual dungeon.

Victory Uchida - Nakano Underpass

After the short scene, go south to find Victory Uchida. Talk to him to receive [Billionaire USB (億万
長者の USB)].

From the first road split north of you, go northwest. Keep moving forward until the two
roads meet, go southeast from there to find a chest. Open it to receive [Farm Expansion
Plugin]. Go back northwest, then follow the road north for a scene.

After the scene, go northwest from the second road split and open the chest at the end
for three [Revival Capsule]. Go back to the second road split, this time go northeast.
Once the two roads merge together, head southwest for another chest with [Sleep
Barrier DX]. Now backtrack northeast, then keep moving north.

From the third road split, go northwest. Pick up the shiny object at the end for [Indramon
Medal ( イ ン ダ ラ モ ン メ ダ ル )]. Go back southeast, and take the northeast road. Go
southwest once the two roads reunite, then open the last chest at the end for  [Memory
UP]. Follow the road north until you reach an Access Point. Prepare for the boss ahead and
save, I recommend bringing some Vaccine Digimon. Once you're ready, move north into
the next area.

Roppongi Underground Research Lab

Move north a bit to trigger a few scenes. Afterwards, a boss battle will take place. You
won't be able to scan the next two bosses.

Guest Character: Nokia (ノキア) with Omnimon.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: -
Crusadermon (ロードナイトモ
Virus Dark
Yen: -

Once Crusadermon's HP gets down to around 50%, the battle will end. You'll see a CG
scene, some more scenes after that, then another boss battle. Your Digimon will be healed.

Guest Character: Fei (フェイ) with TigerVespamon.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: -
Eater Eve (イーター・イ
Free Neutral
Yen: -

The battle will end once the eater's HP gets down to around 5-10%. After the scenes, you
will be in a new area.

Path to the Spirit World

In here, all you have to do is move forward. Each time you approach Yuuko? (悠子?), you
will get a short scene with her. After four or five scenes, you will be back in Roppongi.
Some more scenes will play out. You will obtain 1,000 CSP and the chapter will come to an

Chapter 12: Wandering

This is a story driven chapter full of scenes.

Move north towards the ghost figure of Yuugo for a series of scenes.

Detective Agency
You will be back in the office, some more scenes will occur. This will conclude the chapter.

Chapter 13: Tokyo Digification

Once you have control over your character, exit Nakano Broadway and head for Asakusa

Victory Uchida - Asakusa

You can find Victory Uchida hiding on the left side of the area. Talk to him to receive [Aegis
Apple] and [Leviamon Medal (リヴァイアモンメダル)].

Now make your way to Shibuya (渋谷).

Nokia is standing near the top left corner of the first area, speak with her for a scene. Use
the nearby Access Point to enter EDEN, then choose EDEN Free Area (EDEN フリーエリア).

EDEN Free Area

A scene will occur as soon as you enter this area. After that, you will obtain 1,000 CSP and
end up back in the agency.

Detective Agency

Check the white board to find two new side cases, and one new DLC case if you have the
"Mission Pack 1" installed. Let's pick up the yellow side case first.

Escape from Unemployment! (脱!ニート宣言!!) - Pin: Yellow-04

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Piedmon (ピエモン)
Place: Kowloon Lv. 4 (クーロン Lv. 4)
I want to be like a human... Get a job and earn some money. But I can't find a job! Help me find an
Reward Money: 1,300 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Thundermon Medal x 1
Sleuth's Secret x 1

Once you accept the case, go to EDEN's Kowloon Lv. 4.

Kowloon Lv. 4
On the second map, use the northwest lift to find a new chest there with an  [Export].
Proceed to the next map, then use the first lift to find the case client up north. Speak with
Piedmon ( ピ エ モ ン ), then use the Export item you got earlier (or leave the dungeon
normally). Now exit this dungeon and go to EDEN Open Space (EDEN オープンスペース).

EDEN Open Space

Talk to the NPC with an exclamation mark here, the Circus Ringleader ( サーカス団の団長).
Then head back to Piedmon in Kowloon Lv. 4.

Kowloon Lv. 4
Make your way back to Piedmon in the third map. Once there, talk to it to receive  three
[Best Meat]. This will finish the case. Use a Home Gate ( ホ ー ム ゲ ー ト ) item to teleport
back in front of the agency.

Detective Agency
Turn in the previous side case, then pick up the blue one next. Once you accept the case,
go to Akihabara (秋葉原).

Find the Missing! (行方不明の捜索願い!) - Pin: Blue-06

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Jumpy Hacker (心配性なハッカー)
Place: Uncertain (不明)
DemiDevimon! DemiDevimon! I can't find my DemiDevimon! It must be somewhere in the real world.
Help me look!
Reward Money: 1,500 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300

Bank Expansion Drive x 1
Void Symbol x 1

Head for the exit of the map (northeast corner) and speak with DemiDevimon
there to fight it. DemiDevimon is susceptible to Poison status effect.

Blue-06 Boss Type Attribute

EXP: 744
DemiDevimon (ピコデビモ
Virus Dark
Yen: 336

Winning the fight will end this case. Return to the detective agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Turn in the blue case we just cleared. Now, if you have the "Mission Pack 1" DLC installed
(Additional Mission 2 - 追加ミッション 2 in the Japanese version), you can pick up the next
DLC case (Purple 02). Do so then leave the agency. Climb the escalator to the 3rd floor,
then Connect Jump from the connector near you.

A Villainous Cinematic Case (映画撮影の悪役依頼) - Pin: Purple-02

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Sakuyamon (サクヤモン)
Place: Broadway 3F (ブロードウェイ 3F)
A client is being punished for taking movie roles! Please stop this before things get real bad!
Reward Money: 5,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Billionaire USB x 1

Digital Space 01
Sakuyamon will provide some more details about the case. Go north up the two ramps,
then east and drop down to reach a chest. Open it to receive  three [HP Spray B]. Drop
down a second time to be back at the entrance, go up the north ramps again and use the
teleporter there. Follow the south path to the end, ignoring the teleporter on the way. You
will come to three chests, one of them blocked by a Lv.4 firewall. Break the firewall with
Wall Crack Lv.4 (ウォールクラック Lv.4) hacking skill, which requires four Ultimate (Perfect 完
全 体 ) or above Digimon in your party. The east chest contains [Home Gate], the west
chest contains three [HP Capsule A]. Finally, the north chest contains two [Boost
Banana]. Now go back to the south teleporter and use it. Approach the three Digimon up
ahead for a battle.

You can Dot Rosemon with Texture Blow to prevent her from healing your
opponents. BlackWarGreymon can also be Poisoned with Venom Trap.

Purple-02 Boss 1 Type Attribute Drops

Myotismon (ヴァンデモン) Dark EXP: 7,900

BlackWarGreymon (ブラックウォ BlackWarGreymon Medal (B ウォーグ
ーグレイモン) レイモンメダル)
Yen: 7,920
Rosemon (ロゼモン) Data Plant

After you win the battle and watch the scene, use the nearby Access Point to heal
your party. Once you're ready, speak with Justimon ( ジ ャ ス テ ィ モ ン ) for a
second battle.

Purple-02 Boss 2 Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

Starmon (スターモン) Data Neutral EXP: 7,136 Pearl Starmon Medal

Justimon (ジャスティモン) Vaccine Fighter Disk

Yen: 5,760
SuperStarmon (スーパースター Brave Point SuperStarmon
モン) D Medal

After the battle and scene, the side case will be over. Return to the agency and turn in this

Turning in this DLC case (Purple-02) will unlock Digital Space 01 in the Mirror Dungeon.

Detective Agency
While inside the detective agency, examine the piles of boxes and papers on the right side
of the room near the white board. You will be prompted with a message saying "Let's take
a break," choose Yes (はい) to be taken you to a new Digital Network.

Digital Network VI
From the first node, go northwest and follow the linear path. At the end, pick up the shiny
object for [SPD Restraint Chip B]. Go back to the first node, then move one node to the
northeast. Head southeast for another shiny object, examine it to get [INT Restraint Chip
B]. Move three nodes to the north, then take the west path. Pick up the last item at the end
to get [HP Restraint Chip B] from it. Backtrack east, then make your way north toward
the exit. You will watch a short scene, then be sent back to the agency. This will unlock a
new case.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Exit the agency and head south. Speak with Nokia near the escalator to unlock another
case. Now return to the agency and check the white board. Let's do the case listed below

first (Red 17). Accept the case for a scene. Next, exit Nakano Broadway to unlock a new
area, Ueno (上野), enter this new area.

Night of the Enigma (鵺の夜) - Pin: Red-17

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Masanori (マサノリ)
Place: Ueno (上野)
Help my sister!

Reward Money: 900 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

As soon as you enter Ueno, you will view several scenes. At the end of them, a battle will

Guest Character: Fuuka (ふうか) with Numemon and Elecmon.

Boss Type Attribute Possible Drops

EXP: 1,108 ATK Restraint Chip C

Cyclonemon (サイクロモ
Virus Earth
Yen: 632
Cyclonemon Medal

After the battle, the case will be over and you'll be sent back to the agency.

Turning in this case (Red-17) will unlock Digital Network VI in the Mirror Dungeon.

Detective Agency
Turn in the previous case, then pick up Nokia's case for a scene. After that, you will end up
in Shinjuku (新宿).

Shinjuku Food Tour (新宿グルメ探訪) - Pin: Red-18

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Nokia Shiramine (白峰ノキア)
Place: Broadway (ブロードウェイ入口)
Agumon and the others just want to eat and eat! Take them to Shinjuku and feed them! We'll settle up
Reward Money: 600 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Memory UP x 1

Go into the shopping district (second map). Examine the restaurant with a green sign right
before the subway stairs for a scene. After that is over, go to the easternmost corner of this
area and hit "X" button to check the second restaurant. After the scene, go back to the first
map. Once there, immediately walk a little bit east and examine the middle store above
you (out of three small stores) for the last scene. This will clear the case and send you back
to the agency.

Detective Agency
After the scene, turn in the case to finish the chapter.

Chapter 14: What is a Youth?

You will be in Shibuya (渋谷) after the scene. Leave it and head for Akihabara (秋葉原).

Approach Leopardmon (ドゥフトモン) near the shop for a scene. You will obtain 1,000 CSP
after the scene. Now go to the Detective Agency to start another scene.

Detective Agency
Check the white board for two new side cases. I'll start with the yellow one first (Yellow 05).
After accepting the case, head for the Central Hospital (セントラル病院).

Numemon Strikes Back (逆襲のヌメモン) - Pin: Yellow-05

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Numemon (ヌメモン)
Place: Central Hospital (セントラル病院)
Digimon are always making fun of me... Today they won't laugh! I just need some materials for a
Reward Money: 1,300 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Durability Patch x 1
HP Restraint Chip A x 1

Central Hospital
As soon as you enter the hospital, turn right and talk to Victory Uchida there to
receive a [Large Capacity USB ( 大 容 量 の USB)]. Connect Jump from the
connector left of the Access Point.

Digital Space 05
Talk to Numemon for more details on the case. Numemon wants you to get
eight Syakomon's Shells (シャコモンの貝殻). You can only encounter Syakomon
in this Digital Space during this case. You can get Syakomon in the first map
(where Numemon is at), but it's best to explore this dungeon again to get some
new treasure chests.

Case Encounter Type Attribute Drops

EXP: 344
Syakomon (シャコモ
Virus Water Syakomon's Shell (シャコモンの貝殻)
Yen: 352

Operate one of the two south teleporters, then the north teleporter. Follow this path to the
end for a chest with [Monk Disk]. Return to the first map, then use the upper teleporter
out of the two on the west side. Follow the east path around as it turns north then west for
another chest with [Thief Disk]. From the first map again, use the left northern teleporter
to arrive near the last chest, open it to obtain [Energy Disk].

Once you have collected eight Syakomon's Shells from Syakomon encounters, you will
be teleported to Numemon. It will use the shells to digivolve, then face you in b attle.

Yellow-05 Miniboss Type Attribute

EXP: 1,028
ShellNumemon (カラツキヌメモ
Virus Water
Yen: 592

You will clear the case after winning the battle. Go back to the agency to claim your

Turning in this case (Yellow-05) will unlock Digital Space 05 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished "A Life Crisis!?" (Blue-02) case.

Detective Agency
Turn in the case, then pick up the blue one (Blue 07). Go to the Central Hospital ( セントラル
病院) again.

Nanimon on Sunday (日曜日のナニモン) - Pin: Blue-07

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Nanimon (ナニモン)
Place: Central Hospital (セントラル病院)
I have an errand for you. Come and ask what you have to buy. That is all.
Reward Money: 300 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Earth Symbol x 1
Wind Symbol x 1

Central Hospital

The connector for this case is further left of where the previous case connector was, which
is on a vending machine left of the Access Point (at the top left corner). Connect Jump from

Digital Space 10
Follow the linear path ahead, then use the teleporter at the end. Speak with Nanimon ( ナニ
モン) up north, choose the first option. Now exit this dungeon and go to Shinjuku (新宿).

As soon as you enter, talk to the NPC northwest of you (has an exclamation mark). It's the
Newspaper Part-Timer (新聞配達のバイト), choose Yes (はい) to buy a newspaper from him
for 100 Yen. You will obtain a Daily Tokkaido Sport (日刊東海道スポーツ). Return to Nanimon
by Connect Jumping again from the Central Hospital.

Digital Space 10
Make your way to the end of this small dungeon. Choose the first option when you speak
with Nanimon, you will deliver the newspaper. This clears the case. Exit this space and
return to the agency (or just use the Home Gate item), then turn the case in.

Turning in this case (Blue-07) will unlock Digital Space 10 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "Nightmare Eater" (Red-06) case.

Detective Agency
Turn in the previous case, then go to the Central Hospital ( セントラル病院) to continue the

Central Hospital (セントラル病院)

Victory Uchida - Central Hospital
If you didn't speak with Victory Uchida in the side cases section, turn right from the
hospital entrance and talk to him there to get a [Large Capacity USB (大容量の USB)].
Talk to Yuuko near the elevators for a scene. After that, you will be in the Special Ward ( 特
別病棟), return back down to the Lobby ( ロビー) via the elevator. Speak with the nurse at
the south end of the reception desk to get the keyword "Confused Man" ( 錯乱した男). Use
the keyword on the Energetic Boy ( 元気 な男 の子 ) sitting on one of the sofas to the west,
then climb the elevator to the General Ward (一般病棟). Go right and north through the long
hallway, ignore all the doors on the way and examine the top right door at the end of the
hall for a few scenes. You will end up in a new dungeon.

Makoto Yamashina's Memory

This is a straightforward dungeon, all you have to do is follow the linear platforms and drop
down from the red platform at the end of each. Once you reach the bottom, use the A ccess
Point to heal up and prepare. When you're ready, talk to Ebemon ( イーバモン)
to fight it.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Ebemon (イーバモ Virus Electric Exp: 4,000 Memory UP


Yen: 7,200


You will get some scenes after the battle, and you will also obtain 1,000 CSP. The scenes
will leave you in Toyosu Condos, exit this place and go to Shinjuku.

I recommend visiting the DigiLab from the Access Point here to heal your party.
Enter the shopping district (second map), then approach the subway entrance
for a scene. After that, you will face a boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 1,264
Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 1,440

You will obtain another 1,000 CSP after the boss battle. Enter the subway to be in
Shinjuku's Digital Shift.

Shinjuku Digital Shift

You will get a scene as soon as you enter the dungeon. After that, move forward through
the dungeon until you reach the second Access Point. From there, climb up the stairs
northeast of the Access Point. Touch the sphere here to initiate a battle.

Guest Character: Arata with Infermon.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 1,060
Megadramon (メガドラモ
Virus Wind
Yen: 864

Winning this battle will remove the train blocking your path in the previous area. Open the
nearby chest to obtain [Ruby], then go back down the stairs. Use the Access Point to heal
up and prepare for the next boss, then take the railway north into the last area. Proceed
north through the long path and approach the eaters for a quick scene, followed by a boss

Guest Character: Arata with Infermon.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: 7,868
Humanoid Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

The boss has a move called Texture Field, which can inflict Dot on all your front-line
Digimon. It will keep using it if there's at least two or more of your Digimon

After the battle, a few scenes will play out, then the chapter will end.

Clearing this chapter will unlock Makoto Yamashina's Memory ( 山科誠の記憶) in the Mirror

Chapter 15: Parallel World

You will start the chapter in Nakano Broadway.

Victory Uchida - Nakano Broadway

You can find Victory Uchida next to the restrooms on the 3rd floor of Nakano Broadway.
Speak with him to receive [Clever Carrot] and [Beelzemon Medal (ベルゼブモンメダル)].

If you wish to do this chapter's side cases, continue reading below. Otherwise, skip
to Shibuya (渋谷).

Detective Agency
Check the white board in the Detective Agency to see three new side cases. I will be doing
the Blue 08 side case first. Accepting the case will teleport you to Kabuterimon in Shinjuku

A Pet Digimon (愛玩デジモン) - Pin: Blue-08

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Kabuterimon (カブテリモン)
Place: Shinjuku (新宿)
My Master has always treated me well. But things have changed... Why? Please help me! I'm so lonely!
Reward Money: 1,200 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1
Wood Symbol x 1

Your character will automatically talk to Kabuterimon. After that, use the nearby Access
Point to enter EDEN's Free Area (EDEN フリーエリア).

EDEN Free Area

Upon entering this area, a story scene will play out, then a battle with Kentaurosmon (スレ
イプモン). You can't catch up to Kentaurosmon's speed as of now, so the fight will end after
a few turns. You will be back in the agency after the scenes.

Enter EDEN Free Area again. Talk to the Hacker Boy (ハッカーの少年) in the top left corner of
the enclosed area above, you will obtain the keyword "Digivolution" ( 進化) from him. Now
exit this place and go to Shinjuku (新宿).

Use the Digivolution keyword you have on Kabuterimon, northeast of the Access
Point. This will make you fight Kabuterimon.

Blue-08 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 1,572
Kabuterimon (カブテリモ
Vaccine Plant
Yen: 864

After the battle, head to Ueno (上野).

Another story related scene will play out here, but we'll come back to it after the side
cases. Speak with the Retired Old Hacker ( 元 ハ ッ カ ー の 老 人 ) to obtain the keyword "De-
Digivolution" (退化). Now head back to Kabuterimon in Shinjuku (新宿).

Use the De-Digivolution keyword on Kabuterimon to complete the case. Return to the

Broadway/Detective Agency
Turn in the case, then pick up the upper yellow 06 case. You will be teleported to the case
client on the 2nd floor of Broadway. He will give you a [Monster Drawing (えんぴつ書きの
お化けの絵)] key item. Now go to Asakusa (浅草).

Uncovering the Seventh Riddle (校内七不思議、7 番目の正体) - Pin: Yellow-06

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Energetic Boy (元気な男の子)
Place: Broadway Card Shop (ブロードウェイ・カードショップ)
There are seven riddles in the school. And I saw the monster of the seventh! Help me uncover its true
Reward Money: 500 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Pandamon Medal x 1
Dark Night Symbol x 1

Talk to the Old Man (おじいさん) here, then exit Asakusa and head to the Central Hospital

Central Hospital
Speak with Socerimon (ソーサリモン) in front of the reception desk. Leave the hospital and
make your way to Akihabara (秋葉原).

Talk to Wizardmon (ウィザーモン) near the shop to trigger a battle.

Yellow-06 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,348 Export
Wizardmon (ウィザーモ
Data Dark
Yen: 752
Wizardmon Medal

After the battle, you will return to the Energetic Boy in Broadway, he will take his sketch
back and the case will be cleared.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Turn in the case, then pick up the next side case (Yellow 07). You will be teleported to K-
Cafe once you accept the case. Examine the connector next to the case client to Connect
Jump to Digital Space 09.

Problems at Digipedia Continued (続・おかしなフリー百科大辞典) - Pin:

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Dictionary Site Administrator (辞書サイトの管理人)
Place: K-Cafe (K-カフェ)
The same problem has happened again. The Digipedia is at great risk! Could you help me out?
Reward Money: 2,800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Bank Expansion Drive x 1

Digital Space 09
If you didn't get the chest blocked by the Lv.4 firewall on your first visit to this space in
chapter 8, you can do so now, provided you have four Ultimate (Perfect 完全体) or above
Digimon in your party. Use the teleporter southeast of the Access Point, then break the
firewall with Wall Crack Lv.4 (ウォールクラック Lv.4) and open the chest to receive [Electric
Guard DX]. Aside from the blocked chest, nothing is new here. Drop down the ledge south
of the Access Point and use the teleporter there. Then use the teleporter south of
the ramp on your right. Follow the linear paths until you reach MetalEtemon.
Talk to it to trigger a battle.

Yellow-07 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 3,532
MetalEtemon (メタルエテモ
Virus Earth
Yen: 3,456

Broadway/Detective Agency

After the battle, you will be back in K-Cafe and the case will be over. Return to the
detective office and turn in the case to get your reward. Then head to Shibuya (渋谷).

Turning in this case (Yellow-07) will unlock Digital Space 09 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "Problems at Digipedia" (Blue-05) case.

Shibuya (渋谷)
Your goal here is to enter the pixelated subway entrance, but it's heavily guarded from
both side. In order to get past the guards, you need to use the Stealth Hide ( ステルスハイド)
hacking skill, which requires a Virus type Digimon to be in your party. There's an Access
Point nearby if you need to use the DigiLab. Once you bypass the guards, enter the subway
to end up in a familiar dungeon.

Shibuya Digital Shift (渋谷-デジタルシフト)

Follow the path to the east until you see an item inside a garbage can, examine that to
get three [HP Capsule A]. Then go southwest of that "chest" into the next area. Go all
the way south into the following area. Head east until you see another glowing garbage
can, examine it for [Development Patch]. Now go north into the next map through the
nearby exit. There's a shiny object in the top right corner of this area, pick it up
for [Makuramon Medal ( マ ク ラ モ ン メ ダ ル )]. Climb the stairs west of you into the next
area, then keep going east until you find a chest, open it to obtain [Sage Disk]. Go back
west, and take the first north stairs down into the following map. Approach the sphere up
north in here for a quick battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,060 Jade
Crowmon (ヤタガラモ
Vaccine Wind
Yen: 864
Ninja USB

After the fight, an obstacle will disappear, we'll come to it shortly. Climb the north stairs,
then head west for a chest with two [SP Spray B]. Backtrack to the previous area. Go
south, then east from the intersection. At the end of the path, go south to find another
chest that contains [Farm Expansion Plugin]. After that, head all the way north into the
next area. You can use the Access Point here if you want, I recommend bringing a few Virus
Digimon. To the north is the last chest, which contains [Farm Development Kit]. Step on
the railway on your right and follow it north. Save your game, then keep going north until a
scene is triggered. A boss battle will follow soon after.

Guest Digimon: Magnamon (マグナモン).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 5,700
Dynasmon (デュナスモ
Data Wind Memory UP
Yen: 8,300

After you beat Dynasmon, a few scene will take place. You will obtain [Harmonious Will]
and 1,000 CSP.

Detective Agency
You will be sent here after the events in the previous dungeon. Your next destination is
Ueno (上野).

A scene will trigger as soon as you enter Ueno (if you didn't get it already from doing the
side cases). Speak with Gankoomon ( ガ ン ク ゥ モ ン ) here for a scene. You will be in the
second area of Ueno, which was inaccessible before. Use Stealth Hide to get through the
guards here, then enter the dungeon.

Ueno Digital Shift

Climb the stairs northeast of the entrance, then go west into the adjacent area. Go
south and climb down the stairs, your aim here is to get to the top left corner of
the area. Go southwest and around the obstacles to reach that corner. Approach
the sphere for a quick encounter.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,060 Brave Point D

WereGarurumon (ワーガルルモ
Vaccine Earth
Yen: 864
Monk Disk

After the battle, Connect Jump from the connector in the northwest corner, you will be in a
new Digital Network.

Digital Network VIII

Go north once, then turn left from the first node. Now go northeast twice for a shiny object
that has [Diamond]. Go back south twice, then go northwest once, then northeast for
another shiny object. You will obtain three [INT Boost] from it. Return to the entrance,
this time go right two times from the first node. Head north once, then west for a shiny
object with three [ATK Boost]. Go back east, then make your way northeast until you get
to the last shiny object. Picking it up will give you [Brave Point C]. Go all the way south to
exit this network from the other side.

Ueno Digital Shift

You will be in the small blocked area of Ueno Digital Shift's first map. Go south and pick up
the shiny object to receive [Mummymon Medal (マミーモンメダル )]. Connect Jump back
into Digital Network VIII.

Digital Network VIII

Aim for the other exit on the southwest corner to get back to the main dungeon.

Ueno Digital Shift (上野-デジタルシフト)

Now that we're back in Ueno Digital Shift, climb up the stairs to your left to get to the chest
above you. Open it for three [HP Capsule A]. Go all the way south from the connector,
you will see two chests on both sides. The right chest contains [Memory UP], while the

left one has two [Revival Capsule]. Now go back to the first map. Connect jump from the
easternmost connector to enter another Digital Network.

Digital Network VII

From the first node, go northwest twice, then pick up the shiny object to get  ten [HP
Capsule C]. Backtrack one node, then follow the path north. Go northwest when the road
branches off for the third time. Pick up the shiny object here to obtain  [Emerald]. Go back
and head north twice, then turn right onto the long path that takes you back south. Now
head north for four nodes, then northeast for the last shiny object with [Home Gate]. Go
back south, then keep going north until you see the exit. Logout to be back in Ueno Digital

Ueno Digital Shift

Open the chest on the right side here to obtain [Bank Expansion Drive]. Connect Jump
back into Digital Network VII.

Digital Network VII

Move all the way south to reach the bottom side of the network, then leave through the
exit there to return to the main dungeon.

Ueno Digital Shift

Climb up the stairs and use the Access Point to prepare and heal up, I recommend having
some Wind Data Digimon in your party. Once you're ready, go north. Save the game, then
keep going north until you get a scene.

Guest Digimon: Hackmon (ハックモン).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 6,000

BanchoLeomon (バンチョーレオモ
Vaccine Earth Memory UP
Yen: 8,000

After the battle and a few scenes, you will obtain [Steel Will (鋼の意思)] and 1,000 CSP.

Detective Agency
You will be sent back to the agency again. If you skipped this chapter's side cases, you
need to visit EDEN Free Area. Otherwise, go to the DigiLab section below.

EDEN Free Area

As soon as you enter this place, you will view a scene, then a battle will start. However, it
will end soon after it starts, which is about a few turns. Now go back to the agency.

Detective Agency
Talk to Kyoko in the agency, then exit to Broadway and enter the DigiLab.

Speak to Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ) for a scene. Now leave the DigiLab.

Nakano Broadway
You will see Ryota (リョウタ) standing in front of the DigiLab and the Agency door. Talk to
him, then head for EDEN's Kowloon Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Go north into Kowloon's Galacta Park, then approach the NPCs in the center for a scene.
Doing this will unlock a new case, so head back to the agency to check it out.

Detective Agency
Accept the new red case (Red 19) from the white board, then go to the Central Hospital ( セ

Yuuko and Yuugo (悠子とユーゴ) - Pin: Red-19

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Yuuko Kamishiro (神城悠子)
Place: Central Hospital (セントラル病院)
I want to discuss the details in person. It's about Yuugo. I'll be waiting in my brother's hospital room.
Reward Money: 3,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Memory UP x 1

Central Hospital
Speak to the nurse with an exclamation mark to be taken to Yuugo's hospital room. After
the scene, you will obtain the keyword "Yuugo's Whereabouts" ( ユーゴの行方). You will be
back in the hospital lobby, use the nearby Access Point to enter EDEN's Kowloon Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Make your way to the lift that leads up to Kowloon Lv. 2. Talk to the Dashing Zaxon Hacker
(いなせなザクソンハッカー ) near the lift and use the keyword you have, then ascend to the
second level.

Kowloon Lv. 2
I recommend getting some Vaccine Digimon from the DigiLab, if you didn't bring any. Enter
the north area, then approach Yuuko on the northwest corner for a couple of scenes. You'll
end up facing Yuugo in another dungeon.

Guest Character: Yuuko with RizeGreymon (ライズグレイモン).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Machinedramon (ムゲンドラモ Virus Electric EXP: 1,948 Master Guard (マスターガード)


Yen: 18,000


After you defeat Machinedramon, you'll view some more scenes and get sent back to the
agency. The case will also be cleared, so check the white board to turn it in. Next, enter the

Talk to Mirei Mikagura ( 御神楽ミレイ ) to trigger a CG scene. After that, you will be in the
dungeon below.

Shinjuku Digital Shift (新宿-デジタルシフト)

Guest Character: Rina Shinomiya with Veemon ( ブイモン).

Note that your DigiLine won't function inside this dungeon. While you can still receive
messages, they just won't be delivered to you until you defeat the boss and leave this

Enter the north area. You can buy some items from the shop here. Once you're done,
enter the northeast area. Make your way to the top-right corner of this area, then approach
the sphere there for a quick battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 2,048 Diamond
2 Meteormon (インセキモ
Data Earth
Yen: 1,680
Meteormon Medal

After the fight, you will obtain [Parallel World IC Card (パラレルワールドの IC カード)]. Use
the IC Card to open the gate with the exclamation mark at the middle of this map, then
enter thearea behind it. Climb up the stairs past the Access Point, then approach
the second sphere for another quick battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,084 Searcher Patch

Gigadramon (ギガドラモ
Virus Wind
Yen: 880
Gigadramon Medal

Winning this battle will remove the obstacle blocking your path. Climb back
down the stairs, then step onto the railway to the east and enter the north area.
Save your game, then take the road north until you get a scene followed by a boss

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 6,500
Barbamon (バルバモ
Virus Dark Memory UP DX
Yen: 18,000

After the scenes, you'll be back in the DigiLab. Exit the lab and enter EDEN's Free Area.

EDEN Free Area

Go east to trigger a quick scene then a boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: -
Kentaurosmon (スレイプモ
Vaccine Light
Yen: -

The battle will end once you get the Kentaurosmon's HP down to around 5%.

Detective Agency
After some scenes, you will obtain 1,000 CSP. Head to Asakusa (浅草).

Use your Stealth Hide ( ス テ ル ス ハ イ ド ) hacking skill here to sneak past the guards into
Asakusa's digital shift.

Asakusa Digital Shift

Enter the next room up north. Take the second left turn to reach a chest with three [SP
Capsule B]. Go back to the main road, then take the second right turn this time. Open the
chest there for[Brave Point C]. Now, take the third left path, which will lead you to
a sphere. Go near it to trigger a quick battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 1,132
Panjyamon (パンジャモ
Vaccine Water
Yen: 912

After the battle, backtrack to the main road, then take the third right turn. Pick up the
shiny object on the south side to get [Icemon Medal (アイスモンメダル)]. Then continue
north and approach the second sphere for another quick battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 1,132
Chirinmon (チィリンモ
Vaccine Light
Yen: 912

After the fight, enter the area you just unlocked north of the Access Point. Save the game,
then get near the NPC for a scene followed by a boss battle.

Guest Character: Arata with Infermon (インフェルモン).

Boss Type Attribute Results

EXP: 8,048
Humanoid Eater (イータ
Free Neutral
Yen: 0

After the battle, you will obtain 1,000 CSP. A scene will play out, then another boss battle.
This time however, you will be controlling one of the Royal Knights Gallantmon (デュークモ

The battle will end after boss' first turn. So will the chapter after a few scenes.

Chapter 16: Diver City, Isle of Dragons

The Offline Colosseum's Legendary Cup becomes available this chapter if you completed
the previous cups. You start the chapter in K-Cafe. Exit Nakano Broadway and enter
Shibuya (渋谷).

Victory Uchida - Shibuya

Head towards the Shibuya Records store, you can find Victory Uchida inside the store, on
the left side. Talk to him to receive a [Panic Barrier DX].

Return to the agency so we can do the side cases for this chapter. If you wish to skip the
side cases however, click here. If you have the "Mission Pack 1" DLC installed, you can
unlock a new DLC case now. So before checking the white board, enter EDEN through the
agency's TV and choose Kowloon Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Go north into the next area, and north again past the Galacta Park. You will see Biyomon
and Bukamon standing on the left side of this area, approach them for a quick scene and to
unlock the third DLC case. Now go back to the agency to start the side cases.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Check the white board to find four new side cases and one DLC case. I will start with the
leftmost new blue case (Blue 09). Accept the case to be taken to the case client. When you
are given multiple choices, keep choosing the second option for three times. You will end
up getting the [Warm Blanket (あったかい毛布)] for free (other choices will let you buy it
for 5,000 Yen or more). After the scenes are over, exit Nakano Broadway and go to
Shinjuku (新宿).

Poor Cold Digimon (寒そうなあの子に) - Pin: Blue-09

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info

Client: Kindhearted Girl (心優しい女の子)
Place: Candy Store, Broadway 2F (ブロードウェイ 2F・おもちゃ屋)
I saw MetalGreymon when I was walking outside. It looked so cold and sad. Will you take a blanket to
Reward Money: 600 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1
Power Pine x 3

Use the hacking skill Stealth Hide ( ステルスハイド ) to enter the shopping district (second
area). Speak to MetalGreymon (Blue) (メタルグレイモン (青)), who is standing next to the
subway entrance, to give him the Warm Blanket. MetalGreymon (Blue) will entrust you
with [Old Music Box (古ぼけたオルゴール)] to give to the Kindhearted Girl as thanks. Now,
return to Nakano Broadway.

Nakano Broadway
Climb the escalator to the 3rd floor, then talk to the Kindhearted Girl to give her the Old
Music Box and finish the case. Return to the agency and turn in the case.

Detective Agency
Accept the blue case (Blue 10) from Betamon. After that, head to Akihabara (秋葉原).

Constant Bragging (自慢話もほどほどに) - Pin: Blue-10

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Betamon (ベタモン)
Place: Akihabara (秋葉原)
BanchoLeomon won't stop bragging! My friend warned me... Someone please make BanchoLeomon
Reward Money: 1,500 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Water Symbol x 1

Look for the connector next to the Sega store on the north side. Connect Jump from there
to arrive in a Digital Space dungeon.

Digital Space 07
Follow the east path to the other side of this map, ignore the southwest teleporter and take
the one in the middle of the map. Drop down to the northeast to reach a new chest in this
dungeon, open it to receive [DEF Restraint Chip B].Head west until you see
BanchoLeomon ( バ ン チ ョ ー レ オ モ ン ) and Betamon ( ベ タ モ ン ). Talk to
BanchoLeomon, then to Betamon and finally to BanchoLeomon to initiate a battle
with him.

Blue-10 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 1,696
BanchoLeomon (バンチョー BanchoLeomon Medal (バンチョーレオ
Vaccine Earth
レオモン) モンメダル)
Yen: 18,000

This will be a weaker version of the BanchoLeomon you faced last chapter, Poison works
very well on him so bring a Digimon with Venom Trap. After you win, choose any line from
the multiple choices given to you and the case will be over. Return to the agency (or use a
Home Gate item) to turn in the case.

Turning in this case (Blue-10) will unlock Digital Space 07 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "Home Security Guard" (Yellow-03) case.

Broadway/Detective Agency
After claiming your reward from the previous case, accept the yellow one (Yellow 08) next,
which is from Growlmon. After accepting the case, take the escalator to the 3rd floor of
Nakano Broadway, then move to the northeast area (where the elevator is at). You'll see a
connector in front of you, Connect Jump from it to enter the dungeon.

Not Enough Food (足りない食材) - Pin: Yellow-08

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Growlmon (グラウモン)
Place: Broadway 3F (ブロードウェイ 3F)
My master is really sad and doesn't even eat. I want to make some good food! But I can't do it! Help
Reward Money: 800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Vigor Mushroom x 3
Aegis Apple x 3

Digital Space 12
Take the southwest teleporter first to get to a chest containing two [Brave Point E].
back to the entrance, then take the southeast teleporter this time. Follow the
linear path all the way, until you reach the case client Growlmon. Speak with him,
then use the southeast teleporter to be back in the first map. Ogremon will be
standing in the northeast corner this time, talk to him to trigger a battle.

Yellow-08 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,268 CRT Boost

Ogremon (オーガモ
Virus Earth
Yen: 712
Ogremon Medal

After the battle, you will obtain [Ogremon Bone (オーガモンの骨)]. Return to Growlmon to
give him the bone, he will give you [Growlmon's Noodles (グラウモンのお手製ラーメン)].
Now, use a Home Gate item to return to the agency, then enter EDEN's Entrance.

EDEN Entrance
Talk to the Woman Hacker ( 女性ハッカー ) near the entrance to this place to give her the
Noodles. This will end the case, so return to the agency to claim your reward.

Turning in this case (Yellow-08) will unlock Digital Space 12 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "I'm Not a Flower Person..." (Blue-03) case.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Once you turn in the previous case, then accept the blue case (Blue 11). Now head over to
the Central Hospital (セントラル病院).

Dr. Datamon Develops Medicine (ナノモン博士の新薬開発) - Pin: Blue-11

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Dr. Datamon (ナノモン)
Place: Central Hospital (セントラル病院)
I am a famous expert at making Digimon medicine. Call me "Dr. Datamon." I need help with my
Reward Money: 1,200 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1
Sacred Symbol x 1

Central Hospital
Connect Jump from the connector east of the reception desk in the lobby. You will be in a
new Digital Space.

Digital Space 04
Talk to Datamon at the entrance to get more details on the case. Head straight east from
Datamon, then drop down the ledge south of you to find a shiny object. Picking that up will
give you [Mystery Herb (謎の薬草 )]. You will be sent back to Datamon, and he will
take the key item from you. Datamon will ask you to hunt two more items, one of
them drop from a PlatinumSukamon around here. If you have a Rookie (Child 成
長期) or above Free type Digimon (i.e. Veemon), you can keep using the hacking
skill Function Call Lv.2 ( フ ァ ン ク シ ョ ン コ ー ル Lv.2) until you face

Case Encounter Type Attribute Drops

PlatinumSukamon (プラチナス Virus Neutral EXP: 5,156 PlatinumSukamon's ? (プラチナスカモン

Yen: 408
カモン) のアレ)

Note that this PlatinumSukamon is exclusive to this case, it is not normally encountered in
this dungeon. As such, you will most likely be unable to face it again here.

Now use the teleporter southwest of Datamon, then open the east chest to receive three
[Alexandrite]. Follow the north path until you reach a shiny object, pick it up
for [Lucemon's Wings (ルーチェモンの羽)]. Once you have both items, you will hand them
over to Datamon after getting teleported back to him. This will complete the case. Use
Home Gate to return to the agency.

Detective Agency
Turn in the case, then pick up the DLC case. You need to have the "Mission Pack 1" DLC
installed (Additional Mission 3 - 追 加 ミ ッ シ ョ ン 3 in the Japanese version) to be able to
unlock and clear this case. Also note that the case name in the English version is "Nakano
Digimon Festival," which is a typo because the original Japanese version translates into
"Ueno Digimon Festival." The Kanji for both Nakano ( 中野) and Ueno (上野) words are very
similar, so it's easy to make a mistake. Once you accept the case, you will view a couple of
scenes and end up in Ueno Digital Shift.

Ueno Digimon Festival (上野デジモンフェスティバル) - Pin: Purple-03

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Tentomon (テントモン)
Place: Ueno Museum (上野博物館)
I'm planning an event for the Digimon! Let's make it even more exciting! Help me, [MC's name]!
Reward Money: 6,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Tactician USB x 1

Ueno Digital Shift

Climb the stairs northeast of the entrance, then approach Kuwagamon (クワガー
モン) and Bakemon (バケモン) for a scene. A battle will start after that.

Purple-03 Boss 1 Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

Bakemon (バケモン) Virus Dark EXP: 3,558 HP Restraint Chip C AGL Attach C

Patamon (パタモン) Data Wind INT Boost Patamon Medal

Yen: 1,884
Kuwagamon (クワガーモ
Virus Plant HIT Boost Kuwagamon Medal

over, you will get another scene. Use the Access Point to heal up
Once the battle is
and prepare, then go north through the opening to the right of the Access Point.

Keep moving forward until you reach the NPCs at the end of this path, you will
get a scene followed by another battle.

Purple-03 Boss Results

Type Attribute Possible Drops
2 (Hard)

EXP: 1,108 HP Spray B
Leomon (レオモ
Vaccine Earth
Yen: 632
Leomon Medal

After the fight, you will get a scene, then another boss battle.

Purple-03 Boss 3 Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

Numemon (ヌメモン) Earth EXP: 4,076 Escape Gate Poison Barrier

BlackKingNumemon (ブラックキ
Dark BlackKingNumemon Medal
ングヌメモン) Virus
Yen: 10,448
DEF Restraint ShellNumemon
ShellNumemon (カラツキヌメモン) Water
Chip C Medal

A quick scene will take place after the battle, then the last boss battle will begin.

Purple-03 Boss 4 Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

GoldNumemon (ゴールドヌメモン) Light EXP: 17,272 CAM USB

PlatinumNumemon (プラチナヌメモ Yen: 6,560
Neutral Tactician USB
ン) (9,840)

After winning the previous fight, you will get a scene and end up at the agency afterwards.
The case will be cleared now, so check the white board to turn it in.

Detective Agency
Once you're done with the side cases, head to the new location Odaiba ( お 台 場 ) on the
Tokyo Map.

Odaiba (お台場)
After the scene, you will be free to explore this dungeon, though there isn't much to
explore. Follow the road north into the next area for a quick scene, then
approach Crusadermon here to trigger a scene, then a boss battle.

Guest Digimon: Magnamon (マグナモン) and Gallantmon (デュークモン).

After a few turns, the battle will end. Some more scenes will play out, then you will be back
in the agency.

Detective Agency

Enter EDEN and go to Kowloon Lv. 1.

Kowloon Lv. 1
Go north to the Galacta Park, approach the center of the park to get a quick scene. Exit the
first level and back to EDEN, then go to Kowloon Lv. 4.

Kowloon Lv. 4
Break down the firewall leading to Level 5 with Wall Crack Lv.4 ( ウ ォ ー ル ク ラ ッ ク Lv.4),
which requires four Ultimate (Perfect 完全体) or above Digimon, then use the lift.

Kowloon Lv. 5 (クーロン Lv. 5)

Guest Character: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン).

Speak with Yuuko here for a scene. This dungeon is filled with traps, but once you discover
a trap it will become visible, this makes it easier not to fall to the same trap twice. Go west,
then enter the next area up north. Head north here, then as you go east, try to trigger one
of the three traps. You will arrive in a small diamond shaped area with a shiny object, pick
it up to get [WaruMonzaemon Medal].

Go back to the 3rd map through the warp portal, then make your way to southeast end of
this map for a chest with [Memory UP]. Go north of the chest you just opened to trigger a
trap. Go through the right side warp portal. Go west while hugging the north side of this
area to reach a chest containing [Farm Expansion Plugin]. The southernmost point of
this platform has a trap that can take you back, go through the left side warp
portal this time. Move eastward, then south into the next area. Follow the
straightforward path here to the end of the map, past the Access Point, for a
scene and a battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 9,000
Craniamon (クレニアムモ
Vaccine Earth Memory UP DX
Yen: 20,000

After the battle and some scenes, you will obtain 1,000 CSP and be sent back to the

Broadway/Detective Agency
Examine the Information bulletin board next to the 1st floor shop to unlock a case. Return
to the agency and accept the case from the white board.

Nakano's Legendary Busters (中野都市伝説バスターズ) - Pin: Red-20

◆Difficulty: ★
◆Client Info
Client: Kyoko Kuremi (暮海杏子)
Place: Broadway (ブロードウェイ)
This is a case from the Broadway management. There are strange rumors in Broadway. Solve them

with these guys.
Reward Money: 800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

After the scene, you will be in the 1st floor of Nakano Broadway. You have to find and
speak with the four Occult Club members on this floor, just circle around the floor and talk
to each club member. After doing that, you will be taken to the 2nd floor. Find and talk to
the same four Occult Club members again to be taken to the 3rd floor. This time search for
three members and talk to them. Then after some long scenes, the case will be over. Turn
it in then go to the 3rd floor of Broadway.

Nakano Broadway 3F
You need to clear the previous case (Red-20) to unlock the next one. Speak with Pete (ピー
ト) near the restrooms to unlock a new case, then return to the agency to pick up the case.

Ghost Cat Building (亡霊性猫ビルディング) - Pin: Red-21

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Old Man Mizushima (水島老人)
Place: Broadway (ブロードウェイ)
I have been looking for so long. My Miko... My poor cat. Please find Miko.
Reward Money: 5,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 500
Memory UP x 1

After the scene, climb to the 4th floor and enter K-Cafe. Talk to the K-Cafe Owner and Part
Timer Sa-chan (バイトのサっちゃん) for a short scene, you will be back outside the agency.
Return to the K-Cafe in 4F, then talk to Old Man Mizushima ( 水島老 人 ) inside for a scene.
Connect Jump from the glowing spot on the left wall.

Digital Network IX
From the second node, go left twice to get a shiny object with [HP Spray A]. Go back to
the second node and take the right path this time. From the next intersection, take the
south path and follow it to reach a shiny object with [Wind Guard DX].

Go back to the previous intersection, then head northeast once, then follow the path west
for another shiny object. Pick it up to get [Brace Point B]. Continue going northeast on
the main path, then go northwest the first chance you get. Take the northeast path first for
a shiny object that gives you two [Friendship]. Go south once, then follow the northwest
path to reach another item. Pick up the shiny object to receive three [SP Restraint Chip

Return to the main path on the eastern most side, then go northeast towards the exit.
Logout to arrive in a new Digital Space.

Digital Space 08
Operate the teleporter north of the entrance, then circle around this place to reach the
north chest, which has an [ATK Restraint Chip B]. Head west and examine the glowing
spot on the floor to read the first data file, you will obtain the keyword "Pete" (ピート).

Return to the entrance, then go west and drop down the ledge and use the teleporter on
the west side. Open the north chest here to receive three [Escape Gate], then examine
the second data file on the south side. Go back to the previous area, then use the
teleporter at the top. Break down the west firewall with Wall Crack Lv.4 to gain access to a
chest containing [SP Restraint Chip B]. The third data file is directly south of this chest,
examine it to read it and obtain the keyword "Yoshito Mizushima" ( 水島ヨシト). Go east and
use the teleporter there to return to the first map.

Go south down the ramp, take the northeast teleporter, then head south and
examine the fourth data file to receive the keyword "Miko" ( ミー子). Ignore the
ledge on the left side and return to the first area by using the north teleporter,
then follow the path west of the Access Point. Operate the teleporter at the end,
then examine the fifth and last data file. After the scene, you will be back in front
of the Access Point in this dungeon. You will also see a Wanyamon Digimon, who
is called Pete (ピート), with a lock on its head. The correct keyword to use here
is "Miko" ( ミ ー 子 ). If you use any of the other two keywords, you will start a
battle with the Digimon.

Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

EXP: 592 SPD Boost

Wanyamon (ワニャモ
Free Wind
Yen: 216
Wanyamon Medal

Whether you choose to fight Wanyamon or not, it doesn't change the outcome of the case
or your rewards. After you make your decision, you will get some scenes then the case will
be over.

Turning in this case (Red-21) will unlock Digital Network IX in the Mirror Dungeon.

Detective Agency
Turn in the case to claim your rewards. Leave the agency for a scene, then head to Odaiba

Odaiba Bay
Enter the next area to the north, then approach Arata for a scene, followed by a boss

Guest Character: Arata.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 1,768
Examon (エグザモ
Data Wind Memory UP DX
Yen: 20,000

After the boss battle and scenes, you will obtain 1,000 CSP and the chapter will end.

Chapter 17: Recollection

You start the chapter inside the agency, you can choose to do the side cases here or skip
to Akihabara Digital Shift (秋葉原-デジタルシフト) to continue the story.

This time there will be two new side cases, one of which rewards you with a unique medal,
so I recommend clearing it.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Check the white board to find new cases. I'll go with the blue (Blue 12) one first. After
accepting the case, climb to Broadway 3rd floor via the elevator. Connect Jump from the
connector on the vending machine left of the elevator.

Desperately Seeking Babysitter (子守のアルバイト、募集中) - Pin: Blue-12

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Impmon (インプモン)
Place: Broadway 3F (ブロードウェイ 3F)
We need a babysitter! We need you to play with the children. Wanna give it a go?
Reward Money: 800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
RedVegiemon Medal x 1
AGL Attach A x 1

Digital Space 08
Take the teleporter north of the entrance, then open the chest in the northwest corner to
get [Lively Patch]. Return to the entrance, then drop down the ledge to the west
and take the first teleporter there to reach Impmon. Talk to it for a battle.

Blue-12 Miniboss Type Attribute Possible Drops

EXP: 844 Sleep Recovery

Impmon (インプモ
Virus Dark
Yen: 376
Impmon Medal

Another battle will follow after you finish the previous one.

Blue-12 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 1,420
Cyberdramon (サイバードラモ
Vaccine Dark
Yen: 1,104

The case will be cleared after the two battles. There's still a couple of new chests to get in
here. Go back to the previous area, then use the teleporter at the top. Follow the path here
and take the teleporter at the end. Go south down the ramp, then take the northeast
teleporter. Open the chest at the bottom to receive two [Escape Gate]. Return to the first
map via the teleporter you just used, then go west from the Access Point and use the
teleporter there. Open the chest here to get [Brainy Patch]. Now, use a Home Gate item
to return to the agency.

Turning in this case (Blue-12) will unlock Digital Space 08 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "Ghost Cat Building" (Red-21) case.

Detective Agency
Turn in the case, then pick up the next (Yellow 09) one. Head to the Central Hospital (セント

Dr. Datamon's Medicine Trial (ナノモン博士の新薬実験) - Pin: Yellow-09

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
   Client: Dr. Datamon (ナノモン)
   Place: Central Hospital (セントラル病院)
I am a famous expert at making Digimon medicine. Call me "Dr. Datamon." I need help with my
Reward Money: 2,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Memory UP x 1
Friendship x 3

Central Hospital
Connect Jump from the connector east of the reception desk.

Digital Space 04
Speak with Datamon to obtain four key items.

 Virus Medicine (ウィルス種用の薬).

 Data Medicine (データ種用の薬).
 Vaccine Medicine (ワクチン種用の薬).
 Free Medicine (フリー種用の薬). Named as "Neutral Medicine" in the English version
of the game. It's a typo, since the item description clearly mentions that it's a Free type

Your task here is to use each medicine on a Digimon with the same type. There are four
Digimon scattered around this dungeon, each with one of the four types. If you use a
medicine on a Digimon with a different type than the one specified on the medicine, you
will end up fighting that Digimon. You can clear the case without fighting any Digimon.
Whether you choose to fight or not is up to you, it doesn't change the outcome of the case
or your rewards. I will list the battle results just in case you end up fighting some/all of the
four Digimon. I recommend fighting these Digimon anyway, since you'll get fairly high
EXP/Yen from them. And all of them are vulnerable to Poison, Dot, and Bug, so it shouldn't
be tough to take them down.

Use the teleporter southwest of Datamon, then make your way north to meet
Megadramon. Megadramon is a Virus type Digimon, so you should give him the
Virus Medicine (ウィルス種用の薬). You will face him in a battle if you give him
the wrong medicine.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 2,260 Nimble Patch

Megadramon (メガドラモ
Virus Wind
Yen: 1,664
Megadramon Medal

After you're done with Megadramon, return to the first map. From Datamon,
follow the northeast path and take the first south teleporter you come across. At
the end of this area lies MegaKabuterimon, a Vaccine type Digimon. Give it a
Vaccine Medicine (ワクチン種用の薬 ) if you don't want to fight it. Otherwise,
give it any other medicine.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 2,260 DEF Restraint Chip C

MegaKabuterimon (アトラーカブテリモ
Vaccine Plant
Yen: 1,664
Plant Guard DX

Return to the previous area, then use the teleporter west of you. You can enter
the DigiLab from the Access Point here if you wish to heal up. The southeast
corner has Paildramon in it, give him the Free Medicine (フリー種用の薬) since
he's a Free type Digimon (mistaken as "Neutral Medicine" in the English version
of the game).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 1,780
Paildramon (パイルドラモ
Free Neutral
Yen: 19,000

Return to the previous area, then follow the path northwest to reach the last
Digimon. Meteormon is a Data type Digimon, so give it a Data Medicine (データ
種用の薬) if you wish to avoid fighting it.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

EXP: 2,260
Meteormon (インセキモ
Data Earth
Yen: 1,664

After you're done giving all the four Digimon their medicine, you will be sent back to
Datamon and the key items will be taken from you. This will mark the end of the case, so
Home Gate back to the agency to turn it in. After that, head to Akihabara (秋葉原).

Victory Uchida - Akihabara

Before talking to Yuuko, go southeast to find Victory Uchida near the Akihabara map exit.
Speak with him to receive [Boost Banana], [Belphemon SM Medal] and [Belphemon
RM Medal].

Attribut Results
Miniboss Type Possible Drops
e (Hard)

EXP: 2,552 Durability Patch

2 MetalTyrannomon (メタルテ
Virus Electric
ィラノモン) Yen: 2,016 MetalTyrannomon
(3,024) Medal

Go back to Yuuko and talk to her for a scene.

Akihabara Digital Shift (秋葉原-デジタルシフト)

Guest Character: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン).

From the first intersection, turn right then take the second path going north. Go west from
the second Access Point, take the first path going south. Head west the first chance you
get, then go north from the T junction all the way into the next area. In the second map,
inspect the shiny object northeast of the sphere to obtain [Flymon Medal (フライモンメダ
ル)]. Approach the sphere for a quick encounter.

After the battle, go back south into the previous area. Take the first turn east,
then the first turn south. Now, take the first turn west, then head south to be
back at the entrance. Go east from the intersection here until you see another
sphere, approach it for another quick battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

Ebemon (イーバモン) Electric EXP: 4,752 Ebemon Medal

Virus Bug Recovery

2 Vademon (ベーダモ Yen: 4,224 Dark Guard
ン) (6,336) DX

Go west after the battle, then take the first turn north. Heal up and prepare from the
Access Point if you want. Once you're ready, save then go north into the next area.
Approach Crusadermon for a scene, followed by a boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 8,000
Crusadermon (ロードナイトモ
Virus Dark Memory UP
Yen: 20,000

After you defeat Crusadermon, you will obtain 1,000 CSP and end up in a dark version of
Akihabara Digital Shift. Just keep moving forward until you get a scene. You will arrive in a
new area once the scenes finish.

Beginning in EDEN
Head south into the next area. Follow the path southwest until you get to another exit,
leave south into the next map. Continue going south and enter the next area. Approach the
Galacta Park look-alike south of you for a few scenes. Once those are over, the chapter will
end with them.

Clearing this chapter will unlock Akihabara Digital Shift in the Mirror Dungeon.

Chapter 18: Lost Memories

In this chapter, you will be controlling Nokia. You can continue playing normally, but you
won't be able to do the following things:

 Hacking Skills are locked.

 Online Colosseum is locked.
 Mirror Dungeon feature is locked.
 You won't be able to freely explore Tokyo.
 You won't be able to receive messages on the DigiLine.
 Can't take on cases from the white board in the detective agency.

Everything else will be the same, and you will be using your own Digimon with Nokia as the
temporary tamer.

Detective Agency
Attempt to leave the agency and choose Yes (はい) to enter the new EDEN area you were in
the previous chapter.

Beginning in EDEN
Guest Character: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン).

After the scene, go south to be forced to enter the DigiLab. Once you're done with the
DigiLab, return to the dungeon then enter the south area. Follow the path southwest until
you see a chest of the left side, open it to receive two [Best Meat]. Head east, ignoring

the south exit for now, and follow the path north to another chest containing [Friendship
DX]. Exit south into the next area. Go west for a chest with [Full Revival Spray]. Now
head east and follow this path until you get a scene. Once that is over, examine the white
crack in the air to get a few more long scenes.

Guest Digimon: Alphamon (アルファモン).

Boss Type Attribute

Crusadermon (ロードナイトモ
Virus Dark

The battle will end once Crusadermon gets below 50% HP. After a quick scene, you will
fight Crusadermon again, with Yuuko this time.

Guest Character: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 10,700
Crusadermon (ロードナイトモ
Virus Dark Memory UP DX
ン) Yen: 22,000

After the battle is over, you will get some scenes, then the chapter will end.

Clearing this chapter will unlock Beginning in EDEN in the Mirror Dungeon.

Chapter 19: Lion King of the Round

After the initial scenes end, make your way to Shinjuku (新宿).

Victory Uchida - Shinjuku

Use the hacking skill Stealth Hide ( ステルスハイド ) to be able to enter the shopping district
(second area). Speak with Victory Uchida, who is standing next to the Digital Shift
entrance, to receive [Tactician USB].
Detective Agency
Inspect the white board to find two new blue cases, pick up the above one (Blue 13) first.
Accepting the case will take you to the client in Shibuya (渋谷).

Princess's Signed CD (ヒメちゃんのサイン入り CD!) - Pin: Blue-13

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Fanboy Nerd (ミーハーオタク)
Place: Shibuya (渋谷)
You know the singer, Princess, right? I want to be a part of the event instead. And then I can push my
signed CDs. Hehe!

Reward Money: 3,800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1

During the scene, you will obtain the key item [Stamp Card ( ス タ ン プ カ ー ド )]. Exit the
Shibuya Records store, then talk to Pabumon (バブモン) outside the store on the left side to
get the first stamp. Leave Shibuya from the nearby exit and head to Ueno (上野). After each
stamp you get, the Event Planner (イベント企画者) will send you a hint for the next stamp
on your DigiLine.

Speak with Tanemon ( タ ネ モ ン ) to receive the second stamp. Exit this area and go to
Akihabara (秋葉原).

Approach Tokomon (トコモン) next to the shop for a scene, choose any of the three choices
to trigger a battle.

Guest Character/Digimon: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン) & Alphamon (ア


Blue-13 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard)

BlackGatomon (ブラックテイルモ
Virus Dark EXP: 2,928

Yen: 2,016
Antylamon (アンティラモン) Data Neutral

After the battle, you will get Tokomon's stamp. Now, head for Nakano Broadway.

Nakano Broadway
Climb to the 4th floor via the elevator, then enter K-Cafe. Talk to Bukamon ( プカモン) and
choose any of the three choices to get the 4th stamp. Exit Broadway and go to Asakusa ( 浅

Speak to Nyaromon (ニャロモン) here, choose the second choice "One" (1 体) to receive the
5th. Now, head for Shinjuku (新宿).

Go east until you see Yokomon ( ピ ョ コ モ ン ), approaching it will trigger a scene, then a

Guest Character/Digimon: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン) & Alphamon (ア


Blue-13 Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,428 HP Restraint Chip C
Vegiemon (ベジーモ
Virus Plant
Yen: 792
Vegiemon Medal

After the battle, you will get the 6th and final stamp. You will be back to Shibuya Records
store in Shibuya (渋谷).

The stamp card will be taken from you during the scene. The case will be over soon after
that, so return to the agency to turn in the case.

Detective Agency
Turn in the previous case and pick up the next one (Blue 14). Accepting the case will take
you to Taomon in Akihabara (秋葉原).

Could It Be...a Stalker!? (まさか……ストーカー!?) - Pin: Blue-14

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Taomon (タオモン)
Place: Akihabara (秋葉原)
I feel like someone is following me around. I don't know who, but I don't like it. Ask them to stop.
Reward Money: 2,100 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Bank Expansion Drive x 1
Spirit Disk x 1

After the chat with Taomon is over, head to the shop then go southeast to find
WarGreymon (ウォーグレイモン). Talk to him to fight him.

Guest Character/Digimon: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン) & Alphamon (ア


Blue-14 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 2,236
WarGreymon (ウォーグレイモ
Vaccine Fire WarGreymon Medal
Yen: 23,000

After the battle, you will obtain [WarGreymon's Diary (ウォーグレイモンの日記)]. You will
be sent back in front of Taomon, and the case will be cleared soon after that. Turn in the
case back at the agency, then go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office (東京新都庁).

Tokyo Metropolitan Office (東京新都庁)
Guest Character/Digimon: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン) & Alphamon (アルファモン).

This dungeon has a lot of elevators, and each elevator leads to a floor cluster that has its
own set of enemy Digimon encounters. I will separate each cluster in its own section. After
the scene, enter the pixelated building. You will be in the lobby, which also has its own set
of enemies. Go up the left set of stairs then climb the leftmost elevator to the 13F.

Floors 13–15F
Go up to 14F from the elevator next to you and open the chest there to get [Farm
Development Kit]. Head back to 13F, then go all the way south and climb the elevator
there to 14F. Follow the linear path and open the chest at the end, which contains five [SP
Capsule A]. Go back down to 13F. As you go north, take the first turn right and use the
elevator on the south side there to ascend one floor, then descend back to 13F from the
east elevator. Go right, then follow the path north past the elevator for a chest
containing [Chrome Digizoid].

Climb to 14F via the elevator near you, then go to the westernmost point on the map for a
shiny object, pick it up to receive [PlatinumNumemon Medal (プラチナヌメモンメダル )].
Open the north chest to get [HP Attach A], then return to 13F. Go east from the elevator,
then all the way south (drop down the ledge) and use the elevator at the bottom to
reach 14F. Climb to 15F from the elevator next to you. Now, go east and open the chest at
the corner of the big room for three [HP Spray A]. Continue going north, inspect the left
elevator first to return power to it, you can use it to go down to the lobby if you want. Once
you're ready to move on, climb up the right elevator to 27F.

Floors 27–30F
From the elevator next to you, climb up to 28F for a chest containing three [HP Capsule
A]. Then go up to 29F for another chest containing [Brave Point B]. Return to 27F, then
go south and open the chest on the east side for two [Revival Capsule DX]. Now, from
the elevator south of this chest, climb up to 28F for a chest with three [Multi-Recovery].
Then head up to 29F for a chest with two [Mental Melon]. Go back down to 27F, then
use the farthest northwestern elevator to reach 28F. Go south and drop down the ledge to
access the area below. Climb up to 29F from the elevator there for a chest
containing [Farm Expansion Plugin]. Descend to 27F, then go south until you see a
chest, open it to get [CRT Attach A].

Now, drop down the ledge on the east side to be back in the first section of 27F. Climb up
to 29F from the elevator north of you, then drop down the ledge southwest of the elevator.
Climb the elevator here down to 28F, then open the chest west of you for a [Bank
Expansion Drive]. Take the same elevator down to 27F, then head southwest until you
get to another elevator. Climb it up to 28F for a chest containing five [HIT Boost]. Now,
go up to 29F, then climb the next elevator to 30F. Use the Access Point to prepare, I
suggest bringing some Virus Digimon. Once you're ready, save your game then go
west to trigger a scene, followed by a boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Dynasmon (デュナスモ Data Wind EXP: 11,400 Memory UP DX

Yen: 22,000

After you defeat Dynasmon and the scene is over, go northeast past the elevators for a
chest containing [Memory UP]. Inspect the right elevator to make it operational, you can
use it to return to the lobby. Climb the left elevator to 36F.

Floors 36–40F
Make your way southeast to the first elevator you see, then move up to 38F from it. Open
the southwest chest to obtain three [HP Spray A]. Head back down to 36F, then continue
going southeast to arrive to another elevator. Climb up to 38F, pick up the west shiny
object to receive [Rosemon BM Medal ( ロ ゼ モ ン BM メ ダ ル )]. Then go up to 39F for a
chest containing [Memory UP]. Climb back down to 37F, go west and operate the
elevator there to go up to 39F. Open the nearby chest to get two [SP Spray A]. Climb
down to 38F to find yet another chest to the north, which contains [Brave Point A].
Descend to 36F from the elevator.

Move northward, opening the chest on the way to obtain five [Escape Gate], then use the
elevator at the north end. Pick 37F first, open the chest on this floor to get five [SP
Capsule A]. Don't drop down the ledge here as it will take you back near the start of this
section. Return to the same elevator and choose 39F this time, go south for a chest that
contains [Bishop Disk]. Now, go down to38F, then head straight north until you see a
chest in the upper-left corner, open it for three [SPD Boost]. Climb the far eastern
elevator to 39F, then go west to find a chest that contains [Farm Expansion Plugin].
Now, go down to 36F for a chest with three [Revival Capsule DX].

Climb up to 37F, there are two chests in this area. The one east of you contains  two
[Clever Carrot], while the southwestern most chest contains [Full Revival Spray]. From
the south elevator in this floor, going down to 36F will net you ten [HP Capsule B] from a
chest. The 38F, however, has a chest that contains [INT Restraint Chip A]. Be careful not
to drop down the west ledge from this chest as it will lead you back near the beginning of
this section. Return to the elevator and climb up to 39F, then follow the linear path south
and climb the elevator at the end up to 40F. Head northeast, the chest in the east corner
contains [Medical Spray DX]. Go north and examine the left elevator to activate it and
open a shortcut to the lobby, then take the right elevator to 48F.

Floors 48–49F/Roof
Follow this path to the other side, operate the elevator there to climb up to 49F. Head
eastward, ignoring the Access Point for now, at the end of the path is a chest
containing [Miracle Meat]. Return to the Access Point, prepare and save here, then take
the center elevator to the roof (R 屋 上 ). Climb up the stairs and approach Arata on the
helipad for a scene. After that, a battle will take place.

Boss Type Attribute Results Drops

EXP: 18,232
Eater Adam (イーター・アダ
Free Neutral Memory UP DX
Yen: 0

After the battle and a scene, you will enter a familiar area.

Path to the Spirit World
Keep heading towards Arata? (アラタ?) for a series of scenes.

Tokyo Metropolitan Office

You will be back at the roof. After a few more scenes, you will face another boss

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 13,700

Leopardmon (ドゥフトモ
Data Light Memory UP DX
Yen: 25,000

You will obtain 1,000 CSP after defeating the boss, and some more scenes will play out.
Once you regain control over your character, you can proceed to the next chapter from
here by going to this section. There are still a few things we can do in chapter 19, so I
suggest leaving chapter 20 for later. Speak to Alphamon (アルファモン) and choose Yes (は
い) to return to the detective agency.

You can get back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office roof anytime you want by talking to
Kyoko (杏子) in her office and choosing Yes (はい). From the agency, exit to Broadway to get
a scene with Rina Shinomiya (四ノ宮リナ). This will unlock a new case from her, which we'll
do after the side cases.

Detective Agency
Inspect the white board to find four new side cases. Let's do Yellow 10 side case first. Pick
it up then go to Shinjuku (新宿).

Dream of the Sky (空にかける想い) - Pin: Yellow-10

◆Difficulty: ★★
◆Client Info
Client: Biyomon (ピヨモン)
Place: Shinjuku (新宿)
Biyomon's dream is to fly through the sky! But no matter how much Biyomon tries, it's no good... Help
Biyomon out!
Reward Money: 1,800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Bank Expansion Drive x 1
SPD Attach B x 1

Go northeast until you see Biyomon. Talk to it, then head to Shibuya (渋谷).

Head for the second area, then speak with Biyomon on the left side of the
Shibuya Records store to start a battle.

Yellow-10 Results
Type Attribute Possible Drops
Miniboss (Hard)

EXP: 894 HP Capsule C

Biyomon (ピヨモン) Vaccine Wind

Yen: 396
SPD Attach E

The case will be complete, return to the agency and turn it in.

Detective Agency
After the previous case is over, pick up the Blue 15 case next. Once you accept the case,
head over to Shinjuku (新宿).

Broken Sleep (安眠妨害) - Pin: Blue-15

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Sleep-Deprived Person (寝不足の人)
Place: Shinjuku (新宿)
It's waaaaay too noisy outside! Those Digimon won't stop fighting each other. Go and tell them to stop.
I'm scared...
Reward Money: 3,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Farm Expansion Plugin x 1
Searcher Patch x 1

Talk to Cyclonemon (サイクロモン) northeast of the entrance, then talk to it a
second time for a battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

Cyclonemon (サイクロモ ATK Restraint Chip

Virus EXP: 2,616 Cyclonemon Medal
ン) C
Yen: 1,464
Leomon (レオモン) Vaccine HP Spray B Leomon Medal

The case will be cleared after the fight, so return to the agency to get your reward.

Detective Agency
Check the white board to turn in the previous case, then pick up the Blue 16 case and go to
the Central Hospital (セントラル病院).

Dr. Datamon Medicine Complete (ナノモン博士の新薬完成) - Pin: Blue-16

◆Difficulty: ★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Dr. Datamon (ナノモン)

Place: Central Hospital (セントラル病院)
I am a famous expert at making Digimon medicine. Call me "Dr. Datamon." I need help with my final
Reward Money: 2,200 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Memory UP x 1
DEF Attach A x 1

Central Hospital
Connect Jump from the connector east of the reception desk in the lobby.

Digital Space 04
Speak with Datamon to get more details, you will obtain Datamon Trial Med (ナノモン開発の
新薬). Datamon will also join you as a guest character for a bit. Go east and follow the path
as it turns north, then west. Take the second south teleporter, use the Access Point if you
wish. From there, go south and approach RustTyranomon ( ラストティラノモン) at the end
for a battle.

Guest Digimon: Datamon (ナノモン).

Blue-16 Boss Type Attribute

RustTyranomon (ラストティラノモ
Virus Electric

Once RustTyranomon gets down to around 50% HP, the battle will end. After the
scene, a second battle will begin, this time without Datamon.

Blue-16 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 2,740
RustTyranomon (ラストティラノモ
Virus Electric RustTyranomon Medal
Yen: 25,000

After the battle, you will be taken back to Datamon at the dungeon entrance, and the case
will be complete. Use a Home Gate to turn in the case at the agency.

Turning in this case (Blue-16) will unlock Digital Space 04 in the Mirror Dungeon,
assuming you've finished the "Dr. Datamon Develops Medicine" (Blue-11) and "Dr.
Datamon's Medicine Trial" (Yellow-09) cases.

Detective Agency
Inspect the white board and accept the last side case available (Yellow 11). You will be sent
to Angemon in Akihabara (秋葉原).

Two Faces (オモテの顔とウラの顔) - Pin: Yellow-11

◆Difficulty: ★★★
◆Client Info

Client: Angemon (エンジェモン)
Place: Akihabara (秋葉原)
My Digimon is out of control in this world, and won't leave the humans alone! Bring it back so I can
scold it!
Reward Money: 1,600 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Kotemon Medal x 1
Medical Spray x 2

After the chat with Angemon, exit Akihabara and go to Asakusa (浅草).

Talk to Devimon ( デ ビ モ ン ) in front of the Digital Shift gate. You will be taken back to
Angemon in Akihabara (秋葉原).

After the scene, you will face Angemon in battle.

Yellow-11 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

EXP: 1,460 Revival Capsule

Angemon (エンジェモ
Vaccine Light
Yen: 808
Mind Disk

The case will be cleared after you defeat Angemon. Home Gate back to the agency and
turn in the case.

Detective Agency
If you have the "Mission Pack 2" DLC (Additional Mission 4 - 追加ミッション 4 in the Japanese
version) installed, you will notice Kyoko Kuremi (暮海杏子) has an exclamation mark above
her head in her office ever since coming back from the Tokyo Metropolitan Office roof.
Speak with her to unlock a new purple case. Inspect the white board in the agency and
accept the case (Purple 03) for a scene with Terriermon.

Terriermon's Exclusive Scoop! (テリアモンの密着取材 24 時!?) - Pin: Purple-04

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Terriermon (テリアモン)
Place: Kuremi Detective Agency (暮海探偵事務所)
I want Digimon to be better friends with humans! That's why I need a secret human scoop!
Reward Money: 18,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300

Master Disk x 1
Master Guard x 1

Once the scene will ends in Shibuya, talk to the Cafe Waitress ( 喫 茶 店 の 女 性 店 員 ) and
choose the second choice "Yes, I do." ( 分 か っ た ). Now choose the first name on the list,
which is "Ichihara" (イチハラ). For the next two multi choice questions, choose the second
choice, then the first choice. These are the correct choices for this case, choosing other
choices will still let you progress the case, but the reward from the Cafe Waitress will be
different. If you answered correctly, she will give you three [Medical Spray DX].

The three choices that affect your reward start from the perpetrator question. You can only
choose Ichihara as the perpetrator, choosing any other person will let Terriermon accuse
Ichihara. So the scene/outcome won't change no matter what you choose, just the reward
and some of the dialogue will be different.

For all other rewards, check the table below:

Reward Choices

SP Capsule C x 2 All three wrong choices.

Revival Capsule x
One correct choice.

HP Spray A x 3 Two correct choices.

Medical Spray All three correct

DX x 3 choices.

Note that this reward is different from the case rewards you generally obtain after clearing
a case. After all this is over, you will be taken to Shibuya Digital Shift.

Shibuya Digital Shift

Make your way to the end of the dungeon, where you fought Dynasmon ( デュナスモン ) in
chapter 15. Approach the NPCs for a scene, then a battle will start after that.

Guest Digimon: Terriermon (テリアモン).

Purple-04 Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 20,000
GroundLocomon (グランドロコモ
Data Electric GroundLocomon Medal
Yen: 32,000

You will view a couple of scenes after defeating the boss, then the case will be over. You
get sent back to the detective agency, turn in the case to get your rewards.

There are quite a few red cases you can do before moving on to the next chapter. I
separated these from the side cases since they are considered important to the story;
hence, the red colored magnetic pins. One of them is also a prerequisite for the Royal
Knights cases.

Detective Agency
Speak with Kyoko and select Yes ( は い ) to teleport to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office roof.
Talk to Arata here to unlock a new case. Return to the agency through Alphamon ( アルファ
モン). Check the white board and pick up the new case (Red 22) by Arata, which will take
you straight back to the roof.

Boy A (少年 A) - Pin: Red-22

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Arata Sanada (真田アラタ)
Place: Tokyo Metropolitan Building (東京新都庁屋上)
I want to settle something from the past. The target is Under Zero. The purpose is revenge...
Reward Money: 2,500 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Memory UP x 1
Death Barrier DX x 1

Tokyo Metropolitan Office Roof

After the chat with Arata, return to the agency by speaking with Alphamon ( アルファモン).
Once there, enter EDEN and go to Valhalla Server.

Valhalla Server
Proceed through the dungeon until you see Arata, talk to him to get a scene, then a boss

Guest Character: Arata with Infermon (インフェルモン).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 9,600
Knightmon (ナイトモ
Data Neutral Knightmon Medal
Yen: 20,000

Once you win the battle, a somewhat short scene will take place, then the case will be
cleared afterwards. Use a Home Gate item to return to the agency, then turn in the case.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Exit the agency and climb to the 2nd floor of Broadway, speak with the Demonic
Businessman (悪魔的なサラリーマン) south of the elevator to unlock a new case. Return to
the agency and accept the (Red 23) case for a scene. Exit the agency for another scene,
you will be taken to Shibuya (渋谷).

Comeback Show (悪魔的 DIE 復活祭) - Pin: Red-23
◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: A Businessman in Nakano? (中野にいたサラリーマン?)
Place: Shibuya (渋谷)
Do you remember me!? WHAT!? You don't remember me!? LOL! My comeback show is going to start!
Reward Money: 5,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Memory UP x 1
Tough Disk x 1

Guest Digimon: MetalEtemon (メタルエテモン).

Your purpose here is to fight the Hackers all around Shibuya and rescue Reiko
Tawa ( 田 和 玲 子 ), the Shibuya Records female employee. Talk to the Demonic
Clay Doll Hacker (悪魔の泥人形ハッカー) on the left crosswalk to battle him.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

MetalTyrannomon (メタルティ Durability MetalTyrannomon

EXP: 3,784
ラノモン) Patch Medal
Virus Electric
Yen: 2,504 Defender
Guardromon (ガードロモン) Guardromon Medal
(3,756) Patch

The next hacker is north of here, near the Digital Shift entrance. Talk to the
Demonic Waxwork Hacker (悪魔の蝋人形ハッカー) to start the battle.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

Pumpkinmon (パンプモ
EXP: 3,214 Sprite Recovery Pumpkinmon Medal
Data Earth
Yen: 2,084
Gotsumon (ゴツモン) Topaz Sand Guard

After you beat this one, go east and talk to the Demonic Puppet Hacker (悪魔の木
偶人形ハッカー) standing south of the Access Point to battle it.

Miniboss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Possible Drops

2 Gekomon (ゲコモン) EXP: 5,156 Pearl Gekomon Medal

Virus Water
ShogunGekomon (トノサマゲコ Yen: 3,248 ShogunGekomon
モン) (4,872) Medal

After the battle, enter the next area to the north. Make sure to save before going
any further, the next battle might be tough. Approach the Shibuya Records
entrance for a scene, followed by a boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

2 SkullMeramon (デスメラモ
Fire EXP: 5,800 2 SkullMeramon Medal
Yen: 8,000
Boltmon (ボルトモン) Electric Boltmon Medal

After you win the battle, a scene will play out. The case will be over soon after. Use a Home
Gate to return to the agency and check the white board to claim your rewards.

Broadway/Detective Agency
If you finished any of the cases listed above, you have most likely unlocked Rina
Shinomiya's case by now. If not, walk out of the agency to get the scene with Rina and
unlock the case. Accept Rina's case (Red 24) for a scene, leave the agency and enter the
DigiLab. Talk to Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ) and choose the third choice. After the scene,
exit the DigiLab and go to Asakusa (浅草).

Rina Shinomiya's Challenge (四ノ宮リナの挑戦状) - Pin: Red-24

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Rina Shinomiya (四ノ宮リナ)
Place: Scenic Spot (おもひでのばしょ❤)
I want a match with you! I want to show you my passion! My morning soup keeps me strong! Ahaha!
Reward Money: 1,800 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Memory UP x 1

Prepare for the boss battle from the yellow Access Point. I recommend having a maxed out
intellect Lilithmon, then a second Digimon with the Character Reversal ( キャラクターリバー
ス ) skill to inflict Bug on the boss. This way Lilithmon's Phantom Pain becomes effective.
Also, you should really have AeroVeedramon in your front active party, his support skill will
enable you to act first in this battle. Once you're ready, enter Asakusa's Digital Shift to be
taken to the last area of it. Save your game, then approach Rina ( リナ ) at the end of the
path to fight her and her Digimon.

Vulnerabilities: Poison and Bug effects.

You can take out the boss easily with Poison, this works for both normal and hard difficulty

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 16,000
UlforceVeedramon (アルフォースブイドラ UF Veedramon
Vaccine Wind
モン) Medal
Yen: 28,000

You must have an AeroVeedramon (preferably in the 3rd party slot) in your active party
to get the first turn and act first. The other two Digimon can be anything as long as one of
them has Character Reversal (only required if you're using Virus type Digimon) and the
other Digimon has Venom Trap.

I used two PlatinumNumemon on the first two slots, so that they act before
AeroVeedramon. Cast Character Reversal from the first Digimon, then follow it up with
Venom Trap from your second Digimon. On AeroVeedramon's turn, I switched him for a
third PlatinumNumemon to get the max possible EXP gain (with 9 Tactician USBs). Then
you can just wait for a few turns (six turns on hard) until the boss dies from Poison.

Note that the boss can sometimes cast Anti-Poison, which will remove the Poison status
effect. In this case, you can just Poison him again, or reset the game and try again. He
doesn't spam Anti-Poison, so in most cases the battle will end smoothly with no trouble.

After you defeat the boss, you will get a couple of scenes and end up back in the agency.

Detective Agency
Turn in the case at the white board to claim your reward and unlock the
UlforceVeedramon digivolution as well.

Royal Knights Cases

These are a series of cases from 1 to 8 where you have to battle the Royal Knights to
unlock their digivolutions. The first case will become available as soon as you turn in Rina's
Challenge case. The cases have to be done in numerical order. You can do 1 to 7 in this
chapter, with 8 being for the next chapter only. This is because the area you need to visit
unlocks next chapter.

Inspect the white board to see the first Royal Knights case, accept it then talk to Mirei
Mikagura in the DigiLab. Now go to Zaxon Forum (ザクソンフォーラム) in EDEN.

Great Challenge 1 (偉大なる挑戦①) - Pin: Red-25

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
You won against Rina. You're definitely getting stronger! Do you want to test your strength again?
Reward Money: 100,000 Yen

CSP Obtained: 300
Digi-Egg of Miracles x 1
Digi-Egg of Destiny x 1

Zaxon Forum
Speak with either Magnamon or Rapidmon (Armor) to start the boss battle.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect (both).

On the first party slot, have a Digimon with Character Reversal skill (I went
with PlatinumNumemon). Then bring both UlforceVeedramon and Lilithmon. Their
order doesn't matter in the party, as long as they're not the first.
Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Magnamon (マグナモ
1,064 / 2,128 Free Earth EXP: 16,800 Magnamon Medal

Yen: 30,000
Rapidmon (Armor) 964 / 2,412 Vaccine Light Rapidmon A Medal

Rapidmon (Armor) is the faster out of the two opponents, so let's start with him first. Cast
Character Reversal on him to Bug him with your first slot Digimon, then let Lilithmon use
Phantom Pain on him to kill him in one hit (works for both difficulties).

Once you're done with Rapidmon (Armor), Magnamon won't have as many turns as
Rapidmon (Armor) but he can still be tough, particularly on hard mode. He has a couple of
AoE moves, so try to heal up your party with items or healing skills.

If you're playing on normal, you can still one-shot Magnamon with one Phantom Pain
(might need a bit of training stats put into INT). For hard mode, however, he will probably
need two to three Phantom Pain to bring down. So keep Lilithmon up with items from the
other two Digimon (HP Capsule A fills out a Digimon's HP completely, and it costs 900 Yen
so it's not that expensive).

With all this going on, have UlforceVeedramon cast Speed Charge Field (he learns it at
level 50) to speed up your party. Overall, the fight shouldn't take long to beat.

The case will be cleared after you defeat both Digimon. Return to the agency to get the

Detective Agency
Once you turn in Great Challenge 1, you will unlock the ability to digivolve into
both Magnamon and Rapidmon (Armor). You will also get both Digi-Eggs required for
those two digivolutions. The Digi-Egg of Miracles allows you to armor
digivolve Veemon to Magnamon, while the Digi-Egg of Destiny allows you to armor
digivolve Terriermon to Rapidmon (Armor).

Check the white board again to find the second Royal Knights case. After accepting the
case, you need to talk to Mirei Mikagura in the DigiLab for the details (this is done for every
Great Challenge case from now on). After that's over, head to the lobby of the Tokyo
Metropolitan Office (東京新都庁).

Great Challenge 2 (偉大なる挑戦②) - Pin: Red-26

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
You easily defeated Magnamon... The next one won't be so easy!

Reward Money: 100,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Leopardmon LM Medal x 1
Tokyo Metropolitan Office
As soon as you enter the dungeon (the pixelated area), you will find Leopardmon ( ドゥフト
モン) standing in the center of the lobby. Talk to him to start the battle.

Vulnerabilities: Stun and Bug effects.

For this battle, bring Lilithmon, Belphemon Rage Mode, and UlforceVeedramon.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 18,500
Leopardmon (ドゥフ Leopardmon
4,728 / 11,820 Data Light
トモン) Yen: 30,000 Medal

Since Leopardmon is a Data type Digimon, you can easily take it down with Lilithmon's
special Phantom Pain or Belphemon RM's Gift of Darkness. In normal difficulty, you just
need to use those two skills to take Leopardmon down.

In hard difficulty, however, he has tremendous HP. You would need four uses of Phantom
Pain to defeat him, if you can survive long enough. For this reason, you need to bring a
Digimon with the Safety Guard skill to use on your heavy hitters. Even then it might be
difficult to finish the battle on hard, since you still don't have access to some of the
defensive Royal Knights. I recommend winning this battle on normal mode (you only get
15k more Yen on hard).

After defeating Leopardmon, Home Gate to the agency and turn in the case. You will unlock
the ability to digivolve into Leopardmon.

Detective Agency
The next Royal Knights case will become available, so pick it up then go talk to Mirei in the
DigiLab. Your next destination is Kowloon Lv. 5 (クーロン Lv. 5) in EDEN.

Great Challenge 3 (偉大なる挑戦③) - Pin: Red-27

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
That was easy for you, too, huh? Just don't get too cocky... I'm not impressed yet.
Reward Money: 100,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Medical Spray DX x 5

Kowloon Lv. 5
Make your way to the end of the dungeon, then speak with either Digimon to start the boss

Vulnerabilities: Paralysis (Kentaurosmon), Stun (Kentaurosmon), and Bug (both) effects.
These effects are not 100%.

This battle is tricky, because Kentaurosmon is fast and keeps buffing his
speed. UlforceVeedramon is a must here, his support skill will make you always start the
battle with the first turn in your favor. You can also bring Lilithmon, Belphemon Rage
Mode, and/or Beelzemon BM for their stat-penetrating special skills.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Kentaurosmon (スレイプ Kentaurosmon

2,236 / 4,472 Light EXP: 20,000
モン) Medal
Craniamon (クレニアムモ Yen: 31,000
2,896 / 5,796 Earth Craniamon Medal
ン) (46,500)

The most efficient method is to try to inflict Bug on Kentaurosmon (low chance/not 100%)
within the first two turns. If Character Reversal fails to cause the Bug effect on
Kentaurosmon, reset the game and try again. The reason behind this is that Kentaurosmon
becomes really fast after the 3rd or 4th turn, because he keeps slowing your party and
raising his speed. Once he is bugged, you can knock him out with one Phantom Pain
(Lilithmon). Then you can repeatedly try to Bug Craniamon, which can fail as well. Once
that happens, take Craniamon down with Lilithmon and/or Belphemon Rage Mode.

You can use the same strategy on hard mode, but you have to rely on some luck. If your
first Digimon successfully Bugs Kentaurosmon, you need your second Digimon (Lilithmon)
to trigger a cross combo with the third Digimon to be able to take down Kentaurosmon with

one hit (Phantom Pain). Then the fight becomes somewhat easier with just Craniamon. He
has more HP than Kentaurosmon, but his moves aren't that deadly and he's not fast
enough. Craniamon will eventually debuff himself and become helpless, you can use that
chance to inflict more damage on him.

Another option is to use a party that consists of three Data Digimon, but it will make fight

After the battle, return to the agency (Home Gate item) and turn in the case.
Both Kentaurosmon and Craniamon will become available for digivolution.

Detective Agency
Examine the white board and accept the 4th Great Challenge case. Then go to the DigiLab
and talk to Mirei to get the next location. After that, go to Nakano Underpass (中野地下道).

Great Challenge 4 (偉大なる挑戦④) - Pin: Red-28

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
You won again! You're getting really good. The next Digimon are those guys.
Reward Money: 100,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Chrome Digizoid x 3

Nakano Underpass
Make your way to Roppongi Underground Research Lab, which is the last area in Nakano
Underpass. The road split paths you need to take to reach Roppongi are northwest,
northeast, then northeast. Once you're there, speak with either Digimon to initiate the

Vulnerabilities: Panic (Dynasmon), Stun (Crusadermon), Bug (both) effects.

Mastemon can be useful here at the start of the battle, since her special skill can reduces
all opponents' current HP by 25%. You might also want to try out Craniamon you just
unlocked. His second special skill can nullify all damage until his next turn, which is handy
against Crusadermon's special moves. You might need lots of Revival Capsules for this
fight, particularly on hard mode.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Dynasmon (デュナスモン) 5,164 / 15,492 Data Wind EXP: 21,600 Dynasmon Medal

Crusadermon (ロードナイト 4,324 / 8,652 Virus Dark Yen: 32,000 Crusadermon


(48,000) Medal

Dynasmon has two special skills: Wyvern Breath and Dragon's Roar. Wyvern Breath hits all
your Digimon as wind damage, he will also lose 20% of his HP after using this move.
Dragon's Roar can absorb 50% of the damage as HP for Dynasmon, it hits one Digimon
twice as fire damage so the absorbed HP might become massive.

Dynasmon is easy to beat though; just takes two Phantom Pains (Lilithmon) to down him on
normal mode. On hard mode, however, he has over 15k HP, so you'd need to cast six or
more Phantom Pains to take him down. He's not a real threat though, especially to Virus
type Digimon. You can inflict Panic (not 100% chance) status effect on him with Panic Wisp
to make him confused for a couple of turns, he won't be able to use skills while under the
Panic effect.

As for Crusadermon, she is a bit more difficult to deal with. She has a special skill called
Fist of Athena that can one-shot one of your party members (dealing anywhere from 2,500–
4,000 fire damage, depending on her buffs). It also has a 30% chance to stun the target (if
it can survive the attack, that is). She uses the skill every now and then, but doesn't spam
it thankfully. Her other special skill is Spiral Masquerade. It's not that strong, but it hits one
party member four times (dark damage) and has a 30% chance to increase her SPD by

She's somewhat fast and can buff her SPD. She can use X-Heal, which heals her or
Dynasmon (single target only) for around 1,800–2,300 HP. It is possible to see her heal
multiple times to full health before you can make a move. You might get lucky and she
won't use a single healing skill the whole battle. It takes about three to four Phantom Pains
to defeat her on normal mode. Since her HP almost doubles on hard mode, you would need
7-8 uses of Phantom Pains to defeat her.

After you defeat both opponents, use a Home Gate to turn in the case at the agency. You
can now digivolve into both Dynasmon and Crusadermon.

Detective Agency
Check the white board to find another Great Challenge case. Take it then go talk to Mirei in
the DigiLab, and then head to Odaiba (お台場).

Great Challenge 5 (偉大なる挑戦⑤) - Pin: Red-29

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
You made that look like a piece of cake. I don't have much left to challenge you... How about a trip to
Reward Money: 100,000 Yen

CSP Obtained: 300
Brave Point A x 3

Enter the next area, the Odaiba roof, then approach Examon to begin the battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 23,500
Examon (エグザモ
10,840 / 48,792 Data Wind Examon Medal
Yen: 33,000

This fight should be easy since Examon is a Data type Digimon. However, it has a skill
called Dragonic Impact that hits your active party members and causes knockbacks,
switching them with other Digimon in your party at random. It is usually used after it gets
below the 50% HP mark. Because of that skill, it might be better to just bring three Digimon
with you, the skill won't knockback your Digimon this way.

You can bring Virus type heavy hitters such as Lilithmon, Belphemon Rage Mode,
and Beelzemon BM. Their stat-penetrating special skills, along with the type advantage,
allows you to deal double the amount of damage to Examon. I had two Lilithmons, and a
support Digimon for this fight. The support had Speed Charge Field and was used for
buffing the party's speed, while the two Lilithmon focused on taking down Examon with
their Phantom Pain skill.

I don't recommend trying this battle on hard mode, since Examon will have an insane
amount of HP (almost 50k). But if you do want a challenge, you might want to
bring Mastemon and Wisemon for their percentage based special moves. Although these
moves are based on the opponent's current HP, so they will become weak/useless the less
HP the boss has.

After you best Examon, the case will be cleared. Return to the agency to turn it in. You will
unlock the ability to digivolve into Examon.

Detective Agency
The sixth case should be up by now. Accept it then talk to Mirei as usual. Your next
destination is Demons' Den (デモンズアジト) in EDEN.

Great Challenge 6 (偉大なる挑戦⑥) - Pin: Red-30

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
Perhaps you haven't fought these guys? They are Digivolved and very strong. Have fun!

Reward Money: 100,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Exciting Meat x 3
Best Meat x 2
Miracle Meat x 1

Demons' Den
Speak with either one of the Royal Knights Digimon to battle them.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Gankoomon (ガンクゥモ
7,979 / 15,958 Fire EXP: 25,200 Gankoomon Medal
Yen: 35,000
Jesmon (ジエスモン) 5,803 / 11,606 Neutral Jesmon Medal

Jesmon can use Safety Guard on himself and Gankoomon, which makes them withstand
one deadly hit and leaves 1 HP. Jesmon has two special skills, one that hits a Digimon four
times in a row, and the other one makes him invincible for one turn and can counter attack
any attack while the buff is active. He can fully heal himself with the "At Rene Pol Relief"

Gankoomon has two special skills as well. The first one hits one Digimon for four hits, a bit
stronger than Jesmon's move. The other move hits all three of your active battle members
with high critical hit rate, but has a 70% accuracy. He can also heal himself to full health
with the "Hinukamuy HQ" move.

The healing moves are not used often in normal mode, but they seem to use them
regularly on hard mode. The usual Virus type Digimon work well here, such
as Lilithmon, Belphemon Rage Mode, and Beelzemon BM. You can bring two of these
Digimon and a third support Digimon, or just three attacking Digimon.

If you're playing on normal, you won't be healing much here. On hard though, it might be
better to bring a healer Digimon such asMarineAngemon, Ophanimon, Plesiomon,
or Magnadramon. MarineAngemon is preferred for its healing special skill.

It's a simple battle on normal because both bosses are Data type, so with the three
aforementioned damage dealers, you shouldn't have a problem with this battle. Just keep
using their special skills while focusing on one opponent at a time, might want to start with
Jesmon first (less HP, Safety Guard).

The case will be completed after defeating both opponents. Turn in the case back at the
agency to unlock both Gankoomon and Jesmon for digivolution.

Detective Agency

Examine the white board and accept the seventh Great Challenge case. Head to DigiLab
and talk to Mirei, then enter EDEN and choose Valhalla Server.

Great Challenge 7 (偉大なる挑戦⑦) - Pin: Red-31

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
You must be feeling proud of yourself? I still have more challenges for you. Can you win against those
Reward Money: 100,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Full Revival Spray x 3
Multi-Recovery DX x 3

Valhalla Server
Navigate through this dungeon until you reach Under Zero (アンダーゼロ), which is the last
area in the dungeon. Get close to the three Royal Knights in the middle and talk to any of
them to fight them.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Gallantmon (デュークモ
2,486 / 4,972 Virus EXP: 27,600 Gallantmon Medal

Omnimon (オメガモン) 3,520 / 8,808 Omnimon Medal

Yen: 36,000
Alphamon (アルファモン) 1,292 / 1,938 Neutral Alphamon Medal

If one of the Royal Knights dies while some of the other ones are still alive, the remaining
Digimon will gain a buff depending on who died. "Gallantmon's Inheritance" triggers after
Gallantmon dies, it increases the remaining Digimon's ATK. For Omnimon, "Omnimon's
Inheritance" increases the remaining Digimon's INT. Finally, "Alphamon's Inheritance"
increases the remaining Digimon's DEF after Alphamon dies.

Gallantmon can use Burst Flame III, Meteor Fall III, Guard Charge Field, and Critical Charge
as inherited skills. He also has two special skills: "Shield of the Just" hits one party member
for moderate damage, while "Lightning Joust" deals heavy damage to one party member.

Alphamon's inherited skills are Power Energy III, Mach Rush III, Mental Charge Field, and
Speed Break Field. His two special skills are "Blade of the Dragon King" does three to six
hits on one party member, while "Soul Digitalization" does Neutral magic damage to all
party members, with 5% chance to cause Death.

Omnimon has access to these inherited skills: Saint Knuckle III, Holy Light III, and Attack
Charge Field. He also has two special skills, "Supreme Cannon" is a Water magic skill that
hits one member. The other special skill is "Transcendent Sword", and it kills all your party
members in one use. Luckily, it's usually only used after "Final Holy Knight." The "Final Holy
Knight" move is unique to this version of Omnimon, and it increases his ATK, SPD, and CRT.
He only uses it if he's the last Digimon standing in battle, so it's best to kill Omnimon first
or second to avoid dealing with this move (it makes him insanely fast).

You can take down Gallantmon and Alphamon with one use of Phantom Pain, provided you
have Bugged Alphamon beforehand. But start with Omnimon first, since he can be tricky to
deal with if you leave him for last. So have your Digimon that has Character Reversal use it
on Omnimon first, then kill it off with Lilithmon's Phantom Pain (might need two uses of the
skill). Repeat the same process (Character Reversal then Phantom Pain) to kill Alphamon in
one hit this time.
After your triumph against the above three Royal Knights, use a Home Gate item to
teleport back to the agency. Turn in the case to claim your rewards. You can now digivolve
into the following five Digimon whenever you want: Omnimon, Omnimon
Zwart, Alphamon, Gallantmon and ChaosGallantmon.

Detective Agency
Accept the top-left DLC case (Purple 05), then enter the DigiLab for a scene. After that, talk
to Mirei then go to the Central Hospital (セントラル病院).

Parallel World, Girl & Destiny: Wrath (並行世界と少女と運命 憤怒と遭遇) - Pin:

◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
A girl from a parallel world and seven evils rampant in our world... I give you the wheel of fate that
binds us all.
Reward Money: 80,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Medical Spray DX x 5

*You need "Mission Pack 2" DLC (Additional Mission 5 - 追加ミッション 5) installed to gain
access to this DLC case.

Central Hospital
Save your game, then inspect the connector west of the Access Point in the lobby
and choose Yes (はい) to trigger the boss battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

Creepymon (デーモ 11,604 / 29,012 Virus Dark EXP: 25,200 Creepymon Medal

Yen: 30,000

Creepymon's Flame Inferno is a magic skill that hits all your active battle members for high
damage. Since this is a magic skill, the damage done to your Digimon depends on their INT
stat. The higher their INT is, the less damage they take. Casters usually take around 1,000
damage, while non-magic users take around 1,800–2,000 damage (it can even reach
3,000). You can decrease the damage received from this skill by increasing your Digimon's
INT with Mental Charge skills, preferably Mental Charge Field to buff the whole battle party.

If he says "I'm really, really mad!" before casting Flame Inferno, he will hit himself after
executing the move and will not be able to take action on his next turn (due to recoil). The
damage he receives after the skill is 580 (1,450 on hard) when near full health and 348 (?
on hard) when near death. However, if he just says "I'm mad!" before using Flame Inferno,
he will not hit himself and won't be immobile for a turn. To make him really mad, you have
to hit him to increase his anger.

You should have Mastemon, Lilithmon, and UlforceVeedramon on your party.

UlforceVeedramon is mainly here to allow you to have the first turn. Put Mastemon on the
first party slot, so that she can act first and cast Chaos Degradation skill at the beginning of
the battle. This will deal damage equal to 25% of the boss's HP. Then on
UlforceVeedramon's turn, switch out Mastemon forBelphemon Rage Mode. Now just
keep using Phantom Pain/Gift of Darkness until the boss is dead, with UlforceVeedramon
using healing items when necessary (HP Spray B/A work well here).

After you defeat Creepymon, you will obtain [Horn of Wrath (憤怒の角)]. Enter the DigiLab
from the nearby Access Point and speak with Mirei to clear the case. Use Home Gate to
return to the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Turn in the case, then pick the one next to it (Purple 06). Speak with Mirei in the DigiLab to
Climb the escalator to the 3rd
get the location, which is right here in Nakano Broadway.
floor, then examine the connector. The boss battle will start if you choose Yes (は
い), so save your game first.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 25,200
Barbamon (バルバモ
6,452 / 16,132 Virus Dark Barbamon Medal
Yen: 37,000

Barbamon has a magic attack called Pandæmonium Lost that hits all battle members and
absorbs 20% of the total damage into his HP. From time to time, he buffs his INT but his
other stats will fall in the negative. This is a good chance to do extra physical damage.

Vaccine Digimon with physical skills work best against Barbamon since he has high INT,
which he keeps increasing through buffs. He will also decrease your party members INT,
causing his magic attacks to hit more. His other skills are not deadly, so this shouldn't be a
tough fight.

Have Mastemon attack first with Chaos Degradation, then follow it up with Lilithmon's

Phantom Pain, and thenUlforceVeedramon's Victory Sword skill. Change Mastemon on
her second turn for a physical attacker such as Belphemon Rage Mode. Keep using their
special skills, healing with items when necessary, and this battle will end soon after its

After defeating Barbamon, you will obtain [Beard of Greed ( 強 欲 の 髭 )]. Report back to
Mirei in the DigiLab to clear the case. Turn it in from the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Accept the next case (Purple 07), then talk to Mirei in the DigiLab for the location. This
Demon Lord is also hiding in Nakano Broadway.

Climb the elevator to the 3rd floor, then go south and inspect the connector next
to the Takoyaki ( たこ焼 ) restaurant. Save the game, then select Yes ( はい ) to
begin the battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 25,200
Lilithmon (リリスモ
7,280 / 18,200 Virus Dark Lilithmon Medal
Yen: 36,000

Lilithmon has the following inherited skills: Destruction Cannon III (dark physical attack,
hits one ally), Nightmare III (dark magic attack, hits one ally), Hell Crusher III (dark magic
attack, hits all allies), Texture Blow (inflicts Dot on one ally), and Mirror Reflection (counters
magic attacks). Lilithmon's special skill is Phantom Pain, which is a dark destructive magic
move that can one-shot almost any Digimon. Her other moves are as follows:

 I will eat you up! (喰らってあげるわ): Inflicts Poison on all active battle members.
 Come whenever! (いつでも来なさい…): Inflicts Panic on all active battle members.
 Do you want to play? (遊びましょう?): Inflicts Bug on all active battle members.
 Temptation ( 誘 惑 ): Increases ATK and decreases DEF of one Digimon, and has a
chance to inflict Panic.
 Plaything (玩弄): Increases HIT stat of all active battle members and has a chance
to inflict Death on one or more of them.
 Feeding Frenzy (狂宴): Increases Lilithmon's INT stat, and sometimes decreases her
DEF stat.
 Life Drain (ライフドレイン): Absorbs a small amount of health from one Digimon.
 You seem down. (感情が静まったようだ…): Does nothing.

(Note: The list of moves above are not obtainable on the playable Lilithmon.)

Lilithmon can inflict various status effects on all your active party members at once, such
as Poison, Panic, Bug, Dot and even Death effects. I recommend having your battle
members equipped with Panic Barriers DX, this way you never have to worry about losing
control of your party members. The other status effects can be cured with items, except
Death of course. Her Phantom Pain is deadly here as expected, it does around 2,000–2,200
damage to caster Digimon such as Lilithmon and around 900 to Vaccine Digimon. It can
reach up to 4,000 damage on hard difficulty. She is able to spam Phantom Pain two to
three times in a row, this might be only when she is near death.

You will obtain [Hair of Lust (色欲の髪)] after defeating Lilithmon. Remember to report to

Mirei in the DigiLab before turning in the case at the agency.

Detective Agency
Pick up the next case (Purple 08) to the right of the previous one. Then enter the DigiLab to
speak with Mirei. After you do that, head for the Central Hospital (セントラル病院).

Central Hospital
The connector for this Demon Lord is in the northwest corner of the lobby. Save,
then examine it then select Yes (はい) to start the battle.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 25,200
Leviamon (リヴァイアモ
6,356 / 12,712 Virus Water Leviamon Medal
Yen: 30,000

Leviamon has the following inherited skills: Ice Archery III (water physical attack, hits one
ally), Awesome Quake III (earth physical attack, hits all allies), Mirror Reflection (counters
magic attacks), and Guard Break Field (reduce DEF of all allies by 10%). Leviamon's special
skill Biting Crush (ロストルム) is a neutral physical attack that hits one battle member and
has a high chance to inflict Death. He likes to spam the skill by always using it three times
in a row, even if he has no upcoming turns.

The setup I used here is to have UlforceVeedramon on the first slot of the battle party,
equipped with a Death Barrier DX (case Red-22 reward) and Chain Plus (チェインプラス) skill
(from level 15 AeroVeedramon). I then had a Mastemon on the second slot, and
a Lilithmon on the third and last slot. No need to equip Death Barriers on Mastemon and
Lilithmon, since Lilithmon dies in one Biting Crush hit anyway, and Mastemon will be
switched out.

Start off by having UlforceVeedramon cast Chain Plus on Mastemon, then use Mastemon's
Chaos Degradation skill. If you get a Cross Combo with Lilithmon, Chaos Degradation will
do 37.5% of Leviamon's max HP (instead of 25%), which equals to 2,383 damage (rounded
down from 2,383.5). Since you used Chain Plus, there's a good chance of a combo

triggering here. If you get unlucky, however, and it doesn't combo Chaos Degradation,
reset the game and try again. On Lilithmon's turn, use Phantom Pain for some more major
damage. And then on UlforceVeedramon's turn, switch Mastemon with Belphemon Rage

Now just keep using your party Digimon's specials until the boss dies. You can have
UlforceVeedramon cast another Chain Plus on one of your damage dealers for another
combo attack (a powered Phantom Pain/Gift of Darkness). With this setup, the boss should
be defeated within the first two turns.

Defeating Leviamon will give you [Scales of Envy ( 嫉 妬 の 鱗 )]. Return to Mirei in the
DigiLab and talk to her to clear the case. Then turn it in from the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Accept the next Demon Lords case (Purple 09), then talk to Mirei in the DigiLab to get the
Demon Lord location.

Climb to Nakano Broadway's 4th floor via the elevator, then go east to the
Nakano Arcades corner. Remember to save, then inspect the connector on one of
the arcades, opposite of the Access Point and choose Yes ( はい ) to initiate the

HP (Normal /
Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 25,200
Beelzemon (ベルゼブモ
14,012 / 28,024 Virus Dark Beelzemon Medal
Yen: 32,000

Beelzemon's support skill Gluttony ( 暴食) makes him lose 5% of his maximum HP, and his
ATK is increased by 5%. So each turn he does something, he will take 700 damage (1401
on hard difficulty). His special skill is Double Impact ( ダ ブ ル イ ン パ ク ト ), a dark physical
attack that hits one battle member eight times. It absorbs some of the damage but has a
90% accuracy rate.

He has two more unique moves, which are not available for the playable version of
Beelzemon: Countdown and "Let's end this..." (…終わりにしようぜ). The countdown move is
exactly as it sounds, he will count down from "5..." to "1...", this counting takes place at the
beginning of the battle. "Let's end this..." move will be used on the turn after he does "1..."
from the countdown, and it increases his SPD stat. He will then alternate between "Double
Impact" and "Let's end this..." until either side gets defeated. He might still spam Double
Impacts multiple times in a row.

Because of Beelzemon's support skill, the battle can be really easy on both difficulties
depending on what Digimon you're using. Since the boss hits himself after every action he
makes, you can use Craniamon or Jesmon to become invincible for a turn with their

special skills and watch the boss kill himself. For this reason, I recommend challenging this
boss on hard difficulty for an additional 16,000 Yen after winning the battle.

I went with UlforceVeedramon on the first active battle slot, Mastemon on the second

slot, and Craniamon on the third. Cast Chain Plus on Mastemon, then let her use Chaos
Degradation for a combo with Craniamon to deal 12,260 damage (43.75% of Beelzemon's
max HP on hard). Now just repeatedly use Craniamon's Breath of the Gods special skill on
every turn until the boss is defeated.

After the boss battle, you will obtain [Fang of Gluttony ( 暴食 の 牙 )]. Go back to Mirei in
the DigiLab to clear the case, then turn it in at the agency.

Broadway/Detective Agency
Pick up the case listed below (Purple 10), then go to the DigiLab and talk to Mirei to get the
next location.

The Demon Lords are in Broadway this time as well. Climb to the 3F via the elevator, go
south to find the connector on a vending machine. Save your game, then start the battle
by inspecting the connector and choosing Yes (はい).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 25,200
Belphemon SM (ベルフェモ Belphemon SM
7,370 / 14,740 Virus Dark
ン SM) Medal
Yen: 10,000

Belphemon Sleep Mode will be mostly sleeping throughout the battle, I'm not sure what are
the requirements to wake him up. His "Belphemon is sleeping..." (ベルフェモンは眠っている
…) move heals him for 50% of his max HP (3,685 on normal, 7,370 on hard).

Make sure to bring someone with Shock skill to stun Belphemon whenever you get the
chance, check here to see who can learch the inherited skill. The other two Digimon should
be damage dealers, preferably UlforceVeedramon and Mastemon. It might be best to
equip all your Digimon with CAM USBs to increase their combo rate.

Since the boss doesn't attack you, you can try to go for a three Cross Combo Chaos
Degradation skill when the boss is at 100% HP. Mastemon can learn Chain Max at level 65,
so use that to raise the combo meter of all battle members before you cast Chaos
Degradation. If you managed to pull it off, you can deal 3,453 damage on normal difficulty
(46.86% of Belphemon SM's max HP), or 6,908 damage on hard difficulty (46.87% of
Belphemon SM's max HP).

After that, just keep using UlforceVeedramon's The Ray of Victory and Mastemon's Chaos
Degradation special skills. Don't forget to keep stunning the boss with Shock from the third
Digimon, to delay the heals the boss receives. The stuns are vital here, especially on hard

difficulty, to ensure that you're dealing more damage than the amount of heals Belphemon
SM is getting.

After you defeat Belphemon Sleep Mode, you will face Belphemon Rage Mode next. Your
party will not be healed, so try to restore your Digimon's SP before beating Sleep Mode.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect.

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 28,000
Belphemon RM (ベルフェモ Belphemon RM
9,088 / 27,272 Virus Dark
ン RM) Medal
Yen: 27,000

Belphemon Rage Mode's support skill Furious Howl ( 怒りの咆哮) makes his attacks have a
30% chance to inflict Death status effect if the target is Ultimate (完全体) or below. So make
sure to bring a party full of Mega ( 究 極 体 ) Digimon or above to avoid getting the status
effect. His Gift of Darkness (ギフトオブダークネス) is a dark DEF-penetrating special skill that
hits one battle member for a large amount of damage. It is on par with, or even stronger
than, Lilithmon's Phantom Pain, so it can easily one-shot a single Digimon. He also does a
regular physical "Attack" every now and then, it's very powerful for a normal attack. It can
deal around 700–900 damage on normal difficulty.

Belphemon RM has some unique moves, which are not available for the playable version of
him. He has three resentment moves that increase his stats, and a "Sleep Status" ( 休眠状
態) move that heals him for 5% of his max HP (454 on normal, 1,363 on hard). He uses this
skill a lot, and it can even be used multiple times in a row. The "Resentment" ( 激憤) move
only increases his ATK stat. "Resentment -Serious-" (激憤 ー甚大ー ) increases his ATK stat
and adds Cross-Counter buff, which counters physical attacks. Finally, the "Resentment
-Extreme-" ( 激憤 ー極点 ー ) move increases his ATK and CRT stats and adds both Cross-
Counter and Mirror Reflection in one buff, so he will be able to counter both physical and
magic attacks.

You can leave Mastemon from the previous battle, and switch in two Lilithmon as

damage dealers. Keep using Chaos Degradation and Phantom Pain special skills for the
entire duration of the fight, healing with items when necessary. This fight shouldn't be
much trouble, and the healing Belphemon Rage Mode receives here is much less than the
Sleep Mode version of the boss. If the boss uses Gift of Darkness on a target, just revive
the fallen battle member with a Revival Capsule.

After defeating Belphemon Rage Mode, you will obtain [Nails of Sloth ( 怠惰の爪)]. Don't
forget to report back to Mirei at the DigiLab before turning in the case.

Detective Agency
Accept the last available DLC (Purple 11) case, then go to the DigiLab to get the location of
the Demon Lord from Mirei. Next head for the Central Hospital (セントラル病院).

Central Hospital
The connector this time is east of the reception desk at the lobby. Save, then start the boss
battle against Lucemon.

Boss - Lucemon's three forms

In this case, you will be fighting all three forms of Lucemon. As such, it's better to prepare
a one set of three Digimon and use them on all three battles. I recommend the following
Vaccine Digimon, along with the specified inherited skills:

 UlforceVeedramon: Chain Plus, Speed Charge Field, Safety Guard, Status

Barrier. Equipped with AGL Attach A.
 Mastemon: Final Aura, Perfect Revival, Chain Max, Safety Guard, Status
Barrier. Equipped with AGL Attach A.
 WarGreymon: Acceleration Boost, Chain Max, Safety Guard, Status Barrier.
Equipped with two AGL Attach A.

You can check which Digimon can learn these skills by visiting this section. It's also best to
buy a bunch of Medical Sprays from the Nakano Broadway 1F Shop, and maybe some
HP Capsule/Spray A, and SP Capsule/Spray A items.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 25,200
Lucemon (ルーチェモ
2,966 / 5,932 Vaccine Light Lucemon Medal
Yen: 12,000

Lucemon uses the following inherited skills: Holy Light III, Shining Laser III, and Mental
Charge. His special skill, Grand Cross ( グ ラ ン ド ク ロ ス ), is an INT-penetrating attack that
damages all your party members, it gets pretty stong on hard, too. He has only one unique
move that isn't usable to the playable version of Lucemon, the "Arrogant..." move, which
attacks one Digimon and causes knockback on it, randomly switching it with another
Digimon from your reserve party.

Strategy (normal): It's very easy to take care of this little boss, and it doesn't pose much
of a threat on normal difficulty. Use Mastemon's Chaos Degradation special skill for 741
(25%) damage. Next, have UlforceVeedramon cast Chain Plus on WarGreymon to boost his
combo rate. And let WarGreymon use Acceleration Boost on his first turn, and Great
Tornado special skill on his second turn.

After defeating Lucemon, you will face Lucemon FM next.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 27,400
Lucemon FM (ルーチェモン
7,158 / 14,316 Virus Neutral Lucemon FM Medal
Yen: 14,000

Lucemon FM special skill, Dead or Alive ( デ ッ ド ・ オ ア ・ ア ラ イ ブ ), is a powerful neutral

magic attack that hits one battle member. It has a 10% chance to inflict any random status
effect, and 5% chance to inflict Death. Lucemon FM has powerful versions of all the AoE
inherited skills, and each one of them can inflict a sertain status effect. He also has two
unique buffs exclusive to him: "Power Sacrifice" (パワーサクリファイス) increases his ATK but
decreases his INT, and "Magic Sacrifice" ( マ ジ ッ ク サ ク リ フ ァ イ ス ) increases his INT but
decreases his ATK. He uses one of these buffs every few turns, and it acts as an indicator
to which damaging skills he will use.

He will use the physical attacks after Power Sacrifice, and the magic attacks after Magic
Sacrifice. The following skills are the powered-up AoE inherited skills available to the boss:

 Crazed Meteor Fall (狂乱のメテオフォール): Fire physical attack that hits all, a chance
to inflict Panic.
 Requiem Ocean Wave (鎮魂のオーシャンウェーブ): Water magic attack that hits all, a
chance to inflict Sleep.
 Violated Rune Forest (侵食のルーンフォーレスト ): Plant magic attack that hits all, a
chance to inflict Poison.
 Crucified Thunder Fall (磔刑のサンダーフォール): Electric physical attack that hits all,
a chance to inflict Paralyze.
 Blackout Awesome Quake (??のアースクエイク): Earth physical attack that hits all, a
chance to inflict Stun.
 Purging Gale Storm ( 粛 清 の ゲ イ ル ス ト ー ム ): Wind physical attack that hits all, a
chance to inflict Bug.
 Regression Shining Laser (遡行のシャインレーザー): Light magic attack that hits all, a
chance to inflict Dot.
 Condemning Hell Crusher (断罪のヘルクラッシャー): Dark magic attack that hits all, a
chance to inflict Death.
 Banishing Mach Rush (追放のマッハラッシュ): Neutral physical attack that hits all, a
chance to knockback.

(Note: These altered inherited skills are exclusive to this form of Lucemon and the next

Strategy (normal): You must buff up all three of your Digimon with Status Barriers at the
start of the battle, and keep the Status Barriers buffs up the whole time (i.e. reuse it when
buff disappears). Make UlforceVeedramon stay on Speed Charge Field/healing duty
(HP/SP/Medical Sprays), and let Mastemon cast Chaos Degradation on her first turn, then
Chain Max on WarGreymon on her second turn.

As WarGreymon, however, let him use Acceleration Boost first, then follow it up with Great
Tornado. This should leave the boss with one Great Tornado attack away from death, so
just keep your Digimon healed up and defeat the boss on WarGreymon's third turn.

After defeating Lucemon, you will face Lucemon SM next.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 29,800
Lucemon SM (ルーチェ Lucemon SM
46,666 / 93,332? Virus Dark
モン SM) Yen: 16,000 Medal

Lucemon SM mixes up skills from any of the previous Demon Lords you fought, including
his two other forms. He cannot be hit, so don't bother trying to kill him. He will hit himself
with "Loss of Power" after every now and then, which deals 6,666 damage to him. All you
have to do in this battle is survive his attacks until the end to win the battle.

He will first use the "Resentment -Extreme-" (激憤 ー極点ー ) move to increase his ATK and
CRT stats (also adds both Cross-Counter and Mirror Reflection buffs, but it's not important
since you won't be hitting him anyway). Then he mixes up some other moves, along with
his special skill is called Divine Atonement ( ディバインアトーンメント), and it's a powerful
magic attack that hits all party members. He owns a unique move called "I will eradicate
you..." that leaves one member with 1 HP and causes knockback on it. But with Status
Barrier up, the knockback will be averted. "Feeding Frenzy" ( 狂 宴 ) and "Magic Binge!"
moves increase his INT stat.

Once his HP reaches about the halfway point, he will begin a countdown from "5..." to "1..."
followed by "End Times", which will increase his SPD stat. He will then start imitating
Lucemon FM, by using his exclusive AoE inherited skills. Once the imitation is over, he will
use one "Divine Atonement" followed by the last "Loss of Power." Then finally, the boss will
use "All power is lost." (全ての力を消失), which is used near the end when he has a bit of HP
left and hints that the boss has given up. After that, Lucemon SM will only keep using the
"Silence" skill that does absolutely nothing. At this point, any move you make will defeat

Strategy (normal): Begin by casting Status Barrier on all three of your Digimon and do
the same with Safety Guard (second priority), this will prevent the boss from switching your
party members with the "I will eradicate you..." move and one-shotting your battle
members. Make sure Status Barrier and Safety Guard are up at all times for the duration of
the entire battle.

UlforceVeedramon is mainly in the party for support, so if the party has near full HP/SP and
have Status Barrier/Safety Guard buffs, let him cast Speed Charge Field over and over. If
your Digimon are hurt at any point in the battle, let any Digimon use an HP/SP Spray A or

just a Medical Spray. However, Status Barrier takes priority over this (you don't want your
team inflicted with multiple effects or switched with another reserve Digimon).
You will obtain [Wings of Pride ( 傲 慢 の 翼 )] after defeating all three Lucemon forms.
Return to Mirei and talk to her in the DigiLab, then head for the agency to turn in the case.

Detective Agency
If you have completed all the Seven Demon Lords' DLC cases, you need to leave and re-
enter the detective agency after turning in the previous case, which will unlock the last
DLC (purple 12) case.

Save the game, then speak with Mirei for a scene. At the end of the scene, a boss battle
will take place.

Vulnerabilities: Panic, Bug effects.

Guest Character: Sayo with Dianamon (ディアナモン).

Boss Type Attribute Results (Hard) Drops

EXP: 30,000
Monzaemon (もんざえモ
15,000 / 30,000 Vaccine Neutral Master Barrier
Yen: 70,000

Monzaemon has some unique emotional moves that harm or benefit your party. Let's start
with "I'm angry!" move, it reduces all party members' HP to 1 and increases their ATK stat,
while decreasing their DEF stat. The "I'm sad!" move depletes all your party members' SP
and increases their DEF stat, while decreasing their SPD stat. For the "I'm delighted!"
move, it fully heals all party members' HP and increases their SPD stat, while decreasing
their INT stat. Then, the "I'm happy!" move fully recovers all party members' SP and
increases their INT stat, while decreasing their ATK stat. Finally, the "Hearts Attack" is a
move that hits all party members, killing them in one blow, then inflicts Panic on the boss.
This last move is not used often, maybe once every 5-8 turns.

After the boss battle, there will be a scene before the case gets completed. You will also
gain the ability to digivolve into Dianamon. Return to the agency to turn in the case. This
is it for the DLC cases, you can continue the story through the next section down below.

Detective Agency - Moving On

Once you are ready to end the chapter, speak with Kyoko in the agency and select Yes ( は
い) to be teleported to the roof of Tokyo Metropolitan Office. Then talk to Omnimon ( オメガ
モン) and choose Yes (はい) for a scene. You will be taken to your next destination.

Chapter 20: From the New World

After the initial scene, you will be in the Digital World ( デ ジ タ ル ワ ー ル ド ). There are no
random encounters in the areas found here.

Digital World
Move forward and approach the Digimon for a scene, followed by a boss battle.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect.

Guest Character: Arata with Diaboromon (ディアボロモン)

Boss Type Attribute Results Drops

EXP: 15,400
King Drasil_7D6 (イグドラシル
3,000 / 3,000 Free Neutral Master Barrier
Yen: 0

King Drasil_7D6 has the following inherited skills: Meteor Fall III, Awesome Quake III, and
Attack Charge. It also has a unique move called "Huge Crystal," which can deal heavy
damage to one party member (one-shots the Digimon on hard difficulty). It seems to
always uses two Attack Charges before casting Huge Crystal.

There's no real benefit in winning this battle on hard difficulty, since you get no money
from it. The boss's HP is also set to 3k on both difficulties, but it seems to spam Huge
Crystal more often on hard. Whichever difficulty you pick, the battle shouldn't be that
tough to begin with. Have your best damage dealers take it out on the boss and you'll
emerge victorious in no time.

(Note: The boss's name in the original Japanese version is actually Yggdrasil_7D6, but the
localization team went with King Drasil_7D6... So whenever you see King Drasil mentioned
in this guide or the game, remember that it's an incorrect translation.)
View the scenes after the boss battle, then move towards the giant hole and choose Yes (は
い) to jump off into King Drasil Core (Yggdrasil Core - イグドラシルコア).

King Drasil Core

You can return to Tokyo anytime you want by speaking with Akemi Suedou ( 末 堂 ア ケ ミ )
here and choosing Yes (はい), Suedou will then teleport you back to the Tokyo Metropolitan
Office roof. The teleportation item Home Gate works here as well, if you wish to use that
instead. You can return to King Drasil Core by talking to Omnimon (オメガモン) at the Tokyo
Metropolitan Office roof.

I recommend returning to Tokyo to meet Victory Uchida for the final time. So head to

Odaiba (お台場).

Victory Uchida - Odaiba

Enter the next area, then head for the southeast corner of the roof to find Victory Uchida.
Talk to him to receive [Miracle Meat],[Lucemon Medal (ルーチェモンメダル)], [Lucemon
FM Medal (ルーチェモン FM メダル)] and [Lucemon SM Medal (ルーチェモン SM メダル)].

Go back to the Digital World.

King Drasil Core

Make your way back to where Akemi Suedou ( 末堂アケミ) is, then proceed down the slope
until you get to King Drasil_7D6, approach it to begin the battle.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect.

Guest Digimon: Alphamon (アルファモン)

Boss 1 Type Attribute Results Drops

EXP: 15,400
King Drasil_7D6 (イグドラシル
3,000 / 3,000 Free Neutral Master Guard
Yen: 0

This version of King Drasil_7D6 has the following inherited skills: Panic Wisp, Ripping Net,
and Guard Charge. It has the same unique move "Huge Crystal" as the one before it.

After the battle, continue down the slope until you reach the second King Drasil_7D6.
Approach it to start the battle.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect.

Guest Character: Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン)

Boss 2 Type Attribute Results Drops

EXP: 15,400
King Drasil_7D6 (イグドラシル
3,000 / 3,000 Free Neutral Master Disk
Yen: 0

This version of King Drasil_7D6 has the following inherited skills: Hydro Water III, Rune
Forest III, Shining Laser III, Hell Crusher III, and Mental Charge. It has the same unique
move "Huge Crystal" as the rest of its kind.

After defeating the second King Drasil_7D6, continue yet again down the slope until you
reach the third King Drasil_7D6. Get close to it to fight it.

Vulnerabilities: Bug effect.

Guest Character: Nokia with Omnimon (オメガモン)

Boss 3 HP Type Attribute Results Drops


EXP: 15,400
King Drasil_7D6 (イグドラシル
3,000 / 3,000 Free Neutral Tactician USB
Yen: 0

This one has the following inherited skills: Thunder Fall III, Shock, Gale Storm III, Speed
Charge, and Agility Charge. It also has the "Huge Crystal" unique move.

After you defeat the third King Drasil_7D6, continue down the slope until you
enter the next area. Head east and use the Access Point if you want to visit the
DigiLab. Continue east until you see a path leading north. Save the game, then go
north for a scene, then a battle after that.

Final Boss? Type Attribute

Mother Eater (マザー・イータ

1,000 / 1,000 Free Neutral

Winning this battle won't get you to the result screen. Instead, you go straight to a scene.
After the scene, you will end up in a familiar place.

Path to the Spirit World

Keep going north towards Yuugo ( 勇吾) here. A scene will trigger each time you approach
him. After a few scenes, you will be sent back to King Drasil Core.

King Drasil Core

After the scenes, the final boss battle will begin.

Final Boss
Guest Character: Nokia with Omnimon (オメガモン)

Final Boss 1 Type Attribute Results

Left Arm (左腕) 2,000 / 3,000 Fire EXP: 0

Core (コア) 3,000 / 4,500 Water

Yen: 0
Right Arm (右
2,000 / 3,000 Plant

Left Arm's skill: Wolkenapalm III, and Meteor Fall III, Panic Wisp, Clap Hand (heavy damage
to one Digimon, causes knockback). Right Arm's skill: Gaia Element III, Rune Forest III,
Venom Trap, Build Arm (a unique attack that absorbs 50% of damage), and Spirit Crash

(absorbs SP?). Core's skills: Attack Charge Field, Guard Charge Field, Mental Charge Field,
Speed Charge Field, Upgrade (acts like Accel. Boost), Operation (hits all members).

You have to kill all three targets in both difficulties.

A scene will play out after the battle, followed by the second part of the battle.

Guest Character (one of them only): Nokia with Omnimon ( オ メ ガ モ ン ), Arata with
Diaboromon (ディアボロモン), Yuuko with Gaiomon (ガイオウモン)

Final Boss 2 Type Attribute

Left Wing (左翼) 1,000 / 1,500 Data Dark

Mother Eater (マザー・イータ

4,000 / 6,000 Virus Neutral

Right Wing (右翼) 1,000 / 1,500 Vaccine Light

Left Wing skills: Destruction Cannon III, Destruction, Guard Break Field, Reverse Field (bugs
all members). Right Wing skills: Shining Laser III, Mental Charge Field, Repair (heals 30% of
its HP), Undo (undos Reverse Field, removing Bug effects from your party). Both wings will
keep using the unique skill Stop when they have no HP left. As a move, it does nothing, but
after a few turns of using Stop, it will use Restart to get back to full health.

Mother Eater's skills: Nanomachine Break III, Awesome Quake III, Gale Storm III, Power
Energy III, Vanquish Drive (hits all members, reducing their SP), World Restart (leaves all
members with 1 HP and changes guest Digimon).

You can ignore the two wings (they don't die anyway) and focus on Mother Eater. Once you
take that out, you will win the battle.

Congratulations on beating the story mode. I hope you enjoyed the game as much as I did.
After the final boss battle and several scenes, you get to view the game ending. The credits
will roll after that. There's also an extra scene after the credits, so make sure to watch it.
This is it for the story, but there are still a few extra things left to do. Other than the case
listed below, you can hunt the rest of the Digimon Medals, compete in the Offline
Colosseum, or complete the Digimon Field Guide.

Final Royal Knights Case

Return to the detective agency.

Detective Agency
Inspect the white board to find the 8th Royal Knights case available. Accept it then enter
the DigiLab and talk to Mirei to get the location. Now go to the Digital World by talking to
Kyoko at the agency to be taken to the Tokyo Metropolitan Office roof. Then speak with
Omnimon (オメガモン).

Great Challenge 8 (偉大なる挑戦⑧) - Pin: Red-32
◆Difficulty: ★★★★★
◆Client Info
Client: Mirei Mikagura (御神楽ミレイ)
Place: DigiLab (デジラボ)
Actually... Can I ask you something? Do you know the Omni Sword? This is the last challenge!
Reward Money: 100,000 Yen
CSP Obtained: 300
Omni Sword x 1

Digital World
Go north to Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. Save the game, then talk to him to initiate the

Boss- Triple Paladins

Vulnerabilities: All status effects (except Death) work on bosses A and C. Only Bug effect
on the middle boss (B)

Boss Type Attribute Results Drops

EXP: 30,000
3 Imperialdramon Imperialdramon PM
1,296 / 1,948 Vaccine Light
PM Medal
Yen: 38,000

It starts the battle with the moves "Duel," then "Break my illusion!" Both of these moves do

Imperialdramon PM's inherited skills are: Meteor Fall III, Saint Knuckle III, Holy Light III,
Attack Charge Field, Mental Charge Field.

After the two Imperialdramon PM on the sides are killed, the middle one will use "Show me
your power." After that, your attacks will start to work on him. Use Phantom Pain to bring
his HP to almost empty, he will then use the "The forefathers' sword?" move.

This will indicate that he will spam his "Omni Sword" special skill starting from his next
turn. You need to use either Jesmon's Weltgeist special skill or Craniamon's Breath of the
Gods special skill to withstand his Omni Sword spam. Keep using the defensive skill until he
does the "Amazing..." move, which is usually after five casts of Omni Sword. He will hit
himself once, then will leave himself open for attacks and become really slow. At this point,
any attack from your Digimon will defeat the boss.

After the battle, use a Home Gate item then turn in the case at the agency. You will obtain
Omni Sword ( オ メ ガ ブ レ イ ド ) as a quest reward, which is an item that allows you to
digivolve Imperialdramon Dragon Mode to Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.


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