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Next week I am on vacation. While I am on vacation, I will work on two projects. First, I
will fix the washing machine. The washing machine has been broken for two weeks.
To fix it, I will need three tools: a screw driver, a wrench, and a clamp. It will take one day
to fix the washing machine.
Next, I will fix our back porch. This is a bigger project. It will probably take about two days
to fix the back porch, and will require a screwdriver, a hammer, nails, and a saw.
My vacation starts on Monday. I have a lot of work to do, but hopefully I can relax after I
Finish my work.

1) Which of these tools will the author use more than once?
A. a screw driver
B. a hammer
C. a clamp
D. a saw

2) As used in paragraph 3, what does require mean?

A. Need
B. Use
C. Find
D. Buy
3) Which of the following tools does the author not need to fix the back porch?
A. a screwdriver
B. a wrench
C. nails
D. a saw

4) What is the earliest day that the author can finish both projects?
A. Monday
B. Wednesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday
English activity development
5) To form the present perfect, the auxiliary verb “to have” is used in the
present and the past participle of the verb. For regular verbs, the past
participle is the simple form of the past. See the lesson on the simple past for
more information on how to form the past.
Note: Please note that there are many irregular past participles in English.
Below is a list of some of the most common past irregular participles.
It is a verb tense in the English language that narrates events that have
already occurred at a specific time or in the past but that continue to have
relevance in the present. In this sense, it contrasts with the simple past,
which is used to refer to actions that took place in the past but that no longer
necessarily have any validity with the present.

- in china being the origin of the covid-19 pandemic, all the people who were
affected have been cured
- In China, seeing that the majority of the population was infected, they made
many hospitals in one week.
-covid-19 has spread worldwide with more than 100,000 infected
- has caused 3,400 registered deaths
-It is a disease that affects more in cold climates in the elderly as they have
lower defenses than young people
- It is a kind of flu but with stronger symptoms than a daily flu.
- It is spread by air when touching any element
- it is recommended to wash hands, and use face masks
- events with more than 500 people have been suspended
- In the most affected places are the European, Asian, and African territories
3) In a month a building will be built in the city center and we will use tools
such as a screwdriver, hammer, nails and a saw for the respective
and after this great work we can rest and feel proud of the result. and hoping
that everyone will like our new building. It will be a beautiful, clean and
attractive place, with the best materials to make it hard and comfortable and
make it a safe place for people.
6) hello good morning teacher
in this video we are going to talk about the care of the covd-19 pandemic and
how to take preventive measures in this situation
step 1: we must stay home
step 2: wear face masks and wash hands frequently
step 3: keep distance with that family member who has the flu
and following these steps we will be healthy

2) Hammer – Martillo
Mallet – Mazo
Ax (axe) – Hacha
Saw/handsaw – Sierra, sierra de mano
Hacksaw – Sierra para metales
Level – Nivelador
Screwdriver – Desarmador
Phillips screwdriver – Desarmador Phillips
Wrench – Llave inglesa
Monkeywrench – Llave inglesa
Chisel – Cincel
Pliers – Tenazas
Hatchet – Hacha
Scraper – Rascador
Electric drill – Taladro eléctrico
Toolbox – Caja de herramientas
Paint thinner – Disolvente
Chainsaw – Motosierra
Anvil – Yunque
Sandpaper – Papel de lija
Wire – Cable
Nail – Punta
Bolt – Tuerca
Screw – Tornillo
Washer – Arandela
Nut – Tuerca
Soldering iron – Soldador
Circular saw – Sierra circular
Workbench – Mesa de trabajo
Sharpening stone – Piedra de afilar
Plane – Cepillo
Vise / clamp – Tornillo de banco / Pinza
Bradawl – Punzón
Coping saw – Serrucho
Stepladder – Escalera

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