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Daniela Ponce

Antonia Cortes
Luisa Ladino
Thanks to the Ph unit we can identify and know the acidity or basicity of a substance (usually watery) or
the different substances that we use as indicators between those NaOH and C20H14O4, but the most
important was the vinegar since our objective was to find the concentration and Ph of the acetic acid in the
vinegar, also with this laboratory know how the changes of Ph within the substance and its relationship
with color occur, due to different formulas that we made and through the application of different
procedures we could observe that the Ph of the vinegar is of 2.42 and the concentration of acetic acid a
total of 0.064 molar; On the other hand we could show the change of color of the substance from
transparent to a pink indicating that the end result was that the substance next to the NaOH was neutral.

Ph, phenoftaleina, Sodium hydroxide, concentration

In this laboratory we will talk about the Ph, the concentration of this depending on the volume
and different substances used to determine its acidity or basicity and for this we must clarify
certain definitions.
The Ph is a unit that determines the alkalinity (basicity) or acidity of certain solutions, that is, it
measures the amount of hydrogen ions of the different substances and their abbreviations mean
hydrogen ionization potential, on the other hand we have the substances as indicators among
those we have Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) This product is manufactured by means of sodium
electrolysis through large deposits of sodium chloride that means the rock salt, NaOH is the most
used base of Ph laboratories, like this one that we carry out. Another of the indicators we used
was phenolphthalein (C20H1404) is an organic dye that in turn acts as weak acid, that is, it
cannot release as many protons, when this is used as an indicator must be colorful according to
the range of the Ph of the solution that is being evaluated, when it acts as acid-base it must react
more effectively with the OH, finally another substance that we use as an indicator was the
vinegar this is a product that is obtained from the fermentation alcoholic and it contains a large
amount of acetic acid, so the vinegar has a volatile acidity.
Acids are those substances that can donate protons and that is when you increase the number of
protons (H) in an aqueous solution and the bases are those that have the ability to receive protons
and increases the number of protons (OH) inside of a liquid solution. Knowing these definitions,
we can analyze certain factors that could affect the results of our experiment and because our
results were those.[ CITATION Cli14 \l 2058 ]
At the beginning of the laboratory we assembled the universal support with its clamp and the
burette which contained ml of sodium hydroxide, then in the graduated ball we added 2ml of
vinegar which dissolve in 20ml of water and added 2 drops of phenoftalein then we passed to the
Erlenmeyer to start adding the ml of sodium hydroxide until the substance took a pale pink tone.

Flat ball Dilute 2 ml of vinegar

Erlenmeyer Mixture

2 drops of
Add phenoftalein

Headline Sodium



 Erlenmeyer
 Flat ball
 Universal support
 Vinegar
 Sodium hydroxide
 Phenoftalein
 Burette
 Pipette

We Can realize that in our two tests we obtain a pale rose after adding the ml of sodium
hydroxide, which means that our substances are slightly neutral.

A) Volume of NaOH spent on each attempt until neutralization is achieved and averaged
B) Find the concentration and pH of acetic acid in the vinegar.
1. First attempt 2. Second attempt
18ml NaOH + 14.4ml NaOH = 32,4ml
32,4 ml
= 16,2 average between the two attempts

C1 * V1 = C2 * V2 25ml of water with vinegar
Concentration and
Volume of NaOH
(0,19) (16,2ml) = C2 (25ml) = 0,0648 mol (vinegar concentration)


0,0648 mol ( 252mlml )=0,81mol

Weak Acid X

Initial: 0.81 mol

Balance: 0,81-X
Ka: 1,78x10-5

1,78 x 10−5=

1,78 x 10−5 ( 0,81−x ) =x2

1,44 x 10−5−1,78 x 10−5 x=x 2

0= x 2+ 1,78 x 10−5−1,44 x 10−5

a b c
−1,78 x 10−5 ± √ (1,78 x 10−5 )2−4(1)(−1,44 x 10−5) −3
x= =3,78 x 10
Ph=log 3,78 x −3= 2,42

From this experiment the following could be analyzed; Vinegar usually has a volatile acidity due
mainly to acetic acid, usually 2.4 to 3.4 units, so that in this experiment it could be shown a little
better the change of Ph it was necessary to add a base, in this case was used water, an amphoteric
substance, that is to say that this can behave as an acid or as a base, with a pH of 5.8. After these
2 drops of phenolphthalein were added, which is a pH indicator that in acidic solutions remains
colorless, but in basic solutions it takes a pink color with a turning point between pH = 8.2
(colorless) and pH = 10 (magenta or pink). Next, sodium hydroxide was added in two different
samples of the same solutions, which has a pH of 13, that is to say that it is an alkaline substance,
therefore when adding this to the samples, phenolphthalein took effect and turned the substance
to a pale pink color until a certain amount of this substance (NaOH) was added, in the first
sample it was necessary to add 18 ml so that it turned a pink color, in the second sample 14.4 ml
was necessary for this to be possible give On average, 16.2 ml of NaOH were needed to be able
to do the procedure, because these were thundered a pale pink color that according to the
indicator used (phenolphthalein) means that it became basic. Considering the above, the
concentration was known of acetic acid which was 0.064 molar. From this the acid constant was
drawn, which denoted that the acetic acid was a weak acid, since it is not completely dissociated
in an aqueous solution. It contributes ions to the medium, but it is also capable of accepting them.
Subsequently, the dilution factor was used, which yielded a pH of 2.42, which also indicated the
concentration of hydrogen ions within the solution, which in this case indicated that the pH of
this substance would be acid, that is, it is that substance able to donate protons.[ CITATION
Inn14 \l 2058 ][ CITATION Jos11 \l 2058 ]

We can conclude that when wanting to neutralize the acid substance we add p henolphthalein that
with the help of NaOH allowed us to know if it is acid or base, besides this we can affirm that our
objectives were fulfilled in an assertive way, since if we compare the Ph that we obtained with
the Real Ph vinegar is the same number.
The vinegar being a strong acid its ability to release protons is greater, so deduced that the
sodium hydroxide was the one that received the protons removing the ability to react with water
which favored us since it was essential to know the state of the substance without the water,
although this will facilitate its neutralization.
Clickmika. (11 de Julio de 2014). clickmika. Obtenido de

Innovarte. (11 de Marzo de 2014). Diluciones seriadas.

Joshua. (5 de Junio de 2011). Difference between dilution and dilution factor .

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