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CAPSTONE PROJECT Submitted in the partial

fulfillment of the Requirement for the award of
the degree of



Under the Guidance of

Dr. Rajinder Minhas


INDIA- 144411

Thereby declare that the project entitled “INNOVANTION IN BANKING AND PERCEPTION
OF CUSTOMER TOWARD IT” is an authentic work carried out by Mr Shivam Somani (Reg. no.
11606518), Miss Amrita Vatsa ( students of Masters of Business
Administration(MBA) of Mittal School of Business(MSOB), Lovely Professional University, Punjab;
under my direct supervision and guidance from August 2019 to November 2019 and this report has
not been submitted to any other universities for award of any degree, whatsoever.

Dr. Rajinder Minhas

(Assistant Professor)
School of Computer Engineering (SCE),
Lovely Professional University, Punjab, INDIA-14 4411
CUSTOMER TOWARD IT” is a great chance for learning and building some professional
developments within us! Therefore, we consider our self very lucky individuals being part of it.
We are grateful for having a chance to meet & greet to many higher level professionals; who led
us through this project throughout.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who have helped us in completing
this project. We are grateful to our academic mentor Dr. Rajinder Minhas (Assistant Professor)
who guided us throughout our project with his valuable inputs & suggestions, whatsoever.
Nevertheless, we would like to express our gratitude towards him for helping us in understanding
scope and present scenario of Corporate Social Responsibility; especially in India through
perspective of diversified customers.
Last, but not the least; sincere gratitude is also due to all of our friends and family members; who
helped us to understand this approach on daily basis & motivated, inspired and supported us
whenever we felt in dilemma and troubled.
Lastly, We would like to thank LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY, PUNJAB for giving
us this opportunity to widen our mental horizons!

With kind regards,

Shivam Somani
Amrita Vatsa
We [Mr. Shivam Somani, and Ms. Amrita Vatsa] bonafide students of Master of Business
Administration(MBA) of Mittal School of Business(MSOB), Lovely Professional University, would
like to declare that this Capstone project report entitled “INNOVANTION IN BANKING
AND PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMER TOWARD IT: perspective of Jalandhar District
based Customers” is prepared and submitted by us in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration(MBA) is our original work.
The project report is conducted by us under the supervision and guidance of our academic
mentor Dr. Rajinder Minhas and it is also declared that this report earlier has not been submitted
to any other University for the award of any degree.

Shivam Somani Amrita Vatsa


CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………..[6-15]
1.1 Banking…………………………………………………………………………………6
1.2 Types of bank…………………………………………………………………………[6-7]
1.3 What is internet banking………………………………………………………………[7-8]
1.4 Mobile banking …………………………………………………………...........................8
1.5 Why it matters…………………………………………………………………………..8
1.6 Internet banking v/s mobile banking……………………………………… …………..9
1.7 Five innovation trend tht defines banking 2019…………………………………….[10-15]

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………..[16-24]

3.1 Research Gap…………………………………………………………………………...25
3.2 Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………26
4.1 Data Analysis Concept………………………………………………………………..27
4.2 Tools for Analysis……………………………………………………………...............27
4.3 Technological Tools……………………………………………………………….[27-28]
4.4 Detailed analysis and Interpretation………………………………………………….28
4.5 Direct responses………………………………………………………….................[28-41]
CHAPTER 5: FINDINGS & CONCLUSION……………………………………..........42
6.1 Limitations…………………………………………………………………………….43
6.2 Scope for Future Research…………………………………………………………….43
1.1 Banking
Banking is an industry that handles industry that handles money, credit, and other budgetary
exchanges. Banks give a sheltered spot to store additional money and credit. They offer investment
accounts, declarations of store, and financial records. Banks utilize these stores to make credits.
These credits incorporate home loans, business advances, and vehicle advances. It gives the liquidity
expected to families and organizations to contribute for what's to come. Bank advances and credit
mean families don't need to set aside before heading off to college or purchasing a house.
Organizations use credits to begin enlisting promptly to work for future interest and development.

1.2 Types of Banks

There are two general classifications under which banks are grouped in India - SCHEDULED
commercial banks consist of REGIONAL RURAL BANKS, SMALL FINANCE BANK,
PAYMENT BANK is a new introduction to the category.
Cooperative banks consist of URBAN AND RURAL BANKS.

SCHEDULED BANKS are the banks which are secured under the second timetable of the
Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. To meet all requirements for being a booked bank, at least 5
lakh paid-up capital is required for the bank's sake. The RBI loans credit to these banks at bank
rate as and when required.

COMMERCIAL BANKS are directed and oversaw under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
These are benefit making banks dependent on their plan of action. Conceding credits to the
administration, overall population, and corporate and tolerating stores considers the essential

PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS These banks for over 75% of the all-out financial business in the
country. They are called nationalized banks. The administration holds the larger part stakes at
these banks. Post-merger, SBI is the biggest open division banks by volume. It likewise positions
among the best 50 banks on the planet. There are 21 nationalized banks in India.

PRIVATE SECTOR BANKS Private investors hold larger part stakes in private area banks.
Save Bank of India sets out every one of the principles and guidelines.
FOREIGN BANKS A bank working as a private element in India however headquartered in a
foreign nation is a remote bank. They are administered by both the nation they are situated in too
the nation they have central station in.

REGIONAL RURAL BANKS These banks were established mainly to support the weaker and
lesser fortunate section of the society like marginal farmers, labourers, small enterprises etc. they
mainly operate at regional levels at different states and may have branches in urban areas as well.
Their main features are:
1. Supporting rural and semi-urban region financially
2. Pension distribution and Wage disbursement of MGNREGA workers
3. Added banking facilities like locker, cards-debit, and credit

SMALL FINANCE BANKS These banks take into account a specialty fragment in the general
public and help with monetary consideration of areas which are not dealt with by other driving
banks. They care for smaller scale ventures, chaotic area, little ranchers and so forth. RBI and
FEMA are the administering assortments of these banks

COOPERATIVE Run by the chosen individuals from an overseeing board and enrolled under
the Cooperative Societies Act, 1912 are the agreeable banks. These are no-benefit, no-misfortune
banks and for the most part serve business visionaries, ventures, private ventures, and
independent work.

PAYMENTS BANK this is another and forthcoming model of banking in India. It has been
conceptualized and closed down by RBI with limited tasks. Limit of Rs. One Lakh is worthy for
each client by these banks. Like different banks, they likewise offer para-banking administrations
like ATM cards, Debit-Credit cards, net-banking, versatile banking and so on.

1.3 What is an internet banking?

A web bank — otherwise called a virtual bank, an online bank, or a web bank — is a bank that
does not have any physical branch areas and exists just on the web. By disposing of the overhead
expenses related with bank offices, web banks reliably offer financing costs, including currency
advertise yields ,that are higher than the national normal.
Internet banks are accessed via web browsers and mobile apps, providing customers with
banking services from any place with access to the internet. Internet banks generally do not offer
their own ATM services, although they often work with other banks and organizations to provide
no-fee or low-fee ATM access for their customers.
The greatest quality of a web bank is likewise its most noteworthy shortcoming: If web get to is
spotty or lacking, clients can't get to their records. Also, there are security issues to remember.
Getting to one's web financial balance by means of a new or unbound open Wi-Fi hotspot
conveys a specific degree of hazard, and there is the ever-present risk of programmers bringing
down a web bank's site.
About every single conventional bank offer web based banking administrations that are
fundamentally the same as or indistinct from web bank administrations. This enables standard
banks to give banking administrations past the impression of their physical branch arrange.

1.4Mobile Banking

Mobile banking alludes to the utilization of a cell phone or other cell gadget to perform internet
banking errands while away from your home PC, for example, observing record adjusts, moving
assets between accounts, charge installment and finding an ATM.

1.5Why it matters?

For customers , mobile banking is a marvelous method to productively deal with the periodic
authoritative errand in a hurry. For little and medium size entrepreneurs, portable financial gives
the valuable endowment of time. Bringing a deal to a close, meeting new clients or smoothing
back office shipping glitches are significant income makers. Holding up in line at the bank to
store a wad of checks isn't.
For banks, portable banking is a splendid chance to at the same time charm new clients while
paring operational expenses. By reacting to the advancements in versatile innovation, banks are
viably saying they're focusing on the necessities of their clients, while simultaneously
streamlining various procedures to fulfill the quick paced needs of the 21st century.
Shoppers ought to likewise know that versatile financial represents certain wholesale fraud
concerns. While the transmission of information is encoded over a protected system,
programmers are consistently vigilant for methods for getting to this data. Due tirelessness ought
to be utilized while depending on portable banking, including close checking of your ledgers,
alongside guaranteeing legitimate insurance if your cell phone is lost or taken.
1.6Internet Banking VS Mobile Banking

Internet Banking Mobile Banking

What is it? Every single money related All exchanges are led
exchange are led through through advanced mobile
your bank's safe site by phone or a tablet by signing
means of a PC or a lapt. on to your bank's portable
site or by means of their
Which device would you Over the internet ,most On the mobile ,for
use? commonly via the computer example .advanced cell
or a a laptop. Internet Banking.
How funds are transferred? Fund transfer through Store move through NEFT
How many banking More comprehensive Limited number of features
functions are offered? features and functions when and functions.
compared to mobile
What do you need to Only requires a browser and Requires a banking
connect? an internet connection to application, SMS service or
connect your bank’s mobile banking website
How are you likely to access Requires access to internet, Requires access to internet,
your account? typically through Wi-Fi or a either through Wi-Fi or a
wired connection. data connection.
1.7 Five Innovation Trends That Defines Banking in 2019

The worldwide financial segment is turning out to be both all the more deliberately engaged and
mechanically progressed to react to purchaser desires while attempting to safeguard piece of the
overall industry against an expanding cluster of contenders. A lot of accentuation is being put on
digitizing center business forms and reassessing hierarchical structures and inward ability to be better
arranged for the eventual fate of banking. This change delineates the expanding want to turn into a
'computerized bank'. The significance of development and growing new arrangements that exploit
information, progressed investigation, advanced advances and new conveyance stages has never been
progressively significant. We are seeing associations advance in focusing on, growing
administrations, re-arranging conveyance channels, conveying proactive guidance, incorporating
installments and applying blockchain innovation. These endeavors will just increment in 2019, as
worldwide money related and tech mammoths reform the monetary administrations field. As a
component of these super patterns, banks will likewise explore different avenues regarding new
versatile applications and voice-empowered devices to upgrade both conveyance and logical
personalization. Eventually, the customer will be up front. As advances keep on developing, the
financial part will keep on quickening its interests in advancement and computerized upgrades.

Impact of technology an banking

Advanced analytics Convertional

Open API"S interface Cloud Processing

Mobility and Robotics process Internet of things Blockchain

Wearables automation(RPA)

Augmented and
Quantum computing
vertual reality

Figure 1
1. Serving a Segment of One

As indicated by Accenture, "Numerous banks have activities planned for focusing on statistic
based bunches, for example, youngsters, Millennials or more seasoned individuals, yet a few
banks are presently focusing on clients dependent on ways of life, values, goals, mentalities and
underserved needs." In 2019, many financial associations will go past personalization by section,
to create individualized correspondence and encounters for the portion of one. This is a definitive
degree of creative personalization permitted through information, progressed investigation and
advanced advances.

This degree of personalization includes bunching a client base with cutting edge criteria, where
human-driven, plan thinking columns and CRM apparatuses help banks and credit associations
coordinate needs to arrangements continuously. One of the overlooked keys to progress with
fragment of-one personalization is assessing the potential clients' readiness to pay for this additional
worth. Or on the other hand perhaps, the way to progress is a monetary administrations association's
readiness to adapt an incentive in the manner that Amazon sets estimating on conveying the
estimation of Amazon Prime. Shoppers must be prepared to perceive the incentive behind a
personalization arrangement and be willing and ready to pay for it.

Advancement and serving a section of one isn't restricted to singular buyers. Banks and credit
associations ought to likewise concentrate their endeavors on the little and medium undertaking
(SME) fragment and the necessities of individual organizations. Numerous monetary
administrations associations are taking a 'GAFA' (Google/Amazon/Facebook/Apple) approach,
utilizing experiences and information got from administrations and individual associations to
support their center business.

•Measureand •Assemble rich real-

embed earningsin timeview customer
existing systems engagement


Design Decisioning

•Test and learn in an •Mine data to

agilr way across identify consumers
vehicles signalsto on along
consumer journey

Figure 2
2. Expansion of Open Banking

Increasingly more administrative bodies internationally are requiring banking associations to

empower clients to share their information safely with outsiders to control new budgetary
administrations and increment rivalry in the financial business. By making record and
installment information accessible through secure application programming interfaces (APIs),
shoppers have more prominent opportunity and control by they way they collaborate with their
budgetary specialist co-ops.

Open banking APIs quicken advancement and joint effort, prompting extended financial
biological systems that could incorporate something other than budgetary administrations to
improve a customer's way of life. Is energizing about open financial that creation shopper assent
a focal piece of open financial system puts an expanded accentuation on customer offers. As it
were, whenever improved worth isn't a piece of the open financial purchaser suggestion, the
client won't permit the sharing of their information. Then again, those organizations that give the
best purchaser offer will be the relationship champs.

Figure 3

The comprehension and utilizing of the advancement capability of open financial will permit
inheritance monetary administrations associations to expand on their current client connections.
By giving clients decision and control of their own information, first-mover banks and credit
associations can become pioneers in a period of progressively customized monetary
3. Commitment to Physical Delivery

With the significant expense of a conventional branch organize and the expanding number of
exchanges moving to computerized channels, increasingly more customary budgetary
administrations organizations are presenting advanced just financial elements. A few banks are
propelling advanced just banks to gather stores, while other monetary firms are utilizing
computerized stages to give loaning, contributing and strength administrations. In each example,
the emphasis is on creative client encounters and expanded an incentive to the buyer, upheld by
client information and progressed investigation that can customize commitment.

A portion of the associations that will move toward this path in 2019 will do as such to ensure
their present client base, while different firms will attempt to grow (or produce) piece of the
overall industry. In all cases, the longing will be to acquaint first-with advertise items that are
buyer centered. This emphasis on advancement is enabled through Open Banking APIs and cloud

The strain to make an elective conveyance model is driven by the expense of looking after
branches. Clearly, the crude expense of working a branch is high, which makes return on
resources altogether more grounded for a branchless bank. While new contestants will as a rule
pay an expanded expense for subsidizing with expedited or online stores, existing associations
that assemble a computerized just "sub-brand" advantage from previously having a minimal effort
of store financing.

As in the retailing business, buyer desires and the expense of elective types of conveyance are
rethinking the manner in which the financial business is organized and the significance of
imaginative new conveyance models. The test will be in deciding the correct blend of physical
and computerized in 2019 and past.

Figure 4
4. AI-Driven Predictive Banking

One of the most energizing advancement inclines in 2019 will be the proceeded with
development to prescient banking. Just because time, the financial business can combine all
inward and outer information, building prescient profiles of clients and individuals continuously.
With buyer information that is rich, open and monetarily reasonable to send, money related
foundations of all sizes can know their clients, yet in addition give exhortation to what's to come.

This improved utilization of information will upgrade the customer experience, while expanding
security and effectiveness. By moving from a back view-reflect point of view of client
correspondence to administrations sent by robo-counsels and AI-driven chatbots, budgetary
organizations will give customers esteem through 'next-best activities' instead of visually impaired
selling of items. The genuine development will happen when money related foundations
incorporate this capacity with the extended administrations of open banking and associated gadgets.

The compass of banks and credit associations can be extended as virtual specialists chip away at
benefit of the purchaser to locate the best blend of answers for every person progressively. This
change may likewise bring about the disposal of explicit conventional items (checking, advances,
installments) with the development of all-inclusive money the board arrangements that address
all needs in a coordinated assistance. At last, the spotlight is never again on assembling great data
and trusting that somebody will take a gander at it; data is presently appeared with the objective
of proactively changing clients' ordinary practices, with figures and bits of knowledge logically

Figure 5
5. Payments Everywhere

The payment business has been, and will keep on being, one of the most unique regions of
development in the financial business. Affected by changing purchaser desires and driven by
mechanical propels, development will keep on originating from conventional budgetary
organizations, fintech firms and enormous tech players.

As the framework of installments keeps on developing, advancement will move the installments
business from a progression of explicit items to part of everything customers do. Separation will
be driven by information, innovation and conveyance, changing the elements of how and where
we pay and get installments. Installment advancement patterns will happen related to the Internet
of Things (IoT), purpose of offer (POS), versatile wallets, digital forms of money, and the

The effect of this advancement in installments will be a diminishing in the capacity to separate
on back-office abilities, a reduction in exchange charges, and an expansion in the significance of
separated client encounters and the use of a huge swath of information. Installment bits of
knowledge give the establishment of shopper and independent venture conduct, situating those
associations fit for preparing huge measures of installment information as the best to serve
purchasers later on.

Figure 6
Dr.A.Jayakumar,and G.Anbalagan,(2011)

Endeavored he discover the Working Group that "the pertinence of different existing laws and
banking rehearses inquire about investigation on Customer Service Management in Select Public
Sector Banks in Special towns in Salem District, Tamil Nadu, was attempted. Examination of
fulfillment level of clients by mean scores has demonstrated that none of the clients is amazingly
happy with any factor. There is just a moderate fulfillment in inner atmosphere, speed of stores
and withdrawal, administration charges, bank ‟innovativeness and so on. The factor investigation
has uncovered the way that these components have disclosed the varieties just to the degree of
60.54 percent. The rest 74.62 percent stays unexplained. This affirms the poor assistance
conveyed by banks under examination.

A number of worthwhile suggestions like customer complaint management, knowledge updating

of bank staff, professional management of grievance redressed system etc. have been given for
enriching customer service spectrum of the branches. Before concluding it would be more fitting
if the experience of Toyota “success in entering the higher end car market after launching Lexus
model is recalled. Focus on customer satisfaction and employee empowerment is said to be
dominant factor in ensuring successful marketing. It is said that 100 best customers and leaders
were selected and formed as a team to frame guidelines for their new customer service
satisfaction cell. Some of the important guidelines The customer satisfaction of services offering
by any service concern.

TulikaSaxena (2010-2011)

In his examination sees that is Innovation is reshaping the corporate culture of associations in
this present period of competency and administration inheritance. Development in
administrations is getting acknowledgment from the top administrators because of its key
significance and globalized rivalry, which has raised the interest for better change and reception
of best practices through change in forms. This examination paper depends on development the
executives in administration industry for banking division as indicated by the predominant
corporate administration condition and systems to continue or have potential aggressiveness to
fulfill the guidelines of the consistently evolving business sector. Associations are thinking about
creative thoughts as their potential educational asset alongside budgetary and non-money related
assets. Practically 80% of the IT segment and 60% of banking division has implanted the
advancement ideas in their hierarchical chain of importance to get ideal use of assets and
advantages through market and authoritative execution.
Innovation is the core competency factor for every market oriented approach. There all success
of our financial sector reforms will however depend primarily on the organizational effectiveness
of the banks, including cooperative banks, for which initiatives will have to come from the banks
themselves. With elements of good corporate governance, sound investment policy, appropriate
internal control systems, better credit risk management, focus on newly-emerging business areas
like micro finance, commitment to better customer service, adequate automation and proactive
policies on house-keeping issues, definitely would be able to grapple these challenges and
convert them into opportunities.

Joseph Amaechi (2014),

In the banking industry has become fierce, and banks are adopting various marketing strategies
to influence the consumer and his perception of their offerings. The study examined the factors
influencing banks‟ implementation and consumers‟ acceptance of e-banking of selected
commercial banks

Information were dissected utilizing the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. The discoveries
uncovered that cost/value, framework and rivalry impact e-banking usage by banking specialist
organizations. While, buyers saw e banking as far as administration quality and properties like
time, monetary, execution, mental and wellbeing/classification dangers. Additionally, security
concern, administration.

Dr. Hamza Salim Khraim ,Dr. Aymen Salim Khraim,(2011)

Banking in many developing countries has moved from a traditional brick-and-mortar model to
modern day banking for customers in banks for services where banks can be reached at any point
for their services. This can be attributed to the tremendous increase in mobile penetration in
many countries around the world including Jordan. The present exploratory study is an attempt to
identify the underlying factors influencing mobile banking adoption in Jordan. The data for this
study has been collected using a 22-question questionnaire. Out of 450 questionnaires
distributed, 301 (66.0%) have been returned. In the survey, factors influencing Jordan mobile
phone users to adopt mobile banking services were investigated. The findings of the research
suggested that all six factors; Self-efficacy, training, adaptability, complexity, risk, and relative
benefits were statistically significant in influencing mobile banking adoption charges, perceived
ease of use, resistance to change, access and awareness effects of customers' e-banking services.
Acceptance. Personal computers (PCs), mobile and internet / online banking, automated teller
machines (ATMs) and point of sale (POS) were the terminals for e-banking services. The study
recommended extensive training and sensitization to consumers on the features, benefits and
usage of e-banking. This will create more awareness among consumers and increase the quality
of service to boost trust and consumer perception of e-banking services.

Dr. (Mrs.) N. Yesodha Devi, Mrs. J. Nancy Sebastina, dr. (Mrs.V.S.Kanchana,(2011)

This study is carried on to find out the customers awareness about Mobile banking, their opinion
regarding the problems faced and the reason for opting this technology in spite of other
technologies. The study is based on primary data collected from 249 respondents by means of a
questionnaire. Random Sampling Technique was applied and Statistical tools like Percentage
Analysis, ANOVA and T-test, Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance was carried out in order to
reveal the results of the study.

Rahmath Safeena, Nisar Hundewale, and Abdullah Kamani, (2011),

Today, mobile communication technologies provide immense additional scope for consumers to
have everlasting functionality for banking transactions and the option to access bank facilities
anytime and anywhere. Mobile banking is a subset of electronic banking that outlines not only
the determinants of banking business but also the special circumstances of mobile commerce. It
is the latest and most innovative service offered by banks. But there has not been enough study to
know how customers experience and evaluate electronically distributed mobile banking services.
The study considered five factors considered usability, ease of use, subjective ideals, consumer
awareness of mobile banking, and perceived risks associated with mobile banking. This study
also suggests that these factors have a strong and positive effect on customers to accept the
mobile banking system.

Shah Ankit, Jawahar Society, R. V. Desai Road (2011),

Lately, the financial business around the globe has been experiencing a quick change. The developing
of data innovation has encouraged better following and satisfaction of responsibilities, different
conveyance channels for online clients and quicker goals of issues. In India as well, the rush of
deregulation in the mid 1990s has made elevated challenge and more serious dangers for banks and
money related go-betweens. Today, clients expect more excellent administrations from banks which,
whenever satisfied, could bring about fundamentally improved consumer loyalty levels. This
observational research study for the most part centers around exploring the central point that impact
online customers‟ fulfillment with the general assistance nature of their banks. This examination
additionally helps in evaluating the intensity of these elements with regards to Online (Internet)
banking and would, subsequently, help the bank the board in improving the degree of fulfillment as
well as fortifying the bond between the banks and their clients, accordingly helping them to hold as
well as grow their general client base.

Jayaraman Munusamy, Shankar Chelliah and HorWaiMun (2010),

Business–to-client (B2C) sort of condition, fulfilling a client is a definitive objective and target. As a
rule, it very well may be a serious issue. This is maybe because of the way that associations in some
cases don't generally comprehend of what really goes on in a client's psyche. All things considered,
this issue has given as a provoking undertaking to most business combinations that spots solid
accentuation on client relations. Albeit numerous investigates and studies were directed on the
genuine working of the client's brain, till today it is a still a puzzle. In this way, this
examination concentrated on the estimation of consumer loyalty through conveyance of
administration quality in the financial part in Malaysia. A quantitative research was utilized to ponder
the connection between administration quality measurements and consumer loyalty. Confirmation
has positive relationship yet it has no critical impact on consumer loyalty. Unwavering quality has
negative relationship however it has no huge impact on consumer loyalty. Effects have positive
relationship and have huge sway on consumer loyalty. Sympathy has positive relationship yet it has
no critical impact on consumer loyalty. Responsiveness has positivee relationship yet no noteworthy
effect on consumer loyalty. The investigation features suggestions for advertisers in banking industry
for development in conveyance of administration quality.

Shallone K. Chitungo 1 & Simon Munongo (2013),

Upgrades in remote advances and expanded take-up of cutting edge versatile handsets have prompted
a developing pattern in portable financial exercises on a worldwide scale. This observational
examination tried to research the materialness of the augmentation of the prestigious casing work of
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) in deciding variables that impact unbanked exceptional
networks Zimbabwe‟s expectation to receive portable financial administrations. A self-regulated poll
was created and conveyed in Zaka, Chirred, Gut and Chive uncommon locale Out of the 400 surveys,
just 275 usable polls were returned, yielding a reaction pace of 69%.Results were in this way broke
down by the SPSS bundle. The discoveries show that the all-inclusive TAM can foresee shopper aim
to utilize portable banking. In particular, saw helpfulness, saw usability, relative favorable
circumstances, individual imaginative and social standards have huge impact on client's demeanor
along these lines impact the goal toward portable banking, while saw dangers and expenses deflected
the selection of the administration. The outcomes may give further bits of knowledge into versatile
financial methodologies for portable system administrators, banks and programming architects to
structure and execute versatile financial administrations to yield higher shopper acknowledgment
among the unbanked uncommon networks in Zimbabwe.

Ramdhony Dineshwar, and Munien Steven. (2013),

The reason for this paper is to examine m-banking reception and use in Mauritius; an assistance
moderately new in the island. The point is to check mindfulness level and to identifyy those variables
that hinder or spur m-banking utilization in Mauritius. An online overview was done utilizing a
standard survey. Comfort inspecting strategy was utilized. Out of the 211 individuals who reacted to
the study, just 169 reactions were esteemed to be usable. It was discovered that consciousness of
nearby m-banking administrations is very high and utilization level is sensible. Comfort, time and
effortt reserve funds, protection, universal access to banking administrations, similarity with way of
life and banking needs were recognized as the principle factors persuading m-banking selection. Seen
security hazard and unwavering quality were seen as the principle snags to m-banking utilization. It
was likewise discovered that m-banking use isn't related with age, sex and compensation. There is,
notwithstanding, a relationship among training and m banking use. With regards to the confinement
of the examination, the utilization of accommodation inspecting
limits the speculation of the discoveries of the investigation. The examination has useful
ramifications for nearby banks either offering or wanting to dispatch m-banking administrations
in Mauritius as components forestalling and empowering utilization of m-banking are talked
about. Moderately few or no examinations on m-banking appropriation and use inMauritius have
been made. The develops of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Innovation Diffusion
Theory (IDT) are coordinated and stretched out with apparent hazard and cost to discover m-
banking utilization and selection. The investigation, in this way, offers significant experiences on
m-banking in Mauritius.

Rahmath Safeena, Hema Date, Abdullah Kammani, and

Nisar Hundewale, (2012),

Ttechnology is considered as the key driver for the changes taking place around the world.
Mobile banking is the latest and most innovative service offered by the banks. The
transformation from the traditional banking to e-banking has been a 'leap' change. The evolution
of e-banking started from the use of Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) and telephone banking
(tile banking), direct bill payment, electronic fund transfer and the revolutionary online banking.
This study determines the consumer’s perspective on mobile banking adoption.

Barathy Doraisamy, Arunagiri Shanmugam, Ravindran Raman,(2011)

The point of this paper is to research consumers‟ inclinations on Islamic Banking item and
administrations in Sungai Petain, Kedah. All the more explicitly, to look at the reasons of
shoppers for choosing Islamic Banking administrations as opposed to Conventional Banking
administrations. A self-directed poll was completed on respondents to gather the crude
information. This information were prepared utilizing SPSS, instrument V.13 bundle. The
discoveries uncovered that buyers knew about Islamic financial items and administrations to
certain degree and the purposes behind inclining toward them are a direct result of the
gainfulness and quality. In any case, the greater part of them are not using the Islamic offices
completely. This investigation will be helpful to Bankers predominantly Islamic Bankers on
consumers‟ inclinations towards Islamic items and administration, subsequently, will improve
the proficiency in advertising, item development and working Islamic Finance.

Prabhakaran and Satya (2003)

They distinguished the ascribes identified with banking area and concentrated the weightage
given to every one of the characteristics in evaluating the administration quality. In an
exploratory investigation of respondents in a metro city, they found that administration quality is
the significant parameter in an exceptionally focused condition where item separation isn't a lot.
Unwavering quality, substantial quality, responsiveness, affirmation and compassion were seen
as the significant ascribes to support quality.
Gaur and Waheed (2003)

They considered the elements affecting the utilization of intuitive advancements in administrations
business to decide the suggestions for building up these innovations to suit the clients. For banking,
selling the center item was most significant inspiration for utilizing intelligent advancements.
Administration division organizations underscore the utilization of intelligent advancements to
manufacture and keep up relations with the clients in since quite a while ago run.

Bhat (2005)

He directed an investigation on execution of open and private keeps money with reference to
support quality observation. Open and private segment banks were looked at in different
measurements of administration quality in North India. Regarding forward-thinking hardware's
and physical offices, private banks were in front of open segment banks; in unwavering quality,
open segment banks were driving..

Malhotra and Singh (2007) contemplated the elements influencing a bank's choice to embrace
Internet banking in India. Results show that bigger banks, saves money with more youthful age,
private possession, higher costs for fixed resources, higher stores and lower branch power proof
a higher likelihood of appropriation of innovation. Appropriation of Internet banking by different
banks builds the likelihood that a choice to embrace will be made.

Gupta and Dev (2012) considered the elements affecting consumer loyalty in Indian banks and
their impacts on consumer loyalty. A poll was given to 400 clients of 13 retail banks in India.
Five factors were recommended driving consumer loyalty in banks specifically: administration
quality, vibe, customer interest, openness and financials.

Sharma and Govindaluri (2014) considered the elements affecting reception of Internet banking in
urban India. The components of saw convenience, saw usability, social impact, mindfulness, nature
of web association and PC self-adequacy are essential determinants of the frame of mind toward the
utilization of web banking in urban India. The mentality toward the utilization of web banking can be
utilized to foresee the goal to utilization of web banking frameworks by clients.

Vyas and Raitani (2014) examined the drivers that lead a client change starting with one
specialist organization then onto the next in banking industry. The effects of the affecting
elements have been examined and tried observationally utilizing exploratory factor investigation.
Poll was gathered from banking clients and it was discovered that value, notoriety, reactions to
support disappointment, consumer loyalty, administration quality, administration items, rivalry,
client responsibility and automatic exchanging have their noteworthy impact on clients'
exchanging conduct.

Kaushik and Rahman (2015) broke down different predecessor convictions anticipating clients'
frames of mind toward and selection of self-administration advancements accessible in the
financial business. Results indicated that forerunner convictions influencing adopters' frame of
mind shift crosswise over various self-administration innovations. It expands and tests the
innovation acknowledgment model by including two extra precursors from the hypotheses of
selection conduct.

Bapat and Mazumdar (2015) investigated the business technique and its vital direction in
setting of Indian financial division. In view of reactions got from 330 financial authorities
working in different useful territories of banks in India, four main considerations rivalry, cost,
development and client need were discovered prevailing.

Srivastava and Dey (2016) dove into apparent contrasts in brand investigation measurements,
for example, brand-explicit affiliation, brand impressions and brand validity for youthful buyers
in setting of banking administrations in India. Three sorts of banks-state-possessed banks, private
(Indian) banks and worldwide (remote) banks were analyzed. A survey was utilized for
information assortment. Creators report noteworthy contrasts interferences among youthful
purchasers among the three sorts of banks for every one of the elements of brand-explicit
affiliations: saw quality, saw cost, saw brand social worth and saw brand passionate worth.

Howcroft et al. (2002) saw that all together as savvy and fruitful in actualizing Internet Banking,
banks should offer some benefit for cash, mistake free, helpful and easy to use administrations,
Berger (2007) contends that a sound comprehension of customer is required for development of
e-banking. Therefore, all important data about the customers ought to be considered and a
customer driven procedure ought to be created.

Confirming Berger (2007), Bontis and Fits-enz (2007) guessed client capital as a main impetus
behind authoritative presentation. To support in long haul connections, banking establishments
need to grasp the idea of consumer loyalty.

Sciglimpaglia and Ely (2002) proposed that banks are helpless against loss of clients to rivals
with broad online administrations. Client account connections are seen as prescient of electronic
administrations use as a rule. What's more, enthusiasm for the utilization of explicit online
administrations is identified with varying client connections.

McMahon (1996), for banks to make due in the e-banking time, the retail banks should gain buyer
dependability through item highlights and administrations greatness. The fulfillment of clients is
regularly connected with higher client steadfastness rates and expanded financial returns that drive
vital business valuation (Anderson and Srinivasan, 2003). For fruitful conveyance of budgetary
benefits however Internet, Mols (1999) found that monetary organizations need to fulfill a huge
scope of complex clients. 22 However, organizations additionally understood that fulfilled clients are
not constantly productive. This has prompted various looks into analyzing the results of fulfillment,
for example, notoriety, faithfulness and administration proposal.
Athanassopoulos et al., 2001). Casaló et al. (2008) remarked that expanding intensity in
electronic trade in light of huge number of operators engaged with it, the decreased inquiry costs
and the high control acquired by the shopper with the presence of the Internet, in this way, it is
hard to build the customer base of an online business and, subsequently, the advancement of
client reliability and positive WOM are two of the principle targets went for by the present online

Vijayan & Shanmugam (2002)

Examined on the administration quality assessment of five grapple Internet Banking sites in

Sohail and Shanmugham (2003)

Evaluated the clients' inclinations for electronic banking and the components, which they
considered affected the reception of electronic banking. They recorded openness of Internet,
attention to e-banking and hesitance to change are seen as impacting Malaysian's utilization of
Internet Banking. Adjusting the dissemination of developments hypothesis (Rogers, 1983) and
23 inspiration look into

(Vallerand, 1997), Ndubisi and Sinti (2006)

discovered that attitudinal develops, for example, significance of Internet Banking to clients'
financial needs, similarity, intricacy, preliminary capacity, and hazard assume a critical job in Internet
Banking appropriation in their investigation to analyze the determinant structure of clients'
disposition framework's attributes on selection of Internet Banking by Malaysian bank clients.

Poon (2008) in his investigation of the determinants of clients' reception force of E-banking in
Malaysia, has recommended that other than components, for example, accommodation, openness,
include accessibility, bank the executives and picture, security, protection, structure, substance,
speed, and expenses and charges, buyer driven arrangements that incorporate Internet Banking into
relational association with clients are essential to the electronic administrations support..

Poon (2008) additionally proposed that to continue in long haul connections, banking
establishments need to grasp the idea of consumer loyalty and openness, accommodation,
structure and substance are wellsprings of fulfillment. As indicated by Saleh (2009), consumer
loyalty is emphatically identified with dedication in Malaysian banks who offer Internet Banking

. Ainin et. el. (2005) additionally found that numerous adopters of Internet Banking were
empowered by loved ones to utilize e-banking. This has given an establishment to additionally
think about on WOM in Internet Banking.
Flavián et al. (2007) recommended that reliability could be considered as a nonrandom conduct,
communicated after some time, which rely upon mental procedures and closeness to mark
responsibility, and it has been dissected from two alternate points of view: attitudinal and social

(Bloemer and de Ruyter, 1998; Hallowell, 1996; Eshghi et al., 2007). This infers the idea of
devotion incorporates a mental connection, in view of client sentiments that rouse a general
connection to the items or administrations of an association (Hallowell, 1996), and a conduct
segment, in light of viewpoints, for example, the recurrence of visits to a store or the level of cost
3.1 Research Gap

The in-depth on Review of Literature on Innovative Banking Practices. The banking companies
the competitive environments provide countless technological services to their customers. The
question before the customer is can we understand the innovative technological services offered
by modern bankers through core banking system and then the reviews highlighted the paradigm
strategies particularly 4 A‟s viz., Availability, Affordability, Acceptability and Awareness. This
study dimensions are limited to Jalandhar city only.
Research is creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, which
includes knowledge of humans, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to
devise new applications. It is used to confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work and
solve new or existing problems.
Objective of the study

1. To find the new innovations in the banking sector at the National level banks.

2. To understand how frequently customer adopt the innovation in banking.

3. To understand how much the customer is satisfied with the innovation in banking sector.

Research method: For the purpose of this research, we decided to used questionnaire as our
research tool. The questionnaires will be distributed among local citizens of Jalandhar district in
form of goggle forms related to Innovation in Banking. The sample size is 100 for this study.
This sample represents the whole population.

 Questionnaires- Questionnaires were chosen for this research because they are a reliable
and quick method to collect information from multiple respondents in an efficient and
timely manner.

Data Collection: The data is both primary data as well as secondary data. Primary data –that has
been collected from first-hand-experience and has not been published yet and is more reliable,
authentic and objective. The primary data method of my research is questionnaire. Secondary
data-is collected from books, journals, internet, web-logs and general websites.
Hypotheses- This is a proposed explanation for an incident. For a hypothesis to be a scientific
hypothesis, the scientific method requires that one can test it. Scientists usually base scientific
hypotheses on previous observations that cannot be satisfactorily stated with available scientific
theories. Even though the terms "hypothesis" and "theory" are often used synonymously, a
scientific hypothesis is not the same as a scientific theory. A working hypothesis is a provisional
accepted hypothesis that is proposed for further research, in a process that begins with an
educated guess or idea.
Null hypothesis is taken as H0 and Alternate Hypothesis is taken as H1
Methods of Data Analysis:
The analysis of the questionnaire results were presented in the format of tables and charts using

Data Analysis and Interpretation Findings and Conclusion

Data Analysis Concept
It is a practice in which raw data is ordered and organized so that useful information can be
extracted from it. The process of organizing and thinking about data is key to understanding what
the data does contain. There are varieties of ways in which people can approach data analysis and
it is notoriously easy to manipulate data during the analysis phase to push certain conclusions or
agenda. For this reason, it is important to pay attention when data analysis is presented and to
think critically about the data and the conclusion which were drawn.
Raw data can be taken a variety of forms including measurement, survey responses &
observation. In its raw form, this information can be incredibly useful but overwhelming. Over
the course of the data analysis process, the raw data is ordered in a way which is useful. For
example, survey results can be tailed, so that people can see at a glance how many people
answered the survey and how people responded to specific questions.
In this course of organizing the data, trends often emerge, modeling the data with the use of the
mathematics and others tools can sometimes exaggerate such points of interest in the data which
is making them easier for the researcher to see. The charts, graphs and textual write-ups of the
data are all forms of data analysis. These methods are designed to refine and distill the data so
that reader can glean interesting information without needing to sort through all of the data on
their own.
4.2 Tools for Analysis
As no study could be successfully completed without proper tools and techniques, same with my
project. For the better presentation and right explanation, I used tools of statistics and computer
very frequently. And I am very thankful to all those tools for helping me a lot. Basic tools which
I used for project from statistics are as below:
 Bar Charts
 Pie Charts
 Tables

Bar charts are really useful tools for every research to show the result in a well, clear, ease &
simple way because I used bar charts in project for showing data in a systematic way, so it need
not necessary for any observer to read all the theoretical detail, simple on seeing the charts
anybody could know that what is being said.
4.3 Technological Tools
 Microsoft Excel
 Microsoft Word

Above application software of Microsoft helped me a lot in making project more interactive and
productive and hope for same for reader as well.
4.4 Detailed Analysis and Interpretation
The online survey was conducted using google docs. On the basis of the survey the various data
is obtained regarding innovation in banking which is detailed described below.

4.5 direct responses


The graph shows that the youths are more active using digital banking which is from age 18-25
and the age group of 25-69 have taken initiative but not that much using digital banking.

In which bank do you have account(if you have multiple account which do you use more often)
Icici bank 16 J&k bank 1
HDFC bank 18 Canera bank 5
Axis bank 10 Bank of India 1
SBI bank 20 Oriental bank 4
Punjab national Bank 19 Yes bank 3
Union bank 3

The graph shows that maximum number of people are having account in SBI Bank which is 20%
of the population,18.9% of the population use PNB as a bank account,17.8% for HDFC, 15.6%
for Union Bank,10% for Axis Bank and 17.7% for others. This shows not only private sector
bank are technologically advanced now public sector bank are also advanced.

Which factor promotes you to use the new techniques in banking?

Reduced time of transactions 5
Cost effectiveness 10
Ease of use 8
Technology savvy 3
All of the above 73
Total 99

The graph shows that 73.7% of the population believes that all the factors (reduced time of
transaction, cost effectiveness, ease of use, technology savvy) are responsible for the promotion
of new techniques of banking.

How often you visit you bank branch?

Never 31
Sometimes 58
Always 10
Total 99

The graph shows that maximum number of people visits their branch very often which is
58.6%,31.3% of the population never visits the branch and 10% of the population always visits
the branch which shows that their is a positive impact of digital banking. This shows now
innovation has taken place that you can say your device is your bank.

How frequently do you use E-banking ?(in month)

NIL 15
1 TO 3 TIMES 27

The graph shows that 38% of the population use e-banking for more than 3 times in a day
whereas 27% of the population use for 1-3 times in a day, 20% use daily and 15% of the
population never use e- banking. This shows that very less no of people which is 15% are still
not using e- banking , rest 85% have adopted which shows a positive impact of digital banking.

How frequently do you use mobile banking? ( in month)

1 TO 3 TIMES 23

The graph shows that 49% of the population use mobile banking for daily purpose which is a very
good growth 22% use for more than 3 times in a day,23% use for 1-3 times in a day whereas only 6%
don’t use mobile banking which shows digital banking growing in a positive way.

Satisfaction levels regarding the various Services Quality Dimensions:

REALIBLITY 67 27 6 100
ACCURACY 65 27 8 100
ASSURANCE 55 34 6 95

The graph shows that 55-67% of people are satisfied by the services (reliability, responsiveness,
accuracy, assurance) provided by the bank whereas 27-43% are neutral and very few 6-8% are
dissatisfied which shows to achieve 100% of satisfaction services are needed to be improved.

How satisfied are you with Working through e-channels?

Satisfied 68
Neutral 29
Dissatisfied 2
Total 99

The graph shows that 68.7% of people are satisfied working through e -channels whereas 29%
are neutral, i.e; neither satisfied nor dissatisfied and only 2% of the population is dissatisfied so
more focus should be given to the neutral ones to convert them into satisfied.

Which attribute of the innovation in bank do you value the most?

Quality of service 12
Technology used 15
Trust 8
All of the above 63
Total 98

The graph shows that more than 50% of the population values all the attributes(quality of service
,technology used, trust) of innovation which is 64.3% and 8-15% values each of the attributes
individually as shown in the table.

Give your feedback on online bank services ?(1 is lowest and 4 is highest)
1 2 3 4 TOTAL
Account info. & balance enquiry 7 14 34 45 100
E-Payments 6 10 34 50 100
Account to account transfer 5 5 42 47 100
Due instalment enquiry 10 14 31 49 100
Statement request 6 18 27 49
(email, fax,etc) 100

The graph shows that 45-50% of the population have rated 4 as feedback 30-40% have rated 3,5-
18% have rated 2 and 5-10% have rated 1.It shows that most of the population is happy and
satisfied by the services provided by the bank.

Are you satisfied with the security provided by bank in online transaction
Total 100

The graph shows that 78% of the population is satisfied by the security provided by bank in
online transaction,18% of the population is neutral and only 4% of the population is dissatisfied.

Do you feel safe in logging in your bank details in else's device?

YES 49
NO 51

The graph shows that 49% of the population feel safe in logging and giving bank details whereas
51% doesn’t which shows that people have trust issues regarding that.

What do you trust for online transaction ?

Bank app 37
Bank website 20
Other payment apps 43
Total 100

The graph shows that 37% of the population trust bank app for online transaction,20% of the
population trusts bank website and 43% of the population trusts other payment apps like Google
pay ,Phone pay etc.

How frequently do you think banks update their website?

Daily 22
Weekly 31
Monthly 27
Quarterly 20
Total 100

The graph shows that 22% of the people update their bank accounts daily,31% of the population
update weekly, 27% of the population update monthly and 20% of the population update
quarterly which shows people are active on their bank websites.
Findings and Conclusion

From the tendency of data emerging from the detailed analysis, it is found that there is leaning
tendency towards baking innovations and in consequence the perception of the customers
surveyed is towards innovations.
It Cleary shows that null hypothesis H0 is rejected and H1 alternate is accepted.

In terms of process and product innovations ,The empirical research record provides us with
information about the characteristics of users and adopters. Technology-driven financial
innovation and attendant welfare implications. Fast computing and The widespread adoption of
the Internet has led to a more efficient payment system with related products. Innovations are
rapidly spreading to large sections of the population. Technological change has also changed
Consumer credit moving from human to automated underwriting based on credit score and
others Pieces of hard information. This has occurred as a result of intensive and extended credit
availability with both wide margin.

The recent emergence of fintech has expanded interest in financial innovation as a new
Products, services, production processes and organizational forms are being created and deployed.
Block chain and distributed ledger technologies are currently being used for issuing and transferring
Widely distributed crypto-currencies along with early stage financing for technology companies
through early Sikka Prasad. Artificial intelligence and machine learning in use: in lending
environments to provide marketing and monitoring account activity, low cost consulting services and
so forth improve credit decisions through the use of expanded information. It's a very exciting time to
study Financial innovation and continuous development of banking business.
6.1 Limitations of the study

 Sample size --The sample size was too small, so it was difficult to find significant
relationships from the data, as statistical tests normally require a larger sample size to ensure
a representative distribution of the population and to be considered representative of groups
of people to whom results will be generalized or transferred.
 Lack of available data -- a lack of data limit the scope of your analysis, the size of our
sample.due to the missing data the study needs future research or a differently designed
method for gathering data.
 Measure used to collect the data -- The method we used in collecting data was by an online
survey .So we lacked in interacting with people
 Self-reported data --As we conducted a qualitative research but the help of online
questionnaire so we have to take what people think in our research whether it is right or not.
It includes
(1) selective memory (2) telescoping (3) attribution (4) exaggeration
 Access --We were not accessible as we were having a very short period of time and as we are
students so we were not able to afford that much of cost.
 Time management -- The time available to investigate a research problem and to measure
change or stability over time is pretty much constrained by the due date of our assignment.
 Academics-- Along with the research we had to focus on our academics also as we are a
college student so all the assignments of the college has also to be completed.
 The study is limited to study of perception of customers of having account in public and
private sector bank.
 The perception of the customer is limited to the place of study only.

6.2 Scope for Future research

To be able to compete and grow where margins are thin, competition is fierce, regulations are
changing and the impact of technology is increasing, financial institutions must place innovation
as a top priority. Organizational cultures must be shifted to support innovations that will
increasingly affect older business models. Banks and credit unions must anticipate consumer
needs and innovate in ways that will prioritize the most effective mix of capabilities, processes
and people.
To able to build more questionnaires and get filled by at least 1000 people which will give a
perfect answer to the innovation in banking.
The study can be done national and state levels which can give the best result in which the
villagers illiterate and any other category which if left out in this study Can be included.
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FIGURE 1 Impact of technology an banking.

FIGURE 2 Serving a Segment of One.

FIGURE 3 Benefits of implementing bank API’S.

FIGURE 4 The four format of physical bank branches.

FIGURE 5 Example of next best action concept.

FIGURE 6:- The power of payments- based analytics.

FIGURE 7:- Age.

FIGURE 8 :- In which bank do you have account(if you have multiple account which do you use
more often).

FIGURE 9 :- :- Which factor promotes you to use the new techniques in banking?

FIGURE 10 :- How often you visit you bank branch?

FIGURE 11:- How frequently do you use E-banking?

FIGURE 12:- How frequently do you use mobile banking?

FIGURE 13:- Satisfaction levels regarding the various Services Quality Dimensions:

FIGURE 14:- How satisfied are you with Working through e-channels?

FIGURE 15:- Which attribute of the innovation in bank do you value the most?
FIGURE 16:- Give your feedback on online bank services? (1 is lowest and 4 is highest).

FIGURE 17:- Are you satisfied with the security provided by bank in online transaction.

FIGURE 18:- Do you feel safe in logging in your bank details in else's device?.

FIGURE 19 :- What do you trust for online transaction ?.

FIGURE 20:-How frequently do you think banks update their website?.

1. Name
2. Age
3. In which bank do you have account(if you have multiple account which do you use more
 Axis BANK
 Punjab national bank
 Yes bank
 J&K bank
 Bank of India
 Canara bank
 Union bank
 Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited
4. Annual income
 Less then3
 4 to 6
 6to 10
 More then 10
5. Which factor promotes you to use the new techniques in banking?
 Reduced time of transactions
 Cost effectiveness
 Ease of use
 Technology savvy
 All of the above
6. How often you visit you bank branch?
 Never
 Sometimes
 Always
7. How frequently do you use E-banking ?(in month)
 Nill
 1 to 3 times
 More then 3
 daily
8. How frequently do you use mobile banking?( in month)
 Nil
 1 to 3 times
 More then 3
 Daily
9. Satisfaction levels regarding the various Services Quality Dimensions:
 Reliability(satisfied , neutral , dissatisfied )
 Responsiveness(satisfied , neutral , dissatisfied )
 Accuracy(satisfied , neutral , dissatisfied )
 Assurance(satisfied , neutral , dissatisfied )
10. How satisfied are you with Working through e-channels?
 satisfied
 neutral
 dissatisfied
11. Which attribute of the innovation in bank do you value the most?
 Quality of Service
 Technology used
 Trust
 All of the above
12. Give your feedback on online bank services ?(1 is lowest and 4 is highest)
 Account information and balance enquiry (1, 2, 3, 4)
 E- Payment (1,2,3,4)
 Account to Account transfer (1, 2, 3, 4)
 Due installment enquiry (1, 2, 3, 4.)
 Statement request (by email, fax, etc.) (1,2,3,4.)
13. Are you satisfied with the security provided by bank in online transaction
 Satisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Neutral
14. Do you feel safe in logging in your bank details in else's device?
 Yes
 No
15. What do you trust for online transaction?
 Bank app
 Bank website
 Other payment apps.
16. How frequently do you think banks update their website?
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Quarterly

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