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Antiremed Kelas 08 Bahasa Inggris

CH-1 Latihan Soal

Doc. Name: AR08ING0101 Version : 2012– 12 | halaman 1

01. Jim : Mel, can you do me a favour please? I 04. Jeremy : You stole my money!
need to borrow some money. Bonnie : I didn’t steal your money, Jeremy. I
Mel : Here it is. borrowed that from you.
Jim : Thanks, mel! Jeremy : Oh yeah, you are right. Sorry, but
can you give it back now?
The underlined expression means …. Bonnie : All right, here it is. Next time think
(A) Jim is giving help to mel before you speak.
(B) Jim is asking for Mel’s help
(C) Jim is admitting a fact The underlined sentence is an expression of
(D) Jim is denying a fact ….
(A) Admitting something
02. Brian is carrying some big packages. (B) Denying something
Jillian : They seem heavy, Brian. Let me give (C) Rejecting help
you a hand. (D) Asking for help
Brian : No, thank you. Its not necessary. I
can do it. 05. Mom : Thank you for the necklace. I love it.
But earlier you said were broke.
The underlined expression means …. Dad : I lied to you. I just want to make a
(A) Brian is asking for Jillian’s help surprise for you.
(B) Brian is rejecting Jillian’s help
(C) Brian is admitting a fact The underlined sentence is an expression of
(D) Brian is denying a fact ….
(A) Admitting something
03. Receptionist : Good morning. Can I help (B) Dennying something
you with something? (C) Rejecting help
Bruce : I want to see dr.Carla. My (D) Asking for help
name is Bruce Dekowski.
Receptionist : You did not make an appoint-
ment with her, right?
Bruce : Well, its true. But can’t I see
her now? It’s quite important.
The underlined sentence is an expression of
(A) Rejecting help
(B) Giving help to someone
(C) Admitting a fact
(D) Denying a fact

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Copyright © 2013 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 08 Bahasa Inggris,CH-1 Latihan Soal
Doc. Name: AR08ING0101 Version : 2012– 12 | halaman 2

06. Read this short text for number 6 - 7! 08. Read this short text for number 8 - 11!
Cactus The Sea Eagle
A cactus is a kind of plant. The plural forms There is an eagle
of cactus are cacti or cactuses or cactus. nesting on the tree
Most cacti are native to the Americas, even top near my grand-
though one also grows in Africa and Sri parent’s hous in
Lanka. Many cacti live in dry places, such as Pangandaran. It
deserts. Most cacti have sharp thorns and was a sea eagle.
thick skin. There are many shapes and sizes The color of its
of cacti. Some are short and round; others feathers is light
are tall and thin. Many cactus flowers are brown. It has a
bigand beautiful. Some cactus fruits are strong and sharp
brightly coloured and good to eat. Goats, yellowish beak. Its
birds, ants, mice, bats and people eat cactus claws are very sharp. It hunts for fish in the
fruits. sea buut sometimes it hunts chickens and
small birds.
Eagles have many sizes, shapes and colors,
but the sea eagle is easy to recognize be-
cause it has a strong a streamlined, sharp
beak and a stream line body.
Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as wings. This
means that they are of little use for anything
Among the sentences below, which one is except flying it walks on two legs and has a
WRONG according to the text? very flexible neck and strong beak to handle
(A) All cacti are native to the Americas foods, to care for its feathers, and for many
(B) Most cacti are thorny other jobs that non-flying animals do with
(C) Some cactus fruits have bright colours paws, claws, or hands on their forelimbs.
(D) There are various shapes and sizes of
cacti Why is sea eagle so easy to recognize ?

07. “Most cacti are native to the Americas, even 09. What do the forelimbs of a sea eagle do?
though it also grows in Africa and Sri
Lanka” 10. Among the sentence below, which one is
The underlined word above is synonymous TRUE according to the text?
with ….. (A) It is difficult to identify sea eagles
(A) Foreign (B) The claws of sea eagles are blunt
(B) Indigenous (C) The beaks of sea eagles have yellow nu-
(C) Important ance
(D) Sacred (D) Sea eagles only hunt for chicken

11. “It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak.”

The underlined word above means ….
(A) Somewhat yellow
(B) Light yellow
(C) Pale yellow
(D) Natural yellow

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Copyright © 2013 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 08 Bahasa Inggris,CH-1 Latihan Soal
Doc. Name: AR08ING0101 Version : 2012– 12 | halaman 3

12. Bongo the Orangutan Even though all sharks are meat eaters, they
There is an orangutan in the Bandung Zoo. seldom attact people. In fact, more than half
People call her Bongo. She comes from a of the sharks in the world are not dangerous
dense forest on the island of Kalimantan. to people. Most of them eat other fish. They
She has physical features similar to a human. also eat dead animals, plankton, crabs, sea
Bongo has brownish fur, and walks with two turtles, seals, sometimes whales. Among the
feet. Bongo is almost as big as a human. She most dangerous is the great white shark, a
is a mammal that means she gives birth to fish with sharp teeth that can rip off chunks
her children and breast feeds them. of flesh from animals. They hunt for large
Identify the wrong information from the animals, such as sea lions, tuna and other
text. sharks. They have even attacked human be-
ings, especially when they are hungry or wor-
(A) Bongo has brownish fur
ried. Movement, noises, or blood in the wa-
(B) Bongo walks with two feet
ter can provoke sharks and make them at-
(C) Bongo’s body size is similar to human
(D) Bongo’s facial expression is friendly
Which one is TRUE from the text above?
13. “She has physical features similar to human.” (A) The average weight of sharks is 28
The antonym of the underlined words is ….. grams
(A) Looks like (B) The average length of sharks is 15 me-
(B) Different from ters
(C) Identical with (C) Some sharks live in rivers
(D) Alike (D) Great white sharks is the biggest shark
on earth
14. Sharks
Shark is a meat-eating fish and one of the 15. Accordin to the text, most sharks feed on ….
most feared animals in the sea. There are (A) People
over 300 types of sharks that live in oceans (B) Crabs
all over the world. Most of them in warm (C) Seals
seas but some sharks prefer colder places (D) Fish
like the seas around Antarctica.
Sharks have various sizes and habits. The 16. “Movement, noises, or blood in the water
largest of them is the whale shark, which can can provoke sharks and make them attack.”
grow up to 15 m long and wight twice as The underlined word above has similar
much as an elephant. The smallest sharks are meaning to ….
only about 16 cm long and weight about 28 (A) Annoy
grams. Some kinds of sharks live in the (B) Defend
deepest parts of the ocean, others are found (C) Fight
near the surface. A few types of sharks even (D) Assault
live in rivers and lakes.
17. Based on the text, when do the great white
sharks attack human?
(A) When they are close to the coast
(B) When they see human beings
(C) When they are hungry or worried
(D) When they cannot find sea lions

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Copyright © 2013 Zenius Education
Antiremed Kelas 08 Bahasa Inggris,CH-1 Latihan Soal
Doc. Name: AR08ING0101 Version : 2012– 12 | halaman 4

18. Look at this picture !

What does this sign mean?

(A) They don’t allow animals inside
(B) They eat animals inside
(C) They hate animals inside
(D) They bury animals inside

19. Look at this picture !

Where do you usually find this sign?

(A) In the library
(B) Inside the cinema
(C) On the road
(D) All of the answer above

20a. Look at the memo below and answer the

Dear Susan,
Mom is in the office now. I need you a
package to Mrs.Grace. It is the pink package
with a red ribbon in the living room. There
is a name “Lisa” on the package. You can
fund the address of Mrs.Grace near the
What does the package look like?

20b. Where should Susan send the package?

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