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Malamig, Bustos, Bulacan



Section:______________ Score: ____________ /50
I. MULTIPLE CHOICES. Choose the best answer. Write the letter of your answer in CAPITAL LETTER.

1. Paul and Melika always have a date on Friday. Paul picks up Melika at 7:00 p.m., and they go to at 7:30
p.m. movie. This Friday, Paul has to work overtime and is running late. When he gets out of the shower, it is
already 7:00 p.m.What probably happens next?
a) Paul calls Melika and tells her he will be a little late.
b) Melika is angry that Paul is late and cancels the date.
c) Paul decides to call off the date and stays home
d) Paul reads his e-mail and then leaves to pick up Melika
2. Ashanti had worked in the garden all day with her mother. They had started early in the morning while it
was still cool. First, they had broken up the soil, which had been packed hard by years of rain and her and her
brother playing on it. Next, they had added some soil nutrients and mixed those in by hand. She had wanted to
plant the seeds then, but her mom said they had to lay out the garden paths first. "How do we do that?" she
asked. "Get down on your knees and push the soil into piles," her mother said. By the end of the day, Ashanti
was covered in dirt. What is likely to happen next?
a) She will put on a jacket because it's cool. b) Ashanti will decide what she wants to eat.
c) Ashanti will call friends to come look d) Ashanti will take a bath or shower.
3. During colonial days there were no bathtubs or showers in the houses. They were not missed, however.
Many people of that time never thought of taking a bath. Most people thought that water caused many diseases.
Only the hands and face were washed, and that wasn't often. You can predict that people of today:
a) take more baths than people of colonial days b) take fewer baths than people of colonial days
c) fear water more than people of colonial days d) fear both people and water of colonial days
4. I was glad I had been to the freshman orientation. The high school was enormous, much bigger than my
elementary school. The orientation enabled me to know where things were and what the requirements are. I
knew my classroom locations and how to get to them. I had met some of the teachers, and I had a new friend
who I had met at the orientation, another student who was interested in sports, like me, and we were both going
to try out for the basketball team. I hope we can get on the team, but I learned that it is very challenging, that the
competition to be on the team is extremely difficult.
How do you think the student will feel about being on the basketball team?
a) worried b) excited c) sad d) confident
5. A word, phrase or clause which functions as an adjective or an adverb to describe a word or make its
meaning more specific.
a) Predicting Outcomes b) Journalism c) Modifiers d) Reported Speech
6. “City Bans a Harmful Wet Wipes”, this headline is an example of __________.
a) News Report b) Opinion Article c) Feature Article d) Sports News Article
7. It is the production and distribution of reports on recent events based on facts.
a) News Report b) Journalism c) Journalist d) Opinion Article
8. . It repeats or quotes the exact words spoken. We place the words spoken between quotation marks (" ").
a) Modifier b) Predicting Outcomes c) Direct Speech d) Reported Speech
9. When a modifier is an adverb, it modifies the following EXCEPT
a) Adverb b) Noun c) Verb d) Adjective
10. The subject of the sentence is the receiver of the action. The verb used is the combination of be and the past
participle of the main verb.
a) Direct Speech b) Active Voice c) Reported Speech d) Passive Voice
11. It is another way of saying what someone said, but without quotation marks. It doesn't usually repeat the
words exactly as the person said them.
a) Modifier b) Predicting Outcomes c) Direct Speech d) Reported Speech
12. When a modifier is an adjective, it modifies a _____________.
a) Adverb b) Noun c) Verb d) Adjective
13. It is the basic facts of a story that is currently happening or that just happened.
a) News Report b) Journalism c) Feature Article d) Opinion Article
14. The subject of the sentence is also the doer of the action. The verb used in the action verb itself.
a) Direct Speech b) Active Voice c) Reported Speech d) Passive Voice
15. In the story of “The Talking Parrot”, why did Raja’s wives dislike the parrot?
a) the bird is too loud and noisy
b) the bird talk intelligently on all subjects including politics
c) the bird feels the love or friendship came from Raja
d) the bird told that none of them are more fair than the Princess who lives beyond the sea
16. The bird told Raja about his wives’ wicked plan. The underline word wicked means
a) to make someone unhappy b) morally bad c) to become afraid d) easy to see
17. In the story of “The Talking Parrot”, Raja was very upset when he found out that the parrot was missing.
What is the meaning of the underline word upset?
a) to make someone unhappy b) morally bad c) to become afraid d) easy to see
18. How much did the parrot sell itself from Raja?
a) Five thousand dollars b) Six thousand pesos c) Seven thousand euros d) Eight thousand rupees
19. It gives information of human interest. It is generally the stories in newspapers and magazines other than
straight news stories, editorials, or advertising.
a) News Report b) Journalism c) Feature Article d) Opinion Article
20. It is the form a verb takes to indicate whether the subject of the verb performs or receives the action.
a) Journalism b) Modifier c) Voice d) Direct Speech
21. “Success Stories: Principals Reflect on the Year's Achievements”, this headline is an example of
a) News Report b) Opinion Article c) Feature Article d) Sports News Article
22. What are the modifiers of adjective in this sentence, “if we are quick, there will be tickets available.”
a) quick and available b) quick and tickets c) we and quick d) we and tickets
23. Today music plays a special role in the production of movies.
a) adverb b) pronoun c) adjective d) verb
24. For years, we kept a pet dog that gave us much joy. What is the modifier of Adjective that modifies the
word dog?
a) dog b) kept c) pet d) joy
25. What is the modifier of adverb in this sentence, “The girls are kept separately from the boys.”?
a) girls b) boys c) kept d) separately
26. Which is the modifier of adverb in question number #8 that modifies the word screamed?
a) children b) frantically c) saw d) ghost
27. “She's a careful driver, I think” The underline word careful is an adjective that modifies the word
a) driver b) She c. think d) I
28. The children screamed frantically when they saw a ghost. The underline word screamed is a/an
a) Adjective b) Noun c) Verb d) Adverb
29. Beethoven was terribly shocked when he learned he was losing his hearing when he was in his late
twenties. The underline word terribly is a modifier as adverb that modifies the word ___________.
a) late b) learned c) hearing d) shocked
30. Which sentence is written in active voice?
a) We were bitten by mosquitoes at the cottage! c) My spouse arrived by plane at 6:55
b) My wallet was found on the street. d) The child was bitten by his friend at the daycare.
31. “Alice Munro won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2013.” Which of the following is the doer of the action
a) Nobel Prize b) Alice Munro c) Literature d) 2013
32. “The director studied the file and gave her comments.” Which of the following is the receiver of the action
a) the file b) The director c) comments d) gave
33. Which sentence is written in passive voice?
a) My dog loves to go for a walk c) We should paint the bedroom this weekend
b) He wanted to bring his family with him d) The sun is total eclipsed by the moon
34. Which sentence is written in active voice?
a) His hair was cut by a professional. c) The librarian read the book to the students.
b) The money was stolen. d) No prizes were actually given out by the contest organizers
35. Which sentence is written in passive voice?
a) Paula has written an award winning essay c) Paula wrote the winning essay
b) Did Paula write the winning essay? d) Paula writes the winning essay
36. "I wait at the bus stop."
He told me that ________ at the bus stop.
a) he waits b) he waited c) he will wait d) he is waiting
37. "We will set off tomorrow."
On Friday they said that _________________ .
a) they should set off tomorrow c) they would set off the next day
b) they should set off the next day d) they would set off tomorrow
38. "I will resign today."
This morning the minister announced that he would resign ________________ .
a) today b) that day c) now d) tomorrow
39. "We used to take the same medicine."
She thought that________________ the same medicine.
a) they had used to take b) they used to take c) they use to take d) we used to take
40. He said, "I am a man."
a) He said that he was a man c) He said that he is a man
b) He said that I am a man d) He said that I was a man.
41. Jim said, "I work here every day."
a) Jim said that he worked here yesterday c) Jim said that he worked there everyday
b) Jim said that he worked here every day d) Jim said that he worked every day.
42. Nan said, "I have finished my homework."
a) Nan said that she had finished her homework c) Nan said that she had finished my homework
b) Nan said that she has finished her homework d) Nan said that she has finished my homework.
43. Which of the following sentences is the correct form of Reported speech if the sentence below is in Direct
Direct Speech: Kelly said, "I am feeling sick today."
a) Kelly says that she is feeling sick today. c) Kelly says that today she is feeling sick.
b) Kelly is feeling sick today. d) Kelly said that she was feeling sick that day.
44. 1 He asked me, 'Have you finished reading the newspaper?'
a) He asked me if had I finished reading the newspaper
b) He asked me if I finished reading the newspaper.
c) He asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper.
d) He asked me if I have finished reading the newspaper
45. I __________ (spend) a lot of money yesterday. I __________ (buy) an expensive dress.
a) spends / buys b) spent / bought c) spent / buys d) was spent / bought
46. I ___________ (go) to the cinema three times last week.
a) was go b) did go c) went d) goed
47. The police ___________ (stop) me on my way home last night.
a) stopping b) stops c) was stop d) stopped
48. We ______ (wait) for nearly an hour until the next bus arrived.
a) had waited b) had waiting c) had waits d) has waiting
49. Kobe _________ (play) basketball in college before he went pro.
a) plays b) had played c) had play d) had playing
50. I _______ (type) a long letter to my friend.
a) had typed b) had type c) had types d) had typing

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