8 Naga Telephone vs. Ca

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CA - (SECOND) that since 1981, Natelco used 319 post without any
GR # 107112 contract with Casureco so it must be paid of P10/post from 1981 up
Date: February 24, 1994 to time of filing of complaint [total of P267k] and Natelco refused to
By: Julpha Policina pay
Topic: - (THIRD) that Natelco has poor servicing that caused great
Petitioner: Naga Telephone Co. Inc (NATELCO), Luciano Maggay inconvenience and damages to the tune of Casureco [not less than
Respondent: CA, Camarines Sur II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (CASURECO II) P100k]
Ponente: Nocon, J. ● In Natelco’s defense:
Summary: Natelco and Casureco entered into a contract that Natelco will be using - (FIRST) that it must be dismissed because reasons are insufficient for
posts of Casureco for its telephone lines for free. But after 11 years, Casureco action of reformation of contract
wanted a reformation of the contract since it was too one-sided favoring only - That it is barred by prescription since it was filed more than 10 years
Natelco and that Natelco has been growing and wire lines are excessive already. after the contract
Casureco wants Natelco to pay but Natelco refused. RTC ordered Natelco to pay - Barred by estoppel since Casureco seeks to enforce contract in same
the monthly compensation for use of posts and Casureco to pay monthly billings of action
telephone to Natelco. CA affirmed in pursuant with Art. 1267 which is the issue in - (SECOND) Natelco claimed that Casureco had asked telephone lines
this case. SC also affirmed, contract be reformed due to peculiar circumstances in areas outside Naga which Casureco’s posts were used and they
which may affect public service and Casureco’s business as well. refused to pay since what is due is more than its claims against them
Doctrine: - (THIRD) that they were categorized as “very high” and “superior
- Although Article 1267 does not grant the courts to remake, revise or quality” by NTC
modify contracts, peculiar circumstances necessitates exercise of the ● Casureco presented numerous witnesses (5 to be exact) to support claims
Court’s equity jurisdiction. on those 3 cause of action
- ● For Natelco, Atty. Maggay testified (one of the petitioners herein). He is a
Facts: member of Board of Directions of Casureco and at the same time the
● NATELCO: telephone company rendering local and long distance lawyer of Natelco
telephone service in Naga - Claimed that when the contract was executed. Atty. Tena (member
● CASURECO II: operates an electric power service in the same city of BoD of Casureco) said that contract was fair to both parties
● 1977: They entered into a contract – Natelco will use the electric light - Intention of the parties upon entering the contract was that
posts of Casureco, free of charge, 10 telephone connections in different coverage would include whole area serviced by Natelco and that
places when Casureco asked for telephone connections outside Naga and
● It is stated in the contract that the term of the contract shall be they did not charge Casureco for the installation and reconnections
terminated for any reason that Casureco is forced to stop, abandoned its so it’s naturally in return by use of Casureco’s posts
operation as public service and becomes necessary to remove the electric ● RTC ruling: reformation of the contract to abolish inequities, that
lightpost petitioner pay P10/post/month from the date of complaint, that
● After 11 years, Casureco filed for reformation of the contract on the respondent pay monthly billings of petitioner from date of complaint
grounds: ● Petitioners appealed with CA. CA affirmed in pursuant to Art. 1267 of
- (FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION) That it is too one-sided, most favorable NCC.
only for the Natelco ● Natelco asserts that said article is not applicable because the contract
- that it is not in conformity with guidelines of National Electrification does not involve the rendition of service or personal prestation and it is
Administration (NEA) [compensation for use of posts not for future service with future unusual change and insist that in a
P10/post/month] previous case (Occeña case) be followed
- that the wires installed by Natelco through the years became too Issue: Whether or not the CA erred in using Art. 1267 to affirm the lower court’s
heavy due to volume of its subscribers decision - NO
● Art. 1267 speaks of “service” but may be understood as referring to
“performance” as well which in this case is allowing the petitioners to use
respondent’s posts.
● In this article, it is not a requirement that the contract be for future
service with future unusual change.
● Sen. Tolentino states that this article observes doctrine of unforeseen
events in where the parties stipulate in the light of certain prevailing
conditions, and once these conditions cease to exist, the contract also
ceases to exist BUT exception to this case.
● In Occeña case, the parties were released in pursuant with Article 1267
but in this case, SC took into account possible consequences if both
parties would be released from the contract – that Natelco will be
disrupted of their service in public while Casureco will return all
telephone units to Natelco causing prejudice to its own business. This
necessitates exercise of equity jurisdiction.
● Although Article 1267 does not grant the court the authority to remake,
modify or revise a contract, SC held that in reformation of contracts,
what is reformed is not the contract itself, but the instrument embodying
the contract.
● CA decision AFFIRMED.

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