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The Liberal Catholic Church

Table of Apostolic Succession

in the Table of Apostolic Succession
Liberal Catholic Church in the Liberal Catholic Church

Relevant Episcopal Consecrations,

Appointments and Jurisdiction
1719 -- 2002







The Liberal Catholic Church derives its Apostolic Succession from our
Lord through the Old Catholic Church of Utrecht in The Netherlands. The
Since the last edition of the Table of Succession, a number of bishops episcopal See of Utrecht was founded by St. Willibrord, an English missionary,
have passed to the higher life, or retired, and seventeen new bishops in 696 A.D.
have been consecrated and appointed. This edition includes the new
names and contains some corrections from former issues. At the time of the Reformation the northern Netherlands became largely
Protestant and the Catholic minority came under the care of episcopal Vicars-
+ IAN RICHARD HOOKER Apostolic. In the latter part of the 17th century the Dutch Catholics gave shelter
Presiding Bishop to many Jansenist refugees who had been expelled from France. The Vicar-
Apostolic Peter Codde was deposed by Pope Clement Xl in 1702 for alleged
Perth, Western Australia, sympathy with the Jansenist heresy, and the Utrecht Church was for some time
Septuagesima, 2003 without a bishop.

A French missionary bishop, Dominique Marie Varlet, who had himself

incurred the displeasure of the Pope by administering Confirmation to several
hundred candidates of the Dutch Church, finally came to their aid. He
The Table of Apostolic Succession in The Liberal Catholic Church was consecrated four Archbishops of Utrecht in succession, the last being P.J.
orginally printed as an appendix to The Statement of Principles and Summary Meindaarts, who continued the succession.
of Doctrine, It was preceded by a short historical introduction written by Bishop
Wedgwood. In 1951 the Table was for the first time published separately and in Varlet himself had been consecrated at Paris in 1719 by Bishop de
the 1959 edition of The Statement of Principles it was shortened to cover the Matignon, who in his turn had been consecrated in 1693 by Jacques Bossuet, the
succession up to 1916 only. It was deleted altogether from the next edition of the famous Bishop of Meaux. Bossuet traced his episcopal lineage through
Statement and simultaneously published as a separate booklet (1973). Archbishop Le Tellier to Cardinal Antonio Barberini, nephew of Pope Urban

Since 1724 the Utrecht Church has remained independent of Rome.

When the Vatican Council of 1870 decreed the Infallibility of the Pope, some
Roman Catholic groups on the Continent of Europe under the leadership of the
1st Edition - 1951 famous scholar Dr. von Dollinger declared themselves independent of Rome.
2nd Edition - 1967 They came to be called “Old Catholics” because they rejected the new doctrines
3rd Edition - Ascension 1973 of Vatican I. This movement was able to secure the episcopal succession from
4th Edition - Trinity Sunday 1978 the Church of Utrecht and a fusion of the two bodies took place under the name
5th Edition - Advent 1990 The Old Catholic Church.
6th Edition – Advent 2002

ii iii
In 1908 the Archbishop of Utrecht consecrated an English former Roman TABLE OF SUCCESSION
Catholic Priest, Arnold Harris Mathew, as Old Catholic Bishop for Great Britain
and Ireland. In December 1910 Bishop Mathew broke off relations with Utrecht
due to doctrinal differences. In 1914 he consecrated Frederick Willoughby to EPISCOPAL APPOINTMENTS AND
serve as Bishop Auxiliary. The following year he offered his submission to JURISDICTION
Rome. Bishop Willoughby in his turn consecrated James Ingall Wedgwood to
the Episcopate. The Church had, by this time, gained many more supporters.
001 VARLET, Dominique Marie: Consecrated by Bishop Jacques Goyon
On 6th September 1918 the joint Episcopal and Clerical Synod of the Old de Matignon at Paris 10th February 1719 as Bishop of Ascalon. (in partibus
Catholic Church in Great Britain changed the title of the Church to “The Liberal infidelium).
Catholic Church (Old Catholic)” and the church has since been known as The
Liberal Catholic Church. 002 MEINDAARTS, Petrus Johannes: Consecrated by Bishop
Dominique Varlet in 1739 as Archbishop of Utrecht.
Bishop Wedgwood. by his tireless activity, extended the Church over all
the continents of the world. It has now congregations in thirty-one countries and 003 van STIPHOUT, Johannes: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique
has forty-three bishops who together constitute the General Episcopal Synod, Varlet in 1745 as Bishop of Haarlem.
the governing body of the Church, which meets every few years under its
Presiding Bishop, to decide on matters of importance to the Church and in 004 van NIEUWENHUIZEN, Gualterus Michael: Consecrated by
particular changes in the Liturgy and the appointment of bishops. Bishop Dominique Varlet in 1768 as Archbishop of Utrecht.
The Liturgy was composed in 1917 by Bishops Wedgwood and 005 BROEKMAN, Johannes: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique Varlet
Leadbeater as a translation and reform of the Western Catholic (Tridentine) Rite. in 1778 as Bishop of Haarlem.
This Liturgy has been justly acclaimed for the beauty of its language and the
joyousness of its sentiments. The alterations made in it since 1918 have not 006 van RHIJN, Johannes Jacobus: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique
materially affected the quality of the Liturgy. Varlet in 1797 as Archbishop of Utrecht.

007 de JONG, Gijsbertus Cornelius: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique

+ E.S.T. Varlet in 1805 as Bishop of Deventer.

008 van OS, Willibrordus: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique Varlet in

1814 as Archbishop of Utrecht.

009 BON, Johannes: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique Varlet in 1819 as

Bishop of Haarlem

010 van SANTEN, Johannes: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique Varlet in

1825 as Archbishop of Utrecht.

011 HEIJKAMP, Hermanus: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique Varlet in

1853 as Bishop of Deventer.

012 RINKEL, Casparus Johannes: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique

Varlet in 1873 as Bishop of Haarlem.

013 GUL, Gerardus: Consecrated by Bishop Dominique Varlet in 1892 as

Archbishop of Utrecht.
014 MATHEW, Arnold Harris: Born 6th August 1852. Consecrated by 023 THOMSON, John Ross: Born 29th May 1873. Consecrated by Bishop
Archbishop Gerardus Gul, assisted by Bishops Van Thiel, Spit, and Demmel, at Charles Leadbeater, assisted by Bishops Irving Cooper, and Frank Pigott, at
Utrecht on 28th April 1908 as Old Catholic Bishop for Great Britain and Ireland. Sydney on 18th May 1924 as Suffragan Bishop for New Zealand. Died 23rd
Broke off relations with the See of Utrecht in December 1910. Submitted to the October 1938.
Roman Obedience 31st December 1915. Died 19th December 1919.
024 WALKER, John: Consecrated by Bishop Charles Leadbeater, assisted
015 WILLOUGHBY Frederick Samuel: Born 17th December 1862. by Bishops Irving Cooper, and Frank Pigott, at Sydney on 29th June 1924 as
Consecrated by Archbishop Mathew at Bromley, England, on 28th October Suffragan Bishop for South Africa. Resigned 1934. Died; 4th April 1950.
1914. Prior to offering his submission to the Roman Catholic Church he
consecrated the following three bishops: 025 ARUNDALE, George Sydney: Born 1st December 1878. Consecrated
by Bishop James Wedgwood, assisted by Bishops Julian Mazel, and Frank Pigott,
016 GAUNTLETT, Rupert: Consecrated by Bishop Frederick
Willoughby at London on 26th September 1915. His resignation was accepted by at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 4th August 1925. Appointed Regionary Bishop for
the General Episcopal Synod on 14th March 1924. India from 1926. Retired in 1934. Died; 12th August 1945.

017 KING, Robert: Consecrated by Bishop Frederick Willoughby at 026 TETTEMER, John Moynihan: Born 16th May 1877. Consecrated by
London on 26th September 1915. Appointed Assistant Bishop in England in Bishop Charles Leadbeater, assisted by Bishops Irving Cooper, and George
1916; subsequently Auxiliary. Died; 19th February 1954. Arunda!e, at Sydney on 23rd May 1926 as Auxiliary Bishop of the United States
of America. Appointed Suffragan Bishop from May 1927. Died; 14th May 1949.
018 WEDGWOOD: James Ingall: Born 24th May 1883. Consecrated by
Bishop Frederick Willoughby, assisted by Bishops Rupert Gauntlett, and Robert 027 BECKWITH, Edwin Burt: Born 8th June 1870. Consecrated by
King, at London on 13th February 1916 as Regionary Bishop of the Old Catholic Bishop James Wedgwood. Assisted by Bishops Irving Cooper, and Frank Pigott
Church for Great Britain and Ireland and the British Empire. Presiding Bishop at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 18th July 1926 as Suffragan Bishop for the United
of the Liberal Catholic Church until his resignation from 2nd April 1923. States of America. Died; 4th March 1929.
Appointed Bishop Commissary for parts of Europe in1926. Died; 12th March
1951. 028 WARDALL, Ray Marshall: Born 15th January 1877. Consecrated by
Bishop Charles Leadbeater, assisted by Bishops George Arundale, and John
019 LEADBEATER, Charles Webster: Born 16th February 1854. Tettemer, at Sydney on 17th October 1926 as Suffragan Bishop for the United
Consecrated by Bishop James Wedgwood at Sydney on 22nd July 1916 as States of America. Church membership terminated 1947. Died 14th December
Regionary Bishop for Australasia. Elected as Presiding Bishop of the Liberal 1953.
Catholic Church from 2nd April 1923. Died; 1st March 1934.
029 HOUNSFIELD, Arthur Gerald: Born 12th November 1879.
020 MAZEL, Julian Adriaan Jhr: Born 17th December 1869. Consecrated Consecrated by Bishop James Wedgwood, assisted by Bishops Frank Pigott, and
by Bishops James Wedgwood and Charles Leadbeater, at Sydney 24 June 1917 Robert King, at London on 29th January 1928 as Auxiliary Bishop of France.
as Auxiliary Bishop in Australia. Appointed Regionary for the (then) Appointed as Suffragan Bishop for France and North Africa from September
Netherlands Indies in 1919 and in addition for The Netherlands from January 1938. Died 23rd October 1941.
1924. Died 12th January 1928.

021 COOPER, Irving Steiger: Born 16th March 1882. Consecrated by

Bishop James Wedgwood, assisted by Bishops Charles Leadbeater, and Julian 030 BONJER, Johan Hubert: Born 18th March 1896. Consecrated by
Mazel at Sydney on 13th July 1919 as Regionary Bishop of the United States of Bishop James Wedgwood. assisted by Bishops Frank Pigott, and Arthur
America. Died 17th January 1935. Hounsfield, at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 18th April 1928 as Auxiliary Bishop
of The Netherlands. Appointed Suffragan Bishop for The Netherlands in 1930;
022 PIGOTT, Frank Waters: Born 20th April 1874. Consecrated by resigned as such 4th March 1935. Appointed Regionary Bishop for South Africa
Bishop Charles Leadbeater, assisted by Bishops Julian Mazel, and Irving Cooper September 1947 and resigned as such in 1949. Retired 4th September 1951.
at Sydney on 9th March 1924 as Regionary Bishop for Great Britain and Ireland. Church membership terminated 16th September 1959. Died; 22nd January 1972.
Elected as Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church from 26 July
1934. Died 26th January 1956.
031 VREEDE, Adriaan Gerard: Born 2nd July 1877. Consecrated by 038 JIMENEZ, Buenaventura: Born 14th July 1880. Consecrated by
Bishop James Wedgwood. assisted by Bishops Frank Pigott, Arthur Hounsfield, Bishop Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishops Charles Hampton, and Edmund
John Tettemer, and Johan Bonjer, at Huizen, The Netherlands, 15th August 1928 Sheehan, at Cleveland, Ohio, on 9th August 1936 as Suffragan Bishop for Puerto
as Regionary Bishop for the (then) Netherlands Indies. Appointed additionally Rico. Died 21st May 1970.
Regionary Bishop for The Netherlands from 1935 and for Belgium in 1938.
Resigned as Regionary Bishop for The Netherlands and Belgium in 1945; re- 039 FARINAS, Federico José: Born 21st March 1881. Consecrated by
appointed as such in 1949. Elected Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Bishop Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishop Charles Hampton at Los Angeles on 23rd
Church from 10th May 1956. Retired as Regionary Bishop for The Netherlands August 1936 as Suffragan Bishop for Cuba. Appointed Regionary Bishop for
and Belgium in 1958. Retired as Presiding Bishop in November 1964. Died; 24th Cuba in 1939. Died 16th November 1947.
May 1966.
040 FOURNIER, Frans Louis Paul Gerard: Born 22nd January 1884.
032 CORDES, John Hermann: Born 31 August 1873. Consecrated by Consecrated by Bishop Adriaan Vreede, assisted by Bishops John Cordes, and
Bishop Charles Leadbeater, assisted by Bishops James Wedgwood. Frank Ernest Nyssens, at The Hague, The Netherlands, on 6th September 1936 as
Pigott, and Johan Bonjer, at Huizen, The Netherlands, 15th August 1930 as Suffragan Bishop for the then Netherlands, Indies. Appointed Regionary Bishop
Auxiliary Bishop in Europe. Appointed Regionary Bishop for East Central for the then Netherlands, Indies. Died 29th August 1945.
Europe from 1935 to 1940. Appointed Regionary Bishop for South Africa from
May 1940. Resigned as such in 1947. Died; 6th August 1960. 041 ACUÑA, José Basileio: Born 7th February 1898. Consecrated by
Bishop Charles Hampton, assisted by Bishop Ray Wardall, at Los Angeles on 7th
033 NYSSENS, Ernest Waldemar: Born 10th July 1868. Consecrated by February 1937 as Suffragan Bishop for Central America and Colombia.
Bishop Charles Leadbeater, assisted by Bishops James Wedgwood, Frank Appointed Regionary Bishop for Central America 1939. Resigned in 1962.
Pigott, and Johan Bonjer, at Huizen, The Netherlands. 15th August 1930 as
Auxiliary Bishop in Europe. Appointed Regionary Bishop for West-Central-
042 BRANDT, François Antoine: Born 29th December 1874. Consecrated
Europe from 1935; retired as such on 31st December 1937. Appointed Auxiliary
by Bishop Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishops Adriaan Vreede, Arthur Hounsfield,
Bishop for Belgium in 1937. Died; 14th March 1956.
and Ernest Nyssens, at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 25th September 1938 as
034 HAMPTON, Charles: Born 23rd February 1886. Consecrated by Auxiliary Bishop in The Netherlands. Appointed Regionary Bishop for The
Bishop Irving Cooper, assisted by Bishops George Arundale, and Ray Wardall, Netherlands and Belgium in September 1945. Died 4th July 1949.
at Los Angeles 13th September 1931 as Auxiliary Bishop in the United States of
America. Appointed as Regionary Bishop for the U.S.A. in 1935. Church
membership terminated in 1945. Died 7th April 1958.

035 TWEEDIE, David Morton: Born 2nd August 1857. Consecrated by

Bishop Charles Leadbeater at Sydney on 14th May 1932 as Regionary Bishop for 043 BURT, Lawrence Wilfred: Born 9th June 1883. Consecrated by
Australia. Died; 11th August 1941. Bishop David Tweedie, assisted by Bishop William Crawford at Sydney on 28th
May 1939 as Auxiliary Bishop in Australia. Appointed Regionary Bishop for
Australia 21st October 1942. Retired as such on July 1961. Died 13th February
036 CRAWFORD, William: Born 15th October 1880. Consecrated by
Bishop David Tweedie, assisted by Bishop Arthur Hounsfield, at Sydney on 044 EKLUND, John Theodore: Born 9th November 1875. Consecrated by
24th February 1935 as Auxiliary Bishop in New Zealand. Appointed Regionary Bishop Charles Hampton, assisted by Bishops Ray Wardall, and Buenaventura
Bishop for New Zealand in 1935. Died 1st March 1962. Jiménez, at Los Angeles on 2nd July 1939 as Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A.
Appointed Regionary Bishop for the U.S.A. in 1943. Died 13th October 1948.
037 SHEEHAN, Edmund Walter: Born 11th December 1892. Consecrated
by Bishop Charles Hampton, assisted by Bishop Ray Wardall, at Los Angeles, 045 FISHER, Stanley Sprott: Born 14th December 1880. Consecrated by
California on 23rd June 1935 as Auxiliary Bishop in the United States of Bishop David Tweedie, at Perth, Australia, on 20th August 1939 as Suffragan
America. Church membership terminated 21st October 1942. Died 19th August Bishop for Western Australia. Died 29th November 1950.
046 BANKS, Harry Hirst: Born 5th October 1888. Consecrated by Bishop
Lawrence Burt at Sydney on 9 June 1946 as Auxiliary Bishop in New Zealand. 054 REICHING, Milan: Born 26th February 1893. Consecrated by Bishop
Appointed Regionary Bishop for New Zealand in 1962; retired as such on April Adriaan Vreede at Zagreb, Yugoslavia. on 11th April 1948 as Suffragan Bishop
1971. Died 6th October 1973. for Yugoslavia. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Eastern Europe in 1955. Died;
2nd May 1970.
047 VIKING Otto Emil: Born 2nd October 1885. Consecrated by Bishop
Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishops Johan Bonjer, and Adriaan Vreede, at Tillitse,
Denmark, on 30th June 1946 as Regionary Bishop for Scandinavia. Died 8th 055 de VOGEL, Lucien: Born 17th January 1889. Consecrated by Bishop
August 1966. Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishops Adriaan Vreede, Francois Brandt, Johan
Bonjer, and Otto Viking at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 15th August 1948 as
048 JACKSON, Ernest Whitfield: Born 17th October 1890. Consecrated Regionary Bishop for Indonesia. Died 1st June 1950.
by Bishop Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishop James Wedgwood at London on 1st
September 1946 as Regionary Bishop for Canada; retired as such on 30th April
1977. His resignation was accepted by the General Episcopal Synod on 15th 056 MUNIO, Ignacio Alfonso Ramón: Born 30th October 1901.
August 1977. Died on June 1982. Consecrated by Bishop Buenaventura Jimenez, assisted by Bishops Newton
Dahl and Walter Zollinger, at Minneapolis, U.S.A. on 3rd October 1948 as
049 SHORES, Charles Dunban Tatham: Born 5th September 1887. Regionary Bishop for Cuba. Retired; as such on 30th October 1980. Died
Consecrated by Bishop Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishop James Wedgwood. at February 1994
London on 1st September 1946 as Auxiliary Bishop in India. Appointed
Auxiliary Bishop in Australia from 1953 to 1958. Appointed Bishop
Commissary for India in 1958. Died 9th February 1979. 057 RATH, Zoltan: Born 26th January 1892. Consecrated by Bishop Vidor
Deak at Budapest, Hungary, on 28th May 1950. (+Vidor Deak had been
050 HENRY, Robert Louis Hegesippe Alfred: Born 3rd March 1889. consecrated by Bishop Adriaan Vreede at Budapest in 1949 for the Old Catholic
Consecrated by Bishop Ernest Nyssens, assisted by Bishops Adriaan Vreede, Church in Hungary). Died 29th March 1954.
and Francois Brandt, at St Ouen, France on 29th September 1946 as Suffragan
Bishop for France and North Africa. Appointed Regionary Bishop for France 058 LOVEDAY, Conrad Julius Kelsey: Born 19th May 1892. Consecrated
and North Africa in 1952; retired as such in August 1964. Died 9th October by Bishop Frank Pigott, at Johannesburg South Africa on 1st October 1950 as
1968. Regionary Bishop for South Africa. Died; 28th June 1957.

51 DAHL, Newton Arnold: Born 20th January 1894. Consecrated by 059 EWART, David Benjamin: Born 6th August 1880. Consecrated by
Bishop John Eklund, assisted by Bishops Buenaventura Jiménez, and Ernest Bishop Lawrence Burt, assisted by Bishop Harry Banks, at Sydney on 13th May
Jackson at Minneapolis, U.S.A. on 8th June 1947 as Auxiliary Bishop in the 1951 as Suffragan Bishop for Western Australia. Retired; 1st January 1965.
United States of America. Appointed Regionary Bishop for the United States of Died; 31st May 1971.
America in 1949; retired as such on April 1971. Died 14th November 1977.
060 GOETMAKERS, August Willem: Born 5th October 1897.
052 ZOLLINGER, Walter James: Born 24 March 1889. Consecrated by Consecrated by Bishop Adriaan Vreede, assisted by Bishops Ernest Nyssens,
Bishop John Eklund, assisted by Bishops Buenaventura Jiménez, and Ernest and Robert Henry, at Rotterdam, The Netherlands, on 27th January 1952 as
Jackson. at Minneapolis, U.S.A. on 8th June 1947 as Auxiliary Bishop in the Auxiliary Bishop in The Netherlands. Appointed Regionary Bishop for The
United States of America. Died 28th March 1973. Netherlands and Belgium in 1958; retired as such on 1st February 1970. Died;
14th September 1976.

053 MATTHEWS, Edward Murray: Born 10th September 1898. 061 CABELLON, Olimpio Astillero: Born 1901. Consecrated by Bishop
Consecrated by Bishop Ray Wardall, at Los Angeles, California on 14th José Acuña, at Manila, Philippines, on 7th September 1952 as Suffragan Bishop
September 1947. Received into the Liberal Catholic Church in 1976 as for the Philippines. Retired on 20th May 1975. Church membership terminated
Auxiliary Bishop in the United States of America. Died 10th April 1985. 27th December 1975. Died; 18th May 1979.
062 LAUPPERT, Norbert Eugen Erwin Egon: Born 15th August 1906. 069 OLANDER, Harald: Born 27th November 1894. Consecrated by
Consecrated by Bishop Adriaan Vreede, assisted by Bishop August Goetmakers Bishop Otto Viking, assisted by Bishop Karl Fjellander, at Helsinki, Finland, on
at Graz, Austria, on 28th September 1952 as Suffragan Bishop for Austria. 3rd November 1957 as Auxiliary Bishop in Finland. Appointed Suffragan Bishop
Appointed Regionary Bishop for Central Europe in 1955. Resigned in 1962. for Finland on January 1967. Died 5th February 1971.

063 SYKES, Sir Hugh Bt: Born 8th June 1893. Consecrated by Bishop 070 MARTINOVITCH, Ernest: Born 26th May 1895. Consecrated by
Frank Pigott, assisted by Bishops Charles Shores, and Otto Viking, at London Bishop Milan Reiching at Budapest, Hungary, on 8th December 1957 as
on 15th March 1953 as Auxiliary Bishop in Great Britain and Ireland. Appointed Auxiliary Bishop in Hungary. Died 24th January 1959.
Regionary Bishop for Great Britain and Ireland from 1st February 1956. Also;
Elected Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church from 9th November 071 von KRUSENSTIERNA, Sten Herman Philip: Born 9th September
1964. Retired as Regionary Bishop of Great Britain and Ireland on 3rd April 1909. Consecrated by Bishop Lawrence Burt, assisted by Bishop Charles
1971. Retired as Presiding Bishop on 8th June 1973. Died 22nd December 1974. Shores, at Sydney on 1st January 1958 as Auxiliary Bishop in Australia.
Appointed Regionary Bishop for Australia on September 1961. Elected
064 BALLESTEROS, Walter: Born 26th December 1905. Consecrated by Presiding Bishop on 8th June 1973. Retired as Regionary Bishop for Australia
Bishop Newton Dahl, assisted by Bishops Buenaventura Jiménez, and Walter on 1st September 1975. Re-elected as Presiding Bishop on 8th June 1980.
Zollinger, at Chicago, U.S.A., on 14th July 1955 as Suffragan Bishop, for Retired as Presiding Bishop on 9th September 1984. Appointed Episcopal Vicar
Colombia. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Colombia in 1958. Appointed General for Australasia and Indonesia in 1984. Died 25th May 1992.
Regionary Bishop for South America in 1962. Resigned as Regionary Bishop
for South America while remaining Regionary Bishop for Colombia in 1967. 072 RINGER, Gustav: Born 23rd October 1907. Consecrated by Bishop
Re-appointed Regionary Bishop for South America 17th February 1973; retired Norbert Lauppert, assisted by Bishops Adriaan Vreede, Otto Viking, August
as such in January 1977. Re-appointed Regionary Bishop for Colombia 18th Goetmakers, and Karl Fjellander at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 14th August
January 1977. Retired as such on 26th December 1980. Died 16th June 1995 1960 as Auxiliary Bishop in Germany. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Central
Europe 25th April 1962. Re-appointed as Regionary Bishop until 25th April
065 COATS, John Balfour Symington: Born 8th July 1906. Consecrated 1983. Re-appointed as Regionary Bishop 25th April 1983. Died 28th October
by Bishop Sir Hugh Sykes, assisted by Bishops Adriann Vreede, Otto Viking, 1985.
Newton Dahl, Robert Henry, Milan Reiching, August Goetmakers, and Norbert
Lauppert at Huizen, The Netherlands on 15th August 1956 as Suffragan Bishop 073 MAYOLA Y ALMARAL, Ramón: Born 24th October 1902.
for Italy. Retired as such in 1968. Died 26th December 1979. Consecrated by Bishop Ignacio Munio at Havana, Cuba, on 27th November 1960
as Auxiliary Bishop in Cuba. Appointed Auxiliary Bishop in the United States
066 WAROUW, Johan Hendrik: Born 15th May 1912. Consecrated by of America 6th April 1973. Died 11th November 1989.
Bishop Charles Shores at Jakarta, Indonesia, on 20th January 1957 as Regionary
Bishop for Indonesia. Retired as such on 20th January 1978. appointed Auxiliary
Bishop in Australia, 29th March 1978. Died 1st November 2000 074 GOSSWEILER, Enrique Oscar: Born 23rd April 1899. Consecrated
by Bishop Sir Hugh Sykes, assisted by Bishop AdriaanVreede, assisted by
067 PITKIN, William Henderson: Born 22nd March 1897. Consecrated by Bishop August Goetmakers, at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 22nd January 1961
Bishop Newton Dahl, assisted by Bishop Buenaventura Jiménez, and Walter as Auxiliary Bishop in Argentina. Died 24th June1976.
Zollinger, in Chicago, U.S.A. on 18th July 1957 as Auxiliary Bishop in the
U.S.A. Appointed Regionary Bishop for the U.S.A. 5th September 1971; retired 075 BRANDT, Helenus Marinus: Born 22nd June 1903. Consecrated by
as such on 22nd March 1974. Died 10th September 1980. Bishop August Goetmakers, assisted by Bishops Adriaan Vreede, Sir Hugh
Sykes, and Karl Fjellander at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 20th August 1961 as
068 FJELLANDER, Karl Sigfrid Johannes: Born 29th August 1899. Auxiliary Bishop in The Netherlands and Belgium. Retired; as Auxiliary Bishop
Consecrated Bishop Otto Viking, assisted by Bishops Adriaan Vreede, August in Belgium on 8th July 1979. Died 17th June 1985.
Goetmakers, and John Coats at Huizen, The Netherlands, on 27th October 1957
as Auxiliary Bishop in Sweden. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Scandinavia
on January 1967. Died 22nd November 1974.
076 LETENOCZKI, Ferenc: Born 21st March 1913. Consecrated by 082 BURTON, Ernest James: Born 13th October 1908. Consecrated by
Bishop Milan Reiching, assisted by Bishops Adriaan Vreede, August Bishop Sir Hugh Sykes, assisted by Bishops August Goetmakers, and André
Goetmakers, Gustav Ringer, and Francois Brandt at Huizen, The Netherlands, Lhote in London on 13th October 1968 as Auxiliary Bishop in Great Britain and
on 19th August 1962 as Auxiliary Bishop in Hungary Retired as such in 1988. Ireland. Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Great Britain and Ireland 3rd April
Died; 9th May 1994. 1971. Retired; as such on 3rd April 1978. Died; 22nd March 1996.

077 WATSON, Thomas Patrick: Born 6th March 1905. Consecrated by 083 WICKS, Charles Clifton: Born 27th August 1898. Consecrated by
Bishop Charles Shores at Johannesburg, South Africa, on 14th April 1963 as Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishop William Hill, at Adelaide,
Regionary Bishop for South Africa. Re-appointed as such in 1977. Re-appointed Australia, on 28th December 1969 as Auxiliary Bishop in Australia. Died; 9th
as such on 6th March 1980 for a period of 2 years. Re-appointed as such on 6th March 1977.
March 1982 for a period of 2 years. Died 5th March 1983.
084 JENKINS, Kendall Reed: Born 6th April 1901. Consecrated by
078 HILL, William Gilchrist: Born 20 August 1923. Consecrated by Bishop Newton Dahl, assisted by Bishops Walter Zollinger, William Pitkin, and
Bisop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishop Harry Banks, at Sydney on Sten von Krusenstierna at Our Lady, Ojai, California, on 20th March 1971 as
11th October 1964 as Auxiliary Bishop in Australia. Appointed Diocesan Bishop Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A. Died; 24th May 1975.
for Western Australia 1st January 1965. Re-appointed as such in 1979.
Appointed Regionary Bishop for Australia on 1st January 1984. Re-appointed as 085 MUNNIK, Gerrit: Born 10th February 1906. Consecrated by Bishop
such on 1st January 1991. Died 22nd November 1993. Newton Dahl, assisted by Bishops Walter Zollinger, William Pitkin, and Sten
von Krusenstierna, at Our Lady, Ojai, California, on 20th March 1971 as
079 LHOTE, André: Born 2nd February 1913. Consecrated by Bishop John Auxiliary Bishop in the U. S.A. Appointed Regionary Bishop for the U.S.A.
Coats, assisted by Bishop August Goetmakers, at Paris on 24th January 1965 as 22nd March 1974. Appointed Bishop Commissary for the Diocese of Brazil 6th
Regionary Bishop for France and North Africa, French speaking and Zaire. Re- December 1981. Re-appointed as such until 10th February 1985. Re-appointed as
appointed as such in 1979. Re-appointed as Bishop Commissary for French Regionary Bishop for the U.S.A. to 10th February 1983. Re-appointed as such to
speaking Africa and Zaire. Re-appointed as such until 2nd February 1988 Re- 10th February 1985. Retired as Regionary Bishop for the U.S.A. and as Bishop
appointed until January 1990. Retired as such in 1990. Died 13th September Commissary for Brazil on 10th February 1985. Appointed Episcopal Vicar
1993. General for the Americas in 1984. Died 12th August 1992.

080 NICHOLLS, Stuart Gilberd: Born 3rd July 1905. Consecrated by 086 BANNISTER, Francis Christopher: Born 17th July 1910.
Bishop Harry Banks, assisted by Bishop Charles Shores, at Auckland, New Consecrated by Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops William
Zealand, on 14th May 1967 as Auxiliary Bishop in New Zeal and. Appointed Hill, and Charles Wicks at Melbourne, Australia, on 16th July 1972 as Auxiliary
Regionary Bishop for New Zealand 11th November 1971. Re-appointed as such Bishop in Australia. Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Australia 1st September
in 1979. Retired as such on 3rd July 1980. Died 12th October 1997. 1975. Re-appointed; as such to the end of 1983. Retired; as such on 31st
December 1983.
081 van BRAKEL, Adriaan Herman. Born 3rd December 1907.
Consecrated by Bishop August Goetmakers, assisted by Bishops Karl 087 SØGAARD, Børge: Born 13th August 1910. Consecrated by Bishop
Fjellander, and André Lhote at The Hague, The Netherlands, on 14th May 1967 Karl Fjellander, assisted by Bishops Adriaan van Brakel, and John Coats, at
as Auxiliary Bishop in The Netherlands and Belgium. Appointed; Regionary Hjørring, Denmark, on 30th July 1972 as Auxiliary Bishop in Scandinavia.
Bishop for The Netherlands and Belgium 1st February 1970. Re-appointed; as Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Scandinavia 26th May 1975. Retired as such
such in 1977. Retired; as Regionary Bishop for Belgium 8th July 1979, while 25th August 1983, while remaining Regionary Bishop for Denmark, Norway and
remaining Regionary Bishop for The Netherlands. Retired; as Regionary Bishop Finland. Retired; as Regionary Bishop for Finland on 26th May 1982, while
for The Netherlands on 3rd December 1982. Appointed; Episcopal Vicar General remaining Regionary Bishop for Denmark and Norway. Re-appointed; as
for Europe in 1984. Died; 16th September 1993. Regionary Bishop for Denmark 13th August 1985. Retired as such; on 12th April
1984. Died; 31st August 2001.
088 NEUMAN, Victor Arnold: Born 22nd April 1907. Consecrated by 095 SWINGLER, Ralph Francis Newman: Born 21st September 1912.
Bishop William Pitkin, assisted by Bishops Newton Dahl, Kendall Jenkins and Consecrated by Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops André
Gerrit Munnik, at Our Lady, Ojai, California, on 5th May 1973 as Auxiliary Lhote, Adriaan van Brakel, and Willy de Rijk in Colney, London, England on
Bishop in the U.S.A. Died; 24th November 1985. 26th May 1977 as Auxiliary Bishop in Great Britain and Ireland. Appointed;
Regionary Bishop for Great Britain and Ireland on 3rd April 1978. Retired as
such on 3rd April 1985. Died; 28th July 1993.
089 de RIJK, Willy: Born 21st August 1921. Consecrated by Bishop
Adriaan van Brakel, assisted by Bishops August Goetmakers, Helenus Brandt, 096 TAYLOR, Eric Scollick: Born 16th April 1918. Consecrated by
André Lhote, and Karl Fjellander at Naarden, The Netherlands, on 11th June Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Ernest Burton, André
1973 as Auxiliary Bishop in The Netherlands and Belgium. Retired; as Lhote, Adriaan van Brakel, and Willy de Rijk, at London Colney, England, on
Auxiliary Bishop in Belgium on 8th July 1979, while remaining Auxiliary 26th May 1977 as Auxiliary Bishop in Great Britain and Ireland. Elected
Bishop in The Netherlands. Died 13th March 1988. Presiding Bishop on 9th September 1984. Appointed Regionary Bishop for
Great Britain and Ireland on 3rd April 1985. Died; 4th June 1995.
090 ROEMERMANN Carl. Born 5th March 1905. Consecrated by Bishop
Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Charles Wicks, and Francis 097 ARTAMAA, Aumo Kalervo: Born 2nd August 1915. Consecrated by
Bannister at Brisbane, Australia on 4th Nov 1973 as Auxiliary Bishop in Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Borge Søgaard, Lennart
Australia. Died; 7th September 1991. Söderström, and Adriaan van Brakel, at Helsinki, Finland, on 6th August 1977 as
Auxiliary Bishop in Finland. Appointed as Diocesan Bishop on 11th October
091 WATSON, Raja Eminger: Born 26th October 1909. Consecrated by 1978. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Finland on 26th May 1982. Re-
Bishop Gerrit Munnik, assisted by Newton Dahl, and Victor Neuman in appointed; until May 1991. Died 19th August 2000.
Chicago, U.S.A., on 29 November 1975 as Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A. Died;
20th May 1990. 098 HAMMER, Rudolf Leopold: Born 18th April 1928. Consecrated by
Bishop Gustav Ringer, assisted by Bishops André Lhote, Adriaan van Brakel,
092 WARNON, Maurice Henri Joseph Ghislain: Born 5th April 1937. Lennart Söderström, and Eric Taylor in Vienna Austria, on l4th May 1978 as
Consecrated by Bishop Adriaan van Brakel, assisted by Bishops August Auxiliary Bishop in Austria. Appointed; Diocesan Bishop for Austria on 29th
Goetmakers, Willy de Rijk, François Brandt, André Lhote, and Borge May 1979. Appointed; Bishop Commissary for Yugoslavia on 20th May 1983.
Søgaard, at Naarden, The Netherlands on 7th June 1976 as Auxiliary Bishop in Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Central Europe on 26th March 1986.
Belgium. Appointed; Diocesan Bishop for Belgium 4th October 1976. Re- Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Hungary on 10th July 1988. Died 6th December
appointed; as such on 8th July 1984. 2001.

093 ORTIZ, Alfonso Enrique: Born 1st March 1924. Consecrated by 099 ARREGUI, Augustin: Born 7th April 1903. Consecrated by Bishop
Bishop Walter Ballesteros at Bogota, Colombia, on 17th June 1976 as Auxiliary Gerrit Munnik, at Mendoza, Argentina, on 21st May 1978 as Auxiliary Bishop in
Bishop in South America. Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Colombia on 26th Argentina. Died 15th June 1982.
December 1980.
100 McGINNIS, Robert Samuel: Born 3rd March 1934. Consecrated by
094 SöDERSTRöM Lennart Ivar Victor: Born 12 July 1920. Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Gerrit Munnik, Edward
Consecrated by Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Adriaan van Matthews, and William Pitkin in Our Lady, Ojai, California on 22nd June1979 as
Brakel and François Brandt at Stockholm, Sweden, on 14th May 1977 as Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A
Auxiliary Bishop in Sweden. Appointed; Diocesan Bishop for Sweden on 11th
October 1978. Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Sweden on 25th August 1981. 101 van ALPHEN, Johannes Cornelis: Born 4th August 1925.
Re-appointed as such 20th August 1989. Died; 15th March 1997. Consecrated by Bishop Patrick Watson, assisted by Bishops Francois Brandt,
and Rudolf Hammer in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 6th January 1980 as
Auxiliary Bishop in South Africa. Appointed Regioary Bishop for South Africa
26th May 1983. Elected Presiding Bishop from 16th April 1992 to 15th April
1999. Resigned 29 September 2002
102 TORRES, Martinez Gaspar: Born 4th July 1939. Consecrated by 110 SALLES, Rene Ventura: Born 18th April 1913. Consecrated by
Bishop Ignacio Munio in Cienfuegos, Cuba, on 17th February 1980 as Auxiliary Bishop Gerrit Munnik at Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 12th August 1984 as Diocesan
Bishop in Cuba. Appointed; Regionary Bishop for Cuba on 30th October 1980. Bishop for Brazil. Died 23rd December 1991

103 LAMBDEN, Alfred Edward: Born 11th March 1926. Consecrated by

Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Stuart Nicholls and Francis 111 FANLO, Ernesto Jose Garcia: Born 3rd November 1929. Consecrated
Bannister in Auckland, New Zealand, on 25th May 1980 as Auxiliary Bishop in by Bishop Gerrit Munnik in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 17th August 1984 as
New Zealand. Appointed; Regionary Bishop for New Zealand on 3rd July 1980. Diocesan Bishop for Argentina. Appointed as Regionary Bishop in July 1988.
Re-appointedas such on December 1987. Died in 1993

104 van HOOGENHUYZE, Louis Carol Elise: Born 26th August 1914. 112 BATET, Miguel Angel: Born 6th August 1946. Consecrated by Bishop
Consecrated by Bishop Adriaan van Brakel, assisted by Bishops Francois Gerrit Munnik, assisted by Bishop Ernesto Fanlo, in Rosario, Argentina, on 19th
Brandt, Willy de Rijk, Ralph Swingler, and Rudolf Hammer in Naarden, The August 1984, as Auxiliary Bishop of Argentina.
Netherlands, on 31st May 1982 as Auxiliary Bishop in The Netherlands.
Appointed; Regionary Bishop for The Netherlands on 3rd December 1982. 113 van BEUSEKOM, Hein: Born 31st August 1925. Consecrated by
Retired as such August 1989. Died 24th October1997 Bishop Gerrit Munnik, assisted by Bishops Lawrence Smith, Maurice Warnon,
and Robert McGinnis in Our Lady, Ojai, California, U.S.A., on 7th February
105 SMITH, Lawrence Jay: Born 9th May 1924. Consecrated by Bishop 1987 as Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A Appointed Regionary Bishop of the
Gerrit Munnik, assisted by Bishops Victor Neuman, Raja Watson, Maurice U.S.A. May 1999 to 31 August 2000.
Warnon, and Robert McGinnis in Chicago, U.S.A. on 17th July 1982 as
Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A. and appointed Bishop Commissary for the 114 TISCH, Joseph Le Sage: Born 3rd September 1933. Formerly a priest
Philippines on 18th May 1984. Elected Regionary Bishop for the U.S.A. 10th in the Roman Catholic Church. Received into the Liberal Catholic Church in
February 1985 to 9th May 1999. 1972. Consecrated by Bishop Lawrence Smith, assisted by Bishops Raja
Watson, Robert McGinnis, and Maurice Warnon in Melbourne, Florida, U.S.A.,
106 DEGENAARS, Tom: Born 30th October 1921. Consecrated by Bishop on 14th February 1987 as Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A
Børge Søgaard, assisted by Bishops Lennart Söderström, Aumo Artamaa,
Adriaan van Brakel, Willy de Rijk, Louis van Hoogenhuyze, and Rudolf 115 ILUNGA, Kamanji: Born 19th May 1940. Consecrated by Bishop Eric
Hammer on 8 August 1982 in Hjörring, Denmark as Auxiliary Bishop for Taylor, assisted by Bishops Willy Lhote, Christian Schoch, Adriaan van Brakel,
Denmark & Norway. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Denmark, Norway, and and Tom Degenaars in Paris on 12th April 1987 as Diocesan Bishop for Zaire.
Iceland on 12th April 1984 until _______________
116 DRAAISMA, Johannes Philippus: Born 30th December 1930.
107 ZANEY, Isaac Kodzo: Born 29 February 1932. Consecrated by Consecrated by Bishop Eric Taylor, assisted by Bishops Louis van
Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishop Gerrit Munnik, assisted by Hoogenhuyze, Tom Degenaars, Adriaan van Brakel, William Hill, Ralph
Bishop Robert McGinnis in Our Lady, Ojai, California, U.S.A. on 28th May Swingler, and Maurice Warnon at St Gabriel’s, Amsterdam, Netherlands on 26th
1983. Appointed as Diocesan Bishop of Ghana on 26th July 1995 and Regionary November 1988 as Auxiliary Bishop. Appointed Regionary Bishop from 26
Bishop for the Province of Ghana on 5th March 2000. August 1989. Church membership terminated 9th December 2002.

108 SCHOCH, Christian: Born 18th August 1951. Consecrated by Bishop 117 GONÇALVES, José Cacais: Born 23rd September 1920. Consecrated
André Lhote, assisted by Bishops Ralph Swingler, Louis van Hoogenhuyze, by Bishop Lawrence Smith at Sao Paulo, Brazil, on 27th November 1988 as
Rudolf Hammer, and Eric Taylor, in Paris on 26th June1983 as Auxiliary Bishop Auxiliary Bishop in Brazil. Appointed Regionary Bishop from 20th October
in France and North Africa. 1991. Died 19th August 1999

109 PRAMANA, Setia: Born 7th August 1924. Consecrated by Bishop

Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Louis van Hoogenhuyze, William
Hill, and Tom Degenaars, in Surabaya Indonesia, on 21st August 1983 as
Regionary Bishop for Indonesia.
118 Hooker, Ian Richard: Born 25th December 1930. Consecrated by 127 JORGENSEN, Kai Tonny: Born 30th April 1920 Denmark.
Bishop Sten von Krusenstierna, assisted by Bishops Christopher Bannister and Consecrated by Bishop Johannes van Alphen, assisted by Bishops Tom
Stuart Nicholls at Sydney on 3rd June 1990, as Auxiliary Bishop in Australia. Degenaars and Philip Draaisma at Amsterdam on 13th April 1996, as Auxiliary
Appointed Regionary Bishop for Australia from 15th March, Elected Presiding Bishop in Denmark. Appointed as Acting Regionary Bishop for two years from
Bishop from 18th April, 2000. Retired as Regionary Bishop on 1st July 2000. the same date, he was later re-appointed for an additional two year term, and
finally until 31st December 2000, when he retired as Regionary Bishop.
119 SEYFRIED, Francois: Born 12th April 1924. Consecrated by Bishop
Eric Taylor, assisted by Bishops Christian Schoch, Rudolf Hammer, Maurice 128 DOWNEY, William S: Born May 18th 1945 Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Warnon, and Willy Lhote on 3rd June 1990 as Auxiliary Bishop in France. Consecrated by Bishop Lawrence Smith, assisted by Bishops Robert McGinnis,
Hien van Beusekom, and Ruben Cabigting, 24th May 1997 at Our Lady in Ojai,
120 JAKOBSON, Sten-Bertil: Born 26th August 1944 Sweden. California U.S.A. as Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A. Elected; Regionary Bishop
Consecrated by Bishop Eric Taylor, assisted by Bishops Lennart Söderström, for the Province of the U.S.A. from 10th September 2000.
Aumo Artamaa, Borge Søgaard Tom Degenaars, Rudolf Hammer, and Louis
van Hoogenhuyze on 19 May 1991 (Whitsunday) in Norrkoping Sweden as 129 PALMER, Richard Arthur: Born 29th January 1946 Southampton,
Auxiliary Bishop in Sweden. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Sweden on 11 UK. Consecrated by Bishop Johannes van Alphen, assisted by Bishops Rudolf
December 1995. Hammer, Philip Draaisma, and Ruben Cabigting, 20th September 1997; at
Egham, Surrey, England, as Auxiliary Bishop of Gt. Britain & Ireland. Resigned
121 BÄRLUND Göran: Born 26th June 1936 Finland. Consecrated by on 25th April 1999.
Bishop Eric Taylor, assisted by Bishops Lennart Söderström, Aumo Artamaa,
Borge Søgaard Tom Degenaars, Rudolf Hammer, and Louis van Hoogenhuyze 130 POINTON, Raymond Charles: Born 28th February 1951, Hastings,
on 19th May 1991 (Whitsunday) in Norrköping Sweden as Auxiliary Bishop in New Zealand. Consecrated by Bishop Alfred Lambden, assisted by Bishops Ian
Finland. Appointed Regionary Bishop for Finland from 1st January 1992. Hooker, Graham Preston, and Allan Bradley at Auckland on 14th December
1997, as Auxiliary Bishop in New Zealand.
122 LEVIS , Cameron: Born 1920. Consecrated by Bishop Eric Taylor,
assisted by Bishops Ralph Swingler, and Christian Schoch on 23rd February 131 SALZMAN, Arnoldo: Born 22nd May 1945. Consecrated by Bishop
1992, London, England. Died; 5th November 1996. Johanness Van Alphen, assisted by Bishop Miguel Batet on 5th April 1998,
Mendoza, Argentina.
123 HARDY, John: Born 1940. Consecrated by Bishop Eric Taylor,
assisted by Bishops Ralph Swingler, and Christian Schoch on 23rd February 132 WHITE, James: Born 31st October 1934. Consecrated by Bishop Ian
1992, London, England. Resigned. Hooker, assisted by Allan Bradley, and Graham Preston, on 4th October 1998, at
St. John The Divine, Perth, Australia, as Diocesan Bishop in Australia.
124 CABIGTING, Ruben Del Rosario: Born 27th August 1926 Manila, Appointed; Regionary Bishop of Australia from 1 July 2000.
Philippines. Consecrated by Bishop Lawrence Smith, assisted by Bishops
Maurice Warnon, and Robert McGinnis on 14th November 1993, Church of St 133 GOUDRIAAN Boudewijn Victor: Born 19th March 1950, Bandung,
Francis, Chicago as Auxiliary Bishop in the U.S.A. Indonesia. Consecrated by Bishop Johannes van Alphen at St Alban,
Johannesburg, South Africa on 5th March 2000 as Auxiliary Bishop for South
125 PRESTON, Graham Philip: Born 4th January 1943. Consecrated by Africa and later appointed Regionary Bishop for South Africa from 20th August
Bishop Christopher Bannister, assisted by Bishops Ian Hooker and Alfred 2000.
Lambden at Brisbane on 13th February 1994, as Auxiliary Bishop in Australia.
134 WALE, Graham Sidney James: Born 4th December 1945.
Consecrated by Bishop Johannes Van Alphen, assisted by Bishops Philip
126 BRADLEY, Allan: Born 17th August 1935 Brisbane, Australia. Draaisma, Rudolf Hammer, and Christian Schoch, 15th April 2000, London,
Consecrated by Bishop Johannes van Alphen, assisted by Bishops Ian Hooker, England as Auxiliary Bishop for England and later appointed as Regionary
Christopher Bannister and Graham Preston at Sydney on 2nd October 1994, as Bishop from 1st May 2002 for Gt. Britain & Ireland.
Auxiliary Bishop in Australia.
135 TURVEY, Walter William: Born 9th April 1931. Consecrated by
Bishop Ian Hooker, assisted by Bishops Alfred Lambden and Raymond Pointon
at Auckland on 30th April 2000, as Auxiliary Bishop in New Zealand.
Appointed Regionary Bishop for New Zealand from 1st January 2001

136 den OUTER, Frank Rudolf: Born 25th July 1934. Consecrated by
Bishop Philip Draaisma, assisted by Bishops Graham Wale, Christian Schoch,
Tom Degenaars, Francois Seyfried, and Kai Jorgensen at Amsterdam on 20th
May 2002, as Auxiliary Bishop in the Netherlands. Resigned 10th December

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