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I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to,

1. identify correctly the different tools in Computer Hardware Servicing;

2. demonstrate the proper use and function of each tool and;
3. appreciate the uses of each tool in Computer Hardware Servicing.
II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Tools Used in Computer Hardware Servicing

Reference: Computer Hardware Servicing Manual- page 9-12

Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Hand-outs, Actual tools, Video clip, Strips, Flip Chart

Teaching Strategies: Lecture, discussion, demonstration, games and video viewing

III. Procedure


A. MOTIVATION (Spring board)

We have here our tool board class.

You can see different tools that are neatly placed in it

which we use in our Computer Hardware Servicing.

We have here screwdrivers, pliers, flashlight,

tweezers, and compressed air and so on.

Activity I:
Now, may I request a representative from each table
to stand and get from the tool board a tool that you
know or you usually use at home. Student 1 stands (other group follows)

As you can see, we still have different tools left on

the tool board. You will come to know and learn
everything one by one as we go on with our lesson.
At least you have identified some of the tools.
To continue class, you will watch a video and I want
you to take note of the tools discussed in the video. Yes, Ma’am.

(Plays video)

Who is the character in the video class? Manny

What did you see in the video? Manny explained on how to use the
screwdrivers, Ma’am.

What are the kinds of screwdrivers did Manny The Flat head screwdriver and the
discussed? Phillips Screwdriver, Ma’am.

Ok, what did Manny tell about screwdrivers? Manny told us about the two (2) kinds
of screwdrivers; the positive and
negative slotted, Ma’am.
Very well said class, there are 2 kinds of
Manny told us that we use flat head screwdriver to
loosen and tighten a negative slotted screws. While
Phillips head screwdriver is used to loosen and
tighten a positive slotted screw.

There are other 2 drivers not taken in the video

and you will know these as we go on with the lesson.


Unlocking of difficulties:

ESD - Electro-Static Discharge-it is the

sudden flow of electricity between two
electrically charged objects caused by contact.

Insulation –a material that reduces or prevents

the transmission of heat or electricity.

Nozzle –a projecting part with an opening for

regulating and directing a flow of fluid.

Class, after having tested your knowledge on

tools that are shown on the tool board and also
through the video, you may be wondering why are
we discussing these tools? Yes Ma’am.

Isn’t it that we see some of these in our own

homes where our father or mothers, titos or titas, lolo
and so forth had been using these tools? Yes Ma’am
Remember class that these tools are part of our
everyday life to help us ease or lessen the hard work
we have.

We also use some of these in school like just

recently; my youngest daughter brought a Phillips
screwdriver because they were made to do an
experiment to lighten bulbs with batteries.

In the same manner class, you are here because

you are going to learn the different tools that will
soon help you troubleshoot problems with your own
computer if you continue with this course.

We will now discuss one by one the names and

the functions of the tools used in Computer Hardware

C. Analysis:

There are different kinds of tools used in computer

servicing and let’s start with the screwdrivers.

 We generally use these 4 kinds of screwdrivers to

tighten and loosen screws. We have different screws
(show example). I want you to remember that we can
loosen and tighten each screw with its own
corresponding screwdriver.

A. Screwdrivers
1. Flat head = use to loosen a negative slotted screw
 So, we use flat head screwdriver with what The negative slot Ma’am.
kind of slot again class?

2. Philips = use to loosen or tighten a positive slotted

 We use flat head screwdriver with what kind Positive slot Ma’am.
of slot ?

Aside from the Flat head and Phillips, what are the
other two drivers? We have the Torx and the Hex
screwdrivers Ma’am.
3. Torx = used to loosen or tighten screws that have a
star-like depression.

 This kind of screw is commonly used for laptops and

net book computers
 We use Torx with what slotted shape of Star like ma’am.
4. Hex = sometimes called a nut driver. It is used to
loosen and tighten a six-sided screw.
 How many sides does a hex driver have? Six sides Ma’am.

Who among you now can differentiate the four kinds of

screw drivers? Call student to stand.

B. Pliers:
On what particular job do you use this tool class? For cutting Ma’am.

What is the common part of these pliers that is

intended for cutting? It is the blade Ma’am.

Different kinds of Pliers:

5. Needle nose pliers = used to hold small parts. It is

called a multi-purpose plier because it can be used for
several purposes like; cutting, bending, stretching,
twisting and tightening wires.

6. Wire cutter = used to strip and cut wires.

What is strip off when applying this to wires? It is the insulator ma’am.

7. Side cutter = a tool used for cutting or trimming of

connecting wires or terminal leads in the circuit

So class what is primarily the purpose of using a Pliers are generally used in cutting,
plier? Ma’am.
8. Anti- Static Wrist Strap = used to prevent ESD
damage to computer equipment.

9. Anti Static Mat = used to stand on or place hardware

to prevent static electricity from building up.

Is it really advisable for a computer technician to use

an ESD tool when he troubleshoots a computer? Yes Ma’am.
Why? Yes ma’am, to prevent him from being
10. Tweezers = use to manipulate small parts.
Like the needle nose plier, this helps us get or hold
small or tiny parts of the computer.

11. Part Retriever = used to retrieve parts from location

that are too small for your hand to fit.
If we unconsciously drop a small screw inside the
casing, the best tool to pick it up is the part retriever.
12. Flashlight = used to light up areas that you cannot see
When to use a flashlight? When we cannot see things clearly,
13. Lint Free Cloth = used to clean different computer
components without scratching or leaving debris.
o Can you point out which of these pieces of cloth is We use a lint-free cloth when cleaning
lint-free? Why do we use a lint-free cloth when the computer so as not to accumulate
cleaning the computer components? dirt, ma’am.

14. Compressed Air = used to blow away dust and debris

from different computer parts without touching the
o What maybe the purpose of the nozzle of your The purpose of nozzle is to regulate
compressed air? How will you protect yourself from and direct the flow of fluid.
the fumes that comes out? We should use a mask to protect us
from the fumes.
15. Cable ties = used to bundle cables neatly inside and
outside of a computer.

16. Parts Organizer = used to hold screw, jumpers,

fasteners and other small parts and prevents them
from getting mixed together.
o What is the purpose of sorting small items using a We need to sort the small items so that
part organizer it will be easy for us to locate when
needed .
17. Multimeter = used to test the functionality of
circuits and the quality of electricity in computer
o Why do we need to test the computer components? We need to test the computer
components for us to know if it is
functioning well.
18. Loopback Adapter = used to test the functionality
of the computer ports.

19. Soldering tool= a tool used to join two or more metal

conductors with the support of a soldering lead.
o How is the soldering pencil manipulated? It is manipulated electrically.

20. Desoldering tool= a toll used to unsoldered unwanted

parts or component in the circuit with the support of
soldering pencil.
o Why do we need to desolder a soldered part? So that the computer components looks
neat and clean.
21. Crimping tool= a tool designed to crimp or connect a
connector to the end of a cable.

22. Lan Tester= is a device used to test the network

o Why is there a need to test the Lan cable before We need to test so that we may know if
there is an internet connection or none.
connecting it to the computer?
C. Generalization:

Have you notice class that each tool has its own
particular function? Yes Ma’am.

So, therefore, we can conclude or say that we

need tools and materials for us to accomplish the work
or task effectively.

D. Application:

Activity 2:

Alright, as I return the tools to the tool board, try

to identify the name of these tools.

This time I will give you a quiz in the form of a

game, maybe you are familiar with this game, “Bring

I will divide the class into 5 groups. Each group

is given strips wherein the name of the tools is written.
The function of the tool will be flashed on the screen,
at the count of 3, post your answer on the board.
Is the instruction clear to everyone class?

 See attached sheet for the questions.

Interpretation of score:

Number of Descriptive
tools identified Rating Score

10 Excellent 10

8-9 Very Good 8

5-7 Good 6

4 Fair 4

3 and below 3

How fast is the group in identifying the name of these

tools? I will flash the picture on the screen and you are to
write the name of the tool on the illustration board provided.

 Wait for the signal to start.
 All boards should be raised at the count of 3.
 Only the correct spelling and complete name of the
tool is given a point.
 Cooperation should be observed all throughout the
quiz proper. Additional pts is given based on the
behaviour of the group:

5 - cooperation is very visible, everybody

4 - the leader manipulates in identifying the
name of the item
3 - the group do not come up immediately with
the answer
2 and below- the group keeps arguing with each


A. Assignment
1. What are the different classifications of tools?
2. How are the tools classified?
3. How are the tools used based on the
classification? Take note on the Do’s and
Don’ts in using the tool

B. Agreement:
In a ¼ sheet of paper, classify the different tools
based from their uses.


 Computer Hardware Servicing Manual-


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