Latihan Soal Interger Programming

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PR Integer Programming

1) A boy wants to open a drink stand. His mother says he can not sell more than four
gallons of drinks. The boy sells lemonade and a fruit juice. He sells the lemonade for $2 a
gallon and the fruit juice for $1.50 a gallon. The lemonade uses 30 lemon slices per gallon
and one pound of sugar per gallon. The fruit juice uses 10 lemon slices and two pounds of
sugar per gallon. The boy’s mother has only 90 lemon slices and 6 pounds of sugar. Find out
how many gallons of each type of beverage the boy should make in order to make the most
a) Formulate an IP to maximize profits.
b) Solve using Graphical methods

2) A manufacturer can sell product 1 at a profit of $2/unit and product 2 at a profit of

$5/unit. Three units of raw material are needed to manufacture 1 unit of product 1, and 6
units of raw material are needed to manufacture 1 unit of product 2. A total of 120 units of
raw material are available. If any of product 1 is produced, a setup cost of $10 is incurred,
and if any of product 2 is produced, a setup cost of $20 is incurred.
a) Formulate an IP to maximize profits.
b) Solve using Solver Excel

3) To graduate from Basketweavers University with a major in operations research, a

student must complete at least two math courses, at least two OR courses, and at least two
computer courses. Some courses can be used to fulfill more than one requirement: Calculus
can fulfill the math requirement; operations research, math and OR requirements; data
structures, computer and math requirements; business statistics, math and OR
requirements; computer simulation, OR and computer requirements; introduction to
computer programming, computer requirement; and forecasting, OR and math
Some courses are prerequisites for others: Calculus is a prerequisite for business statistics;
introduction to computer programming is a prerequisite for computer simulation and for
data structures; and business statistics is a prerequisite for forecasting.
a) Formulate an IP that minimizes the number of courses needed to satisfy the major
b) Solve using Solver Excel

4) A company is considering opening warehouses in four cities: New York, Los Angeles,
Chicago, and Atlanta. Each warehouse can ship 100 units per week. The weekly fixed cost of
keeping each warehouse open is $400 for New York, $500 for Los Angeles, $300 for Chicago,
and $150 for Atlanta. Region 1 of the country requires 80 units per week, region 2 requires
70 units per week, and region 3 requires 40 units per week. The costs (including production
and shipping costs) of sending one unit from a plant to a region are shown in Table 11. We
want to meet weekly demands at minimum cost, subject to the preceding information and
the following restrictions:
a) If the New York warehouse is opened, then the Los Angeles warehouse must be
b) At most two warehouses can be opened.
c) Either the Atlanta or the Los Angeles warehouse must be opened.
Formulate an IP that can be used to minimize the weekly costs of meeting demand and
solve it using LINDO
5) The Research and Development Division of the Progressive Company has been
developing four possible new product lines. Management must now make a decision as to
which of these four products actually will be produced and at what levels. Therefore, an
operations research study has been requested to find the most profitable product mix. A
substantial cost is associated with beginning the production of any product, as given in the
first row of the following table. Management’s objective is to find the product mix that
maximizes the total profit (total net revenue minus start-up costs).

Let the continuous decision variables x1, x2, x3, and x4 be the production levels of
products 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Management has imposed the following policy
constraints on these variables:
1. No more than two of the products can be produced.
2. Either product 3 or 4 can be produced only if either product 1 or 2 is produced.
3. Either 5x1 + 3x2 + 6x3 + 4x4 6,000
or 4x1 + 6x2 + 3x3 + 5x4 6,000.
(a) Introduce auxiliary binary variables to formulate a mixed BIP model for this problem.
(b) Use the computer to solve this model.

6) Dengan menggunkan metode branch-bound temukan solusi optimal dari permasalahan

dibawah ini
Max z = 7X1 +
3X2 s.t.
2X1 + X2 ≤ 9
3X1 + 2X2 ≤13
X1, X2 ≥ 0; X1, X2 integer
7) Minimize Z = 2X1 + 3X2
Subject to : 2X1 + X2 ≥ 4,55
X1 + 3X2 ≥ 5,89
X1 ≥ 0
X2 ≥ 0
X1 , X2 Integer
Solusi dari permasalahan tersebut dengan metode branch and bound adalah sebagai
X1 = 1,552
X2 = 1,446
Z = 7,442
X1 ≥ 2

X1 ≤1

X1 = 1 X1 = 2
SP - A
X2 = 2,55 X2 = 1,2967 SP - B
Z = 9,65 Z = 7,89
X2 ≤ 1 X2 ≥ 2

SP - C

SP - D

X1 = 2,89 X1 = 2
X2 = 1 X2 = 2
X1 ≤ 2 X1 ≥ 3
Z = 8,78 Z = 10

SP - E

SP - F

X1 = 3
No Feasible
X2 = 0,5633
Z = 8,89
X2 ≥ 1

X2 ≤ 0

SP - G

SP - H

X1 = 5,89 X1 = 3
X2 = 0 X2 = 1
Z = 11,78 Z=9

a. Tuliskan model lengkap dari SP-F

b. Kenapa SP-B dicabangkan dulu daripada SP-A
c. Kenapa SP-D tidak dicabangkan lagi
d. Berikan 2 alasan kenapa SP-F masih dicabangkan

8) Sebuah home-industry tekstil “NUYS COLLECTION” membuat dua macam produk tekstil yang
sering digunakan masyarakat dewasa ini, yaitu kemeja dan kaos. Dalam home-industry tersebut,
kemeja dan kaos harus melalui 4 workstation agar dapat menjadi
produk jadi, yaitu:
Workstation 1 : pemotongan kain dan pembuatan pola
Workstation 2 : penjahitan
Workstation 3 : pressing dan pemeriksaan (quality control)
Workstation 4 : pengemasan
Pemilik home-industry tersebut memiliki 4 operator dan masing-masing operator
menangani 1 workstation. Pemilik mengalokasikan waktu kerja per hari sebanyak 10 jam
yang dimulai dari pukul 08.00 hingga pukul 18.00. Sistem kerja yang diterapkan pada
home industry tersebut merupakan sistem kerja seri, yang artinya proses kerja tersebut
dilakukan secara berurutan yang dimulai dari workstation 1 dan berakhir di workstation
4. Pemilik menerapkan waktu kerja per shift, yang dimaksudkan bahwa workstation 1
akan mendapatkan shift pertama, workstation 2 akan mendapatkan shift kedua, dan
seterusnya. Pemilik menetapkan shift per hari untuk 4 workstation seperti di bawah ini :
Shift 1 (Workstation 1) : pukul 08.00-09.30
Shift 2 (Workstation 2) : pukul 09.30-13.00
Shift 3 (Workstation 3) : pukul 13.00-16.00
Shift 4 (Workstation 4) : pukul 16.00-18.00
Kapasitas produksi untuk kemeja dan kaos per harinya dalam home-industry tersebut
adalah 200 buah dan 120 buah. Produk kemeja dan kaos tersebut memiliki waktu proses
per produk yang berbeda-beda disetiap workstation seperti yang tertera pada Tabel.

Waktu yang dibutuhkan (menit) Waktu tersedia per

shift (menit)
Kemeja Kaos
1 0,45 0,5 90

2 1,05 0,45 210

3 0,9 0,45 180

4 0,6 0,5 120

Pemilik menetapkan harga jual kemeja sebesar Rp.35000 dan kaos sebesar Rp.40000.
Pemilik akan mengambil profit sebesar 45% dari harga jual kemeja dan 50% dari harga
jual kaos, sehingga keuntungan yang didapat sebesar Rp.15750 untuk satu kemeja dan
sebesar Rp 20000 untuk satu kaos. Berapa kemeja dan kaos yang harus diproduksi setiap
harinya agar home-industry tekstil tersebut memperoleh keuntungan yang optimal?
Selesaikan dengan metode Branch and Bound !

9) Pemilik dari toko jual beli mesin merencanakan untuk mengadakan perluasan dengan
membeli beberapa mesin baru, yaitu mesin pencetak dan mesin bubut. Pemilik
menganggarkan bahwa tiap mesin pencetak akan menaikkan keuntungan Rp 100.000/ha
ri dan tiap mesin bubut akan menaikkan keuntungan Rp 150.000 per hari. Dengan
anggaran biaya Rp 40.000.000 dan Luas tempat yang tersedia sebesar 200 m .
Banyaknya jumlah mesin yang dapat dibeli dibatasi dengan biaya mesin dan tersedianya
ruang dalam toko. Harga beli mesin dan luas tempat yang diperlukan untuk masing-
masing mesin adalah sebagai berikut

Mesin Luas Tempat (m ) Harga Beli
Pencetak 15 Rp 8.000.000,-
Bubut 30 Rp 4.000.000,-

Maka tuliskan model matematis dan tentukan jumlah mesin yang dapat dibeli oleh
pemilik toko tersebut

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