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I. General
1. Design Philosophy
The purpose of this calculation is to design the steel structure supporting for its
integrity, strength and stability verification. The result of this conclusion is that
the structure considered adequate in meeting the required of design criteria.

2. Unit of Measurement
Unit of measurement in design shall be in Metric system.

II. Design Calculations

1. Design Code and reference:

Structural use of steel work in building – BS 5950

STAAD – Pro Structural Program for calculations.

2. Materials

Steel Main Beams – UC 152X152X51 Kg/m

Cross Beams U- Channel – CH127X64

The modulus of elasticity of steel – E = 210000 N/mm2

All bolts used for main connections shall be grade 8.8 or high yield.

3. Loading

Dead Load – Self weight is considered

Self weight is considered from STAAD calculations

Concrete Thickness considered is 100mm

Dead Load of Concrete = 0.10 X 25 = 2.5 KN/m2

Effective Width = 0.50m

Total Dead Load = 0.5 X 2.50 = 1.25 KN/m

Live load – 3.0 KN/m2

Total Live Load = 0.50 X 3.0 = 1.50 KN/m

Point Load acting on the Structure – 6T = 60KN

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4. Load Combinations

Design & Ultimate factors are considered.

as per BS standard,

UL = 1.4 DL + 1.6 LL

5. Design of Steel Structure

Using STAAD software, the design calculations is being carried out by taking
the above mentioned loads and load combination as per BS 5950.

Hence, the output is attached here with calculations to provide that the sections
used in the Steel Structure are safe and stable.


Serviceability Check:
Vertical deflection is checked against the allowable deflection Limits as
mentioned in the BS 5590
Allowable Deflection for Simple Supported Spans – L / 200
For Vertical Deflection, the Span shall be considered as 3.0m or 3000mm
Deflection Limit for Verticalal = 3000 / 200 = 15mm

Actual Deflection as per the Output = 5.582mm

Hence, the Actual Deflection is less than the allowable deflection.

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Concrete Weight = 2.5 KN/m2 X 3.0 = 7.50 KN

Steel Beams Weight – 750Kgs = 7.50 KN

No. Of Hooks considered = 2


Hooks are considered of Plates 12mm thick with 50mm wide.

Check for Weld:

Total Shear Force = 15 KN

Weld Size = 4mm thick weld,

Length of the Weld = 2 X 50 = 100mm (both sides of Plate)

Weld Capacity = 1.2 KN/mm

Sectional Modulus of Welded Length

SW = 4 X 0.707 X 1002/ 6

SW = 4713.33 mm3

Vertical Force on Welding = FYX 1.4/L = 15.0 X 1.4 /100 = 0.210 < 1.2

Allowable Shear Stress in Weld = 220 N/mm2

Strength of Weld per mm length of Weld = 0.707 X 4 X 220 = 622 N

Strength of Weld per mm length of Weld = 622 N

Total Strength of the Welded Length = Length X Strength of Weld per mm

Referring to drawing,

The length of weld available as per the shop drawings on either side of Plate

L = (50) X 2 = 100 mm

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Hence, the Total Strength of the Welded Length = 622 X 100 =62.20 KN

The Maximum Shear force acting on the same position is less than the Strength
of Weld at that position which is safe.

Maximum Shear Force = 15.0 KN (As per above calculations)


Angle 250X250X16mm thick

Stiffener Plate – 16mm thick

Shear Force = 56KN

For an effective width of 250mm with two stiffeners below the Angle,

Shear Area = 250 X 16 = 4000 sqmm

Shear Stress = 0.4 X 275 = 110 MPa

Shear Resistance = 4000 X 110 = 440KN

Moment developed due to the Shear Force acting at a distance of 100mm,

M = 56 X 0.10 = 5.6KNm

Resisting Moment from the Angle and Stiffeners are calculated below:

Sectional Modulus Z = 250 X 162 / 6 + 0.5 X 16 X 1002 / 6 = 10666.67 +

13,333.33 = 24000 mm3

Resisting Moment = 24000 X 275 = 6.60KNm

Hence, safe against the Moment acting on the Angle.

III. Conclusion

All the materials used in the Steel steel structure are structurally sufficient and
meets its intended purpose.

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