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Technology in Language Use,

Language Teaching, and Language

University of California, Santa Barbara Arizona State University
Graduate School of Education Department of English
Santa Barbara, CA 93106–9490 Tempe, AZ 85287-0302
Email: Email:

University of California, Berkeley
Department of French
4125 Dwinelle Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-2580

This article offers a capacious view of technology to suggest broad principles relating technology and
language use, language teaching, and language learning. The first part of the article considers some of
the ways that technological media influence contexts and forms of expression and communication. In
the second part, a set of heuristic questions is proposed to help guide language teachers and researchers
in determining how to incorporate technology into their teaching practice or research agenda and eval-
uate its suitability and impact. These questions are based primarily on the goal of helping learners to
pay critical attention to the culturally encoded connections among forms, contexts, meanings, and ide-
ologies that they will encounter and produce in different mediums, both traditional and new.
Keywords: technology; multiliteracies; computer-assisted language learning; electronically mediated
communication; affordances

IN RECENT DECADES, ROBUST RESEARCH a broad spectrum of mediational resources, it is

agendas have developed around various forms easy to forget the great extent to which language
of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, accom- teachers rely on many other forms of technology,
panied by the development of professional or- ranging from writing to audio recordings, images,
ganizations devoted to the applications of tech- and film. One consequence is that much of the
nology to language teaching such as CALICO, current technology scholarship risks limiting its
EUROCALL, and IALLT and specialized journals shelf life, as specific hardware and software prod-
such as Language Learning & Technology, ReCALL, ucts come and go rather quickly. This article pro-
CALL, System, Journal of Computer-Mediated Commu- poses a capacious view of technology in order to
nication, and CALICO Journal. This has been a take stock of broad principles concerning tech-
very positive development. On the other hand, nology and language use, language teaching, and
by defining technology narrowly in terms of com- language learning, in the hope that such princi-
puters and other digital devices, rather than as ples will be applicable not only to today’s current
technologies but also to those yet to be invented.
The Modern Language Journal, 100 (Supplement 2016) Language teachers often find themselves
DOI: 10.1111/modl.12302 caught in between contradictory discourses as
0026-7902/16/64–80 $1.50/0 they make decisions about how to use technology

C 2016 The Modern Language Journal
in their classrooms. On the one hand, technology
Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, and Bryan Smith 65
is often seen as a means to enhance intellectual 2009; Hubbard, 2009, and the December
capacity and creativity. Moreover, educators are 2009 special focus issue of the MLJ). Instead,
increasingly under pressure to use technology we reflect on some fundamental issues and
to prepare students to live in a technologically decision-making processes related to the use of
interconnected, globalized world (even if it is not technology in language learning and teaching
entirely clear what skills and competences stu- that are not commonly addressed in the research
dents must have in order to function effectively literature with the hope of extending the scope
in such a world). On the other hand, technology of future inquiry and teaching.
is sometimes portrayed as being detrimental
to young people’s thinking and literacy, with TECHNOLOGY AND THE SHAPING OF
the 21st-century ethos of rapid access to bits of CONTEXTS AND FORMS
information leading to fragmented experience,
compromised ability to focus on other people, Language and technology have been deeply
and lessened ability to think critically or argue intertwined ever since the invention of writing
logically (Bauerlein, 2009; Carr, 2010). Other ob- some 5,000 years ago. By making language visi-
servers worry that technology is having a negative ble and preservable, writing enabled people to
effect on language itself, viewing nonstandard communicate across distance and time. Writing
forms in digital environments as a betrayal, dis- also made language an object of analysis, leading
tortion, and weakening of language (Thurlow, to the development of metalinguistic notions of
2006). It is no surprise, then, that teachers often words, parts of speech, and rules, which could be
wonder whether they are making appropriate standardized in dictionaries and grammars and
decisions about how to use technology in their taught explicitly. The technology of writing gave
classrooms. What is clear, however, is that it is new power to language not only by expanding
not possible to ‘opt out’ of using technology: It the possibilities of human expression but also by
is so pervasive and so interwoven with human providing a means for knowledge to be recorded
activity that to teach language without some form and accumulated. Writing is the basis for much of
of technology would create a very limited and our current-day electronic communication, and
artificial learning environment—if it were even it is important to remember that it is as intrin-
possible at all. sically bound to technological systems as it is to
The view adopted here is that teachers must sign systems. The tools we use to write (and read)
pay attention to technology not because it is make a difference. Each one brings its own mate-
either a boon or a threat, but because technol- rial properties, feel and techniques of use, affor-
ogy inevitably affects language use. Technology dances and limitations, and thereby establishes a
shapes how people use language in particular particular relationship between writers (or read-
instances, not as an autonomous, deterministic ers) and texts. As Friedrich Nietzsche once wrote
force, but in interaction with a range of factors about a new typewriter, “Our writing instruments
including individual volition, social conventions, contribute to our thoughts” (Kittler, 1990, p. 195).
situational context, and material constraints Change the tool and you change the possibilities
(Kern, 2015). Since one of language teachers’ of communication. This is particularly evident in
key tasks is to help their students understand the age of digital media.1
how linguistic and cultural norms operate, it is The cultural know-how needed to deal with
important for teachers to address how language technologized forms of language—whether
is used in ways both old and new across different as a producer or interpreter of meanings—is
material mediums and technologies. The first literacy, or plural literacies since language tech-
part of this article will consider some of the nologies vary dramatically and being literate in
ways technological media influence contexts and one mode does not imply being literate in all
forms of expression and communication. We modes (Kern, 2015). Rather than attempting to
will then propose a set of heuristic questions distinguish between ‘new’ and ‘old’ literacies
to help guide language teachers and language corresponding to ‘new’ and ‘old’ technologies,
researchers in determining how to incorporate we propose an approach that focuses on how
technology into their teaching practice or re- literacy practices always preserve some con-
search agenda and evaluate its suitability and ventions from earlier technologies (e.g., we
impact. Our purpose is not to comprehensively ‘scroll’ our electronic texts and often use ‘pa-
review the research in these areas (for this we per’ page layouts on our computer screens),
refer readers to the publications listed in the first while also developing novel medium-specific
paragraph, as well as Blake, 2013; Chapelle, conventions (e.g., emoticons and ASCII art on
66 The Modern Language Journal, 100, Supplement 2016
computer keyboards). When we ‘remediate’ they produce what Clark (1999) calls ‘disembod-
earlier media (Bolter & Grusin, 2000) we ied’ language; that is, “language that is not being
influence the design of communication and produced by an actual speaker at the moment
express particular values and ideas about what it is being interpreted” (p. 43). In Clark’s analy-
communication is (Gitelman & Pingree, 2003; sis, all use of disembodied language demands the
Manovich, 2001). The implication for language ability to deal with a layering of ‘real’ and ‘vir-
learners is clear: In addition to developing their tual’ operations. Texts, from Clark’s perspective,
grammar, vocabulary, and knowledge of prag- aren’t in themselves communicative acts, but props
matics and genres, they also need to develop a that get readers (or viewers or listeners) to imag-
disposition for paying critical attention to the ine communicative acts between themselves and
culturally encoded connections among forms, the ‘virtual agents’ they envision from the text.
contexts, meanings, and ideologies in a variety of One thing language learners need, then, is expe-
material mediums. rience in moving between the conventions of em-
bodied and disembodied language use, moving
Space, Time, and Presence between ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ operations. The use
of new technologies—if they are sufficiently unfa-
If speech originally required interlocutors to miliar to users to draw explicit attention to their
be present in the same place at the same time, novel conventions—may be particularly helpful
the technologies of writing, telegraph, telephone, in raising learners’ consciousness of how such
and radio made long distance communication real/virtual shifts occur in all forms of technolo-
possible. Today, digital technologies allow people gized language use, including those which have
to speak or write either synchronously or asyn- become naturalized or normalized to the point of
chronously, with participants either at a distance not seeming like technologies at all, such as writ-
or in close proximity. These changes complex- ing (Kern, 2015).
ify the nature of spatial and temporal context in In virtual environments like MOOs (text-based
electronically mediated communication (Baron, multi-user object-oriented domains), Second Life
2008). With digital devices, people operate si- (a user-generated virtual world based on three-
multaneously in physical and symbolic spaces. dimensional modeling), and massively multi-
They perform physical actions (e.g., typing, mov- player games (Cornillie, Thorne, & Desmet, 2012;
ing a mouse, swiping a screen or trackpad, or Sadler, 2012; Thorne, 2008), people from vari-
speaking and moving in a videoconference) in ous parts of the world convene in common vir-
an embodied ‘here and now,’ but those actions tual spaces. Within those spaces, they use lan-
are always transformed as they are projected into guage to re-create themselves in interaction with
online spaces, where they operate symbolically at others (sometimes in ways quite different from
the level of the digital device. These actions some- their ‘normal’ selves). In MOOs, they design their
times take on further symbolic meanings at the own rooms and artifacts through verbal descrip-
‘output’ stage when they are interpreted by others tion and they develop linguistic cues to com-
(e.g., a slip of a finger that produces a typo may be pensate for the lack of visual cues that normally
interpreted as a sign of carelessness or ignorance; accompany face-to-face communication. Second
a videoconferencing participant who glances re- Life and multiplayer games have rich graphics
peatedly at an off-camera friend in the same room that allow participants to design online avatars,
may seem nervous to his interlocutor who only but creating a personal identity, entering into re-
sees his eyes look away from the screen but doesn’t lationships, negotiating common rules of social
know there’s someone else in the room). conduct, and accomplishing collaborative action
Although presence still involves spatial and must all be done through language. In the process
temporal dimensions in electronic communica- of interacting, participants fabricate a textual real-
tion, those dimensions function differently than ity that stimulates the imagination and transcends
they do in face-to-face communication. For in- the actual reality of individuals sitting in front of
stance, people talking on the phone or by Skype keyboards and luminescent screens.
share an ‘interface space’ but not a physical place, These and other environments (such as instant
and they may be occupying distinct psychologi- messaging, chat, and texting) afford textualized
cal time frames or literally different time zones. presence, which in turn allows one to be a pres-
The same applies when people text or email or ence ‘trickster.’ In instant messaging, for exam-
use Facebook or leave a voicemail message, but in ple, one can make it ‘appear’ that one is offline,
these cases, because they assume the other per- when one is not, by blocking the unwanted cor-
son will get their message at some later time, respondent’s screen name. Conversely, one can
Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, and Bryan Smith 67
make it look like one is online when one really and time, leading to abbreviations. In such cases,
isn’t simply by not logging off when one leaves. time pressure can have graphic consequences,
In chatrooms and in Second Life, ‘bots’ (avatars such as the use of Roman script in character-
controlled by software) can be programmed to based languages such as Chinese (Lotherington
speak in one’s absence without giving any overt & Xu, 2004) or the incorporation of homophonic
sign of being an automated surrogate. The ability numerals (e.g., a2m1 in French for à demain =
to make things seem to be what they are not is a see you tomorrow) to accelerate writing. Different
key affordance of electronic communication, and languages may use different abbreviation conven-
this is something language learners must be pre- tions. For example, English takes the first letter of
pared for, since it is not unreasonable to expect each word in a phrase (btw = by the way), whereas
that much of their personal and professional use German sometimes takes the first couple of letters
of their second language (L2) will be in online of each word, perhaps to improve pronounceabil-
environments. ity, as in dubido = du bist doof (you are dumb).
New technologies require new negotiations of However, acceleration has its limits, since cog-
interactional time frame conventions, and these nitive processing of text requires time, especially
negotiations are not necessarily universal but for language learners. As Harris (1995) points
more likely to be particular to an institution or out, “[c]ommunication has to be slow enough to
group or even an individual. How long can one work” (p. 42). One of the traditional hallmarks
wait to answer an email that includes a request? of writing was that it afforded greater process-
What constitutes a ‘quick’ response? What consti- ing time than speech did.2 But in the age of
tutes an excessive delay? In all communication electronic communication, this is not always the
mediums answers will depend to some extent on case. Synchronous communication, taking place
the nature of the request (what the stakes are), in ‘real’ time, affords less processing time than
who the requestor is, who the beneficiaries of the asynchronous communication, which in theory
request are, at what time of day or night and what gives both writer and reader the necessary time
time of year one receives the request, and so on, to think, find information, and compose a mes-
including cultural and community-based norms sage deliberately. On the other hand, the fact
and conventions. But the medium has its effects that online writing usually leaves a recoverable
too. The fact that a given request arrives by email trace means that users have access to previous ut-
versus voice mail versus postal mail will undoubt- terances, unlike most forms of spoken commu-
edly affect the ‘horizon of expectation’ of how nication. Chat, for example, in effect expands
soon the sender expects an answer. Time frames the present by making it possible to ‘rewind’
also affect discourse itself: how ‘fresh’ the com- spontaneous interactive discourse—which also af-
municative context is (or can be expected to be) fords more processing time when compared with
in participants’ minds affects how much informa- speaking—as well as to re-represent it in new con-
tion is perceived to be shared, which in turn has texts. This can be a potential help to language
consequences for what information is made ex- learners, but it also can mean that their own dis-
plicit in a given message, how one’s interlocutor course may be taken out of its original context and
is addressed (if at all; “Dear ___” may be awkward have unintended meanings attributed to it.
in quick back-and-forth exchanges), and so forth.
Language learners need to be aware of these ne- Reshaping Texts, Genres, and Reader/Writer Roles
gotiations, and how, as they move from one cul-
tural context to another, the ‘rules’ may change As new literacy technologies come along, they
significantly. add new possibilities for the production and con-
In some forms of electronically mediated com- sumption of texts. Word processing applications,
munication, the medium itself puts a premium electronic networks, and visual display screens
on speed. For example, in chat, texting, or in- make texts easily modifiable and quite amenable
stant messaging, people often break up turns in to collaborative authoring. Software programs
exchanges so they can keep the contact and com- provide extensive tools for layout, editing, and
municative rhythm going at a stimulating clip. In grammar- and spellchecking, helping some writ-
chats involving multiple participants, participants ers perform beyond their actual competence. Au-
need to read and respond quickly, since more peo- thors are more involved in decision making with
ple means an accelerated turnover of messages. regard to not only written style but also visual style
Because messages may not remain on the screen (e.g., questions of typeface, color, proportion,
for more than a few seconds, the goal is to say as and arrangement). Readers too can resize texts
much as one can in a minimum amount of space and sometimes modify their layout to suit their
68 The Modern Language Journal, 100, Supplement 2016
personal preferences. They can print them on pa- Twitter was first developed, it was described on its
per or read them as ‘scrolling’ documents online. Web site as “A global community of friends and
Texts can be distributed by authors or readers to strangers answering one simple question: What
thousands of recipients worldwide with a mere are you doing?” By late 2009, that prompt had
keystroke. changed to “What’s happening?” Although this
In addition to these new ways of dealing with is a minor modification in the Web interface, it
traditional texts, digital technologies also make has implications for the genre of tweeting because
possible new kinds of texts, allowing writing to be it shifts the attentional focus from the individual
combined with voice, images, music, sound, and self to a more outward-looking perspective, a shift
video in a single document. Digital storytelling that parallels the evolution of blogs from single-
(Hull & Nelson, 2005; Lundby, 2008) is one ex- authored online personal journals to a broader
ample of a multimedia authoring form in which range of content and formats, including multi-
language is but one mode of signification among author sites. Getting learners to think about how
many others.3 Studying the respective logics of dif- genres mediate between language, social context,
ferent modes and how they function synergisti- and medium of expression introduces a certain
cally in digital storytelling, Hull and Nelson con- level of abstraction that is necessary for the de-
clude that “it would seem hugely important to velopment of a critical awareness of language in
widen our definition of writing to include mul- communication.
timodal composing as a newly available means”
(p. 252). Language learners might well be asked Multi-Layered Contexts
to participate in digital storytelling in an L2 (see
Oskoz & Elola, 2014). Language teachers are highly conscious of what
As an extension of new text types, digital tech- Firth (1964) called the context of situation as well
nology also makes possible new forms of narra- as the linguistic context (or co-text). But in tech-
tive (Murray, 1997), in which multiple alterna- nologically mediated language use (from writing
tive episodes and conclusions exist in parallel, to audio recordings to digital media) they must
giving readers an unprecedented sense of con- also be concerned with the context of mediation,
trol over story events and outcomes. À la rencon- that is, the context of the physical medium it-
tre de Philippe (Furstenberg et al., 1993) was an self (e.g., paper, screen, mobile phone, computer
excellent early example of a branching narrative software and hardware, etc.) and how it inter-
specifically designed for learners of French. To- acts with other types and layers of context. The
day, students might collaborate collectively in de- ‘same words’ in one medium (e.g., print) may be
veloping a narrative online through a wiki envi- experienced quite differently when embodied in
ronment or an online game—not a narrative to another medium (e.g., blog, audiobook, mobile
be made public, but for the students themselves, phone novella, or instant message). Furthermore,
where those narratives, by virtue of being interac- the ‘same medium’ may function differently in
tive, can be emotionally gripping (Bissell, 2010) different contexts. As Haas (1996) points out,
as well as educationally rewarding (Gee, 2003). “empirical studies aimed at understanding the ef-
Because digital texts run the gamut from im- fect of ‘the computer’ on writing in classrooms,
ages of medieval codices to today’s tweets, it is or in corporations, must begin with an awareness
important not to confuse medium with text type that ‘the’ computer does not exist; rather, it is in-
or genre. Writing or reading an email message stantiated in vastly different ways through use by
is very different from writing or reading a blog, people in classrooms, homes, offices, and corpo-
which is in turn very different from writing in- rations” (p. 31). Bell’s (2006) research has shown
stant messages or participating in a chat room, that this variability is even greater when one takes
yet all can be done on the same digital device. different cultures into account.
Genre is therefore a key concept when analyzing Computer-mediated communication (CMC)
forms of technology use. Genres, like all other has been a popular platform for telecollaborative
discourse conventions, both enable and constrain projects for at least 20 years. What has been un-
communication. They are sometimes associated derexplored in the CMC research literature is the
with particular mediums, but they are also influ- interplay of the multiple contexts in which partic-
enced by the particular social function and cul- ipants act: their physical settings (and the inter-
tural context of a given act of communication. actions embedded in them), the computer-based
Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge that settings (applications such as email or Skype
digital interfaces can affect genres. Take tweeting where the principal interaction is occurring, but
(or microblogging), for example. In 2006, when also other open applications, such as Facebook
Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, and Bryan Smith 69
or chat windows), and all the interactions em- particular individual, and that we tend not to
bedded in these windows (see Holmes, 1995; think about the mediational means and the
Jones, 2004; Wasson, 2006). As Jones (2004) cultural resources the creator relied on to pro-
points out, distinctions between ‘real’ and ‘vir- duce the work (pp. 18–19). All this provides
tual,’ ‘text’ and ‘context,’ ‘focal activity’ and grist for the mill in language classrooms, where
‘backdrop,’ ‘sender’ and ‘receiver’ are often cultural conventions can be dissected, analyzed,
blurred in CMC situations. But language learn- and compared in order to glimpse the social val-
ers have not always been asked to reflect on these ues that underlie them. What is crucial, how-
blurred distinctions. ever, is that students have a clear understand-
As Harris (2000) describes it, the computer is ing of the values and conventions that operate
“the most powerful contextualization device ever in the culture(s)—and particularly the academic
known” because it not only integrates language and professional cultures—in which they live and
with images and sound in variously manipulable work, as well as some sense of how those values
configurations, but also because it links informa- and conventions came to exist.4
tion across languages and cultures (p. 242). Col- Another question has to do with personal pre-
lage, photomontage, and hypertext are all cases in sentation in technology-mediated environments.
which the original texts or elements thereof have Participants in text-only online communication
been detached from their original context and have greater control of their self-image and ex-
then juxtaposed in new combinations or brought pression than they do in face-to-face settings,
into contact with new elements to produce new and Walther (1996) coined the term hyperpersonal
meanings. The facility with which such manip- communication to describe the phenomenon of
ulations can be done; the ability to dissimulate people expressing themselves more fully or ex-
presence, absence, and identity; and the recon- periencing stronger affect in CMC environments
textualization power of the computer all raise a than in face-to-face settings. This curation of the
number of questions related to culture, values, self can lead people to idealize and overesti-
and ethics. mate others’ qualities. This is not necessarily a
bad thing, but it is something language learners
Culture, Values, and Ethics should be aware of as they interact with foreign
key pals, since these interactions are often an im-
One question has to do with a certain culture portant source of students’ impressions and gen-
of appropriation on the Internet. Many young eralizations about the target culture. On the neg-
people today consider what exists on the Inter- ative side, the relative anonymity and distance af-
net as freely available raw material to be used forded by text-based electronic communication
however they see fit. Moreover, tools for copying can increase the risk of misunderstandings, inter-
and modifying this raw material are simple and personal tensions, and even verbal attacks. Few
abundant. What is distinctive about digital envi- incidents of actual verbal attacks are reported
ronments is not borrowing per se—for as Bakhtin in the language learning research literature (see
(1986) reminds us, our texts are always filled with Belz, 2003; Hanna & de Nooy, 2009; Kern, 2000;
others’ words—but rather the sense that borrow- Kramsch & Thorne, 2002; Ware, 2005, for exam-
ing does not require any acknowledgment. The ples), but the general prevalence of linguistic vio-
world of Internet remixing and repurposing is lence online would suggest that the potential is
largely anonymous and seemingly authorless. No greatest in interactions not organized or super-
doubt this ethos contributes to current debates vised by teachers. At the very least, learners should
about plagiarism and its cultural relativity even in be aware that anonymity can be a double-edged
nondigital environments (Chandrasoma, Thomp- sword. While it can be liberating, Zhao (1998)
son, & Pennycook, 2004; Ivanič, 1998; Pecorari, points out that in the case of student peer re-
2003). But multimodal texts take the debate to views, anonymity leads to more critical reviews—
a new level in that they involve not only the bor- and less effort expended—than when reviewers
rowing of language, but of design more broadly, are identifiable, presumably because anonymity
since the look, sound, and feel of a digital ob- reduces one’s sense of social obligation and
ject can now be copied and pasted just as eas- responsibility.
ily as language can (Perkel, 2007, 2008). Wertsch A related issue is what Ware (2005) calls
(1998) reminds us that our values related to orig- ‘missed communication.’ In a study of online
inal creation are a figment of the copyright age, exchanges between German students of English
that we tend to think of creative acts as arising and American students of German, Ware found
ex nihilo, attributable solely to the genius of the that the nature of CMC exchanges, which tend to
70 The Modern Language Journal, 100, Supplement 2016
encourage speed and brevity over sustained on their screen may have quite real and human
discourse, sometimes led to disengagement and consequences for those with whom they are
missed opportunities for intercultural learning. communicating.
Kramsch and Thorne (2002) argued that it is not
just the technological medium or linguistic mis-
understandings that can make intercultural CMC
exchanges go awry, but also clashes in cultural Based on the previous discussion of how tech-
frames and stylistic conventions of particular nology has changed and will continue to change
genres (and the discourse systems to which the the semiotic space within which learning takes
genres belong). Hanna and de Nooy (2003, 2009) place, we now offer a set of heuristic questions that
underscore the importance of communicative are intended to help guide language teachers and
genres in their case study of learners of French language researchers in determining how best to
who participated in an online forum sponsored incorporate technology into their teaching prac-
by the newspaper Le Monde. The learners real- tice or research agenda. These four questions will
ized that the genre called ‘discussion’ was not be discussed in the balance of this article:
universal but varied with the culture and the
medium. In the context of French online forum Q1. What learning goals do I have for my stu-
discussions, politeness and linguistic accuracy
Q2. What language, culture, and instructional
were much less important than a willingness to be resources do I have available?
socialized into and follow the online community’s Q3. How can these resources be used and com-
discourse rules. Genre and culture therefore in- bined most effectively to serve the estab-
teract to shape the conditions and constraints lished learning goals?
of communicative contexts and, by extension, Q4. How will I assess how effective students’ use
communicative competence. Intercultural CMC of these resources is in their attainment of
studies underline the fact that online contact the established learning goals?
does not automatically produce intercultural
understanding, which requires sustained negoti- 1. Learning Goals: What Learning Goals Do I Have
ations of differences in genres, interaction styles, for My Students?
local institutional cultures, and culture more
broadly. In terms of the learning goals that we have for
Literacies always have political dimensions, our second/foreign language (L2) students, we
and digital literacies are no exception. As Marvin begin with broad goals of being able to use lan-
(1988) puts it, new communications technologies guage (L2) for communication and for meaning-
present new “arenas for negotiating issues crucial making. To varying degrees, these goals are in
to the conduct of social life; among them, who line with ACTFL’s (1996) Standards for Foreign
is inside and outside, who may speak, who may Language Learning, ACTFL’s 21st Century Skills
not, and who has authority and may be believed” Map (Theisen et al., 2011), the MLA’s (2007) pro-
(p. 4). The Internet has, of course, been a boon motion of translingual and transcultural competence,
to commerce and cultural diffusion, and it has the Conseil de l’Europe’s (2001) Common Euro-
tremendous potential benefits for education, pean Framework of Reference project and the subse-
social inclusion, and political participation. On quent focus on plurilingual and intercultural educa-
the other hand, the Internet can also be a tool for tion (Zarate, Lévy, & Kramsch, 2008), and calls to
manipulation, domination, and exploitation. If move beyond communicative competence, such
the Internet serves intercultural dialogue, it also as Kramsch’s (2006, 2009) notion of symbolic com-
serves cultural imperialism. It is incumbent on to- petence, the Douglas Fir Group’s proposal (this
day’s language learners to reflect on these issues. issue), and Lotherington and Ronda’s (2014)
For example, learners need to think about how notion of communicative competence 2.0, which is
the representations of culture they see and hear conceived to match shifting technological and so-
on the Internet may be filtered and how they may cial trends and encompasses multimedia compe-
be serving particular interests other than their tency, collaborative communication, agentive par-
own (Pariser, 2011). They also need to be sensitive ticipation, and multitasking competency (p. 19).
to how other people, living in different cultures, Commonly proposed concepts that encompass
may perceive and value technologies and literacy these goals are multiliteracies, new literacies, and 21st
practices quite differently than they do. Most of century literacies. In general, these terms are typi-
all, they need to be responsible for their online cally used to suggest, as the National Council of
actions, realizing that what might seem ‘virtual’ Teachers of English (2013) does, that “Literacy
Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, and Bryan Smith 71
has always been a collection of cultural and between ‘old’ and ‘new’ technologies we look for
communicative practices shared among members continuities as well as innovations across time and
of particular groups. As society and technology mediums.
change, so does literacy” (n.p.). In addition, we would like learners to produce
Since literacy is rapidly changing and trans- or create text (as in essays, written chats), visuals
forming as new information and communi- (as in pictorial glossing, photos or graphics inter-
cation technologies emerge, learners (and spersed with text), audio (as in recordings, audio
teachers) need to understand that new types of chats), and video (as in videoclips, video chats,
discourses, social practices, and skills are required digital storytelling). They should be able to cri-
to make use of these technologies (Baker, 2010; tique, analyze, and evaluate both the meanings
Lankshear & Knobel, 2006; Leu et al., 2014). they want to convey as well as the meanings pro-
Moreover, due to the ever-changing technolo- duced by others.
gies available, literacy is not just new today; it is Fostering the aforementioned abilities leads to
new every day, as new technologies for literacy a related question of how to guide learners to be
appear regularly and rapidly (Leu, 2000). This critically aware of and to reflect critically on the
contributes to what Leu characterizes as the symbolic and virtual realities of technologies. Just
‘deictic’ nature of literacy, making prediction because the millennial generation has grown up
and planning extremely difficult for teachers. using technologies does not mean that they are
We therefore propose an approach that relieves capable of critical reflection. For example, they
teachers of being constantly either ‘predictive’ or must be aware that crowdsourced material (e.g.,
‘reactive’ by focusing on the ‘big picture’ of liter- Wikipedia) might be the first source they con-
acy, preparing students to deal with whatever new sult but should not be the last. In addition, they
technologies they encounter in their lifetimes. must realize that the words or images used in
Specifically, as suggested in the first part of this one medium may be used and experienced differ-
article, one critical goal for our students is that ently in another medium, so careful thought is re-
they pay attention to the culturally influenced quired when using different technological medi-
relations among semiotic forms, social contexts, ums.
material mediums, and meanings. Similarly, Web 2.0 introduced forums for vir-
In addition, in line with the social turn in for- tually everything, from esoteric topics to prod-
eign language education and the Douglas Fir uct reviews and entertainment. The language
Group’s suggestions (this issue), we might wish of forums also varies widely, and if forums
to view literacy learning as a process by which in L2 are being used as authentic input for
the L2 learner is socialized for group member- learners, teachers and learners must be aware
ship in specific L2 literate communities, as sug- of distinguishing different registers of language
gested by Lam (2000). Lam cites the goals of New found in different types of forums, for exam-
Literacy Studies (e.g., Gee, 1996), which illumi- ple, academic and professional forums that might
nate the contextual nature of reading and writing be used in formal intercultural exchanges as
and views literacy as intimately bound with par- compared with informal social venues such as
ticular sociocultural contexts, institutions, and so- Facebook.
cial relationships. In other words, language learn- One final question in setting goals is how we
ers must be flexible in moving from one cultural decide to use (or not to use) new genres. For ex-
context to another, no matter the medium or the ample, if teachers themselves aren’t tweeting, can
technology. they teach this skill or expect their students to
In the context of foreign language pedagogy, tweet? Do we also have to teach the protocols and
we suggest the compatibility of literacy-based ap- norms for tweeting in different languages? Like-
proaches (e.g., Byrnes, 2005; Kern, 2004; Paesani, wise, how important is it for learners to partici-
Allen, & Dupuy, 2015; Swaffar & Arens, 2005; pate in new kinds of social groups, such as Face-
Swaffar & Urlaub, 2014) with uses of technol- book, online communities, and forums? What do
ogy, defining literacy as the ability to deal with L2 learners (and their teachers) need to know
technologized forms of language use. One of the about the syntax and pragmatics of communicat-
goals of literacy-based language teaching is to rec- ing in these different types of communities? Do we
oncile communicative language teaching (CLT), believe that agentive participation is essential to
with its focus on face-to-face verbal interaction, language learning, by having students access, join,
with helping learners develop the ability to read, and become involved in sites of interest, or asking
discuss, reflect on, and write critically about texts them to access, create, share, and remix purpose-
in all modalities. Thus, rather than differentiate ful content (Lotherington & Ronda, 2014, p. 19)?
72 The Modern Language Journal, 100, Supplement 2016
Does developing multiliteracies mean that learn- or bi-directional; dynamic, read-and-write pages;
ers must be able to access and master all of the ‘participatory,’ where the vast majority of users
available communication media? are content creators and share their content;
‘collaborative,’ ‘interactive,’ with a strong social
2. Language, Culture, and Instructional Resources component (e.g., Facebook, wikis, blogs, pod-
Available casts, Wikipedia, Flickr, YouTube, Vimeo). There
are also the many forms of CMC: texting, instant
Asking the question “What language, culture, messaging, SMS; chatting (text, audio, video);
and instructional resources do I have available?” social media (Facebook, tuente for Spanish, ren-
entails considering both the traditional resources ren for Chinese, Instagram, Twitter, Friendster,
that teachers have used for decades as well as fa- MySpace, Ello, Diaspora). Of particular relevance
miliarizing oneself with what is available through to language teachers and learners is the Twitter
new media and digital resources, and more im- hashtag #langchat, which marks tweets related to
portantly, being open, flexible, and critical with language teaching and learning. As discussed ear-
respect to what will be available in the future that lier, the lines are blurring between those types
we cannot anticipate or predict. of CMC that are asynchronous and those that are
The approach we are proposing focuses on how synchronous.
different mediums and instructional resources in- Moving forward, the features of Web 3.0 that
fluence the way we design communicative tasks have been predicted and are emerging are: per-
for learners. In addition to the traditional linguis- sonal and portable (what smartphones are: a per-
tic aspects (e.g., grammar and vocabulary) and sonal assistant); having an individual focus of tak-
genre knowledge (which has changed and ex- ing a user’s previous actions to interpret and make
panded with the new media available), we must connections with this information; the ‘seman-
also acknowledge the importance of learners and tic’ web, consolidating content; and augmented
teachers alike becoming critically aware of the reality (e.g., Google Earth, the London Under-
new connections between forms, contexts, mean- ground augmented reality app, now called “Lon-
ings, and ideologies in a wide and growing array don Tube”). Understanding the affordances of
of media. We as teachers must think about how these different types of technologies forms the un-
we might creatively use new technologies for lan- derlying rationale for selecting particular ones for
guage and culture learning tasks that go beyond language teaching and learning, and this is true of
the ‘default’ mode and that help students de- older technologies as well as future technologies,
velop the particular types of communicative com- whatever they may be.
petence that we desire for them. In addition to the technologies previously dis-
As discussed in the first section, technolo- cussed, there are many types of digital games,
gies broadly include more traditional media and from individual games for mobile devices (e.g.,
instructional resources including print media for vocabulary learning) to massively multiplayer
(textbooks, workbooks, literature), which include online games (e.g., for role-playing, simulations,
words, texts, illustrations, graphics, photographs; sports). Virtual environments and virtual realities
audio media (e.g., recorders and players in lan- are currently trending. Automatic speech recog-
guage labs); video media (e.g., film clips and nition (ASR) technologies and automated writing
films); writing media (paper and pen, typewrit- evaluation (AWE) tools are continually improv-
ers); classroom technologies (black boards, white ing, as are text-to-speech applications. Corpora
boards, overhead projectors). Newer media re- for many languages, both written and spoken, are
sources generally refer to computer-based (and being compiled, and tools are being developed so
now mobile) technologies, many of which are tied that they can be used by learners, teachers, and
integrally to the Internet. Multimedia denotes the researchers alike. For any of these current or fu-
ability to combine text, graphics/visuals, audio, ture resources, the critical question is how they
and video altogether in the same instructional can be adopted and adapted for literacy-based lan-
program, application, or Web site. guage learning, teaching, and researching pur-
Historically, the so-called Web 1.0 applications poses, leading to the next section.5
are described with the following qualities: one-to-
one; static, read-only pages; having the vast ma- 3. Using and Combining Available Instructional
jority of users mostly content consumers; individ- Resources to Achieve One’s Goals
uals (or groups) owning content, that is, personal
(or business) Web sites. In contrast, Web 2.0 ap- Developing multiliteracies requires an un-
plications are characterized as being: one-to-many derstanding of how the contexts in which
Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, and Bryan Smith 73
communication takes place have been changed by personal speech, which likely contains many eli-
technology. In this section we consider heuristic sions and colloquialisms. Some research exists on
3—“How can these resources be used and com- the benefits of using software to slow speech as a
bined most effectively to serve the established way for learners to ‘practice’ and improve their
learning goals?”—and we discuss these goals in re- listening abilities (East & King, 2012; McBride,
lation to traditional and new(er) technological re- 2011). But it is the teacher’s decision as to whether
sources that can be used to achieve them. this is an effective tool. As always, the learners’
To consider some specific L2 skills, in terms of proficiency level must be taken into account when
conversational speaking abilities, if the goals are deciding whether or not to use a particular tech-
for learners to converse with native speakers (or nology.
others who speak the language), then opportuni- As for L2 reading, if the goals go beyond com-
ties can be provided with CMC technologies, with prehending written texts to include multimodal
more and varied options to speak with geograph- texts and materials, then a combination of tradi-
ically distant (native) speakers than in the class- tional and new media resources is in order. It is
room or where one lives. However, sometimes already common in L2 education to have learn-
technical problems, such as the lag in the trans- ers read material on the Internet, in part for its
mission, or the fact that one must look at the com- authenticity and current/topical interest, but also
puter’s camera rather than into the interlocutor’s because understanding content on the Internet is
eyes, can make the conversational experience part and parcel of 21st century life. In reading on-
less natural and possibly less comfortable (Kern, line, however, simply having access to dictionaries
2014). Caution must be exercised when new or translation tools does not necessarily promote
technologies emerge: For example, a new Skype long-term learning of a word or overall compre-
Translator ( hension. Many teachers strongly discourage the
preview/) allows a speaker of one language to use of online translation tools, but instead of cat-
‘converse’ with a speaker of another language egorically forbidding students to ever use transla-
with the help of a real-time virtual translator. tion tools, perhaps it might be prudent to teach
In addition, simply being able to converse with them how to use such tools to produce an even
anyone anywhere does not mitigate the potential better understanding of a text than they would
awkwardness of talking with a complete stranger have been able to by using the more traditional
or exchanging more than general pleasantries. tools and strategies for L2 reading. The reading
If the goal is communicating effectively and process itself may be transformed from an individ-
intelligently about multimodal texts, then it is ual practice into a new, social one, as suggested by
imperative to carefully develop tasks that take Blyth (2014). E-reading devices, such as the digi-
advantage of the affordances of technologies tal social reading program eComma, allow readers
while understanding some of their limitations. to annotate a text and to share those annotations
Similarly for listening, if the goals are to com- with others, exemplifying the ‘participatory cul-
prehend naturalistic speech, many resources are ture’ that is typical of Web 2.0.
readily available online for listening at any time It is also essential to teach L2 learners how to
and in any place. For example, the abundance of fully understand and appreciate multimedia ma-
videos online (YouTube, Vimeo) provides exam- terials. Graphics, images, photos, and videos that
ples of speech in many languages and also in many accompany texts can aid in the reading compre-
varieties/dialects of the same language. For real- hension process, but by the same token can also
time conversations, CMC technologies allow for be distracting and misleading. Learners must be
audio- and videoconferencing. However, the same able to critically assess whether and how meaning
caveats with regard to speaking apply to listen- is enhanced or detracted from by multimodal in-
ing. Specifically, being able to comprehend what formation. Becoming critical users of technologi-
an interlocutor is saying in a videoconference re- cal tools and media is an important aspect of new
quires adjusting to the reduced audio quality as media literacies. Some learners might be aided
compared with face-to-face conversation. When by a text-to-speech program that ‘reads’ a text to
it comes to interacting with a stranger, in the them. Other learners might be helped by hyper-
case of conversations in Livemocha (a free on- links leading to other relevant information about
line language learning community whose Web site a text. But in all cases, learners must be made
provides instructional materials and opportuni- aware of the ways in which multimedia can help
ties for learners to interact with each other on- with comprehension as well as the ways in which
line) or in virtual worlds, there is undoubtedly it could be deleterious. In other words, learners
a need to adjust to each individual’s accent and should be sensitive to the cultural relevance of
74 The Modern Language Journal, 100, Supplement 2016
language and multimodal information (e.g., a competence are not successful in carrying out
photo that is not culturally appropriate may give meaningful online conversations (Chun, 2011).
the learner a false sense of the actual meaning of Technologies can play a role in this evolution,
a word or concept). and no single technology will be responsible for
With regard to L2 writing, if the goals are for making this happen. Rather, online tasks, such as
learners to be able to make meaning using all watching videoclips or films, or conducting dif-
of the technologies available to them (including ferent types of intercultural exchanges (e.g., us-
analog as well as digital technologies), then learn- ing chats, forums, email, and creating one’s own
ers must also be taught about different discourse videos or blogs) must be combined with targeted
styles and registers depending on the medium, and extensive follow-up discussions in face-to-face
purpose, and context. They can first be exposed classes to ensure that misunderstandings are mini-
to new genres with reading activities (e.g., blogs, mized and new stereotypes are not created. In ad-
wikis, fan fiction), and when they have become fa- dition, careful attention must be paid to what is
miliar with them as readers, they can be asked to considered ‘timely’ in terms of response times, as
create their own content (see Sauro, 2014). One well as the degree of trust and comfort the stu-
of the challenges will be for teachers to assign dents have in online discussions. In a study by
writing activities that combine traditional and new Chun and Wade (2004), students in a 2nd-year
media activities to promote new literacies. For ex- German class who participated in an online inter-
ample, as mentioned earlier, teachers could dis- cultural exchange with students in Germany who
cuss ‘cut-and-paste’ literacy with their students, were learning English were much more polite and
along with how Google Translate might be used tactful in their online postings than they were in
effectively, or students could be asked to create their class discussions about how they perceived
their own digital stories, which could entail not their German exchange partners.
just writing, but speaking/narrating as well, and The choice and combination of technologies
using visuals and graphics to convey messages and will depend on one’s overall goals and pedagog-
meaning. ical approach. If multiliteracies are desired, the
For comprehension on the sentence and dis- affordances of the different technologies must be
course levels, if the learner’s native language (L1) considered for their ability to focus on language
uses different types of discourses than the L2, use in particular social contexts, and teachers
learners must first be aware of typical discourse in must integrate tasks requiring critical reflection
the L1 before being able to notice and understand about how particular discourses are constructed,
similar discourse in the L2. For example, if Face- how they are used to communicate and achieve
book is used for L2 learning, then it would be nec- various social ends, and how they are related to
essary for both teachers and learners to be familiar the culture(s) in which they are embedded.
with the norms of its use in both the L1 and the
L2. It is conceivable that, while having students 4. Evaluating Language Learning Resources
use Facebook may have its benefits in terms of en- and Assessing Students’ Use of Them
gaging students in dialogue with peers or in fa-
miliarizing them with social media in an L2, there Assessing students’ use of digital resources in
may also be (unexpected) misunderstandings if meeting the established goals is a challenging,
the discourse styles between the L1 and the L2 are multifaceted, and dynamic process, one that goes
different (Ware & Kramsch, 2005). The ultimate beyond the ‘effective/ineffective’ dichotomy of-
goal in rectifying misunderstandings is Kramsch’s ten present in assessments of learning outcomes.
(2009) symbolic competence, which is “an ability Certainly, language learning outcomes are impor-
to draw on the semiotic diversity afforded by mul- tant measures of a digital tool’s value, but one
tiple languages to reframe ways of seeing familiar must establish that those outcomes are based at
events” (p. 201). least in part on students’ effective use of the dig-
Finally, developing L2 learners’ pragmatic and ital tool being investigated. Before we can really
intercultural communicative competence is a talk about assessing students’ use of a given re-
lengthy process of cultivating cultural aware- source we need to address the larger issue of dig-
ness, understanding, and changes in attitudes ital tool evaluation in general. Keeping heuristics
and perceptions about one’s own and other cul- 1–3 in mind, if we opt for a digital tool, then we
tures. Some studies on intercultural exchanges need to look (at a minimum) at the tool’s affor-
have found that advanced learners do indeed dances; the experiences and expectations of our partic-
demonstrate the use of appropriate pragmatic ular students; and the language learning environment
strategies while others with similar linguistic itself, both inside and outside the classroom. Only
Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, and Bryan Smith 75
then does it make sense to explore how learners ical sophistication. Hubbard (2011) offers a
engage with a tool and determine the extent to flexible evaluation framework that encompasses
which this engagement has helped them reach the notions of affordances discussed previously
their teacher’s or their own language learning and explicitly takes into account the experi-
goals. ences and expectations of both the teacher and
the learners. Key to the current discussion are
Affordances of Digital Tools. Digital tools are not
Hubbard’s rubrics of teacher and learner fit.
neutral. Rather, like all tools, they have specific
‘Teacher fit’ is essentially a combination of her
affordances and constraints, which can actively
language teaching approach coupled with her be-
shape what teachers and learners can do with
liefs regarding the computer as a delivery system
them. Ignoring the specific affordances and con-
in terms of content and pedagogy and also how
straints of computer-assisted language learning
well the LLR is compatible and consistent with
(CALL) tools is likely to result in incompatibil-
these two elements. For example, if presenting
ity between goals and tools, as well as more gen-
language in context is part of a teacher’s beliefs
erally between pedagogy and technology, which
about language learning, then resources that rely
can severely limit the effectiveness of technol-
primarily on a decontextualized ‘drill and kill’ ap-
ogy as an educational tool. In an examination
proach are not a good fit. ‘Learner fit’ refers to
of the affordances of various computer-mediated
the degree to which an LLR is compatible with
communication (CMC) tools, Smith, Alvarez–
the learner variables described earlier. It also en-
Torres, and Zhao (2003) suggested four quali-
compasses the linguistic objectives and language
ties that are fundamental in distinguishing one
skills of the target course and the extent to which
CMC tool from another: temporality, anonymity,
the LLR is a good match.
modality, and spatiality. In terms of temporality,
the amount of time expected for a message to Language Learning Environment. Related to
reach its audience has considerable impact on both teacher and learner fit is the fact that teach-
the discourse and behavior of the interactants. ers attempt to achieve curricular goals with the re-
For example, synchronous computer-mediated sources that are available to them. Indeed, one’s
communication (SCMC) discourse via chat pro- resources and accessibility may very well limit
grams has unique structural, interactional, and a teacher’s initial list of potential LRRs to be-
participatory patterns (Kern, 1998; Smith, 2003; gin with. For example, if the school in which
Zhao, 1998). The immediacy of message trans- a teacher works does not have a computer lab
mission has an effect on the way topics are ex- or even an Internet connection for that mat-
plored as well as the amount of student and ter, but rather two computers in each classroom,
teacher production (Chun, 1994; Kern, 1995). there will certainly be no need to evaluate a
Anonymity has been argued to contribute to an Web-based LLR such as Mango Languages (which
atmosphere of critical receptivity (Kern, 1998) provides online lessons, films, and other ma-
and decreased inhibition (Herring, 1996). Modal- terials) for in-class use. However, students may
ity features include the availability of text, audio, very well all have cellphones, which would make
video, and graphics, which certainly influence a an evaluation of the Mango mobile app po-
tool’s potential for achieving a specific goal. For tentially useful. The TESOL Technology Standards
example, Chun and Plass (1996) found a signif- (Healey et al., 2008) provide goals, standards, and
icant effect for annotation type on lexical reten- performance indicators for technology use for
tion. Finally, CMC technologies possess varying ca- both teachers and students. Particularly helpful
pacities for manipulating spatial distance during are vignettes for each standard that show exam-
communication. For example, avatar proximity ples of how one might achieve these in limited,
has been shown to affect conversational appropri- medium, and high technology settings. Teachers
ateness among participants as well as one’s social should keep in mind that even in the most tech-
attraction in a virtual world environment (Kriko- nologically advanced classroom, the best learn-
rian et al., 2000). ing may not come from the most sophisticated
Student Experiences and Expectations. Evaluat-
ing the effectiveness of language learning re- Assessing Students’ Use of Language Learning Re-
sources (LLRs) should begin with the ques- sources (LLRs). Whereas affordances speak to an
tion “effective for whom?” In order to answer LLR’s potential for success in meeting our goals,
this question we need to consider learner vari- a large part of choosing the right LLR for particu-
ables such as age, proficiency level, L1, edu- lar curricular goals requires an evaluation of how
cational experiences, interests, and technolog- learners (and teachers) manage to successfully
76 The Modern Language Journal, 100, Supplement 2016
use technological resources. In order to conduct of important second language acquisition (SLA)
such an evaluation, one needs to have a clear and constructs such as learner self-repair (O’Rourke,
compelling record of actual process data. That 2008, 2012; Smith, 2008). They have also shown
is to say, capturing a record of what learners are the effect such self-repair has on the complexity of
actually doing while engaged with an LLR can subsequent learner output (Sauro & Smith, 2010;
provide more direct evidence of the LLR’s effi- Smith & Sauro, 2009).
cacy. Such data may be collected via input logging
Eye Tracking. Though eye tracking has been
software, video screen capture programs such as
used for many years in human–computer inter-
Camtasia, or eye-tracking technology. These data
action, CALL scholars have only recently be-
can show us the choices learners make when in-
gun to use this technology in their research. Re-
teracting with a program or interlocutor via an
searchers have explored the relationship between
LLR and the effect of these choices on their in-
L2 (teacher) recasts, noticing, and learning dur-
terlocutor. They also show us when they make
ing task-based SCMC (Smith, 2010, 2012; Smith
these choices, and, to some degree, the process
& Renaud, 2013). This work has provided new in-
they engage in when arriving at these choices.
sights into the nature and efficacy of teacher pro-
Such process data are important as relying purely
vided recasts in CMC environments. Stickler and
on outcome data can be very misleading. Pre-
Shi (2015) combined eye tracking with stimulated
and posttest scores, for example, may provide
recall interviews to investigate online language tu-
us with important correlational data on the ef-
torials, looking not only at learners’ online read-
fectiveness of a particular LLR, but such gain
ing processes but also their speaking interactions
scores alone typically cannot tell us the extent to
with other learners and the teacher.
which the LLR played a significant role in any ob-
In choosing the best LLRs to meet their stu-
served gains. Further, they tell us nothing about
dents’ needs, teachers must take into account the
how learners are actually engaging with a tool (or
tools’ affordances, learner/teacher fit, available
not) or why they are making the choices they do.
institutional resources, and Internet accessibility.
While self-report data, such as student surveys,
They must also assess students’ use of potential
questionnaires, and interviews, may do a good
and adopt LLRs in terms of reaching their goals.
job regarding the why question, they have been
The former is best done by employing existing
shown to be quite limited in providing empirical
frameworks for LLR evaluation, whereas the latter
information regarding what learners do during
can be achieved through a combination of sub-
human–computer or human–human interaction
jective and objective measures of LLR palatability
via a computer (Fischer, 2007, 2012). To answer
and effectiveness coupled with process-oriented
these questions one needs to employ some sort of
measures such as eye tracking. In this way we can
tracking technique. In terms of human–computer
both evaluate LLRs and assess students’ use of
interaction the tracking research has shown that
these resources to achieve our established peda-
students often use the software quite differently
gogical and learning goals.
from how developers intended (Pujola, 2002)
and that there is much individual learner vari-
ability in interaction with CALL programs and CONCLUSION
in the amount of material learned (Chun, 2013;
Technology provides new ways for languages,
Chun & Payne, 2004; Collentine, 2000; Heift,
cultures, and the world to be represented, ex-
pressed, and understood. But those new ways
Screen Capture. Tracking user behavior with of representing, expressing, and understand-
screen capture software allows researchers to ac- ing cannot be counted on to develop auto-
tually see how learners are engaging with a pro- matically. Young people today learn digitally
gram or with one another. For example, as sug- mediated modes of expression largely from one
gested earlier, chat software affords the possibil- another outside of school, and they engage
ity for learners to ‘rewind’ during a synchronous with digital technologies in ways that are of-
discussion. Whether learners actually do this, ten more varied and more sophisticated than
however, is an empirical question. Smith (2009) those they encounter at school (Jenkins et al.,
found that, depending on the task type, learn- 2009). This raises the question of how teachers
ers are not inclined to capitalize on this affor- should approach the incorporation of technology
dance. Using the screen capture software Camta- in their teaching. In this article, we have outlined
sia, researchers have also established that relying some of the issues related to technology and lan-
on chat logs alone is insufficient in explorations guage use in order to set the stage for a series
Dorothy Chun, Richard Kern, and Bryan Smith 77
of heuristic questions to guide teachers and re- 5 Digital repositories abound online, such as the
searchers in determining for themselves how best Department of Education’s Title VI Language Resource
to incorporate technology in their teaching and Centers (
research. Our message has been that the use of php), the Center for Open Educational Resources
technology should not be seen as a panacea, or a and Language Learning (
coerll/), the World Languages portal of MERLOT (Mul-
goal in and of itself, but rather as one means to
timedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online
support specific learning goals. How a given form Teaching) (, and
of technology is incorporated will vary, depending individual language teacher associations (e.g., AATSP’s
partly on the learning goals but also on the learn- = ClassResourcesPublic;
ers’ abilities and interests, the kinds of resources AATJ’s
available, and the academic culture of the institu-
tion. Assessment of student learning can similarly
take many forms, but should focus on the process
of meaning making and learning with the tech- REFERENCES
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