Lect 16. Energybal Reactive PDF

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Energy Balances on Reactive Process


Manolito E. Bambase Jr
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
CEAT, University of the Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines
16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

An iron pyrite ore containing 85.0% FeS2 and 15.0% gangue

(inert dirt, rock, etc.) is roasted with an amunt equal to 200%
excess air according to the reaction

4 FeS2 + 11 O2 ======> 2 Fe2O3 + 8 SO2

in order to produce SO2. All the gangue plus the Fe2O3 and
unreacted FeS2 end up in the solid waste product (cinder).
Analysis shows the cinder contains 4.0% FeS2.

Determine the heat transfer per kilogram of ore to keep the

product stream at 250C if the entering stream streams are at 250C.
Assume that pressure is constant at 1 atm.

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

Ore, F = 100 kg Gas Products, P mol

0.85 kg FeS2/kg F n1 mol SO2

0.15 kg gangue/kg F n2 mol O2
n3 mol N2
Air, A mol Cinder, C kg

0.21 mol O2/mol A m1 kg gangue

0.79 mol N2/mol A m2 kg Fe2O3
200% excess m3 kg FeS2

4 FeS2 + 11 O2 ======> 2 Fe2O3 + 8 SO2

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

The heat transfer required is calculated form the energy balance

equation. Assuming DK = DP = WS = 0, then

Q = DH = SHout – SHin

The total enthalpy at the inlet is:

SHin = (Hgangue + HFeS2 + HN2 + HO2)1
The total enthalpy at the outlet is:
SHout = (HSO2 + HO2 + HN2 + Hgangue + HFe2O3 + HFeS2)2

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

Q = (HSO2 + HO2 + HN2 + Hgangue + HFe2O3 + HFeS2)2
– (Hgangue + HFeS2 + HN2 + HO2)1

Since the amount of N2 and gangue are the same at the inlet and
out let and the there are no changes in T and P conditions at the
inlet and outlet, then
(Hgangue)1 = (Hgangue)2 and (HN2)1 = (HN2)2
And the heat transfer equation becomes,

Q = (HSO2 + HO2 + HFe2O3 + HFeS2)2 – (HFeS2 + HO2)1

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

From Table F.1,

(Ĥfo)FeS2 = – 177.9 kJ/mol

(Ĥfo)Fe2O3 = – 822.156 kJ/mol
(Ĥfo)SO2 = – 296.90 kJ/mol
(Ĥfo)O2 = 0.00 kJ/mol

These are the specific enthalpies at 250C. The actual enthalpy at

the given temperature condition is:
ˆ ˆ
H  H f   CP dT

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

Since the actual temperature is also at 250C, then

Ĥ = Ĥfo

The total enthalpy of each component at the inlet and outlet is

determined as:

H = nĤ = nĤfo

The molar amount of each component can be obtained thru

material balances.

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

From excess air information:

Total O2 in = 5.8437 kmol

Total N2 in = 21.983 kmol

Gangue Balance: m1 = 15.0 kg

N2 Balance: n3 = 21.983 kmol

S Balance (kmol) 2(85.0/120.0) = n1 + (m3/120.0)(2)

Fe Balance (kmol) (85.0/120.0) = (m2/159.02)2 + (m3/120.0)
O2 Balance (kmol) 5.8437 = n2 + n1 + (m2/159.02)(1.5)

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore


m3/(15.0 + m2 + m3) = 0.04

Solving the last 4 equations simultaneously,

Fe2O3: m2 = 54.63 kg ====> 0.342 kmol

FeS2: m3 = 2.90 kg ====> 0.0242 kmol

SO2: n1 = 1.368 kmol

O2: n2 = 3.938 kmol

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

Solving for the total enthalpy of the inlet:

SHin = (85.0/120.0 kmol)(–177.9 kJ/mol)(1000 mol/kmol)

+ (5.8437)(0)
SHin = – 126,007 kJ

Solving for the total enthalpy of the outlet:

SHout = (1.368)(–296.90)(1000) + (0.0242)(–177.90)(1000)

+ (1.368)(–296.90)(1000)
SHout = – 691,641 kJ

16-1. Roasting of Iron Pyrite Ore

Solving for Q:

Q = – 691,641 – ( – 126,007) = – 565,634 kJ per 100 kg of ore

Per kg of ore:

Q = – 5,656 kJ per kg of ore

The negative sign indicates that meat must be removed during the
process in order to maintain the temperature at 250C.

Example 16-2. Combustion of Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide at 500F is completely burned at 2 atm pressure

with 50% excess air that is at 10000F. The products of
combustion leave the combustion chamber at 8000F.

Calculate the heat evolved from the combustion chamber

expressed as Btu/lbm CO entering.

1 lbmol CO, 500F

Flue Gas, 8000F
Air, 10000F Combustion
n3 lbmol CO2
n1 lbmol O2/lbmol Chamber n4 lbmol O2
n2 lbmol N2/lbmol n5 lbmolN2
50% excess

Example 16-2. Combustion of Carbon Monoxide

With DK = DP = WS = 0, the heat evolved is calculated as:

Q = DH = SHout – SHin
Q = (HCO2 + HN2 + HO2)2 – (HCO + HN2 + HO2)1

Calculate total enthalpy of each component:

Hi = niĤi = ni(Ĥfo + CPidT)

The standard heat of formation can be obtained from Table F.1.

Example 16-2. Combustion of Carbon Monoxide

The CP can be expressed as a function of temperature:

CP = a + bT + gT2
Values of the constants for CO, CO2, O2, and N2 can be obtained
from Table E.1.
The molar amount of each component can be obtained thru
material balance.
n1 = ____ lbmol O2 ; n2 = ____ lbmol N2
n3 = ____ lbmol CO2; n4 = ____ lbmol O2
n5 = ____ lbmol N2

Example 16-2. Combustion of Carbon Monoxide

Standard heat of formation (Table F.1):

(Ĥfo)CO = __________ Btu/lbmol

(Ĥfo)CO2 = __________ Btu/lbmol
(Ĥfo)N2 = (Ĥfo)O2 = 0

Heat capacity equations (Table E.1):

(T is in 0F and CP is Btu/lbmol-0F)

(CP)CO2 = _____ + __________ T ___________ T2

(CP)CO = _____ + __________ T ___________ T2
(CP)N2 = _____ + __________ T ___________ T2
(CP)O2 = _____ + __________ T ___________ T2

Example 16-2. Combustion of Carbon Monoxide

Solving for the specific enthalpy:


H CO2  169,179    CP )CO2 dT  _________ Btu / lbmol

CO 2 : ˆ

H N2  (0)    CP ) N2 dT  _________ Btu / lbmol

N2 : ˆ

H CO2  (0)    CP )O2 dT  _________ Btu / lbmol

\O 2 : ˆ

Example 16-2. Combustion of Carbon Monoxide


H CO  47,515    CP )CO dT  _________ Btu / lbmol

CO : ˆ

H N2  (0)  T   CP ) N2 dT  _________ Btu / lbmol

N2 : ˆ

H CO2  (0)    CP )O2 dT  _________ Btu / lbmol

\O 2 : ˆ

Example 16-2. Combustion of Carbon Monoxide

Solving for the total enthalpy of the products and reactants:

SHout = - 143,743 Btu

SHin = -22,170 Btu

And the heat transfer is:

Q = SHout – SHin = - 121,570 Btu per 1 lbmol CO

Q = - 121,570 Btu/lbmol CO (1 lbmol CO/28 lbm CO)
Q = - 4,342 Btu/lbm CO


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