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This chapter will explain words that relate tosenses, notices, warning. The students
are expected to be able to:
1.1 Understand and comprehend some words that relate tosenses in the right context.
1.2 Understand and comprehend some words that relate tonotices and warning in the
right context.


Learning objective 1.1:

The senses

a) The five basic senses

- sight
- hearing
- taste/tounge
- smell
- touch
Note: to express it another way, the ability to see, hear, taste, smell and feel.
b) Sense verbs with adjectives

- You look (from what I can see) tired this evening.

- That man sounded foreign (from another country, from what I could hear).

- This cake tastes a bit strange.

- fresh bread smells wonderful.

- This shirt feels damp (slightly wet, often in an unpleasant way).

Note: the verbs above can all be used as nouns,e.g. I like the look of (the appearance
of it) this hotel. I love the sound of his voice.
c) Sense verbs with like or as if/though

We can describe things using sense verbs with like + noun or as if/though + clause,
but not like + adjective (NOT she looks like nice). When we use like + noun, we are often
describing how similar two things are.

– Have you ever had a nectarine? They look like peaches.

– Did you hear that noise? It sounded like alarm.

– That shampoo smells like coconut. (also smells of coconut)

– Don’t you think this material feels like silk.

– That boy look as if he’s trying to get over the wall.

– I spoke to Isobel. It sounded as though they had a good time on holiday.

Note: we also use seem and appear to describe a sense or feeling about someone or
something; after we have seen them, talked to them, etc. before like + noun, we usually
use seem.I saw will and he seemed/appeared quite happy. The shop appears/seems to be
very busy. Carrie said she wanted to travel a bit, which seems like a good idea.

d) Verbs easily confused

If you look (look carefully) at the map, you can see (are able to see) the church on the
left. They’ve been watching that man for weeks. (paying attention to something, often for
a long time)

- He ran into me because he wasn’t looking. (paying attention)

- I watched/saw a film on TV. I saw a film at the cinema. (NOT I watched a film at the
- I heard (was able to hear) what she said but I wasn’t listening. (paying attention)
- Don’t touch the oven (put your hand on it). It’s hot!
- Just feel my feet (put your hand on them to discover something about them). Aren’t
they cold?
Learning Objective 1.2:
Notice and Warning

a) Notices
- Out of order (on a machine that is not working, e.g. vending machine)
- No vacancies (in the window of the hotel; the hotel is full)
- Sold out (outside a theatre; all the tickets have been sold)
- Admission free ( outside a museum; you can go in free)
b) Do this!
- Please queue other side (wait in a line on the other side of this notice, e.g. in a
bank or post office)
- Keep off the grass (do not walk on the grass)
- Keep right (stay on the right side,e.g. on the underground)
- Silence examination in progress (be quite, an exam is happening now)
c) Don’t do this!
- No parking (you cannot leave your car here)
- No entry (you cannot go in here)
- No exit (you cannot go out here)
- Please do not disturb (on a hotel door; leave me to sleep)
- Please do not leave bag unattended (don’t put a bag down and walk away)
- Please do not feed the animals (do not give food to the animals)
d) Warnings
- Mind your head (take care you don’t hit your head on a low door.
- Mind the step (be careful. There’s a step)
- Fragile (be careful, this parcel will break easily)

1.1. Choose the word to complete the sentences. (senses)
1. ‘Ainun and Habibie’is a good movie. Have you seen/watched it?
2. Can you feel/touch that coffee to see how how it is.
3. If you are standing in front of that building, you can see / look beautiful view from
4. I can see a dog which seems/appears like odd things to do.
5. She looks/sees tired last night.

1.2. Give the definition of the following words or phrases. (notice and warning)

1. Fragile
2. Do not lean of the window
3. Please queue other side
4. Admission free
5. Out of order
6. No vacancies
7. Keep left
8. No disturb
9. Beware of the dog
10. Please don’t feed the animals

Redman, Stuart, 2011. English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge, University Press: Cambridge
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Author: Acer
Creation Date: 9/14/2016 8:37:00 PM
Change Number: 7
Last Saved On: 9/15/2016 2:50:00 PM
Last Saved By: Acer
Total Editing Time: 36 Minutes
Last Printed On: 9/15/2016 4:41:00 PM
As of Last Complete Printing
Number of Pages: 4
Number of Words: 648 (approx.)
Number of Characters: 3,697 (approx.)

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