CBM Part 2

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SPED 5122/6122


Assignment Format: CBM Assignment, Part 2
CBM Assignment, Part 2
Rachel Ellis
October 29, 2019
Student Name: Max
Student School: Hogwarts
Student Grade Level: 8th grade
Skill you are monitoring: Oral Reading Fluency
Skill level: 2nd Grade
Name of assessment used: Aimsweb

Student goal (established in CBM Part 1): By December 1st, 2019, Max will read 70
correct words per minute, with fewer than 3 errors per minute, on 2 nd grade oral reading
fluency progress monitoring probes on 3 of 3 trials.


A. Correct Words: Max’s correct words per minute began at 46 on a 2 nd grade level.
He has scored 58, 37, 42, 60, 82, and 74 WRC. The approximate slope is 4 correct
words per week thus far. The slope from Excel is about 4.2. Max has made both
positive and negative progress. He dipped down from 46 WRC to 37, however, overall,
he has made very positive progress with the highest point being 82 WRC.

B. Error Words: Max’s end goal of error words per minute is 3. Throughout testing, he
has scored 11 error words, 8, 7, and 5, with 5 errors as his most recent score. He
began testing with 11 error words but has slowly moved down to only 5. I believe that
Max is doing well with this goal and will continue on track to reach the 3 errors per
minute by the end date.

C. Observations: Max has consistently been coming to school, which has been helping
his ORF testing. He has had 2 out of the 7 testing where his behavior was very difficult.
He was tired from lack of sleep, showed great signs of attention issues, such as looking
around the room, tapping the table, etc. He was also irritated when he would miss
words, causing a great deal of frustration. When Max had these behavior difficulties, he
scored his two lowest scores at 37 WRC and 42 WRC. When Max wasn’t showing
problematic behavior, he scored closer or above the goal line of 70 WRC.

D. Comparison to Goal: Max’s progress so far compares to the goal line fairly well.
The original goal was to read 70 words correct per minute by the end of testing.
Throughout observations, he has hit 60 WRC, 74 WRC, and 84 WRC. Although he has
hit above the goal of 70 WRC, he also has tested well under the end goal, at 37 WRC.
Based on these drastic differences in the scores, I believe he will be able to hit that end
goal of 70 WRC, which is right in the middle of scores he has been receiving.

I believe that I need to increase Max’s goal line, considering he has been fairly
consistently above the goal line. I am increasing his WRC goal from 70 WRC to 85
WRC. I believe with this higher goal in mind, Max will be able to continue increasing his
words read correctly and hit this 85 WRC end goal.

A. Summary of Decision Making: Max’s data relates fairly well to the aim line.
Although he has dipped below the aim line, he has also shot very high above the aim
line, evening out his progress. His errors vary across the aim line with 11 errors and
down to 5 errors, with 3 errors being his final end goal. He has followed this aim line
fairly well and is on his way to reaching 3 errors by the end date.

B. Summarize Change or No Change: I am not making any change to the student’s

instruction. I believe that Max is following closely along the aim line and will be close to
reaching the end goals by the end date.

C. Rationale for Change or No Change: I am not making a change to Max’s

instruction because he began with 46 WRC with 10 errors and has reached up to 82
WRC with 7 errors. Based on this data, I changed his WRC goal from 70 to 85;
however, I don’t believe any instruction needs to be changed. He is on his way to
reaching the WRC and error goals.

GRAPH (Please see Excel template online.)

A. Goal line: Check.

B. Data: Check.

C. Progress line: Check.

D. Changes: Check. I changed the end goal from 70 WRC to 85 WRC.

E. Decision point: Check.

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