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A) Los adverbios de modo (Adverbs of manner)

Igual que los adjetivos nos dan información sobre los nombres, los adverbios nos la dan sobre
los verbos. Generalmente responden a las preguntas que empiezan con: "How".

Paul is a careful driver.
Paul drives carefully.

1.- La mayoría de los adverbios de modo se forman añadiendo al adjetivo la terminación "-ly"

quiet / quietly
nice / nicely

Peter is a quiet pupil. Peter works quietly.

2.- Si el adjetivo acaba en consonante + y cambia la y por una i y luego añade -ly.

happy / happily

We are happy. We played happily.

EXCEPCIÓN: shy / shyly (tímidamente)

3.- Si el adjetivo acaba en -ble cambia la e por una y.

terrible / terribly

I am a terrible singer. I sing terribly.
4.- Si el adjetivo acaba en -l dobla la l.

logical/ logically

4.- Si el adjetivo acaba en -ic se añade-ally.

comic / comically

5.- Algunos adverbios son iguales que los adjetivos.

hard (duro/a, difícil) / hard (duramente)

fast (rápido/a) / fast (rápidamente, deprisa)

He is a hard worker / He works hard.

Irregular adverbs

Although most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective (e.g. slow ⇒ slowly) there are
some irregular adverbs, i.e. adverbs which do not follow the normal rule.

Adjective Adverb
good well

fast fast

hard hard

late late

early early

daily daily

straight straight

wrong wrong, wrongly

high high

Here are some example sentences. Those with the asterisk are wrong.

He drives too fast. He drives too fastly*.

He speaks good English/ He speaks English well. He speaks English good*.

My mother always worked hard. My mother always worked hardly*.

They arrived late for the party. They arrived lately for the party*.

6.- El adverbio del adjetivo good es well.

He's a good teacher. He teaches well.

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