JW Bullshitbingo March 2020

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JW Bullshit Bingo.

March 2020

JW broadcasting is a monthly propaganda program. We all know there will be false

dilemmas, unflattering descriptions of worldly people or talk about “rich blessings”
without even mentioning what these blessings are.

With this bingo you can guess which propaganda cliche they will use.

The object is to collect enough points (hours) to meet this month requirement of 90
hours. If you fail to meet the requirement, you will have to step down as an apostate
and go back to Jehovah.

Worldly Person with container of alkohol (15h)

-a- Worldly Frankenstein Grab. Holding a 1 liter vodka bottle, often in proximity of
his vehicle.

-b- Wordy knockovergrab. Grabbing one beer bottle while knocking over another

-c- Worldly drop. Simply drop empty bottles to the ground

Failed baptism video: (10 h)

-a- Everything except one foot

-b- Everything except one hand

-c- Everything except both knees

Ethnic Baptism: (15 hours)

-a- African baptized in muddy river

-b- Greenlander baptized in hottub

-c- False christian baptized in money

Baptism of people with handicap: 20 hours

-a- Baptism of person without legs.

-b- Baptism of blind person with guide dog

-c- Baptism of deaf person.

Being worldly: (25 h)

-a- Worldly while raining

-b- Wordly while playing violent competitive sport

-c- Wordly while being educated (and miserable)

Transformations (15h)

-a- Female with big hair and pants, putting on a skirt after bible study.

-b- Male with facial hair shaving after bible study.

-c- Messy home magically becoming clean and tidy after accepting WT litterature.

False dilemma: (10h)

-a- Person hiding behind couch in gloomy apartment from happy witnesses knocking
on the door.

-b- An overflowing ashtray and cigarettes in the same picture as lifegiving WT


-c- Depressed and lonely person in a park. Longingly watching happy Jdubs
frolicking with their cart.

This months specials (30h)

-a- Hot sister baptized

-b- Persecuted triplets in drag

-c- Worldly person smoking on petrol station


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