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Name: Samruddhi Thakare

Roll no. : 2k181115

Simulation Activity

Need of Recruitment of new employee:

There is big firm or small firm ,there is always a need of hiring the right employees.
And it is very difficult to find such employees without having a knowledge of different
recruitment models. This is where the familiarity of different types of recruitment models is
most needed.

Most of us have been involved in the hiring process – most often as the job applicant.
However, we can also find ourselves involved on the hiring side, maybe by testing the
applicant’s technical knowledge.

Recruiting in itself is pretty complicated, so we’ll discuss a fairly comprehensive data

model to cover all aspects of the process.

How the Recruitment Process Works:

Before hiring an applicant for a job position, a company goes through a step-by-step hiring
process. This process has three key phases, including planning, recruitment, and employee

1. Detecting a need:

This is an absolute must in the recruitment process; there will be no process if the
management is not aware of the need to hire a new employee. That need could be the result
of starting a new company, growth in an existing company, or the departure of a current

2. Outlining the position and its required skills:

To get an idea of this step, think of a really well-written job description. It contains:

 A list of all tasks related to the job

 Minimum educational and work experience qualifications
 Specific skills essential to job functions
 Additional or preferred skills

3. Defining who will manage the process and when each task should happen:

The next step is to define specific dates when each part of the process will happen. Also,
companies may assign employees to each step. If the company has a Human Resources
department, it will probably manage each part of the recruiting process, although other
employees may contribute their specific knowledge when required

4. Posting the job:

Now we’re ready to post a job description on our site, on job boards or aggregators, or in a
newspaper. The job post should contain the bullet points This will help potential candidates
decide whether they want to apply for the position.

5. Selecting, testing, and interviewing candidates:

After the application period ends, the applicants with the most relevant skill set and
experience will be invited to an initial evaluation phase (usually an interview or test). The
other applicants will be informed that they have not been selected for the job.

Small- and medium-sized companies could decide to continue the process until they find the
best fit. In such cases, the application period will remain open until the right candidate is
found and all other dates would be defined along the way.

6. The final interview:

This step will probably be an interview of the top few applicants. It is the most important step
in the process because the applicants can speak for themselves, demonstrate their competence
and personality, and determine if the company and position will be a good fit for them. After
this step, the best applicant will receive an offer. If they accept, the recruitment process for
that position is over.There will be certain differences in the recruitment processes of small,
medium, and large companies. Plus, the process will vary by the positions being recruited.
Think how different the required skills and experiences are for a content manager But in the
end, it all comes down to getting the right answers and to ranking applicants.
Who can use this data model?

This model is very specific and should only be used for the recruitment process. But it’s not
limited to HR departments; you could also use this model to run a professional recruitment

The Data Model

The data model consists of five main subject areas:

1. Jobs

2. Applicants, Recruitment and Documents

3. Applications

4. Test Details

5. Application Test

1. Jobs:

The job section will store all details for all the positions we have ever posted. The job type
dictionary contains a list of different and UNIQUE job types. We can expect values
like “senior database administrator” or “IT journalist” to be stored in the type name .and the
second one is job description which is to be identified and mentioned in the hiring process.

2. Applicants, Recruiters and Documents:

This subject area contains all the tables needed to store information about recruiters,
applicants, and their related documents.

The recruiter should know about the applicants details like phone number, email address and
there resume . The  applicants with available documents. A list of all available documents
(CV or resume, degrees or diplomas, transcripts, certifications, etc.must be their with
applicants .

3. Applications:

The Applications subject area is the probably the most important in this data model. All other
subject areas mentioned so far described applications. This one stores the real things.

Every application we’ve ever received is recorded in the application table. For each

application, we’ll store the related applicants’ ID, the recruiters’ ID, and a reference to the
current status of that application. 

4. Test Details:

The Test details subject area contains the tables used to define recruitment processes and the
tests used during these processes. We’ll generally always use the same selection process for
the same job type: changes are only made when they are required by business circumstances.
We could use a few different processes for each job type, and we’ll almost certainly use the
same process for different job types.

5.Application Test:

The last subject area in our model will be used to store the results of every test taken during
the selection process.

All details related with each test are stored in the test taken table. This table also holds all
other steps in the process that could be graded, like a CV review.

In this step it has been check that whether the applicants has the skills better efficiency or it
has recruited with the process like any kind of reference.  This information is very important,
especially when we’re grading tests manually (i.e. for CV reviews and interviews).

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