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o PLESSEY Solid State A INFORMATION sare nlematon'sssuain nin Coors fre sg ote Pansy Scns ngs shih ora Neen rete teat Bal gives tay terete, change nthout notice anough we woul expect hs parorranc aan a resuer at orogcohon lake Radel 5 moat eases Passe contol you! local Plosey Semiconductors tos {ocSeittsot cument states eer NJ8812 CONTROL CIRCUIT FOR FREQUENCY SYNTHESIS “The NJ8B12 is an N-channel MOS integrated circul that proves al the decoding and controling cicutry for Frequency synthesises, ft Is intended 10 be used in Conjunction with 2modulus.prescaler suc as the et pacer ‘SPa703 to produce a universal binary coded synthesise for . mabile radio appiications. FEATURES . High Frequency Range Low Pia Count Direct interface to ROM or PROMS Preset Channel Spacings 20, 25, 30kH2 278 Sub Mulipes : oote High Comparison Frequency pris Low Level Sinewave Crystal OscilatorInp it up to Be some Fig Pn connections ‘Systems Clock Available — Constant Data Select Prequeney of 1 2kH2. (Reference Oscilator =48MHe) Microp:ocessor Compatioie GENERAL DESCRIPTION “Tne NJB#12 can be described by 9 system blocks: the reference divider, the programmable ‘divider and the phasetrequency comparator a shown In Fig2. Ali control Inputs and outputs are TTL compatible. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Fig? MlGBT2 Block oosrem ‘Test conditions (unless otherwise stated): Vess0V 20.25 ‘Temperature range: -20°C 1 +70°C Characteristic Unit Conditions. Osctator input ‘mv_|4MH2 reference oscillator AG cousied RMS |sinewave FA, FBOIC. Max. oscillator input frequency 10 MHz | 200mV RMS sinewave. ‘Supply curent 80 | 12 | ma |aldatainputs 01. ‘Max. counter input trequency 50 He | Inout TT compatible. Ds10s20utput High Lev! 24 v__ Joutputs TTL compatine, Low Level on] v Phase comparator output curent sink} 1 ma |0,0,05Vmax 805 ‘The Retoronce Divider The reference divide! is orvon externally rom a 48MHz crystal oscar ang can be externally preset 10 one of ‘Sheen ‘division rats. These divsion rallos enable. ll ‘Commonly used eferonce frequencies tobe applied tothe Dhaselrequency comparator. Selection is accomplished Using the two pine FA.and FS. These pins may be ‘connected to ground (ogic 00 llt open eteuit (Ogle. ‘connected to. Data Select + Output or to Data Sect 3 Sutpal Onerip decoding enabies the latter two states 10 be recognised as independant states. All sirtesn ‘elections may be latched anehip by grounding the Data Select 2 output. Table 1 gives relerence frequencies that canbe preset using adaMiz crystal oscilato. "The data select outputs (crystal oscilator requency +4096) ae independent o he preset reference trequency Programmable Divider ‘The programmable division section of the Nu8612 consists ota SHI programmable vider and an Bit programmable divider The Got diver controls the ‘moguls of the external prescaler and the Bait counter Getermines the total count period, The SPB7ORNJBET2 Combination is capable of dividing by all integer values between 1600 and 11898, When the Aange pin on the INiBB12 is grounded the programme range is shifted 10 between 6720 and 16958 “The programing data is multiplexed as 3 words of ¢ bite and’! of2 bite completing a 14-bt binary number. This input data may be stored on chip by grounding the Oata ‘Select 2 output ater seta vanster has cccurred (See Fig.) ‘Al-onchip mutiplexing may then be Inhibited, i desired, by grounding Data Select" output PheselFrequency Comparator The outputs of the fixed and variable dividers on the 48812 are internally connected to. a phasefrequency Comparator The comparator provides three open rain ‘ututs, The logic diagram is shown in Fig. ee i Fi93. Logie diagram Data Selection To programme the synthesiser the following Information is requiec 1. The reference comparison frequency—typically equal {othe channel spacing 2, The frequency a te VCO, “The frequency programme Information is prosented to the sevice mn multiplexed form, The reading of is data by the device lg contoled by the two data select outputs ror ‘the device. This sequence is shown in Fig & Fig Dale Resting diagram 806 Slew [oe [on | oe cam ee cen ee cee oe | a | zs | oe | ns pv | > | ws | te | am ose | ses | sare | oars | ars Ghonelteecee [tare me sou Tow angeaanay | te0—cay | woanaee | 0am ie ce (eae ees lect lowtargroare) | wo=nea | womeo | mo—wra anemone | or2—voe | eonaeo | woe) ccaartpeng [a a iam Tortargeamn | eons? | woo-m0 | eo ane aowrargsonn | aaeceen | szo—veno | ena—vzre [Channel Spacing aoe ‘3.125kHE ‘S.75kHz Seranecia | Naa ate | co= sro aoc norrargonmn | ieanees | ti0—s00 | zez—ose ie Te-ebulde he Forint or» ge YOO. Dh sorso 1 re a ears Sateen manta be dct ae i wae 5 Scaaee oe sore Progeermme Numizes | ome R 5. Write down number before decimal place: woe : tore (=V60 Inguneyn t 1 tty pat oa cose 1 deere newer oe umber Re ) (WORD ‘A +B’) 8 ge number (R= 1600 rang (R= 6720 ange ~0} Te programme number is converted to 14 bt binary number and fs segregated as 3 words of bits and 1 word of 2s “The least significant word is fst entered during the Data Read 1 time slot via the nuts D,, Dy, Dy and D, and ‘the most significant ast (Data Read 4th St ‘The second ‘east signfieant word contains only two bits entered via the inputs D, and D,, Data presented to he Inputs, and D, ding the Second ime sit is ignored by the nose For example, with a. VCO frequency of 121, 2MH2 and channel pacing of 25KHE few czas R= 1600 Naas Conversion to a 14-bit binary number is performed as follows: ‘The decimal numbers obtained for words °C’ and ‘0° may be direct converted to it binary words, whe the Secimal number for words A’ and’ wil convert fo a it binary word. The last significant four bits of his word give word A" while the two most significant bits give the least Sonificant bits of word (the two most significant bits of ‘word 8" having ‘don't care’ states). These are presonted to the cata inputs asin Table 3 os fos[o fo] ] of? {+{of of «| woro~ ofo|x| x] of] o] wore r+}o]}o}ol}o} a] wore +] fofsf{ of + | worn Tabled ‘The deta may be latched intemally by grounding the sz ‘output. This Is useful when’ interfacing to 3 ‘microprocessor, The NJBB12 is algo compatible with most {Types of PROM and ROM for data coding application. [APPLICATION NOTES. ‘The NJBBI2 Is designed for use in phase locked ‘cop frequency synthesisers In these synthesiser, the voltage Cconvolled oscilator (VCO) operates atthe output frequency and the output frequency 1s divided down to a Taterence frequency. Another signal at is reference frequency is derwed trom the orystal controled reference Ctcllator and the cvided VCO signal is compared at tis frequency with the reference signal Ina phase ond Frequency comparator The output signal derive from t ‘comparison consists of short pulses whose mark-space ‘avis such thal when the pulses ae integrated, a DC ieve, Isobtained, which, when applied othe VCO, tock the loop by maintaining the VCO on frequency. Simple division 10 the reterence frequency in a fully programmable divider is limites to tequencies of about Eom and below, because of the difieulty of producing fully programmable dividers However, a twomodulus divider which divges by N and N 1 may be easly made. A system as. shown in Fig then provides. for the Brograrnmable division tobe done at lower requencies. cone] Fig modulus counter The systern works a follows: The twomodulvs counter divides by N41 until counter "A'S full The twomodulus” stage then ‘vides by Nunti the M counter full The resultant division ratio ig NMA, Inthe NJBB12, the value of M is sot fo between 40 anc 296, while A Is programmed between 0 and $9. The ful ‘Seope of the NJ8BT2 ina eynthesisar Is achieved using 2 Sagres, such a8 tho SPBTOS. and under these conditions, {he divaton ratio i Wom 1600 to 11839. By using the Range input, the M counter programme i changed such thatthe {son rato becomes 6720 10 16868, "The retrence Wequency 1 derived trom a 48MHz crystal by a programmed divider. This divder is progtammned by the FA and FB Inputs: these may be ted 10 Ve togie "V}, Grourd (logic "0) or to O81” and DS2, Spending upon the feference traquency required In General the felerence frequency is made equal to the hanne! spacing. a the higher he reference quency, the taster it ff filer the contol line to the VCO to prevent Spurious sidebands at reference frequency appearing on theoutout Phase Detector {nthe NJBBT2, this circuit function is implemented by the use of two D fype filpflops, These deve ‘open cain utput FETS, and it these are taken to Ve via resistors, \wavetome as shown in Fig6 may be expected 808 Fig Phase detector waveforms wen out of lock, 2, and O, have no definite phase relationship, These outputs may be combined in a sutabie Creut 38 shown in Fig oop Fiter Design A simple approach wit provide a workable, but not fnacestaniy optimum system. For more Getaled methods, faterence fo one of the many textbooks is recommended! ‘The following method provides a simple design. 1. Choose the loop natural requency This frequency Sects the eating lime of the 1o0p, an this satng tim i, toa first order approximation, Oly, where ay isin radians per second 2. Choose a value of damping factor to give adequate loop Slalily without excessive overshoot. A salistacioy ‘alue 2 10. giving an overshoot of approximately 10% 8, Determine: ‘KV VOO Gain in radsyVot ac Taney here Ha isthe deviation in Hz fort volt change onthe contol line. N_=VCO TrequeneyReterence Frequency, 14, Choose Ry For convenience, 4.7K>R,>470R 5. Ry = Dia .C, where Dis the damping factor. Bok, 98 Programming board Retorence Oscillator Requirements Because the frequency synthesiser etfectvely multiples the -teleconceoscilator to the working fRequency, any vanations or inaccuracies inthe reterence Dscllator appear at the output. For this reason, the Sccuracy ofthe reference oscllaor must be no worse than that of the signal which ti required to synthesise, while the signaltonoise ratlo must be as high as possible. Incidental FM must be rinimised. VCO Requirements ‘The VCO should cover the frequency range desired with ‘a suitable contr! ine voltage swing. In adtion ts power fevol and © should be such as to maintain phase noise ‘ioebands as low as is required. tis requenty found that {he high impedence contol ine fe very susceptible to picking up stay signals sereening and careful decoupling ‘Of the VCO and ts supplies Is offen necessary. Buffering between the VCO and the prescaler Is required to prevent ‘VEO modulation rom thie source, and dual gate MOSFETS: te very useflin this poston. ‘ATypleal Synthesiner Fig 9 shows a typical equency synthesise using the NuBBt2 and SPR7GS. Programming is trom the binary programming board of Fig8, or trom a suitably programmed PROM oc ROM. It should be Noted tha! the Binary programming board produces four ¢bit words, and therefore, two ofthe is ae redundant (see Programming the N82) "The synthesiser of Fig uses a 40673 or similar dual ‘gate MOSFET as a bulfer prior to the SP8789 divider. The free’ 2NS770 transistors provide a charge pump crcul ‘and the fourth a crystal oscillator This synthesiser draws, Some 25mA maximum, excluding the VCO and. the Programming system, and further development covid wel Fecuce tie Curent appreciably. I modulation is required, this may be applied to te conto! ne, proved that the ‘Beak deviation not such as to ive the loop out of lock "The connection of ah LED from pin 10 of the NJBB2 to ‘5V via a 22k resistor wl provige an incicaton of lock, he lame being alight when tna oop is unlocked. AEE and the range pin are connected according to the requirments. of frequency spacing and operating frequency, Performance, in terms of spurious sidebands and noise ‘depends upon construction and design ofthe VCO and PC board, and good AF pracice should be followed with regard to these components. n particular, attention should Seong tobe VCO, acemning Farber appicatons 809

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