Rhel 5 Examnitation Paper Maintance & Troubleshooting: Phase-A (7 Questions 4 Compulsory & 3 Non-Compulsory)

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Maintance & Troubleshooting

Phase-A (7 questions 4 Compulsory & 3 non-Compulsory)
1. Loging as root using password birdfly. (Compulsory)

2. Setup network parameters using the details given in /root/network file. (Compulsory)

3. Dig server & check you can resolve it. (Compulsory)

4. Create 100MB partition & mount it under /mnt/new directory. It should be permanently
mounted. (Compulsory)

5. Export the /export directory and check using showmount –e localhost.

6. Implement user quota in such a way that when user neo execute

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=30

he succeeds but when he executes

dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/neo/somefile bs=1024 count=70

he is prohibited from creating the file.

7. Extend the /home directory to 300MB without loosing data.

Phase-B (1 non-compulsory question)

8. Troubleshooting. Problems in:

/etc/fstab, /boot/grub/grub.conf, missing initrd file.

If the system boots in runlevel 3 to 5 then 20 marks.

If the system boots in emergency mode then 10 marks.

If the system does not boots then 0 marks.


1. Install Linux using nfs using given partition & other details.

2. Fill the enrollment form.

3. Configure yum client and install the dialog rpm.

4. Create users as follows

a. Create user jeff with secondary group sysusers.

b. Create user marlin with secondary group sysusers.

c. Create user harold and should not have login window.

5. Create the directory /storage/sysusers and

a. The owner should be root.

b. The group should be sysusers.

c. Files created under sysusers directory should have group ownership as sysusers.

6. Enable ip forwarding.
7. Export /storage directory only to example.com

8. Install the new kernel such that

a. The new kernel is in ftp://server1.example.com/pub/updates directory.

9. Configure a shared printer using the Queue name station on server


10. Configure NIS client using following details

a. The NIS domain is RHCE and server is

b. At now the user can log in but should not have home directory.

11. Configure automount such that

a. The home directory is exported from server1.example.com as /rhome/nisuserx.

b. The home directory should be mounted in your system under /rhome/nisuserx.

c. Try login as user nisuserx and the home directory should be automatically mounted.

12. Configure cron such that it outputs at every morning 05:01 /bin/echo hello.

13. Copy /etc/fstab to /var/tmp/fstab and implement the followings on it

a. The owner and group should be root with full permission.

b. User jeff should have write access to the file.

c. User marlin should not have access to the file.

d. All other user should have read access to the file.

14. Configure your server as ntp client. The server should be server1.example.com

1. Configure ssh such that

a. User jeff is able to use ssh service only from example.com domain.

b. Cracker.com machines should not be allowed to use ssh.

2. Configure ftp such that

a. Example.com can use ftp service using anonymous user.

b. All other cannot use ftp service.

3. Configure pop3 such that

a. User harold is able to use pop3 from example.com domain

b. All other cannot use pop3.

4. Configure Samba for /storage directory such that

a. The workgroup name is WORKGROUP

b. The share is only allowed to example.com

c. The share should be browseable.

d. User jeff must have read permission to the share.

5. Export the /storage directory only to example.com.

Note: Check it by loging into station249.example.com as guestx, the exported directory should
be automatically mounted there.

6. Configure http as follows

a. Copy station.html from server using ftp to the default DocumentRoot as


7. Configure SMTP such that mail to user acctmgr is received by local user jeff.

8. Configure SMTP such that

a. You can receive mail both from outside and locally.

b. User jeff should be allowed to receive mail from anywhere.

c. Mail to user jeff should be stored in local file /var/spool/mail/jeff.

9. Configure IMAPS such that

a. Create Certificate using the give details like organization name etc.

b. User harold is able to use imaps from example.com domain

c. All other cannot use imaps.

10. Configure Squid only to example.com and no other.

11. Configure http to create virtual host as follow

a. Copy www.html file from server using ftp.

b. The DocumentRoot should be /var/www/virtual.

c. Copy this file as index.html in DocumentRoot directory

d. User jeff should be allowed to upload contents to virtual directory.

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