Coron Ass 1

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EG412, EOR Class Student Name: Student ID

Q1 Analyze the Minimum Miscible Pressure (MMP) when you design the gas injection
process for two different displacing fluids. The first is 100% CO 2, and the second is a
mixture of 94.5 mol% CO2 and 5.5 mol% C1. Reservoir data given as following:
The reservoir temperature is 130 oF,
The C5+ molecular weight for oil component is 185.8 g/mol,
The volatiles make up 5.0 mol% of the oil and intermediates 7.5 mol%,
Molecular weight for CO2 and C1 are 44 g/mol and 16 g/mol respectively.
Critical temperature for CO2 and C1 are 547.7 oF and 343.3 oF respectively.
Use Alston et al correlation to calculate for the MMP.
(10 marks)
Formula for Q1
Alston et al correlation for pure CO2 :

MMP=PCO =8.78 ×10−4 ( T )1.06 ( M w CO ) 1.78 ¿ ¿

2 2


T = Reservoir temperature

M w CO = Molecular weight of the C5+ fraction in the oil


X vol=Mole fraction of the volatile component in the oil, assumed to consist of (C1, N2)

X ∫ ¿¿= Mole fraction of the intermediate component in the oil, assumed to consist of (C1 -
C4, CO2, H2S)

Alston et al correlation for mixture of CO2 and C1:

MMP=PCO 2−mix
=PCO F mix

1.935 ×87.8 /T cm
( )
F mix= '
T cm

T 'cm=∑ X i T ci −459.7


X i = Mass fraction of component i

Jan-April 2020 CoronAss1

EG412, EOR Class Student Name: Student ID

T 'cm = Weight-average critical temperature

F mix= Correction factor for the mixture of gases


Formula for Q2

Jan-April 2020 CoronAss1

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