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Mock Magazine Project

Magazine Contents: You need to create the following for your
1. Magazine Cover – Create using publisher/word/poster my wall/paper
and markers
a. Needs to include a title, publication date and month, a picture
and feature stories (minimum 3)
2. Write one Fashion Article from the following choices: Create using
word/pen and paper.
-1 Advice column with a picture
-1 Interview Article with a picture (interview a friend)
-1 Feature Article with a picture
 Human Interest- Human interest stories appeal to emotions. These stories
usually include anecdotes to make the reader sympathize with people in the
 Profile - Profile articles are often a reporter's interpretation of a person.
Popular magazines may use question-and-answer sessions to paint a better
portrait of the profiled person.
 How-To Articles - How-to articles are self-explanatory. They are
instructional articles that advise a reader on how to do certain things. In
magazines the how-to articles are features about relationships, makeup and
 Informative - Informative features contain more research. They are written
to provide the reader with the knowledge that is necessary to do a task or
avoid danger.

Mock Magazine Project Rubric

Name: ___________________________
Save your work often!
Email final product to or print out and hand

Criteria Possible Points Points Earned

1. Information on cover:

a. Title 10

b. Publication (month and year) 5

c. Picture 10

d. Feature stories listed (minimum 10

2. Article

a. Article well written 30

b. Picture with article 10

c. Formatting 5

3. Neatness & Creativity 10

4. Spelling & Grammar 10


Name_____________________ Oakes

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