Hari Vamsa On Birth of Krsna

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tāṃ covāca tato nidrāṃ viṣṇuḥ satya parākramaḥ |

gaccha nidre mayotsṛṣṭā devakī bhavanāntikam || 2-2-27

Then the truly valiant Viṣṇu said: Nidrā! By my instruction, go to Devakī's residence.

imān prāṇeśvarāngṛhya śad garbhāndānavottamān |

sarva prāṇeśvarāṃś caiva ṣād garbhān nāma dehinaḥ |
ṣaḍ garbhān devakī garbhe yojayasva yathā kramam || 2-2-28

Take these souls of Ṣaḍ-garbhā, the best of Dānavas. Implant them in the womb of Devakī
in sequence.

jāteṣveteṣu garbheṣu nīteṣu ca yamakṣayam |

kaṃsasya viphale yatne devakyāḥ saphale śrame || 2-2-29

When they are born from womb and taken to the world of Yama (death) (killed by Kaṃsa),
Kaṃsa's efforts will be fruitless and Devakī's endeavour will be fruitful.

prasādaṃ te kariṣyāmi mat prabhāva samaṃ bhuvi |

yena sarvasya lokasya devi devī bhaviṣyasi || 2-2-30

I will then be pleased with you and you will have the same splendour as me in the world.
You will become the Goddess worshipped by all worlds.

saptamo devakī garbho yo'ṃśaḥ saumyo mamāgrajaḥ |

sa saṃkrāmayitavyaste saptame māsi rohiṇīm || 2-2-31

The seventh conception of Devakī, a gentle portion of me, will be my elder brother. In the
seventh month you will transfer him to Rohiṇī's womb.

saṃkarṣaṇāt tu garbhasya sa tu saṃkarṣaṇo yuvā |

bhaviṣyaty agrajo bhrātā mama śītāṃśu darśanaḥ || 2-2-32

Since the conception will be transferred, he will be known as Saṃkarṣaṇa. He, my elder
brother in future, will appear with the splendour of moon (śītāṃśu).

patito devakī garbhaḥ saptamo'yaṃ bhayāditi |

aṣṭame mayi garbhasthe kaṃso yatnaṃ kariṣyati || 2-2-33

Kaṃsa will think that the seventh conception of Devakī was miscarried due to fear of him.
when I become the eighth conception Kaṃsa will try to kill me.

yā tu sā nandagopasya dayitā bhuvi viśrutā |

yaśodā nāma bhadraṃ te bhāryā gopakulodvahā || 2-2-34
All the best for you. There is a lady named Yaśodā, well-known in the world, wife of
Nandagopa, uplifter of the race of cowherds.

asyāstvaṃ navamo garbhaḥ kule'smākaṃ bhaviṣyasi |

navamyām eva saṃjātā kṛṣṇapakṣasya vai tithau || 2-2-35

You will be born as the ninth conception in our race, on the ninth day of kṛṣṇapakṣa, dark
half of the month.

ahaṃ tvabhijito yoge niśāyāṃ yauvane sthite |

ardharātre kariṣyāmi garbhamokṣaṃ yathāsukham || 2-2-36

In the midnight, at the auspicious time of Abhijit, I will comfortably liberate from the

aṣatamasya tu māsasya jātāvāvāṃ tataḥ samam |

prāpsyāvo garbhavyatyāsaṃ prāpte kaṃsasya nāśane || 2-2-37

We both, brother and sister will be born during the eighth month of pregnancy. To achieve
the destruction of Kaṃsa, we will be interchanged from one mother to another.

ahaṃ yaśodāṃ yāsyāmi tvaṃ devi bhaja devakīm |

āvayorgarbhasaṃyoge kaṃso gacchatu mūḍhatām || 2-2-38

I will go to Yaśodā and you, Goddess, will take recourse in Devakī. This interchange of new-
born babies will confound Kaṃsa.

tatastvāṃ gṛhya caraṇe śilāyāṃ pātayiṣyati |

nirasyamānā gagane sthānaṃ prāpsyasi śāśvatam || 2-2-39

Catching your legs, he will try to smash you against a stone. You will slip out (of his hands),
arise in the sky, and will attain an eternal place.

macchavīsadṛśī kṛṣṇā saṃkarṣaṇasamānanā |

bibratī vipulau bāhū mama bāhūpamau divi || 2-2-40

You will have the same complexion, dark, as mine. Your face will be similar to Saṃkarṣaṇa.
In the sky you will appear with vastly spread arms like mine.

Reply to Tripurari Swami:

Kṛṣṇa, however, although not actually born from the womb of Mother Yaśodā, enjoyed the
parental love of Mother Yaśodā and Nanda. SB 10.2.9. purport

sakṛd eva prapanno yas

tavāsmīti ca yācate
abhayaṁ sarvadā tasmai
dadāmy etad vrataṁ mama

"If one surrenders unto Me sincerely, saying, 'My Lord, from this day I am fully
surrendered unto You,' I always give him protection. That is My vow." (Rāmāyaṇa,
Yuddha-kāṇḍa 18.33)

Thereafter, exactly when Vasudeva, being inspired by the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
was about to take the newborn child from the delivery room, Yogamāyā, the Lord's
spiritual energy, took birth as the daughter of the wife of Mahārāja Nanda.
Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura discusses that Kṛṣṇa appeared simultaneously as the
son of Devakī and as the son of Yaśodā, along with the spiritual energy Yogamāyā. As the
son of Devakī, He first appeared as Viṣṇu, and because Vasudeva was not in the position of
pure affection for Kṛṣṇa, Vasudeva worshiped his son as Lord Viṣṇu. Yaśodā, however,
pleased her son Kṛṣṇa without understanding His Godhood. This is the difference between
Kṛṣṇa as the son of Yaśodā and as the son of Devakī. This is explained by Viśvanātha
Cakravartī on the authority of Hari-vaṁśa. SB 10.3.47 + purport

Similarly in Hari Vamsa Hari Vamsa Parva in the chapter 41 on the Avatars of Visnu it is

vaiśaṃpāyana uvāca

aparaḥ keśavasya ayaṃ prādurbhāvo mahātmanaḥ |

vikhyāto māthure kalpe sarva-loka-hitāya vai ||1-41-156
yatra śālvaṃ ca maindaṃ ca dvividaṃ kaṃsam eva ca |
ariṣṭam ṛṣabhaṃ keśiṃ pūtanāṃ daitya dārikām ||1-41-157
nāgaṃ kuvalaya-pīḍaṃ cāṇūraṃ muṣṭikaṃ tathā |
daityān mānuṣa dehasthān sūdayāmāsa vīryavān ||1-41-158
chinnaṃ bāhu-sahasraṃ ca bāṇasya adbhuta karmaṇaḥ |
narakasya hataḥ saṃkhye yavanaḥ ca mahābalaḥ ||1-41-159
hṛtāni ca mahī-pānāṃ sarva-ratnāni tejasā |
durācārāḥ ca nihatāḥ pārthivāḥ ca mahītale ||1-41-160

vaiśampāyana continued:
Next is the famous incarnation of Viṣṇu as Keśava, aka Kṛṣṇa, in the city of Mathura for
the behoof of mankind, in which that mighty Keśava eliminated some demons and demonic
kings like: Śālva, Mainda, Dvivida, Kaṃsa, Ariṣṭa, Ṛṣabha, Keśi, a maidservant of demons
called Pūtana, a serpent called Kālīya, an elephant named Kuvalaya-pīḍa, two wrestlers
named Chāṇūra and Muṣṭika... Keśava slew one demon named Bāṇa-asura, after chopping
off his thousand arms; he also eliminated a demon called Naraka-asura, and an invader
called Kāla-yavana together with their forces while battling with them...

harivaṃśa mahā purāṇam - viṣṇuparva

atha caturtho'dhyāyaḥ

chapter 4 - Viśnu's īncarnation

vaiśaṃpāyana uvāca

kṛte garbhavidhāne tu devakī devatopamā |

jagrāha sapta tāngarbhānyathāvatsamudāhṛtān ||2-4-1

vaiśaṃpāyana said:

After being conceived, goddess-like Devakī, had seven conceptions, as pronounced (by Lord
Viṣṇu to Yogamāyā) before.

ṣaḍgarbhānnissṛtānkaṃsastāñjaghāna śilātale |
āpannaṃ saptamaṃ garbhaṃ sā nināyātha rohiṇīm ||2-4-2

Kaṃsa killed those Ṣaḍgarbhā-s (first six conceptions) by smashing them against rock. She
(Yogamāyā) transferred the seventh conception to Rohiṇī.

ardharātre sthitaṃ garbhaṃ pātayantī rajasvalā |

nidrayā sahasāviṣṭā papāta dharaṇītale ||2-4-3

Rohiṇī, who was in her menstrual period, felt in the midnight that the conception in her
(womb) was leaving her (womb). Possessed by Goddess Nidrā, She fell on the floor.

sā svapnamiva taṃ dṛṣṭvā sve garbhe garbhamādadhat |

apaśyantī ca tam garbhaṃ muhūrtaṃ vyathitābhavat ||2-4-4

She saw the conception in her womb, as if in a dream. Thereafter it was invisible to her.
Hence She became distressed for some time.

tāmāha nidrā saṃvignāṃ naiśe tamasi rohiṇīm |

rohiṇīmiva somasya vasudevasya dhīmataḥ ||2-4-5

Then Nidrā spoke to plaintive Rohiṇī. īn the dark of the night, she, the wife of intelligent
Vasudeva, appeared like Rohiṇi, the wife of Soma (moon).

karṣaṇenāsya garbhasya svagarbhe cāhitasya vai |

saṃkarṣaṇo nāma sutaḥ śubhe tava bhaviṣyati ||2-4-6

O āuspicious one, the conception in your womb was transferred to you. Hence you will have
a son named saṃkarṣaṇa.

sā taṃ putramavāpyaivaṃ hṛṣṭā kiñcidavāṅmukhā |

viveśa rohiṇī veśma suprabhā rohiṇī yathā ||2-4-7

Rohiṇī was joyous knowing that She has obtained that son. Her face bent down with
modesty, She went inside the house, like shining rohiṇī (star, wife of moon).

tasya garbhasya mārgeṇa garbhamādhatta devakī |

yadarthaṃ sapta te garbhāḥ kaṃsena vinipātitāḥ ||2-4-8

After her (seventh) conception was aborted, Devakī conceived (for the eighth time), for
which, Kaṃsa had destroyed her seven conceptions.

taṃ tu garbhaṃ prayatnena rarakṣustasya mantriṇaḥ |

so'pyatra garbhavasatau vasatyātmecchayā hariḥ ||2-4-9

The ministers (of Kaṃsa) guarded that conception with careful efforts. But then, Hari
(Viṣṇu) was residing in her womb at his self will.

yaśodāpi samādhatta garbhaṃ tadahareva tu |

viṣṇoḥ śarīrajāṃ nidrāṃ viṣṇunirdeśakāriṇīm ||2-4-10

The same day, Yaśodā, conceived Nidrā who carries out the instructions of Viṣṇu and who
manifested from Viṣṇu's body.

garbhakāle tvasaṃpūrṇe aṣṭame māsi te striyau |

devakī ca yaśodā ca suṣuvāte samaṃ tadā ||2-4-11

Before the completion of the normal period of pregnancy, the women, Devakī and Yaśodā
delivered in the eighth month at the same time.

yāmeva rajanīṃ kṛṣṇo jajñe vṛṣṇikulodvahaḥ |

tāmeva rajanīṃ kanyāṃ yaśodāpi vyajāyata ||2-4-12
A girl was born to yaśodā at the same time of the same night when Kṛṣṇa, who elevates the
(fame of) Vṛṣṇi race was born.

nandagopasya bhāryaikā vasudevasya cāparā |

tulyakālaṃ ca garbhiṇyau yaśodā devakī tathā ||2-4-13

One (Yaśodā) was the wife of Nandagopa and the other (Devakī) was the wife of Vasudeva.
Both Yaśodā and Devakī became pregnant almost at the same time.

devakyajanayadviṣṇuṃ yaśodā tāṃ tu dārikām |

muhūrte'bhijiti prāpte sārdharātre vibhūṣite || 2-4-14

In the midnight, at the auspicious time of abhijit, Devakī, gave birth to Viṣṇu and Yaśodā
gave birth to a girl.

sāgarāḥ samakaṃpanta celuśca dharaṇīdharāḥ |

jajvaluścāgnayaḥ śāntā jāyamāne janārdane ||2-4-15

When Janārdana (Kṛṣṇa) was born, oceans swelled (with joy ), mountains (Dharaṇīdhara -
Śeṣa - Nīlakaṇṭha) swayed and the fires burned calmly.

śivāścapravavurvātāḥ praśāntamabhavadrajaḥ |
jyotīṃṣyativyakāśanta jāyamāne janārdane ||2-4-16

When janārdana was born, auspicious breezes blew gently, dust settled and the planets and
stars śone brightly.

abhijinnāma nakṣatraṃ jayantī nāma śarvarī |

muhūrto vijayo nāma yatra jāto janārdanaḥ |

When Janārdhana was born, the auspicious star was abhijit. (due to the confluence with
star Rohiṇi in the eighth day) the night was Jayantī and the moment was Vijaya.

avyaktaḥ śāśvataḥ sūkṣmo harirnārāyaṇaḥ prabhuḥ ||2-4-17

jāyamāno hi bhagavānnayanairmohayanprabhuḥ |

Lord Hari, Nārāyaṇa is beyond perception (avyaktaḥ), eternal (śāśvataḥ), and subtle
(sūkṣmaḥ). ṭhe lord, as he was born, encanted all with his eyes.

anāhatā dundubhayo devānāṃ prāṇadandivi ||2-4-18

ākāśātpuṣpavṛṣṭiṃ ca vavarṣa tridaśeśvaraḥ |

Without being played, the drums of deva-s began to sound in heaven. ṭhe lord of deva-s
śowered flowers from the sky.
gīrbhirmaṅgalayuktābhiḥ stuvanto madhusūdanam ||2-4-19
maharṣayaḥ sagandharvā upatasthuḥ sahāpsarāḥ |

The sages along with gandharvas and apsarās arrived and praised the slayer of Madhu
(Madhusūdana) with auspicious hymns.

jāyamāne hṛṣīkeśe prahṛṣṭamabhavajjagat ||2-4-20

indraśca tridaśaiḥ sārdhaṃ tuṣṭāva madhusūdanam |

When Hṛṣīkeśa (Kṛṣṇa) was born, the entire world was overjoyed. Indra, along with devas
praised the slayer of Madhu (Madhusūdana ).

Note: According to mahābharāta (CE)

05068009a harṣāt saukhyāt sukhaiśvaryāddhṛṣīkeśatvamaśnute
He is called Hṛṣīkeśa, from Hṛṣīka meaning 'eternal happiness' and Īśa meaning 'the six
divine attributes', the union signifying one having joy, happiness, and divinity (udyoga
parva - Kisari Mohan Ganguli translation).

Hṛṣīkeśa is one of the thousand names of viṣṇu (viṣṇusahasranāma).

vasudevaśca taṃ rātrau jātaṃ putramadhokṣajam ||2-4-21

śrīvatsalakṣaṇaṃ dṛṣṭvā yutaṃ divyaiśca lakṣaṇaiḥ |

Vasudeva saw his son, adhokṣaja (kṛṣṇa), who was born that night. He saw the divine signs
and marks such as śrīvatsa.

Note: According to mahābhārata (CE):

05068010a adho na kṣīyate jātu yasmāttasmādadhokṣajaḥ
He is called Adhokṣaja, because he never falleth down or suffereth any deterioration
(udyoga parva - Kisari Mohan Ganguli translation).

12330017a pṛthivīnabhasī cobhe viśrute viśvalaukike

12330017c tayoḥ saṃdhāraṇārthaṃ hi māmadhokSajamañjasā
The Earth and the Firmament are known to extend in all directions. And because I uphold
them both, therefore am I called by the name of AdhokSaja (śānti parva - Kisari Mohan
Ganguli translation).

Adhokṣaja is one of the thousand names of viṣṇu (viṣṇusahasranāma)

uvāca vasudevastu rūpaṃ saṃhara vai prabho ||2-4-22

bhīto'ham deva kaṃsasya tasmādevaṃ bravīmyaham |
mama putrā hatāstena tava jyeṣṭhāmbujekṣaṇa ||2-4-23
Vasudeva said: Lord, please withdraw your form. I am terrified of Kaṃsa. Hence I am
saying this. O lord with lotus eyes! My sons, your elder brothers, were killed by Kaṃsa.

vaiśampāyana uvāca

vasudevavacaḥ śrutvā rūpaṃ cāharadacyutaḥ |

anujñāpya pitṛtvena nanda gopagṛhaṃ naya ||2-4-24

vaiśampāyana said:

Hearing the words of Vasudeva, Acyuta (Viṣṇu) concealed his form. He persuaded his
father to take him to the house of Nandagopa.

Note: According to mahābhārata (CE):

12330016a nirvāṇaṃ paramaṃ saukhyaṃ dharmo'sau para ucyate

12330016c tasmānna cyutapūrvo'ham acyutastena karmaṇā

The cessation of separate conscious existence by identification with Supreme brahman is

the highest attribute or condition for a living agent to attain. ānd since I have never
swerved from that attribute or condition, I am, therefore, called by the name of Acyuta
(śānti parva - Kisari Mohan Ganguli translation).

Acyuta is one of the thousand names of viṣṇu (viṣṇusahasranāma).

vasudevastu saṃgṛhya dārakaṃ kṣiprameva ca |

yaśodāyā gṛhaṃ rātrau viveśa sutavatsalaḥ ||2-4-25

Vasudeva, fond of his son, quickly carried the boy to the house of Yaśodā in the night.

yaśodāyāstvavijñātastatra nikṣipya dārakam |

pragṛhya dārikāṃ caiva devakīśayane'nyasat ||2-4-26

Unknown to Yaśodā, he kept the boy with her and carried the girl to Devakī's bed.

parivarte kṛte tābhyāṃ garbhābhyāṃ bhayaviklavaḥ |

vasudevaḥ kṛtārtho vai nirjagāma niveśanāt ||2-4-27
ṭhus the two new-born babies were ekṣcanged. vasudeva was terrified but satisfied. ḥe went
out of the house.
ugrasenasutāyātha kamsāyānakadundubhiḥ |
nivedayāmāsa tadā tāṃ kanyāṃ varavarṇinīm ||2-4-28
ānakadundubhi (vasudeva) informed kaṃsa, son of ugrasena about (the birth of) his
beautiful daughter.
tacchrutvā tvaritaḥ kaṃso rakṣibhiḥ saha vegibhiḥ |
ājagāma gṛhadvāraṃ vasudevasya vīryavān ||2-4-29
ḥearing this, mighty kaṃsa, along with guards, quickly reaced the entrance of the house of
sa tatra tvaritaṃ dvāri kiṃ jātamiti cābravīt |
dīyatāṃ śīghramityevaṃ vāgbhiḥ samatarjayat ||2-4-30
āt the entrance, immediately, he spoke the harś words: "Who is born? ḥand over the new-
born to me quickly".
tato hāhākṛtāḥ sarvā devakībhavane striyaḥ |
uvāca devakī dīnā bāśpagadgadayā girā ||2-4-31
ṭhen the women of devakī's house wailed loudly. devakī, lamenting and weeping, spoke
with faltering voice.
dārikā tu prajāteti kaṃsaṃ samabhiyācatī |
śrīmanto me hatāḥ sapta putragarbhāstvayā vibho ||2-4-32
ṣe begged kaṃsa: ṭhis cild is a girl. l̤ ord! ṃy seven boys were killed by you as soon as they
were born.
dārikeyaṃ hataivaiṣā paśyasva yadi manyase |
dṛṣṭvā kaṃsastu tāṃ kanyāmākṛṣyata mudā yutaḥ ||2-4-33
ṭhis is a girl. ṣe looks as though śe is dead. īf you please, kindly give her to me. Seeing the
girl, kaṃsa was attracted to her and he felt happy within.
hataivaiṣā yadā kanyā jātetyuktvā vṛthāmatiḥ |
ṭhe heartless (vṛthāmati) kaṃsa said: ās śe is born, this girl is dead.
sā garbhaśayane kliṣṭā garbhāmbuklinnamūrdhajā ||2-4-34
kaṃsasya purato nyastā pṛthivyāṃ pṛthivīsamā |
sa caināṃ gṛhya puruṣaḥ samāvidhyāvadhūya ca ||2-4-35
ṭhe cild who was in a pathetic condition in the womb, her hair still wet with the water of the
womb, was placed on the earth in front of kaṃsa by devakī who is equal to earth (in
patience). ṭhe man grabbed the cild for throwing her.
udyacchanneva sahasā śilāyāṃ samapothayat |
sāvadhūtā śilāpṛṣṭe'niṣpiṣṭā divamutpatat ||2-4-36
ḥe whirled her around and suddenly threw her against the rock forcefully. ṭhe girl, who was
thrown against the rock, slipped away and without being hit, rose in the sky.
hitvā garbhatanuṃ sā tu sahasā muktamūrdhajā |
jagāma kaṃsamādiśya divyasraganulepanā ||2-4-37
Suddenly, śe gave up the body of the new-born. With diśeveled hair, adorned with celestial
garlands and pastes, śe addressed kaṃsa.
hāraśobhitasarvāṅgī mukuṭojjvalabhūṣitā |
kanyāiva sābhavannityaṃ divyā devairabhiṣṭutā ||2-4-38
āll her limbs were śining with garlands. ṣe was adorned with a dazzling crown. ṭhe goddess
remained kanyā forever. ṣe was praised by all deva-s.
nīlapītāmbaradharā gajakumbhopamastanī |
rathavistīrṇajaghanā candravaktrā caturbhujā ||2-4-39
ṣe was dressed in blue and yellow. ḥer breasts were like elephant's heads. ḥer thighs were as
broad as a cariot. ḥer face was beautiful like the moon. ṣe had four arms.
vidyudvispaṣṭavarṇābhā bālārkasadṛśekṣaṇā |
payodharastanavatī saṃdhyeva sapayodharā ||2-4-40
ḥer complekṣion was bright like lightning. ḥer eyes were red like the morning sun. ḥer
breasts were like rain clouds. ṣe appeared like a cloudy twilight.
sā vai niśi tamograste babhau bhūtagaṇākule |
nṛtyatī hasatī caiva viparītena bhāsvatī ||2-4-41
īn the night engulfed by darkness, śe dazzled with her bhūtagaṇa-s. ṣe danced, laughed and
manifested with opposites.
vihāyasi gatā raudrā papau pānamanuttamam |
jahāsa ca mahāhāsaṃ kaṃsaṃ ca ruṣitābravīt ||2-4-42
ṭhe terrible Goddess rose in the sky. ṣe drank the best drink. ṣe laughed aloud and
admoniśed kaṃsa.
kaṃsa kaṃsātmanāśāya yadahaṃ ghātitā tvayā |
sahasā ca samutkṣipya śilāyāmabhipothitā ||2-4-43
kaṃsa, for your own destruction, you tried to kill me. ẏou threw me all of a sudden against
the rock.
tasmāttavāntakāle'haṃ kṛṣyamāṇasya śatruṇā |
pāṭayitvā karairdehamuṣṇaṃ pāsyāmi śoṇitam ||2-4-44
ḥence, at the time of your death, when your body is dragged by your enemy, ī will tear it
apart with my hands and drink the warm blood.
evamuktvā vaco ghoraṃ sā yatheṣṭena vartmanā |
svaṃ sā devālayaṃ devī sagaṇā vicacāra ha ||2-4-45
ūttering these terrible words, the goddess along with her followers, roamed in her celestial
abode as śe pleased.
sā kanyā vavṛdhe tatra vṛṣṇīsaṅghasupūjitā |
putravatpālyamānā sā vasudevājñayā tadā ||2-4-46
ṭhat girl grew up there, worśipped by the vṛṣṇī-s. ās ordered by vasudeva, śe was looked
after like a son.
viddhi caināmathotpannāmamśāddevīṃ prajāpateḥ |
ekānaṃśāṃ yogakanyāṃ rakṣārthaṃ keśavasya tu ||2-4-47
(janamejaya !) ūnderstand that this Goddess is born from a portion of prajāpati (brahmā).
ḥence śe is simultaneously ekānaṃśā - one and without having any portion (division) (with
brahma). ṭhe yogakanyā appeared for the protection of keśava.
tāṃ vai sarve sumanasaḥ pūjayanti sma yādavāḥ |
devavaddivyavapuṣā kṛṣṇaḥ saṃrakṣito yayā ||2-4-48
āll yadava-s with good mind worśipped her since śe protected kṛṣṇa with her divine body.
tasyāṃ gatāyāṃ kaṃsastu tāṃ mene mṛtyumātmanaḥ |
vivikte devakīṃ caiva vrīḍitaḥ samabhāṣata ||2-4-49
āfter śe disappeared, kaṃsa thought that śe was indeed his death. ḥe met devakī alone and
spoke to her, aśamed.
kaṃsa uvāca
mṛtyoḥ svasuḥ kṛto yatnastava garbhā mayā hatāḥ |
anya evānyatā devi mama mṛtyurupasthitaḥ ||2-4-50
kaṃsa said:
Sister, in trying to avoid my death, ī killed your cildren. devi, it now appears that my death
is due from somewhere else.
nairāśyena kṛto yatnaḥ svajane prahṛtaṃ mayā |
daivaṃ puruṣakāreṇa na cātikrāntavānaham ||2-4-51
ī lost hope and hence ī tried and killed my own people. ī was unable to overcome fate with
my efforts.
tyaja garbhakṛtāṃ cintāṃ saṃtāpaṃ putrajaṃ tyaja |
hetubhūtastvahaṃ teṣāṃ sati kālaviparyaye ||2-4-52
ḍo not worry about your cildren. ḍo not lament about your sons. ṭhey are dead because of
ṭime and ī am only an instrument.
kāla eva nṛṇāṃ śatruḥ kālaśca pariṇāmakaḥ |
kālo nayati sarvaṃ vai hetubhūtastu madvidhaḥ ||2-4-53
ṭime is the only enemy of human beings. ṭime constantly canges their situation and finally
consumes all. People like me are only instruments (of ṭime).
āgamiṣyanti vai devi yathābhāgamupadravāḥ |
idaṃ tu kaṣṭaṃ yajjantuḥ kartāhamiti manyate ||2-4-54
āccording to our deeds, we face troubles and difficulties. īt is unfortunate that beings
consider themselves as the doers of everything.
mā kārṣīḥ putrajāṃ cintāṃ vilāpaṃ śokajaṃ tyaja |
evaṃprāyo nṛṇāṃ yonirnāsti kālasya saṃsthitiḥ ||2-4-55
l̤ eave all thoughts about your sons. ābandon all worries about them. ṭhat is how human life
is. īt is impossible to avoid the influence of ṭime.
eṣa te pādayormūrdhnā putravattava devaki |
madgatastyajyatāṃ roṣo jānāmyapakṛtaṃ tvayi ||2-4-56
devaki, ī am falling at your feet like a son. ī have committed a grave offense. Please
abandon your anger on me.
ityuktavantaṃ kaṃsaṃ sā devakī vākyamabravīt |
sāśrupūrṇamukhā dīnā bhartāramupavīkṣatī |
While kaṃsa was speaking thus, the aggrieved devakī with weeping face, looked at her
husband and said these words.
uttiṣṭhottiṣṭha vatseti kaṃsaṃ māteva jalpatī ||2-4-57
l̤ ike a mother, śe spoke to kaṃsa, "get up, my son".
mamāgrato hatā garbhā ye tvayā kāmarūpiṇā |
kāraṇaṃ tvaṃ na vai putra kṛtānto'pyatra kāraṇam ||2-4-58
devakī said:
īn the killing (by you) of my sons delivered earlier, you are not the only reason, ṭime is also
garbhakartanametanme sahanīyaṃ tvayā kṛtam |
pādayoḥ patatā mūrdhnā svaṃ ca karma jugupsatā ||2-4-59
By falling down at my feet and condemning your actions, you have made me somehow bear
the pain that ī felt as a result of your killing my sons.
garbhe tu niyato mṛtyurbālye'pi na nivartate |
yuvāpi mṛtyorvaśagaḥ sthaviro mṛta eva tu ||2-4-60
ḍeath cannot be avoided by those in conception or in cildhood. ẏouth is also affected by
death. ṭhe old is simply dead.
kālabhūtamidaṃ sarvaṃ hetubhūtastu tadvidhaḥ |
ajāte darśanaṃ nāsti yathā vāyustathaiva ca ||2-4-61
ĕverything is affected by ṭime. People like you are only instruments . ān unborn cild is not
seen just as air can not be seen.
jāto'pyajātatāṃ yāti vidhātrā yatra nīyate |
tadgaccha putra mā te bhūnmadgataṃ mṛtyukāraṇam ||2-4-62
ṭhose who are born, will cease to be seen after death. ḥe will go wherever the creator leads
him. Son, you may go now. ḍo not think of my worries due to the death (of my cildren).
mṛtyunā'pahṛte pūrvaṃ śeṣo hetuḥ pravartate |
vidhinā pūrvadṛṣṭena prajāsargeṇa tattvataḥ ||2-4-63
mātāpitrostu kāryeṇa janmatastūpapadyate |
ḍeath can happen due to fate, karma, time of creation, other reasons, contaminated food
consumed by parents, inherited reasons etc.
vaiśaṃpāyana uvāca
niśamya devakīvākyaṃ sa kaṃsaḥ svaṃ niveśanam ||2-4-64
praviveśa sa saṃrabdho dahyamānena cetasā |
kṛtye pratihate dīno jagāma vimanā bhṛśam ||2-4-65
vaiśaṃpāyana said:
ḥearing devakī's words, kaṃsa went to his house. ḥe was depressed. ḥis mind was burning.
ḥe was upset that his efforts were in vain.
iti śrīmahābhārate khileṣu harivaṃśe viṣṇuparvaṇi śrīkṛṣṇajanmani caturtho'dhyāyaḥ
ṭhus this is the fourth capter of viṣṇuparva of harivaṃśa, the sequel to śrīmahābhārata,
viṣṇu's incarnation.
nīlakaṇṭha commentary
asmiṃścaturthe tvadhyāye devakyāṃ vasudevataḥ |
śrīkṛṣṇasyocyate tāvajjanma lokaviḍambhanam ||
2-4-1 kṛte garbhavidāne garbhādhāne | samudāhṛtān yogamāyāyai viṣṇunā proktān ||
2-4-2 āpannaṃ devakyāṃ prāptaṃ sā yogamāyā rohiṇīṃ prati nītavatī atha devakyāḥ
sapatamo garbhe galita iti loakapravādānantaram ||
2-4-3 rajasvalā rohiṇī svodare sthitaṃ gharbhaṃ pātayantī papāta |
2-4-4 patitamapi garbhaṃ apaśyantī yogamāyayā tasyāntardhānaṃ nītatvāt
2-4-5 athaitāṃ yoganidrā samāśvāsayadityāha - tāmiti | rohiṇīṃ vaṃśavṟ^ddhikarīm |
2-4-6 karṣaṇeneti | pūravaṃ devakyā sve garbhe āhitasya garbhasya saṃprati tvadudaraṃ
prāpitasya garbhasya karṣaṇena ākarṣaṇāddhetostava saṃkarṣaṇo nāma putro bhaviṣyati
2-4-7 rohiṇī somapatnī yathā budhakroḍā tadvat ||
2-4-8 mārgeṇa mārgaṇena saptamo garbho devakyāḥ kva gataḥ kadā patita iti
mārgamaṇeśveva kaṃso yeṣu aṣṭamaṃ nūtanaṃ garbhaṃ devakī ādhatta |
2-4-9 atra kāle |
2-4-14 devakī viṣṇum abhijiti muhūrte'janayat | vibhūṣite vibhoḥ viṣṇoḥ uṣite proṣite
vrajaṃ prati pravāse jāte sati sārdharātre caturbhāgāyāḥ rātreḥ sārdhabhāge'vaśiṣṭe sati
yaśodā tāṃ kanyakāmajanayadityarthaḥ | ardharātre jātasya viṣṇoryaśodāṃ prati
ānayane ardhayāmamātraṃ jātaṃ tadānayanasamakālameva yaśodā dārikāmasūta ata
eva tasyāḥ janma navamyāmiti prāguktaṃ saṃgacchate |
2-4-15 samakampanta udriktajalā babhūvustatra hetuśceluriti | dharaṇīdharāḥ
śeṣādayaśceluḥ bhagvato bhāreṇeti bhāvaḥ |
2-4-20 apsarā ityadantatvamārṣam | surāṅganā iti vā pāṭhaḥ |
2-4-21 vasudevaśca tuṣṭāvetyanuṣaṅgaḥ |
2-4-22 tava jyeṣṭhāḥ sandhirārṣaḥ |
2-4-23 rūpaṃ caturbhujaṃ āharat tirohitaṃ kṛtavān |
2-4-27 tābhyāṃ tayorityarthaḥ | niveśanātsūtikāgṛhāt |
2-4-32 tu prajātetyatra putrajāteti pāṭhe putravajjātā parivartiteti gūḍhobhisandhiḥ |
putreti saṃbodhanaṃ vā |
2-4-35 gṛhya gṛhītvā āvidhya brāmayitvā avadhūya tucchīkṛtya |
2-4-36 utpatat udapatat aniṣpiṣṭeti cchedaḥ
2-4-37 ādiśya tiraskṛtya jagāma khamiti śeṣaḥ
2-4-41 niśi kāle iti śeṣaḥ | viparītena viśeṣeṇa paritaḥ prasarpaṇena |
2-4-47 ekā cāsāvataṃśeti ekānamśā bhagavatā ekā sati avibhaktā ajñastu tenaikaḥ sannapi
svāvidyayā tato vibhakto bhavati iyaṃ tu na tatha yataḥ yogakanyā yogena kanyā bhūtā
citkalaiveyamityarthaḥ | iti tāṃ viddhi |
2-4-48 sumanasaḥ surāḥ | yādavāḥ yaduṣu jātā |
2-4-50 mṛtyoḥ parihārārthamiti śeṣaḥ |
2-4-51 nairāśyena kārkaśyena |
2-4-52 hetubhūtaḥ śastrḥ vatkālākhyasya īśvarasya prayojyaḥ |
2-4-54 yathābhāgaṃ yathākarmetyarthaḥ | tena īśvar'epi na doṣaḥ | yathoktaṃ -
svakarmaiva naraṃ hanti na śastraripumṛtyavaḥ |
na bhetavyaṃ na vā sabhyaṃ corahatyāvalambate || iti | evaṃ sati mayi doṣo nāsañjanīya
iti bhāvaḥ |
2-4-55 saṃsthitiḥ khaṇḍanam |
2-4-57 vatseti saṃbhodhanāt kaṃsādiyaṃ jyeṣṭheti gamyate |
2-4-59 sahanīyaṃ soḍhavyaṃ kṣantavyamityarthaḥ |
2-4-62 mṛtyordainyasya kāraṇaṃ bhadraṃ te tava hṛdi mā bhūdityarthaḥ |
2-4-63 vidhinā garbhādānādisaṃskāreṇa pūrvadṛṣṭena janmāntarīyeṇa karmaṇā | prajā
sṛjatīti prajāsargaḥ kālastena tattvataḥ lokadṛṣṭanimittena steyādinā |
2-4-64 kāryeṇa durannādisevanena janmataḥ jātiguṇena ca upapadyate paradrohādikam
etaiḥ kāraṇaiste'pi mṛtāḥ eteraiva kāraṇastvaṃ ca kārita iti nātra tava doṣa iti bhāvaḥ |
iti harivaṃśe viṣṇuparvaṇi tīkāyāṃ caturtho'dhyāyaḥ |
## ītranslated and proof-read by k͟ h S ṟmacandran ramacandran_ksr@yahoo.ca, February
27, 2008
Further proof-read by Gilles Scaufelberger scaufel @ wanadoo.fr
īf you find any errors compared to chitraśala Press ednition, send corrections to ā.
ḥarindranath harindranath_a @ yahoo.com
ṭranslated to ĕngliś by ā. Puruśothaman [puruśothaman_avaroth @ yahoo.com] and ā.
āpril 18, 2009 ##

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