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A framework for diagnosing and classifying intensive care

unit-acquired weakness
Robert D. Stevens, MD; Scott A. Marshall, MD; David R. Cornblath, MD; Ahmet Hoke, MD, PhD;
Dale M. Needham, MD, PhD; Bernard de Jonghe, MD; Naeem A. Ali, MD; Tarek Sharshar, MD, PhD

Neuromuscular dysfunction is prevalent in critically ill pa- muscular disorders acquired in critical illness. (Crit Care Med
tients, is associated with worse short-term outcomes, and is a 2009; 37[Suppl.]:S299 –S308)
determinant of long-term disability in intensive care unit survi- KEY WORDS: intensive care unit-acquired weakness; intensive
vors. Diagnosis is made with the help of clinical, electrophysio- care unit-acquired paresis; critical illness polyneuropathy; critical
logical, and morphological observations; however, the lack of a illness myopathy; critical illness neuromyopathy; prolonged neu-
consistent nomenclature remains a barrier to research. We pro- romuscular blockade; electromyogram; nerve conduction studies;
pose a simple framework for diagnosing and classifying neuro- direct muscle stimulation

M uscle weakness and atrophy tors other than the underlying critical this condition from the most common
have long been recognized illness and its treatment. Three distinct form of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)
as expressions of severe ill- types of patients were identified: a group (17, 20). This newly described entity,
ness, with Hippocrates de- with myopathy; another with polyneu- named critical illness polyneuropathy
scribing “spontaneous lassitude” and mus- ropathy; and a group with prolonged (CIP), was further characterized in a
cle wasting in patients dying of infection pharmacologic neuromuscular blockade. number of ensuing studies (21–31).
and cancer (1), and William Osler observing MacFarlane and Rosenthal in 1977 During the 1980s and 1990s, there
how “the loss of flesh and strength is very documented electrophysiological abnor- were reports on critically ill patients who
striking” in life-threatening infections malities consistent with an acquired my- had unexpectedly prolonged periods of
(2). In recent decades, greater survival in opathy in a young woman with quadriple- paralysis after receiving a nondepolariz-
critically ill patients has provided the op- gia who had received corticosteroids and ing neuromuscular blocking agent
portunity to identify and characterize a neuromuscular blocking drugs for status (NMBA) (32–39). Recovery of motor func-
syndrome of neuromuscular dysfunction asthmaticus (3). These findings were sub- tion was delayed for hours to days after
acquired in the absence of causative fac- stantiated in subsequent accounts (4, 5), cessation of the causative drug (38). Ini-
with muscle biopsies demonstrating a tial accounts concerned patients who had
spectrum of myopathic changes (6 –14). received large cumulative doses of amin-
From the Division of Neurosciences Critical Care Based on these reports, a variety of terms osteroid NMBAs (e.g., vecuronium, pan-
(RDS, SAM), Departments of Anesthesiology Critical
emerged including “acute quadriplegic curonium), often administered in an ef-
Care Medicine (RDS, SAM), Neurology (RDS, SAM,
DRC, AH), Neurosurgery (RDS, SAM); Division of Pul- myopathy” (6), “acute necrotizing myop- fort to facilitate mechanical ventilation;
monary and Critical Care Medicine (DMN), Depart- athy of intensive care” (10), and “thick prolonged paralysis was subsequently as-
ments of Medicine (DMN) and of Physical Medicine and filament myopathy” (14) (Table 1). It be- sociated with other classes of NMBA (e.g.,
Rehabilitation (DMN), The Johns Hopkins University came apparent that these terms were dif- atracurium or cisatracurium) (40 – 43).
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; Department of
Neurology (SAM), Uniformed Services University of the ferent expressions of a common syn- Patients with concomitant organ dys-
Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD; Réanimation Médico- drome, and in 2000, Lacomis et al function, in particular, renal insuffi-
Chirurgicale (BdJ), Centre Hospitalier de Poissy-Saint- proposed the generic term critical illness ciency, were found to be at increased risk
Germain, Poissy, France; Division of Pulmonary, Al- myopathy (CIM) (15). (44). Many of these accounts did not in-
lergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (NAA), Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH; and Raymond Poin- The first accounts of a peripheral neu- clude detailed neurologic examination or
caré Hospital (AP-HP) (TS), Faculty of Medicine, Uni- ropathy complicating sepsis and multiple electrophysiological testing, preventing
versity of Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines Garches, organ failure were made in the 1980s by definitive differentiation between these
France. Bolton et al, who detailed electrophysio- cases and critical illness polyneuropathy
The opinions expressed in this manuscript belong
solely to those of the authors, and they should not be
logical and morphologic features in in- and/or myopathy.
interpreted as representative or endorsed by the Uni- tensive care unit (ICU) patients with The impact of ICU-acquired neuro-
formed Services University, U.S. Army, Department of newly acquired flaccid areflexic weakness muscular dysfunction is difficult to over-
Defense, or any other agency of the federal govern- and failed attempts to liberate from the estimate. The functional disability and re-
ment of the United States.
For information regarding this article, E-mail:
ventilator (16 –19). The preponderant duced quality of life described in pattern was an axonal polyneuropathy survivors of critical illness have been
Copyright © 2009 by the Society of Critical Care which, in conjunction with the lack of linked to neuromuscular complaints in-
Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins albumino-cytological dissociation on ce- cluding persistent pain (45– 47), contrac-
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e3181b6ef67 rebrospinal fluid analysis, differentiated tures (48), and muscle weakness acquired

Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 10 (Suppl.) S299

Table 1. Terms used for critical illness neuromuscular disorders

Terms References

Myopathic syndromes
Thick filament myopathy Danon 1991 (14)
Acute corticosteroid- and pancuronium-associated myopathy Sitwell 1991 (118)
Acute quadriplegic myopathy Hirano 1992 (6)
Acute necrotizing myopathy of intensive care Zochodne 1994 (10)
Acute corticosteroid myopathy Hanson 1997 (108)
Critical illness myopathy Lacomis 2000 (15)
Polyneuropathic syndromes
Polyneuropathy in critically ill patients Bolton 1984 (16)
Critically ill polyneuropathy Bolton 1986 (17)
Critical illness polyneuropathy Zochodne 1987 (18)
Critical illness neuropathy Coakley 1992 (119)
Mixed or undifferentiated syndromes
Critical illness polyneuromyopathy Op de Coul 1991 (75)
ICU-acquired weakness Ramsay 1993 (9)
Critical illness myopathy and/or neuropathy Latronico 1996 (12)
Critical illness neuromuscular abnormalities De Jonghe 1998 (76)
ICU-acquired paresis De Jonghe 2002 (30)
Critical illness neuromyopathy Young 2004 (120)
Critical illness neuromuscular syndromes De Jonghe 2006 (96)
Intensive care unit-acquired neuromyopathy Hough 2009 (121)

ICU, intensive care unit.

Figure 1. Classification of intensive care unit-

in the ICU (49, 50). Studies have docu- remain) largely unknown. A semiological acquired weakness (ICUAW). CIP, critical illness
mented clinical and electrophysiologic classification was of questionable signifi- polyneuropathy; CINM, critical illness neuromy-
evidence of focal compressive mononeu- cance as the symptoms and signs of poly- opathy; CIM, critical illness myopathy.
ropathy (51) and of polyneuropathy neuropathy and myopathy are neither
and/or myopathy persisting for months to sensitive nor specific (68). Some have in an effort to remain taxonomically in-
years after the acute illness (52–57). In recommended that diagnosis and classi- clusive, a variety of generic terms have
the ICU acute setting, muscle weakness is fication must be based on electrophysio- emerged, such as critical illness myop-
associated with prolonged mechanical logical criteria (electromyography [EMG] athy and/or neuropathy (12), critical ill-
ventilation and failure to separate from and nerve conduction studies [NCS]) (29, ness polyneuropathy (75), ICU-acquired
the ventilator (27, 58, 59), delayed dis- 69). Others argued that routine EMG/ paresis (30), and ICU-acquired weakness
charge from the ICU and hospital (60, NCS is not needed in clinical practice and (9) (Table 1).
61), and increased costs (62). Higher hos- should be reserved primarily for research The absence of a consistent nomencla-
pital or ICU mortality rates have been purposes (63, 70 –72). Proponents of this ture of neuromuscular disorders in criti-
reported in patients with ICU-acquired latter view assert that the most valuable cal illness constitutes a serious barrier to
muscle dysfunction (27, 52, 59, 63), al- information is available through a careful research in this field. In a systematic re-
though this association was not found in history and physical examination, and view published in 1998, de Jonghe et al
all studies (22, 24, 30, 61). Recognition of that EMG/NCS has many limitations (72). evaluated eight studies enrolling a total
neuromuscular dysfunction as an impor- Furthermore, accurate electrophysiolog- of 242 patients, and found major differ-
tant and potentially long-term manifesta- ical differentiation between CIM and CIP ences in the way ICU-acquired neuro-
tion of critical illness has inspired efforts is frequently impracticable, particularly muscular disorders were defined and di-
to identify preventive or therapeutic in- in patients who are not able to contract agnosed in the populations studied and in
terventions including glycemic control their muscles voluntarily (12). the reporting of risk factors and out-
(64) and programs centered on early mo- Nosological efforts were further comes (76). Such disparities were con-
bility, physical, and occupational therapy thwarted by the observation that myop- firmed in a more recent systematic re-
(65– 67). athy and polyneuropathy coexist in ICU view of 24 studies comprising 1421
patients. This was demonstrated in 1996 patients (77), and underscore the need to
DEFINITIONS AND by Latronico et al, who found histologic build a consensus on nomenclature and
CLASSIFICATION evidence of myopathy in 23 (96%) of 24 classification (78, 79).
patients who had been diagnosed with CIP, We propose a simple scheme to diag-
Following the initial descriptions of using EMG/NCS (12). Other groups have nose and classify these disorders (Fig. 1). The
myopathy and polyneuropathy in criti- since confirmed that elements of myopathy term ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW) desig-
cally ill patients, the need to articulate a and polyneuropathy may occur concur- nates clinically detected weakness in crit-
comprehensive diagnostic nomenclature rently or sequentially within a single pa- ically ill patients in whom there is no
and classification was hindered by several tient, and that these overlapping findings plausible etiology other than critical ill-
factors. Traditional nosological schemes might represent the most prevalent pattern ness. Patients with ICUAW and docu-
based on etiology or pathogenesis were of neuromuscular dysfunction in the ICU mented polyneuropathy and/or myopathy
not possible because the latter were (and (29, 30, 73, 74). Reflecting this construct, and are classified in three subcategories. Crit-

S300 Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 10 (Suppl.)

ical illness polyneuropathy refers to Individual MRC scores obtained from pre- parameters of muscle performance, such
patients with ICUAW who have electro- defined muscle groups can be combined as isometric force assessment (85, 86).
physiological evidence of an axonal poly- in a sumscore, which yields a global esti- In NCS, stimulation of a peripheral
neuropathy, and critical illness myopathy mation of motor function (81); if three motor nerve elicits a compound muscle
indicates patients with ICUAW who have muscle groups are tested in each extrem- action potential (CMAP), which repre-
electrophysiologically and/or histologically ity, the sumscore will range from 0 (com- sents the summated response of all stim-
defined myopathy. The term critical illness plete paralysis) to 60 (full strength). The ulated muscle fibers; alternatively, stim-
neuromyopathy (CINM) is reserved for pa- MRC sumscore has good interobserver ulation and recording are carried out at
tients who have electrophysiological and/or reliability in patients with GBS (82) and separate points along a sensory nerve to
histologic findings of coexisting CIP and has been implemented successfully in yield the sensory nerve action potential
CIM. critically ill patients (30). In several pro- (SNAP), which represents the summated
spective studies of mechanically venti- response of all stimulated sensory fibers.
DIAGNOSTIC METHODS AND lated patients, an MRC sumscore of ⬍48 When a nerve is stimulated at two sites
THEIR LIMITATIONS (or a mean MRC of ⬍4 per muscle group) separated by a known distance, a nerve
was used as the cutoff for defining “ICU- conduction velocity may be calculated.
Methods to identify ICUAW (and its acquired paresis” (30, 31, 58, 63). The The recording of CMAP and SNAP ampli-
subcategories) neuromuscular dysfunc- MRC is relatively simple and intuitive; tudes and motor and sensory nerve con-
tion include clinical assessment, electro- however, it requires a patient who is duction velocity are used to intuit the
physiological studies, and morphologic awake, cooperative, and capable of con- state of the peripheral nervous system.
analysis of muscle or nerve tissue. There tracting the extremities with maximal Normal nerve conduction velocity in con-
is no diagnostic gold standard for ICUAW force— conditions which many ICU pa- junction with decreased CMAP and SNAP
or its subcategories, and therefore little is tients fail to meet. MRC scores may be amplitudes usually indicates an axonal,
known regarding the sensitivity and spec- affected by differences in the way patients sensory-motor polyneuropathy (e.g., CIP),
ificity of individual (or clustered) charac- are positioned, and in the availability of whereas markedly reduced conduction ve-
teristics or test results. limbs for assessment (e.g., limitations in locities with preserved CMAP and SNAP
movement due to pain, dressings, or im- amplitudes usually indicates a demyelinat-
Clinical Assessment mobilizing devices). Additional short- ing, sensory-motor polyneuropathy (e.g.,
comings of the MRC are that it is ex- the acute inflammatory demyelinating
The clinical approach is based on the pressed on an ordinal scale diminishing polyneuropathy subtype of GBS).
identification of generalized weakness in sensitivity to subtler changes in muscle Needle EMG is recorded in awake, co-
the appropriate setting, the exclusion of function, and that it does not evaluate operative patients at three states of mus-
causes of generalized weakness extrinsic distal extremity function (e.g., intrinsic cle activity: at rest; with mild voluntary
to critical illness, and the measurement hand muscles) which may be the first muscle contraction; and with increasing
of muscle strength. Clinical diagnosis is affected in motor neuropathies. or maximal voluntary muscle contraction
achieved with a review of medical, neu- The standard hand dynamometer, (87). The presence of fibrillation poten-
rologic, and familial antecedents; a care- which assesses grip strength with a cali- tials and positive sharp waves at rest sug-
ful analysis (when possible) of the time brated device, provides a measurement of gests recent denervation or muscle ne-
course of neuromuscular symptoms, in force on a continuous scale. In reports of crosis. With voluntary muscle activation,
particular, as they relate to the underly- patients in the ICU (63) or recently dis- motor unit potentials (MUPs) are re-
ing critical illness; and the search for charged from the ICU (83), significant corded. Short-duration, low-amplitude
factors, which have been associated with decrements in dynamometric measure- MUPs are a sign of reduced functional
ICUAW (e.g., sepsis, multiple organ fail- ments of grip strength were noted; in one muscle fibers within each motor unit and
ure, mechanical ventilation, hyperglyce- of these reports, grip strength correlated usually indicate myopathy. Long-dura-
mia, exposure to selected pharmacologic with MRC scores and was independently tion, high-amplitude polyphasic MUPs
agents like glucocorticoids and NMBAs). predictive of hospital mortality, suggest- are a sign of collateral reinnervation of
Neurologic examination should evaluate ing that hand dynamometric assessments denervated muscle fibers and suggest
key functional domains including con- might be a surrogate for global strength neuropathy in the appropriate setting.
sciousness and cognitive function, cra- (63). Like the MRC, dynamometry requires With maximal voluntary contraction, an
nial nerves, motor and sensory systems, voluntary muscle contraction, which may “interference pattern” of overlapping
deep tendon reflexes, and coordination. be compromised by concurrent pain, seda- MUPs is recorded; this pattern is reduced
Motor assessment should include a con- tion, delirium, or coma. Even in patients in neuropathic processes, whereas in my-
sideration of tone and bulk in addition to who are alert and cooperative, the finding opathy, there is early recruitment of
strength. of weakness does not differentiate between MUPs and the “envelope” amplitude of
Although a range of methods exist to a range of possible etiologies (Table 2). the maximal contraction is reduced.
measure muscle strength, techniques re- Phrenic nerve conduction studies and
ported in critically ill patients include Electrophysiology needle EMG of the diaphragm have been
manual muscle testing and hand dyna- reported as a valuable adjunct to routine
mometry. Manual muscle testing is ac- Electrophysiological methods rou- electrophysiological testing in the ICU,
complished usually with the Medical Re- tinely used to evaluate the peripheral ner- particularly in patients who fail to liber-
search Council (MRC) score, which vous system include NCS, needle EMG, ate from mechanical ventilation (88). In
grades strength from 0 to 5 in functional and neuromuscular junction testing (84). patients with CIP, a pattern of bilaterally
muscle groups in each extremity (80). Recently, there has been interest in other decreased phrenic CMAP amplitudes,

Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 10 (Suppl.) S301

Table 2. Acute generalized weakness syndromes in critically ill patients cause of tissue edema, differences in limb
temperature, or electrical interferences
Bilateral or paramedian brain or brainstem lesionsa
in the ICU environment. Even when reli-
Infarction able, these tests frequently lack specific-
Hemorrhage ity. NCS consistent with an axonal poly-
Infectious and noninfectious encephalitides neuropathy might indicate CIP; however,
Abscess other causes of axonal polyneuropathy
Central pontine myelinolysis
Spinal cord disordersa (e.g., axonal variants of GBS, or polyneu-
Trauma ropathies associated with diabetes melli-
Nontraumatic compressive myelopathies tus, chronic alcohol use, and chemother-
Spinal cord infarction apy) must also be considered (93). The
Immune-mediated myelopathies (transverse myelitis, neuromyelitis optica)
interpretation of EMG/NCS is particularly
Infective myelopathies (e.g., HIV, West Nile virus)
Anterior horn cell disorders challenging in patients who cannot vol-
Motor neuron disease untarily contract muscle because of con-
Poliomyelitis current sedation, encephalopathy, or se-
West Nile virus infection vere weakness. Reduced CMAPs with
Hopkins syndrome (acute postasthmatic amyotrophy)
Polyradiculopathies normal motor nerve conduction veloci-
Carcinomatous ties and fibrillation potentials with posi-
HIV-associated tive sharp waves on resting EMG may be
Peripheral nervous disorders observed in both CIP and CIM (12, 29,
Guillain-Barré syndromeb
74), leading many to conclude that defin-
Diphteric neuropathy
Lymphoma-associated neuropathy itive electrophysiological differentiation
Vasculitic neuropathy between these entities is frequently not
Porphyric neuropathy possible (94 –96).
Paraneoplastic neuropathy The problem of eliciting muscle activ-
Critical illness polyneuropathy
Neuromuscular junction disorders ity in the absence of voluntary contrac-
Myasthenia gravis tion can be overcome with direct muscle
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome stimulation (DMS). DMS compares
Neuromuscular-blocking drugs CMAPs elicited by motor nerve stimula-
tion with CMAPs induced when the mus-
Muscle disorders
Rhabdomyolysis cle itself is stimulated. Neuropathy is
Disuse myopathy suggested when CMAPs produced by
Cachexia muscle stimulation are of normal ampli-
Infectious and inflammatory myopathiesc tude whereas motor nerve-elicited
Mitochondrial myopathies
Drug-induced and toxic myopathies CMAPs are reduced or absent; in myop-
Critical illness myopathy athy, responses to both nerve and muscle
Decompensation of congenital myopathies (e.g., myotonic dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, stimulation are reduced or absent, indi-
adult onset acid maltase deficiency) cating the muscle is inexcitable (97).
Rich et al proposed a “nerve/muscle ra-
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
tio,” which is the quotient of nerve- and
Upper motor neuron signs (increased tone, hyperreflexia) may be absent in the acute setting;
b muscle-evoked CMAP amplitudes; a
includes acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, acute motor axonal neuropathy, acute
motor and sensory axonal neuropathy; cincludes polymyositis, dermatomyositis, pyomyositis. nerve/muscle ratio of ⬎0.5 indicated a
neuropathic process, whereas ⬍0.5 sug-
gested a myopathic disorder (98). More
normal phrenic nerve distal latencies NMBA effects) (91). Single-fiber EMG recently, nerve/muscle ratios in combina-
(similar to conduction velocities), and records the time interval between action tion with muscle-evoked CMAP ampli-
EMG evidence of denervation have been potentials in two muscle fibers that are tudes have been integrated in ICUAW di-
reported (26, 89). In CIM, needle EMG of part of the same motor unit; variable in- agnostic algorithms (29, 73). Concerns
the diaphragm reveals spontaneous terspike intervals (jitter) and absence have been raised that DMS is semiquan-
“myopathic” potentials (short-duration, (blocking) of the second spike are consis- titative and that interpretation is uncer-
low-amplitude MUPs), but these may be tent with neuromuscular junction dys- tain in patients with combined CIP/CIM
difficult to distinguish from normal (90). function (92). Although more sensitive (95); however, data have accrued to sup-
Electrophysiological assessment of the than repetitive nerve stimulation, single- port DMS as an important new tool in the
neuromuscular junction is accomplished fiber EMG usually requires voluntary evaluation of patients with ICUAW, in
with repetitive nerve stimulation and/or muscle contraction; thus, its use in the particular, when voluntary muscle con-
single-fiber EMG. In repetitive nerve ICU is more limited. traction cannot be reliably obtained (29,
stimulation, a train of supra-maximal Electrophysiological tests are invalu- 73, 74, 98).
stimuli is applied at 2 to 3 Hz. A decre- able adjuncts to the clinical assessment of Another method to assess muscle per-
ment of ⬎10% of CMAP amplitude from patients with ICUAW and yet have impor- formance independently of voluntary
the first to fourth response indicates a tant shortcomings. EMG/NCS require contraction is to quantify muscle force
postsynaptic defect in neuromuscular dedicated equipment and trained person- generated by high-frequency (tetanic)
transmission (e.g., myasthenia gravis or nel, and recordings can be unreliable be- motor nerve stimulation. Measurements

S302 Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 10 (Suppl.)

of adductor pollicis force elicited by elec- Table 3. Diagnostic criteria for ICUAW
trical (85) or magnetic (99) stimulation
1) Generalized weakness developing after the onset of critical illness
of the ulnar nerve, or the ankle dorsi-
2) Weakness is diffuse (involving both proximal and distal muscles), symmetric, flaccid, and
flexor force in response to peroneal nerve generally spares cranial nervesa
electrical stimulation (86) have demon- 3) MRC sumscore (82) ⬍48, or mean MRC score (80) ⬍4 in all testable muscle groups noted on ⱖ2
strated reduced force in significant pro- occasions separated by ⬎24 hrs
portions of critically ill patients. In one 4) Dependence on mechanical ventilation
investigation of 13 patients with sepsis 5) Causes of weakness not related to the underlying critical illness have been excluded
Minimum criteria for diagnosing ICUAW: 1, 2, 3 or 4, 5
and multiple organ failure, reduced ad-
ductor pollicis muscle force was noted in ICUAW, intensive care unit-acquired weakness; MRC, Medical Research Council.
ten patients, only five of whom met the a
For example, facial grimace is intact.
criteria for CIP (85). Although the dem-
onstration of reduced muscle force does
not allow differentiation between neurop- within a comprehensive diagnostic algo- observations made on the quadriceps
athy or myopathy, these preliminary re- rithm is discussed below. femoris (111) and upper arm (110). Al-
sults suggest a promising new comple- though these results are captivating, the
ment to physical examination and EMG/ Other Diagnostic Tests: relationship between ultrasound-defined
NCS, in particular, when effective patient Biomarkers and Imaging changes in muscle thickness and clinical
cooperation is lacking. or electrophysiological assessments of
Increased serum creatine kinase (CK) ICUAW have yet to be delineated.
has been reported in critically ill patients
Morphology with acquired myopathy (4, 8, 10, 29, 61, DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA
73, 108, 109), with marked elevations
Nerve histology in patients with elec- noted in necrotizing myopathy (9, 10).
trophysiological characteristics of CIP re- Diagnosis of ICUAW
However, the time course, sensitivity,
veals a primarily distal axonal degenera- and specificity of serum CK in the diag- A diagnosis of ICUAW (Table 3) should
tion involving both sensory and motor nosis of ICUAW and its subcategories are be considered in patients with general-
fibers with no evidence of demyelination poorly studied. In a series of patients re- ized limb weakness developing in the ab-
or inflammation (16); muscle biopsies ceiving mechanical ventilation for acute sence of any etiology or condition extrin-
from these same patients show changes asthma exacerbation, 76% had increased sic to the underlying critical illness. The
characteristic of denervation but may CK with a median peak level of 1575 U/L weakness must follow the onset of the
also reveal myopathy (12, 18). Muscle bi- (range, 66 –7430), occurring a mean of critical illness; symptoms preceding ad-
opsies in CIM reveal a spectrum of histo- 3.6 days after admission; these findings mission to the ICU should direct atten-
logic, immunohistological, and ultra- were not corroborated by EMG/NCS and tion to other etiologies. The history gen-
structural abnormalities frequently clinically detectable weakness was noted erally reveals a setting or risk factor,
coexisting within a single tissue sample in less than half of the studied patients which has been associated with ICUAW,
(12). These include acute necrosis (6, 9), (4). In a separate observation of patients e.g., sepsis, multiple organ failure, me-
regeneration (100), type II (fast twitch) remaining in the ICU for ⬎7 days, nearly chanical ventilation, exposure to glu-
fiber atrophy (101), and selective but half had elevated CK but peak levels were cocorticoids or neuromuscular blockers,
patchy loss of thick filaments (myosin), considerably lower (200 U/L; range, 17– or poor glycemic control (77). Physical
which is inferred from a loss of myofibril- 666). In a more recent prospective study examination shows diffuse, symmetric
lar adenosine triphosphate staining on of patients who were alert after ⬎7 days weakness involving all extremities, de-
immunohistology (102) and which is di- of mechanical ventilation, peak CK levels creased tone, and deep tendon reflexes
rectly visualized on electron microscopy were mildly increased but not signifi- which are normal, decreased, or absent
(14). This last feature is considered by cantly different in patients with and with- (lateralized hyperreflexia might be found
some to be a hallmark of CIM, leading to out ICU-acquired paresis (30). if there is a coexisting corticospinal tract
the term thick filament myopathy (14). Given evidence of dramatic muscle lesion). Weakness affects the extremities
Morphologic studies have increased wasting in critically ill patients, there is and the diaphragm with relative sparing
mechanistic understanding of neuromus- mounting interest in the use of ultra- of the cranial nerves such that facial gri-
cular disorders in critical illness, and the sound to image muscle thickness and mace is usually preserved. Patients often
observation of myosin loss, in particular, make inferences on muscle mass (110 – have concurrent respiratory failure and
has spurred key observations on the role 112). Clinical assessments of muscle have undergone unsuccessful attempts to
of cellular proteolytic systems in experi- mass in this population may be con- liberate from mechanical ventilation.
mental models of sepsis (103–105) or in founded by concurrent tissue edema. An During spontaneous breathing trials, a
humans with acute quadriplegic myop- early study of patients with multiple or- rapid shallow breathing pattern is ob-
athy (106). However, the role of muscle gan failure demonstrated that ultrasound served; forced vital capacity and negative
(and nerve) biopsies in clinical practice is measurements of muscle thickness in the inspiratory force are characteristically
controversial (72, 107). Clear indications anterior thigh, forearm, and biceps cor- low (26, 58); however, such findings are
for muscle biopsy in the setting of ICUAW related well with lean body mass and de- not specific to ICUAW.
have not been established. The prognos- clined significantly over time (112). The finding of generalized weakness is
tic value of histologic findings remains Time-dependent decreases in muscle extremely common in critically ill pa-
poorly explored. The place of biopsy thickness were confirmed in more recent tients and warrants a review of etiologies,

Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 10 (Suppl.) S303

Table 4. Diagnostic criteria for CIP guishable from CIP and differentiation
depends on the time course, setting, and
1) Patient meets criteria for ICUAW
recovery curve (113).
2) Compound muscle action potential amplitudes are decreased to ⬍80% of lower limit of normal
in ⱖ2 nerves
3) Sensory nerve action potential amplitudes are decreased to ⬍80% of lower limit of normal in Diagnosis of CIM
ⱖ2 nerves
4) Normal or near-normal nerve conduction velocities without conduction block A diagnosis of pure CIM is made in
5) Absence of a decremental response on repetitive nerve stimulation patients who meet the criteria for ICUAW
and who have myopathic features on
CIP, critical illness polyneuropathy; ICUAW, intensive care unit-acquired weakness.
EMG recorded during voluntary muscle
contraction and/or a myopathic muscle
Table 5. Diagnostic criteria for CIMa
biopsy (Table 5). Physical examination
1) Patient meets criteria for ICUAW findings have low specificity and do not
2) Sensory nerve action potential amplitudes are ⬎80% of the lower limit of normal) in ⱖ2 nerves differentiate CIM from CIP except in fully
3) Needle electromyogram in ⱖ2 muscle groups demonstrates short-duration, low-amplitude awake patients in whom the documenta-
motor unit potentials with early or normal full recruitment with or without fibrillation tion of a new distal sensory loss is sug-
potentials gestive of CIP. In patients who are unable
4) Direct muscle stimulation demonstrates reduced excitability (muscle/nerve ratio ⬎0.5 关98兴) in
to voluntarily contract muscle, needle
ⱖ2 muscle groups
5) Muscle histology consistent with myopathy EMG/NCS differentiates poorly between
Probable CIM: criteria 1, 2, 3 or 4; or 1 and 5 CIM and CIP, but preserved SNAP ampli-
Definite CIM: criteria 1, 2, 3 or 4, 5 tudes are suggestive of CIM without co-
existing CIP. In patients unable to volun-
CIM, critical illness myopathy; ICUAW, intensive care unit-acquired weakness. tarily contract muscle, confirmation of
Modified from Lacomis et al (15).
CIM depends on muscle biopsy and/or
DMS. Pathologic changes in CIM include
thick filament (myosin) loss, type II (fast
which may or may not be acquired in the quadriparesis or quadriplegia, decreased twitch) fiber atrophy, and necrosis (9,
ICU (Table 2). Given that some of these muscle tone, and usually sparing of cra- 11). Elevation in serum CK has been de-
other conditions are treatable, ICUAW nial nerves (i.e., presence of a grimace to tected early in the course of CIM, but the
should be regarded as a diagnosis of ex- noxious stimulus, absence of ptosis or sensitivity of this biomarker for CIM has
clusion. Generalized weakness may result extraocular muscle deficits). Sensory ex- not been determined (4, 10, 109).
from lesions of the brain or brainstem, amination, when possible, indicates a CIM must be differentiated from other
myelopathies, anterior horn cell disor- predominantly distal loss of pain, temper- causes of acute generalized weakness
ders, polyneuropathies (from either crit- ature, and vibration sense. Deep tendon and, in particular, disuse muscle atrophy,
ical illness or another etiology), neuro- reflexes are usually decreased or absent, steroid myopathy, cachexia, rhabdomyol-
muscular junction disorders, and muscle but normal reflexes do not exclude CIP. ysis, and decompensation of primary
disorders. Weakness may represent the Cerebrospinal fluid profile (if available) muscle disorders (Table 2). Cachexia and
exacerbation or unmasking of a chronic reveals normal cell counts and protein disuse myopathy are significant causes of
and/or hereditary underlying neuromus- levels that are normal or mildly elevated weakness and muscle atrophy in patients
cular disease (e.g., acid maltase defi- (17). with chronic illnesses; however, their re-
ciency, myotonic dystrophy). More com- Diagnosis of CIP requires differentia- lationship to muscle dysfunction in the
monly, weakness may result from an tion from CIM and from other causes of ICU and their potential overlap with CIM
acute neuromuscular condition of which generalized weakness and, in particular, remain unexplored (114). Rhabdomyoly-
the etiology and pathogenesis is indepen- other polyneuropathies (Table 2). GBS is sis, a breakdown of muscle tissue caused
dent of critical illness) (e.g., GBS or my- frequently considered in the differential by trauma, ischemia, sepsis, and medica-
asthenia gravis). Many of these other eti- diagnosis because it is the most frequent tion or toxic exposures, is manifested by
ologies can be excluded with confidence neuromuscular disorder requiring ICU markedly elevated serum CK, myoglobin-
by a careful history and physical exami- admission and because it is treatable with uria, and acute kidney injury (95, 115).
nation. In cases of persisting uncertainty, intravenous immunoglobulin or plasma-
additional tests should be sought—such pheresis. GBS is distinguished from CIP Diagnosis of CINM
as neuroimaging to evaluate for brain, by a number of factors including clinical
brainstem, or spinal cord lesions; infec- history, cranial nerve involvement, pres- We propose the use of CINM to desig-
tious and immunologic serologies; cere- ence of dysautonomia, elevated cerebro- nate patients who have features of both
brospinal fluid analysis; and EMG/NCS. spinal fluid protein and, in the case of CIP and CIM (Table 6). Several groups
acute inflammatory demyelinating poly- have documented that CINM is common,
Diagnosis of CIP neuropathy, reduced conduction veloci- possibly more prevalent than CIP or CIM
ties, conduction block, and prolonged or alone (12, 29, 30, 73, 74). The likelihood of
Pure CIP is identified in patients who absent F waves, which suggest a demyeli- identifying CINM is dependent on the diag-
meet the criteria for ICUAW and who nating process. On the other hand, the nostic approach; when a comprehensive di-
have electrophysiological evidence of a axonal variants of GBS, such as the acute agnostic algorithm is used, incorporating
sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy (Ta- motor and sensory axonal neuropathy, routine electrophysiological testing com-
ble 4). Physical examination reveals may be electrophysiologically indistin- plemented with muscle biopsy and/or DMS,

S304 Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 10 (Suppl.)

Table 6. Diagnostic criteria for CINM of motor function is usually observed
over a period of 2 to 10 days (32, 35, 38).
1. Patient meets criteria for ICUAW
Weakness persisting beyond this duration
2. Patient meets criteria for CIP (see Table 4)
3. Patient meets criteria for probable or definite CIM (see Table 5) should elicit other diagnoses. The differ-
CINM is diagnosed when all three criteria are present ential diagnosis includes other neuro-
muscular junction diseases, in particular
CINM, critical illness neuromyopathy; ICUAW, intensive care unit-acquired weakness; CIP, critical myasthenia gravis (Table 2). The distinc-
illness polyneuropathy; CIM, critical illness myopathy. tion from CIP or CIM is not always clear,
especially when weakness is prolonged
Table 7. Diagnostic criteria for prolonged neuromuscular blockade and the results of repetitive nerve stimu-
lation are equivocal.
1. Patient meets criteria for ICUAW with cranial nerve involvementa
2. Exposure to a nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, usually administered in multiple
doses or as an infusion, in the last 10 days Diagnostic Strategy
3. Decreased or absent compound muscle action potential amplitudes
4. Presence of a ⬎10% decremental response on 2–3 Hz repetitive nerve stimulation
5. Recovery of motor function over a period of ⬍14 days An approach to weakness in the ICU is
given in Figure 2. Suspicion for ICUAW
ICUAW, intensive care unit-acquired weakness. should be substantiated with a careful
For example, facial weakness, ptosis, ophthalmoparesis. clinical assessment. Whenever possible
and appropriate, sedation should be in-
terrupted and the patient should be chal-
lenged with a spontaneous breathing
trial. Clinical elements suggestive of an
etiology unrelated to critical illness
should be pursued with ancillary testing
(e.g., neuroimaging, cerebrospinal fluid
analysis). If no alternative etiology is
plausible, a diagnosis of ICUAW can be
made. At this stage, it may be reasonable
to observe a weak patient with serial neu-
rologic examinations and not seek fur-
ther tests. However, in cases where weak-
ness is severe and/or no improvement is
noted over 1 to 2 wks, electrophysiologi-
cal testing should be obtained including
EMG, NCS, and repetitive nerve stimula-
tion. These tests should also be obtained
when clinical assessment is impractica-
ble. Electrophysiological testing will help
in the diagnosis of CIM, CIP, CINM, or
prolonged neuromuscular blockade, but
testing may be nondiagnostic. In these
patients, consideration should be given to
more specific studies, such as DMS
Figure 2. Diagnostic algorithm for weakness in the intensive care unit. ICUAW, intensive care and/or muscle biopsy. The information
unit-acquired weakness; EMG, electromyography; NCS, nerve conduction studies; CIP, critical illness from these tests, when considered with
polyneuropathy; CIM, critical illness myopathy; CINM, critical illness neuromyopathy; NMB, neuro-
the prior tests, should allow more defin-
muscular blocking; DMS, direct muscle stimulation.
itive identification of CIM or CINM.

the prevalence of CINM may be up to 96% chanical ventilation (38). Patients with AREAS OF UUNCERTAINTY
(12, 73). renal failure, liver failure, metabolic aci- AND THE RESEARCH AGENDA
dosis, and hypermagnesemia are at in-
Diagnosis of Prolonged creased risk (44). Examination is notable We have outlined a diagnostic ap-
Neuromuscular Blockade for flaccid arreflexic quadriplegia and in- proach and a nosological scheme for neu-
volvement of cranial nerves (facial weak- romuscular disorders acquired in the
Proposed diagnostic criteria for pro- ness, ptosis, ophthalmoparesis). Repetitive ICU. Although these elements can serve
longed neuromuscular blockade are nerve stimulation shows a decremental re- as a basis for communicating about these
given in Table 7. This condition is iden- sponse. The “train-of-four” option on disorders, significant areas of uncertainty
tified in critically ill patients who receive widely available twitch monitors measures remain. Many of these questions can be
nondepolarizing NMBAs and after cessa- the decremental response semiquantita- addressed in clinical studies; others will
tion of the drug have persistent general- tively, allowing serial assessments (38). require expert panels and consensus con-
ized weakness and dependence on me- This condition is reversible and recovery ferences for resolution.

Crit Care Med 2009 Vol. 37, No. 10 (Suppl.) S305

The central importance of clinical as- defined CIP and/or CIM with a sensitivity failure and sepsis. Intensive Care Med 1993;
sessment has been emphasized, but we of 100% and a specificity of 67% (117); 19:323–328
have also insisted that ICUAW remains a the role of such simplified electrophysio- 9. Ramsay DA, Zochodne DW, Robertson DM,
diagnosis of exclusion. If such is the case, logical testing needs further validation. et al: A syndrome of acute severe muscle
necrosis in intensive care unit patients.
minimum requirements (e.g., neuroim- Finally, the association between electro-
J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 1993; 52:
aging) to rule out alternative causes of physiological tests and both short- and
weakness will need to be defined. Another long-term outcomes needs to be docu- 10. Zochodne DW, Ramsay DA, Saly V, et al:
crucial element is the identification of mented prospectively. Acute necrotizing myopathy of intensive
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