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Paraphrasing is when you put a passage from the original source material into your own

words. As with a quotation, you must do an in-text citation attributing the information back to
the original source at the end of the paraphrased section. Paraphrasing usually means the section
is shorter than the original passage because it is condensed.

How do I paraphrase?
Whenever you paraphrase, remember these two points:

 You must provide a reference.

 The paraphrase must be in your own words. You must do more than merely substitute
phrases here and there. You must also create your own sentence structures.

Finding new words for ideas that are already well expressed can be hard, but changing words
should not be your chief aim anyway. Focus, rather, on filtering the ideas through your own
understanding. The following strategy will make the job of paraphrasing a lot easier:

1. When you are at the note-taking stage, and you come across a passage that may be useful
for your essay, do not copy the passage verbatim unless you think you will want to quote
2. If you think you will want to paraphrase the passage, make a note only of the author’s
basic point (or points). You don’t even need to use full sentences.
3. In your note, you should already be translating the language of the original into your own
words. What matters is that you capture the original idea.
4. Make sure to jot down the source as well as the page number so that you can make a
proper reference later on.

Common Problems When Paraphrasing Paragraphs

There are some mistakes people regularly make when paraphrasing text or even whole final
project papers. To avoid problems watch out for these common paraphrasing pitfalls:
 Changing the original meaning when paraphrasing. Paraphrasing requires rewording
the original text. If you try and just change original words with a synonym without checking
context, the meaning of the paragraph may change.
 Not remaining neutral. When paraphrasing you shouldn’t allow any personal opinion or
bias influence your wording. You should convey the original author’s meaning, no more and
no less.
 Not doing a complete paraphrase. Changing words out doesn’t constitute a paraphrase.
A proper paraphrase changes both wording and structure so that the paraphrased version no
longer resembles the original except for meaning, which should remain the same.
When it comes time to write the paper, rely on your notes rather than on the author’s work. You
will find it much easier to avoid borrowing from the original passage because you will not have
seen it recently. Follow this simple sequence:

1. Convert the ideas from your notes into full sentences.

2. Provide a reference.
3. Go back to the original to ensure that (a) your paraphrase is accurate and (b) you have
truly said things in your own words.

The stars are tiny points of light in the space. On a clear night
we can see around 2,000 to 3,000 stars without using a
telescope. Stars look tiny in the sky because they are far
away from the Earth. In ancient times the sky watchers found
patterns of stars in the sky.These astronauts Neil Armstrong
and patterns of people and the creatures from the myths
and the legends. As the Earth spins from east to west the
stars also appear to cross from east to west. The stars are
made up of gases.

Paraphrase : the stars are small light in the sky that we can
see with mata telanjang on a clear night. Stars have a long
distance from the Earth. Some people like the astronauts Neil
Amstrong and the cretures of myths and the legend found
patterns of stars in the sky. The strars appear all the part of
the world. Gases are the main thing pementuk stars.

Ants are found everywhere in the world. They make their
home in buildings, gardens etc. They live in anthills. Ants are
very hardworking insects. Throughout the summers they
collect food for the winter season. Whenever they find a
sweet lying on the floor they stick to the sweet and carry it to
their home. Thus, in this way, they clean the floor.Ants are
generally red and black in colour. They have two eyes and six
legs. They are social insects. They live in groups or colonies.
Most ants are scavengers they collect whatever food they can
find. They are usually wingless but they develop wings when
they reproduce. Their bites are quite painful.

 Cause and Effect in Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal"

"'A Modest Proposal' is a brilliant example of the use of non-argumentative
devices of rhetorical persuasion. The whole essay, of course, rests broadly
upon the argument of cause and effect: these causes have produced this
situation in Ireland, and this proposal will result in these effects in Ireland.
But Swift, within the general framework of this argument, does not employ
specific argumentative forms in this essay. The projector chooses rather
to assert his reasons and then to amass them by way of proof."
(Charles A. Beaumont, Swift's Classical Rhetoric. Univ. of Georgia Press,

(Topic Sentence) Sometimes children must perform important tasks

within the family. Children can be of great assistance to their parents
and other family members. (First Example) For example, they may
help by cleaning the household, washing dishes, taking care of pets, or
through doing other chores. By doing these tasks, children are doing
their part in the family and learning how to be responsible and prepare
for life. (Second Example)Another example of children performing
important tasks is the help they provide the parents while the parents
are busy or working; the children might bring the parents something
they need or answer the phone while the parents are busy. Children
doing chores are helping take stress off their parents even by doing
simple tasks such as taking out the trash. (Final Example) A final
example is that as children get older, they may do more important
tasks for the family, such as baby-sitting siblings, getting groceries,
and mowing the lawn.(Conclusion) These chores all help the family
greatly and teach children valuable life lessons.
By giving assignments to children in their families they can prepare themselves for real life.
For example, they can help clean the house and do the dishes. By doing the assignments
given, childrens are doing their part in the family and figuring out how to be mindful, they
are also can reduce the burden on the parents and most importantly they can do the task
when they are adults. This assignment can teach children valuable life lessons.

 Inform:   I am going to INFORM you about the Apollo 11 space mission.    

On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from the Kennedy Space Center in
Florida. Its mission was to go where no human being had gone before—the moon! The
crew consisted of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. The spacecraft
landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility, a basaltic flood plain, on July 20, 1969.
The moonwalk took place the following day. On July 21, 1969, at precisely 10:56 EDT,
Commander Neil Armstrong emerged from the Lunar Module and took his famous first
step onto the moon’s surface. He declared, “That’s one small step for man, one giant
leap for mankind.” It was a monumental moment in human history!

Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin were the first three people to have a
mission to land on the moon with the Apollo 11 spacecraft on July 16, 1969. The aircraft
landed safely on July 20, 1969. Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon and
became a human the first to set foot on the moon. The moment carved out a new history of
the world.

Narrate:   I am going to NARRATE a story about the Apollo 11 space mission.

It was July 21, 1969, and Neil Armstrong awoke with a start. It was the day he would
become the first human being to ever walk on the moon. The journey had begun several
days earlier, when on July 16th, the Apollo 11 launched from Earth headed into outer
space. On board with Neil Armstrong were Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. The crew
landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility a day before the actual walk. Upon Neil’s
first step onto the moon’s surface, he declared, “That’s one small step for man, one
giant leap for mankind.” It sure was!

Paraphrase : on july 21, 1969 Neil Amstrong would become the first human that
walk on the moon. His journey had begun earlier, on july 16,
1. Golden week in Japan is a combined celebration of four holidays. The first take place on April 29 th,
the birthday of Emperor Showa, and commemorates the 64 years that he was in power. It is a time
for the Japanese people to remember this important period in their histrory. The second holiday in
Golden Week is Constitution Memorial day, this day marks the establishment of the Japanese
Constitution on May 3, 1947. The next holiday, on May 4 th, is called Midorino-hi and is a day for
people to be outside enjoying the environtment. In fact, Midorino-hi means “green day”. Children’s
Day, the fourth holiday of Golden Week, on May 5 th. This holiday celebrates the health and
happiness of children. Traditionally, this day was Boy’s Day, and some families still recognize this.
For example, they fly flags shaped like carp outside their homes to bring strength and success to
their boys. In short, Golden Week is a whole week of celebration for the Japanese people.
Phraprase : Japan has a Golden Week which is a consolidated of four celebration. First, on April 29 th
is the birthday of Emperor Showa and this is a time to recall their notable history. Next is
Constitution Memorial Day on May 3rd 1947. The next celebration is on May 4 th, is Midorino-hi or
“green day”. This is a day to enjoy the nature. Children’s Day, the last holiday of Golden Week, on
May 5th. This is a reminder of children’s health and happiness. Generally, this day was Kid's Day, and
a few families still perceive this. Actually, Golden Week is a whole celebration for the Japanese


The challenge for you as a student nurse is to move beyond mastering the skills of data collection to
develop your confidence in analysing and interpreting findings, identifying and clustering abnormal data
and determining nursing priorities. Although beginning nurses lack the depth ofknowledge and expertise
that experienced nurses have, they can still learn to improve their clinical judgement skills. Etheridge
(2007) found that new nurse graduates learned to “think like a nurse” and develop confidence in making
clinical judgements through multiple clinical experiences with a wide variety of patients, support from
educators and experienced nurses, and sharing experiences with their peers. Making the most of clinical
placements by seeking opportunities to develop these skills is essential in the transition from student
nurse to beginning practitioner.

Student nurses need to progress from collecting data to being confident in analysing data to find
abnormalities and prioritise tasks. New nurses do not have much knowledge or experience, but they can
still develop their clinical judgement. According to Etheridge (2007, as cited in Lewis & Foley, 2014, p.
61), novice nurses can “think like a nurse” and gain confidence if they have experience with different
patients, help from colleagues, and discuss experiences with their fellow nurses. Student nurses should
look to improve their clinical skills during placement to assist in the passage to starting work.

◦ Despite recent development of big data curation practices, there have also been some cases where
research data gained from social media sites have been removed due to privacy violations (Markham,
2016; Zimmer, 2010). It has been argued that some researchers have given less attention to data
protection and ethical issues of human participants (Mannheimer & Hull, 2017). Similar to social media
researchers, web archivists should be informed about the privacy issues before archiving the data from
the SNS.

It has been said that the constant change of social media, in terms of the introduction of new services
and features, and the availability of a massive amount of data have affected the ways in which scholars
approach social media research (Lomborg, 2016; Weller, 2015). Lomborg (2016) claims that the “big
data” tend to attract many researchers from various disciplines to examine human behaviour in social
media. Consequently, the data-driven research is arguably predominant in the current landscape of
social media studies.

Pada 16 Juli 1969, pesawat ruang angkasa Apollo 11 diluncurkan dari

Kennedy Space Center di Florida. Misinya adalah pergi ke tempat yang
belum pernah dikunjungi manusia sebelumnya — bulan! Para kru terdiri dari
Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, dan Buzz Aldrin. Pesawat ruang angkasa
mendarat di bulan di Laut Ketenangan, dataran banjir basaltik, pada 20 Juli
1969. Moonwalk berlangsung pada hari berikutnya. Pada 21 Juli 1969,
tepatnya pukul 10:56 EDT, Komandan Neil Armstrong muncul dari Modul
Lunar dan mengambil langkah pertamanya yang terkenal ke permukaan
bulan. Dia menyatakan, "Itu satu langkah kecil bagi manusia, satu lompatan
raksasa bagi umat manusia." Itu adalah momen monumental dalam sejarah

Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, dan Buzz Aldrin adalah tiga orang pertama
yang memiliki misi untuk mendarat di bulan dengan pesawat ruang angkasa
Apollo 11 pada 16 juli 1969. Pesawat mendarat dengan aman pada 20 Juli
1969. Neil Amstrong melangkahkan kakinya ke permukaan bulan dan
menjadi manusia pertama yang menginjakkan kakinya dibulann. Momen itu
mengukir sejarah baru dunia.

(Kalimat Topik) Terkadang anak-anak harus melakukan tugas-tugas penting

dalam keluarga. Anak-anak dapat sangat membantu orang tua mereka dan
anggota keluarga lainnya. (Contoh Pertama) Misalnya, mereka dapat
membantu dengan membersihkan rumah tangga, mencuci piring, merawat
hewan peliharaan, atau dengan melakukan tugas-tugas lain. Dengan
melakukan tugas-tugas ini, anak-anak melakukan bagian mereka dalam
keluarga dan belajar bagaimana bertanggung jawab dan bersiap untuk
kehidupan. (Contoh Kedua) Contoh lain dari anak-anak yang melakukan
tugas-tugas penting adalah bantuan yang mereka berikan kepada orang tua
sementara orang tua sibuk atau bekerja; anak-anak mungkin membawa
orang tua sesuatu yang mereka butuhkan atau menjawab telepon sementara
orang tua sibuk. Anak-anak yang mengerjakan tugas membantu
menghilangkan stres orang tua mereka, bahkan dengan melakukan tugas-
tugas sederhana seperti membuang sampah. (Contoh Akhir) Contoh terakhir
adalah bahwa ketika anak-anak bertambah besar, mereka dapat melakukan
tugas-tugas yang lebih penting bagi keluarga, seperti saudara yang
mengasuh bayi, membeli bahan makanan, dan memotong rumput.
(Kesimpulan) Tugas-tugas ini semua sangat membantu keluarga dan
mengajar anak-anak pelajaran hidup yang berharga.

Dengan memberikan tugas kepada anak-anak dalam keluarga mereka dapat mempersiapkan
diri untuk kehidupan sebenarnya. Misalnya mereka dapat membantu membersihkan rumah
dan mencuci piring. Dengan mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan anak-anak dapat mengurangi
beban orangtua dan yang paling penting mereka dapat melakukan tugas tersebut ketika
dewasa. Pemberian tugas ini dapat mengajarkan anak-anak pelajaran hidup yang berharga.

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