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Read the sentences and put the right number beside the sentence.

She is standing beside the lake. She is clapping The brown duck is swimming on the lake. ___
her hands because her son is learning to swim. This duck is flying! It is flapping its wings and
She is very happy because he is doing well. taking off ___
Number ___ She is wearing a pink swimsuit and she is running
The duck is diving into the lake. It is looking for a fast. She is in the lake. ___
fish! Its head is under water. ___ The boy and girl are standing up. They are on their
Mrs Smith is taking photos of her family ___ raft and they have got poles to help them push the
He is catching a ball ___ raft. ___
They are in a dinghy and they are rowing ___ He is diving into the lake. He is wearing blue
She is doing a hand stand ___ flippers and green shorts. ___
He is jogging round the lake ___ This boy and girl are on their pedalo. They are
The frog is jumping off a lily pad ___ pedalling, so they are using their feet! ___
He is swimming towards his mother ___ There are some caterpillars in the trees. They are
He is playing a ball game. He has got his hands in eating leaves. ___
the air. ___ The dragonfly is landing on a blade of grass ___
The butterfly is sitting on a big flower ___ The heron is a beautiful bird. He is standing very
This little boy has got a yellow bucket. He is still! He is watching carefully! He is trying to catch
emptying water into the lake. ___ a fish. ___
The ladybird is sitting on a leaf. ___ The dog is in the lake. He is swimming to the bank.
Mr Smith is kneeling down. He is putting a plaster He is looking at his owner. His owner is wearing a
on his son’s toe. ___ white T-shirt and blue shorts. ___

a l b d

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