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ADST 8 Introductory Letter 

Dear Mr. Snead, 

My family includes my mother, Julie, my father, Solomon, and my brother, Lewi, who’s in Grade 
11 partial IB. The last semester was aggravating since I had two of my classes with my worst teacher. 
The best ‘high’ moment I would say is ending the semester in general, because at some points it was 
just nervousness getting the better of me on the days of the finals. And the lows were from being in my 
worst teacher’s classes for basically half a day. It was bad even though I got good grades, but she’s 
pretty old and extremely picky, so anything I would do that is the same but ‘different’ in her standards, 
she would get very aggressive. For example, multiplication, instead of brackets, I put the (•). My friends 
describe me as a smart and funny fellow.  
My classes last semester were Band/P.E, Math, English and French. My worst teacher taught 
math and English and the blocks were back to back. My favourite movies consists of Empire Strikes 
back, Shazam!, and JOKER. My favourite video games are the Batman: Arkham series and Jedi: Fallen 
I am a conscientious person most of the time, but at times I slack off then have to sacrifice sleep 
for the sake of my grade to still be good. My favourite subject is Math and Science. I like Jazz band 
because of this teacher named Ms. Hagen, who was crazy strict but a really good teacher. She does 
grade 11 music and makes grade 6-7 students play at that level, so it’s understandable why she would 
be so strict. I honestly don’t have an opinion for a group project or working alone. I’d rather work alone, 
but with the right members, I’m more than happy to work with others. I hope to have a calm, collective 
and productive teacher. Fears that might be in concern is the chance of extreme danger in this specific 
class, most likely the most extreme of cases.  
I want to be in more hands-on in terms of personal goals, since I have science, and I have ADST 
this semester. In academic terms, I’d say I want to further my understanding of metalwork, as in 
soldering and working with other types of machinery. I’m quite neutral with my classes, since I have no 
finals this semester, and I have heard many good things about my science teacher, Ms. Lim, and my 
socials teacher, Ms. Shields, but she goes on tangents very often even in the first two days, so that 
might be worrying. Overall, I really like my teachers this semester, and that includes you, Mr. Snead.  
Joel Thute 

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