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Shivani Manickam

Phone: (240)671-0089 Email:

 Overall 6 Years of Extensive programming experience in User Interface/ Front End Developer in developing web-
based applications and Client-Server technologies using JavaScript, AJAX, AngularJS, HTML, Knockout.js, XHTML /
 Extensive experience in developing web page quickly and effectively using jQuery, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3,
Responsive Web Design, Bootstrap and experience in making web pages cross browser compatible.
 Experience in designing UI patterns and UI applications with the help of Adobe products like Adobe Dreamweaver
CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3/CS4, Adobe Fireworks CS3 and Adobe Illustrator CS3.
 Strong experience in web technologies such as HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Angular JS,
Bootstrap JS, Knockout JS, Node JS.
 Experience in full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that includes Analyzing, Designing, Coding, Testing,
implementation & Production Support.
 Experience in resolving cross browser compatibility issues (IE 7 & 8, chrome, Firefox and Safari)
 Involvement in using various IDE's, Visual Studio, Dreamweaver, Notepad++, eclipse, Adobe Photoshop.
 Experience with working in JavaScript framework like Jquery, Backbone and Angularjs.
 Worked on Web based applications and Client/Server applications using C#, ASP.NET […] Classic ASP, ADO.Net,
XML, HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, AJAX and CSS, Kendo UI, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
 Good understanding of Document Object Model (DOM) and DOM functions.
 Worked on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo
Classes, Pseudo Elements and CSS Behaviors in CSS.
 Worked with NodeJS, Grunt, and Bower for setting up local server, running tasks and managing dependencies.
 Good knowledge in Styling and coding of CMS themes, email templates and practical knowledge of SEO in web
design and development.
 Well experienced in debugging websites using Firebug, Fiddler, Developer tools.
 Experience with Firebug for Mozilla, Developer Toolbar for Chrome and IE Developer Toolbar for Internet Explorer.
 Excellent experience in creating Dynamic Wireframes, HTML Wireframes, Dynamic Screenshots and Sitemaps.
 Experience with User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and Accessibility Testing.
 Experience in working with CSS preprocessor LESS/SASS.
 Able to code pixel perfect web page from PSD, compatible with all major browsers and major platforms.
 Experience with Browser testing, knowledge of cross-browser/cross-platform compatibility.
 Passion for performance debugging and benchmarking and working with version control environment like Git, Source
 Experience in working with HTML Controls, User Controls, Master Pages and Themes.
 Experience in quality assurance and unit testing, acceptance testing, and integration testing.
 Experience in designing and presenting multiple concepts and iterations around user interaction models, workflows,
wireframes, screen flows, mockups and prototypes.
 Strong perseverance and diligence towards attaining challenging goals and possess good communication skills and
quick learning ability.

Languages JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax, Java, JSP, JDBC, Servlets, Hibernate, SQL, Web Services
(SOAP and REST).
Microsoft Acrobat Writer, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Access.
IDEs Eclipse, MyEclipse, JDeveloper, iRAD.
Java/J2EE Environment Java, Servlets, SoapUI, Angular JS, Bootstrap, React JS, JQuery UI, Agile,
Web Technologies HTML/HTML5, DHTML, CSS/CSS3, XML, AEM/CQ6, RESTful, JavaScript, XML,
Angular JS, Angular 2, React JS, JSP, AJAX, JDK, JQuery, JSON, Apache, SVN,
JDBC, Servlets 2.4, SOAP, DOM, Notepad++, NetBeans IDE, Adobe Dreamweaver,
Brackets, Microsoft Visual Studio, Photoshop. Editplus, Apache sling and CRXD lite
Databases MySQL, MongoDb, Oracle 11g/12CMS SQL Server
Browser Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari
Operating Systems Windows 98, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Windows, Unix, mac, Linux
Application Servers Apache Tomcat, HTTP Web Server, Weblogic, Apache Hive Oracle


Client: State of GA, Atlanta, GA. From: Jan’2018 - Present

Role: UI Angular Developer

Description: The Abatement Tracking System (ATS) application serves the Occupational Safety Health Administration
(OSHA). This application tracks and maintains the records about violations and subsequent actions performed to improve
safety conditions in the work environment. The target audience for this application is OSHA Job Corps Centers (JC
Center) throughout the United States of America.

 Responsible for front-end UI design using HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Datatables plugin, etc.
 Uses Rational Rose for model driven development and UML modeling.
 Used different Bootstrap components such as Navigation Bar, Progression Bar and Dropdown Menus.
 Created reusable templates using Angular directives and worked with NPM package manager tools (Node JS).
 Created Master Pages, CSS Style Sheets and Integrated to Silver light and got approval from Business Stakeholders.
 Extensively used Angular 2/4 with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to create rich User Experience.
 Knowledge on Grunt and installing Grunt plugins and managed via npm, the Node.js package manager and preparing
a new grunt project.
 Developed RESTful web services using JAX-RS and Jersey Libraries.
 Maintained Cross Browser compatibility & implement Responsive Design using Twitter Bootstrap, custom media
queries, etc.
 Using Angular CLI to manage project, create components, and services.
 Worked closely with UI designer to help create template designs for our angular application.
 Created UI designs using Web 2.0 standards.
 Used custom Angular Pipes to write display-value transformation.
 Used various features of Angular such as data binding, custom pipes, routing, custom directives, string interpolation,
and dynamic binding to meet custom requirements.
 Created several Components by using Angular CLI and several services for Dependency Injection.
 Used jQuery to traverse through a DOM tree and manipulated the nodes in the tree.
 Used jQuery plugins for Drag-and-Drop, Widgets, Menus, User Interface and Forms.
 Implemented AJAX for better user experience by dynamically providing Asynchronous request and response
communication between the client and the server.
 Used Angular 4 HTTP to retrieve data through Web API from Entity Framework.
 Used Ajax effectively to create pagination and with client side events like quick search.
 Worked on different browsers Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9, Mozilla Firefox, Windows Chrome, Mac, and Safari.
 Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for a web application, page
navigation using Angular.
 Utilized Firebug, IEtester and Chrome Element Inspector to track and fix bugs.
 Used Maven as a build tool, GIT as version control tool to update work progress with other team members.
 Substantially experienced in the development methodology involved with the scrum method and the sprint cycles.

Environment: Angular 2/4, Bootstrap, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3,JavaScript, Node JS, JSON, jQuery, AJAX, Restful
Web Services, Eclipse.
Shivani Manickam
Phone: (240)671-0089 Email:
Client: United States Patent and Trading office, Alexandria, VA. From: Sept’2014 – Dec’2017
Role: UI/ UX Developer

Description: The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) application conducts trials, including inter partes, post-grant, and
covered business method patent reviews and derivation proceedings, hears appeals from adverse examiner decisions in
patent applications and reexamination proceedings, and renders decisions in interferences.

 Responsible for creating efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
jQuery AJAX and JSON.
 Used JavaScript, AngularJS and jQuery for user interactions in pages.
 Worked on creating responsive website for smart devices using responsive design and media queries.
 Used Angular.JS to make the D3.JS charts and Chart JS for number and date validation.
 Used jQuery Ajax for service calls on pages to interact with the server for information.
 Rapid prototyping of design concepts.
 Experience with jQuery, AngularJS.
 Utilized various JavaScript and jQuery libraries, AJAX for form validation and other interactive features.
 Enhanced user experience by designing new web features using MVC Framework like Backbone.js.
 Involved in designing and developing the JSON, XML Objects with MySQL.
 Used Ajax, JSON to send a request to the server to check the functionality of the websites.
 Testing the website on multiple browsers with their old as well as the latest release.
 Designed dynamic and browser compatible pages using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, Angular.js, Node.js, Backbone.js,
jQuery and JavaScript.
 Used JSON for storing and exchanging information between browsers and servers. Using complex Object-Oriented
concepts in improving the performance of the websites.
 Worked closely with SQA team in fixing the reported bugs/defects and checking cross platform compatibility.
 Worked with CSS background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding,
Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors.
 Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML and JavaScript.
 Used MVC Framework Angularjs in the development for data binding and to consume RESTful web services.
 Active participation throughout the entire software development lifecycle from project inception, to code development
and elaborate testing of the various modules.
 Used agile methodology for software development.
 Used SVN and GIT for version control.
 Developed SQL queries to perform insert, update or delete operation on MySQL database. Responsible for authoring of
website functionality with JavaScript, HTML, CSS3.
 Designed and developed CSS preprocessors (SASS and Compass)
 Used CSS Sprites to decrease the number of HTTP requests and load time of web pages.
 Been an active team player, helped in fixing bugs and carried out troubleshooting.
 Produced semantically appropriate, standards compliant markup, and produced Rich User Interfaces.
 Used all the advanced Photoshop features to create appealing visual web interfaces.

Environment: HTML5, DHTML, AngularJS, D3.JS, JavaScript, Backbone.js, AJAX, CSS 2/3, JSON, jQuery, SASS,
Adobe Photoshop, XML, Apache.

Client: CGI, Hyderabad, India. From: June’2013 - Aug’2014

Role: UI Developer
Description: The IT consulting company CGI Group Inc. CGI group is a Canadian global information technology (IT)
consulting, systems integration, outsourcing, and solutions company headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Founded in 1976 by Serge Godin and André Imbeau as an IT consulting firm, the company soon began branching into
new markets and acquiring other companies. 

 Gathered business requirements, prepared Software Requirement Specification (SRS) document.
 Websites designed and developed using HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, CSS 3, Bootstrap, Ajax and jQuery based on
W3C standards and Web 2.0.
 Participated in making Responsive Web Designs using Media Queries and Twitter Bootstrap.
 Created user interface using JavaScript, jQuery, CSS3 and HTML5.
 Produced content pages with CSS3 layout and style markup presentations and also used JavaScript methods and
 Establishing requirements for accessibility compliance.
 Fixed web accessibility compliance issues according to WCAG 2.0.
 Made supplementary materials accessible using Adobe Acrobat according to WCAG 2.0 AA standards.
 Widely used JavaScript to provide functionality for the user interface.
 Experience with jQuery, Angular Js with handlebars.js templating and Bootstrap.
 Worked on the application developed using HTML5, CSS3 and JSON.
 Involved in Bug fixing in Flex and enhancement implementation
 Experience in using JavaScript and ASP.NET validation controls for performing Form Validations.
 Worked with technologies like jQuery and Ajax to make more attractive and easy to use website.
 Defined the site layout and developed Wireframes using Adobe Illustrator.
 Created design mockups and wireframes using MS PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop CS4 and Dreamweaver CS3.
 Analyzed and designed WCAG 2.0 e-forms.
 Used several jQuery plugins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more intuitive.
 Developed DAOs (Data Access Objects) and SQL queries to support system functionality.
 Used Team Studio and Build Manager tools to develop Notes applications and promote the new design to test
 Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers like Safari, Internet
Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
 Designed website mockups, navigation buttons, etc. using Adobe Photoshop.
 Involved in the search for errors, broken links and missing images etc. and rectify.
 Implemented and tested the business application with jQuery.
 Developed dynamic emails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
 Debugging the code using browser tools like Firebug.
 Experience use GIT version control.
 Collaboration with team members design, analysis, coding, testing and review website.
 Coordinated with the business on User Acceptance Tests (UAT) and to get the approval from business on the design

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Web 2.0, Agile, Adobe Photoshop, Bootstrap, Ajax, JSON, jQuery,
AngularJS, Windows XP.

Client: Infotech Enterprises, Hyderabad, India. From: May’2010 - March’2013

Role: UI/ UX Developer

Description: Infotech Enterprises is a global solutions provider focused on engineering, manufacturing, data analytics, and
networks & operations. Infotech Enterprises as of 2017 provides "software-enabled engineering & geographic information
system (GIS) services.
Shivani Manickam
Phone: (240)671-0089 Email:

 Experience in developing and creating web-based Applications using JavaScript/HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, CSS, PHP,
MYSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Photoshop, Fireworks, Illustrator, and Flash. in UX design.
 Design and develop cross-browser compatible and mobile-compliant responsive websites using front-end
programming standards.
 Developed User Interface responsive frames using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX.
 Developed non-functional web pages using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
 Developed HTML and CSS pages from mock-ups and involved in UI review
 With Architect and business units.
 Used jQuery for implementing basic animations like dropdown, scroll up and scroll down.
 Created various forms and modals using Bootstrap and performed form validation.
 Extensively used JavaScript to improve page functionality and used Light Box Plugins using jQuery.
 Skilled in creating top-notch web applications using angular framework.
 Create website models and documentation including wireframes, task flows, templates, interactive designs, use cases,
flow charts, navigation models, and functional prototypes.
 Experience in web application design using jQuery, Bootstrap and AngularJS Framework.
 Experience in writing and executing unit test cases using Eclipse and JSON Testing framework.
 Experienced in different IDEs like Notepad++, EditPlus, Sublime text, and Microsoft Visual Studio.
 Actively participate in the development and review of system requirements to obtain a thorough understanding of
business needs to deliver accurate solutions.
 Worked on Team Foundation Server, version control system, on day-to- day basis to maintain the code history.
 Manage projects effectively to meet or exceed development timelines
 Strong visual design and layout skills with an emphasis on color and typography.
 Client-side validation using JavaScript and jQuery.

Environment: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Node JS, Bootstrap, Typescript, AJAX, Agile, Angularjs
framework, JSON and Eclipse.

EDUCATION QUALIFICATION: Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering from Anna University, India.

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