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Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean

Clasa A V-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


Lory is a princess, but not a normal one, she is a penguin and she’s 15 years old. She’s
got a castle, but not a normal one, because her castle’s got twenty two floors and an elevator,
of course.
Today it isn’t a normal day for Lory because today is her birthday and she wants to go
outside with her friends.
Now, Lory’s picking up her outfit and thirty minutes later she’s ready. And here she
goes, but when she opens the door, Lory sees that outside it’s raining and she gets back into
the castle to take an umbrella. And then she opens the door again and she sees her friends and
then, they get back inside the castle and play different games all night and all day.
After a long time they were tired and bored, but happy because Lory’s birthday was
amazing. It lasted for 2 days.
However, it was gorgeous and all her friends had a lot of fun.
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Clasa A V-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


A few years ago, when I was a princess, something happened. Well, you know that
when you are a princess there are always some rules that you need to respect. I wasn’t exactly
the most polite, respectful, intelligent person. I was exactly like the others.
One day I had to go to a castle in Serbia, but then I found out that my dad wanted me
to marry with a prince from Serbia. That was so annoying. I didn’t want to marry with a
So I ran away. I didn’t know anywhere else to go but than it started raining and I
wanted someone or something to appear in my face. And it did. A penguin with an umbrella
appeared in my face.
I went with him and we didn’t stop until we saw ice. A lot of ice. I met his family.
They made me their queen.
Now I am very happy living with my penguins without humans that can hurt me.
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Clasa A V-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


A day or two ago, I was invited on a trip by my friend Sergiu. He had an idea to go to
explore the forest. I was good with it until something happened.
We weren’t climbing up the trees, but we were jumping on them. Until I fell down
from a big distance. My friend got me up and ran to call the ambulance, and then I got lost. I
got up very hard and tried to find the way to my home. I got into a portal that got me to a
mansion with a castle. There was full of penguins. In the left part was the Nord Pole an in the
right part was a beach full of umbrellas and a lot of people having fun. A person came up to
me and said “How can I help?” I answered:
“Hello my name is David, I need to get home.”
“I can help you with that.”
I got on a ski jet and we slalomed home.
It was really funny and fantastic riding the ski jet. I arrived home and Sergiu was there
waiting for me.
The whole adventure was a dream. I was happy and amazed in this adventure.
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Clasa A X-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


I’m living in the forest, a place full of diverse creatures. I don’t have a job, but I
certainly do exist and I’m important for the ecosystem.
Let me tell you how my days go. In the morning I’m woken up by my clock or how
the humans would say, by the “raindrops”. I don’t move but I’m moved by many bugs and
ants. They like to drink water from my head, not knowing that death will come right after.
Throughout the day I have many visitors or I should say, this tree, Hano has. He’s my old
friend who likes to tell stories that just the old creatures know.
He once told me a very painful story about me. When I was little, humans came to
visit us. They were happy to see my house but not me, as one stranger kicked me to death. I
laid down days until Hano found me and helped me regenerate.
There’s a reason nobody pays attention to me. I’m not like the good mushrooms. I’m
the poisoned one.
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Clasa A V-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


It’s summer. It feels like the sun is going to burn them all.
My name is Alexa. I’m a door, a beautiful one, made with diamonds and unusual
pieces of stone. When David, the chef of this restaurant, decided to build it, he was asked by
his mom to make a beautiful door for the costumers to have the “home feeling” when they
enter this place.
I was made in Germany and brought here sooner than I expected. They were so happy
to see me and I felt completely and fully loved. But the days that came by weren’t how I
thought they would be. The people that came in this small and beautiful restaurant were
surprised by the deco and by the food, they were simply opening me fast and then pushing
me even harder. So that’s why I’m feeling lost and useless most of the time. I thought I was
special but it seems to be completely different.
I hope one day someone will take his eyes off the phone screen and look at me. If you
ever see a door that looks like it’s blushing, you have to be sure that you see me, a happy door
that has been appreciated.
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


My life so far was nothing special really. I grew up quite slowly, I must say, and all
these years I did nothing worth noticing in the world of men. My name is Fred. I’m a 156-
year-old oak tree, and this is my story.
A few years back, a kid was roaming this forest and when he saw me, he pulled out a
tiny knife and started carving his name. It didn’t hurt, it was actually like getting a tattoo and I
could see in his eyes, this kid had done nothing wrong in his life, he was innocent. And that’s
how I got my name. However, the years passed away and our species started to fade for the
“benefit” of humanity. They think that they are the smartest, the wisest livings on this Earth, if
they only knew … Soon the rangers will come after me, I know it. But something strange
happened. Suddently, the people that were usually massacring my kind were replaced by
others. They had yellow jackets and caps and seemed to rush through the density of the forest,
like they tried to reach something.
The fire was upon us, the result of their ignorance.
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Clasa A V-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


It’s Saturday morning. It’s snowing and the king penguin is happy with his wife. He
goes outside and says:
“Good Morning!” And he goes in the castle. Now the penguins are happy.
“Very well!” says his wife. “Now, come inside!”
“Ok!” says the king .
The king and his wife go in their bedroom. In the bedroom there is: a new umbrella, a big
bed, a bookcase and a big desk.
“This is a new umbrella!” says his wife.
“Oh… It’s beautiful.”
“I know!”
The king and the wife leave outside, again.
They have got two daughters and three sons: Laura, Clara, Jon, Jimmy and Carlos, in total
five children.
“I’m sad, mum!” says penguin Jon.
“Me too!” says penguin Lara.
“Why?” says mum.
“I don’t know! I’m so bored!”
Mum plays with Jon and Lara. Now, they are happy!
“Thanks, mum! I love you!”
“I love you too!”
This day was beautiful! The family is happy!
I’m happy because the family isn’t sad! I love this family!
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Clasa A VII-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


Long, long time ago, there was a beautiful princess that lived in a very big castle. She
had everything, including a pet penguin, but she wasn’t a very nice person.
One day a very big storm with acid rain came and she wasn’t able to go outside
because her dress would have been destroyed by the acid rain. She stayed inside hugging her
penguin and crying for her life.
One night, in her dream, a person who looked like a god told her that the rain wouldn’t
stop until she helped the poor. After that night she stood by the window and thought what she
could do. She finally decided to go and give food to people, but her guards couldn’t go, so she
went by herself. She spent the whole day delivering food, to protect herself from the acid, she
brought a steel umbrella.
After she finished, the rain stopped and everybody cheered for her.
She became a nice person and she will be a nice person for the rest of her life.
Colegiul Național „Petru Rareș” Beclean
Clasa A VII-A
Profesor coordonator: Todoran Liana


There once lived a princess, named Betty, who lived in a beautiful castle in UK. She
was a beautiful girl, kind, smart and lovely. She loved animals, especially the animals in
danger. Imagine she loved so much the animals in danger she even went to Antarctica to save
a penguin.
One day, she went to visit her friends. On her way to her friend’s house, it started to rain.
Betty had no umbrella and she couldn’t protect herself from the rain. When she was going
down a hill, she slipped because of the rain. A young boy caught her and saved her from the
fall. She instantly fell in love with the boy and couldn’t resist to stop looking at him. He
smiled at her like the whole world smiled at Betty. Betty thought it was unreal to feel that
Betty took him to the castle, where she found out he was one of the members of her
family rivals. Her dad, the King, couldn’t let this happen so he kicked him outside.
Betty never saw the boy again, and since then she has decided to stop loving anyone
because she thought she could never feel the same love ever again.

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