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Government of West Bengal ‘School Education Department Primary Branch Dikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, ‘Kolkata-700 091, No: [35 -SE¢Pn) Date: 26.02.09 PBRPSUS/ADMN/9/04-05 NOTIFICATION Remuneration, leave and other service matters related to the project employees of the Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission (PBSSM) for the posts created by the Execut ‘Commitee has been enhanced at different point of time. However, a clear formulae in this regard his not yet emerged. Itis therefore felt that these issues need to be rationalized with respect to the equivalent regular posts under the Govt. of West Bengal, This isto bring tothe notice ofall ‘concemed that following principles will be followed towards fixation of remuneration, leave ete forall contractual staff under the PBSSM: ‘Remuneration: ‘The consolidated reminération for the different categories of contractual staf will be calculated on the basi of minimum basic pay ofthe coresponding scale of pay in the respective _ Government post plus the Allowances a is admissible tothe equivalent Government employees, “The reference date for this calculation will be 01.01.2009. After the D.A. for State govt employees rises for 3 ~ 4 times the consolidated remuneration applicable to the contractual employees PBSSM may also be revised oter approval of the Executive Committe, The revised consolidated remuneration of various categories of contractual staff at the State Project Office and the Circe level is shown at Annexure. Deduction of professional Tax and any other tax, as applicable will be made as per rules from the consolidated remuneration thus arrived at. If any employee is presently receiving remuneration, which is more than the prescribed amount he/she may continue to receive the same till the present contract is over. ‘The consolidated remuneration f the retired employee will be calculated using the normal formula of last pay minus pension ‘The State Project Director (SPD) for the State Project Office or the District Project Director forthe District Project Office (as thé case may be) will bring out an ord Page 106 1 Coemtimenssinant etna consolidated remuneration for individual contractual employees under their contol which wil be pt into effect on signing of an agreement in prescribed proforma (Annexure TD between the respective employee and the SPD or DPD. The new consolideted remuneration will be effective ftom the date of signing ofthe agreement, \ erformance, Each category of staff will submit a solfassessment report tothe reporting officer which wil then be passed on to the reviewing officer and the Accepting Authority. A proforma in this respect will be designed by the State Project Office, In the Districts the District Project Officer, | Additional District Magistrate CIn-charge of SSM) and Distct Project Dirstor & District, Magistrate willbe the reporting officer, reviewing officer anid’ Acéepting Auibority respectively. In the State Project Office, the concerned Dy. State Project / Controller of Finance, Additonal State Project Director and the State Project Director will be the teportng officer, reviewing officer and Accepting Authority respectively. ‘The Performance appraisal willbe the basis for renewal of contract, which wil sar fom the date on which the agreement will be signed and the new remuneration structure will come in force. Lave: __ The incumbent will be ened to 14 days casvl leave and 30 days Eamed leave in calendar year sibject 10 approval ofthe appropriate authority. The eared leave wil not be cumulative in nature and wil lapse once the period of contract apse. TA: : “The employees will be ened to Traveling Allowance and Daily Allowance as per TA rules of the State Government as applicable tothe equivalent regular Gov. employees atthe ‘minimum basi (sed to calculate the consolidated remuneration) of comesponding Pay Seale. This notification has the approval ofthe Executive Committe of the Paschim Banga Sarva Shiksha Mission (PBSSM). Joi Seasiary School Education Department ANNEXURE | \5000—12000 State Project Office (SPO) coneaied . [oesionatonrojct [pay seateot Jonny sa equivalent Govt post Remuneration [orposed sian Engen a ere-1 Sonor sez] soo sen0 : heen eet sre one swzal 0001350 sAEctoonctwa., afesinaer SAE eton: soord frst Enger 4Jrepona Endioer [ooner8 sean soon ssn0 SS TSp| toon 300 aa '6|SMISC - Program {6000-12000 13690) isk Pant rss, aman 10828 sword alge 0855 ia dosate co-os-cm a as Sos raduate Tech| 1260 sum cod." 7s emveslmmrat ra 2" |Pedagooy }s000—12000 Sa tifa coor Gender [extradite tome ostream Teacher ‘2[satecodva eo [Pesreaate 00 iaocoon. __[poarjouna Too ‘SlResearch & Studies |6000—-12000 nner |Post-graduate Teacher’ tufts Goons -Paning Poseasite toa te nana [Poster Tobe ‘SINPEGEL, |6000-—12000 oem Sate Coad eda [Postartiate Tee *8l Documentation }6000—12000 cs a eceeme eataecia Tem a tS acasiamnen = ANNEXURE | \ ; és : Postgraduate Teacher] 19}stato Co-ord-DEP [Eons Stadt 13699 j 7 Hone. Graduate ig 20|Prog. Co-ord. Pedagogy|Teacher 550 12559] Ee 11325 Hons. Graduate 21]Prog. Co-ord, CM&AS. [Teacher 5501 42589 : |—14325 Fons, Graduate 22}Prog. Co-ord.Ping [Teacher 500 12550) 11326 Fons. Graduate 17|PMis Co-ordinator [Teacher 8600 12558 i 14325 Postgraduate Teacher| 2alFAo Roe 413690] { 4 24|Accountant 4500—9700 10293] 25 [Cashier 1aa50-10175 7654 [25AlAsst. Audit Oficer —|4650- 10175 770632 ¢ 26|Admn. Asstt [4500-9700 10285) { 27|P.A J Stenographer _|4860-10175 71063 5 UDA of Govt of Ww. ; || 2ejupa eee sr60) 1 LDActGonotw.e 2o{LDa mein 7688 ‘20|Technical Asst. 's000—5230 [Group D1 Peaninight |Group-D of Govtof | 3lGuard lW.e. 2600-4175 = (I la [Post Vacant District Project Office (DPO) 2a loesignation(Proj|Pay Scale of IMonthiy lect Staff) Equivalent Govt Post [Remuneration esecersr_| Prose lAsastant Engineer ot ssi Soc or Win 229 om {8000-—13600 Lunior Engineer |S.A€ of Govt of w.8. “oisthead qtr.) j4800-—10925 ner Feld Janson SAE ot Gon ot We. .3]Engineer (Block ay 10972| eee J4v00—t0925 Post-graduate Teacher [wis in-charge [bostaraduate 13609 Honrs Graduate pais Teacher 3800, 12580 coer [fea lreacher wit Sub- afO#e Ene loweracarsCeticate sr pom ) \4000—B850 Hons. Graduate 7ipecesogy [Teacher 5500-4 125858] Sp) |-t1935 Hons, Graduate lcm sas q [Teacher 500, 12861 |Co-ordinator 11325 Hons. Graduate lcender F Teacher 8800 12560] Cortnator Teacher Hons. Graduate Research 19 Teacher 500. 12580 Coordinator [Teacher Hons, Gracuate 1feemning — eesher sso] tq 0a 19928 one. Graduate ED iy Clreachor een] ass 11328 Progamme co] 13lordinator oe enn el 10632| —(Pedagoay. i esta (Prog. Co- |Pass Graduate Teacher| foe lord CM &AS) |4650—10175 Post-graduate Teacher 15|FAO ohare’ 13690| "16|Accountant 145009700 10293} U.D.A. of Govt of W.B. 17|U.DAsstt. pre ageing 9160) L.D.A of Govtof W.B. WILDAsst. [33505325 Te88| ja ale 19|Technical Asstt, |3000—-5230 6895| (Group-D eee ° p-D of Govt.of 20|(Peon/Night 5989 ‘a v8. 2600—4175 Circle Level Resource Centre (CLRC) (consolidated st. |Designation(Pr [Pay Scale of Equivalent |Monthly Iwo. loject stat) . |Govt. Post Remuneration Proposed) |croup-c LDA of Govtot WB. Wuoasstty — |3380—~6325 ro 2|Group- (Peon) |SOur-D oF Govtot W.B: 5989] |2600—4175,

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