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March 4, 2020

To whom it may concern:

It is with great pride that I offer my sincere recommendation for Mebin Kuriakose in relation to his role as a
nursing student and as a student leader and advocate. In all capacities, I have been extremely impressed with
Mebin’s abilities and I am unequivocally certain that his skills and competencies will only be of benefit to your
I first encountered Mebin in my 2018 Nursing Frameworks course, where he strove to seek a firm
understanding of all concepts presented and widen his foundational knowledge. He participated in team
activities and provided an articulate voice for all the students in asking relevant questions and offering his
perspective of the critical nursing issues being discussed, such as ethics and cultural humility.
Since then Mebin has proved his work ethic and discipline in course after course, and in his extra-curricular
activities. As the ASUCI Nursing Science Senator, he is constantly finding ways to improve the foundations of
UCI Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing School through student-centered programs. In this role, Mebin
successfully organized the school’s first orientation for change-of-major transfers which allowed effective
communication. He recognized the need for an organization catered specifically for undergraduates interested in
nursing and found St. Mary's Nurse's Club. Mebin was also one of the few advocates to suggest adding student
representatives to the Pre-licensure board as well as the general faculty meetings. His leadership and eagerness
to take these initiatives from idea to implementation and success confirm his leadership abilities and his passion
for nursing.
Most recently I have had the opportunity to work with him on a new initiative to provide potential and actual
nursing students and opportunity to conduct mentored research within the School of Nuring and at UCI Health
on studies led by nurses. The program is called the Nursing Research Associates Program (NRAP), and the
project was funded by the UC Irvine Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program to test its feasibility. I am
happy to report the program has been very successful with Mebin’s leadership and will be sustained even after
his graduation. This is a testament to his acumen and follow-through and demonstration of nursing leadership.
As Mebin’s faculty advisor for NRAP, I have watched his evolution as a leader with admiration. His charisma,
diligence, and tenacity will allow him to be an innovative nursing leader. Mebin is an inspiring role model to
the future generations of UCI he so deeply cares about. He instills a sense of excellence into all of his mentees
and motivates them to do more. His warmth, thoughtfulness, and sensitivity helps to create a supportive
environment and shows his authentic leadership in action.
Whatever Mebin’s future holds, I know it will be successful. His skills and competencies are such that your
organization can only benefit; he is a winning bet, and I cannot recommend him more highly. Please let me
know if you need any other information in support of his application.

Miriam Bender, PhD RN

Assistant Professor
Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3959

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