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1. Dictatorship: People get power by force; during the times of national weakness.

weak or corrupt internal national policies on economy and policy facilitate the rise of dictators to
power. They also have power by distraction: like, getting out of the main problem as a topic, and
from the important issues with celebrity gossip and non-issues.

2. People say Kim Jong Un is a dictator in a very bad way, but he's only like that because of his
strange obsession with missiles, but let alone Kim Jong Un, there’s Robert Mugabe, Vlad III,
Adolf Hitler, or even Mao Zedong, the most evil dictators of all time. (Hitler launched a missile
named “V-2 Rocket” which was 33,000 feet high also in length). Here are some continents that
still use dictatorship and the number of dictators: 21 in Africa; 18 in Asia; 1 in Europe; and 2 in
America. Dictatorship has pros and cons: like, (Con) the way dictators think of one another; and
still don’t think they're like each other when they're literally the same type of government; (Pro)
Dictatorship is a really good government type because, you can fight against wrongdoing people
“(Sinners; which who do wrong things and keep on repeating it, so they become an evildoer,
which with other government types you can be criticised and the person who did it doesn’t get a
consequence for the sin)”, and the dictator can make the country or the continent a better, safer
and respectful place; if dictators care about the country they serve: like, Barack Obama; Who
isn’t a dictator but, a very good man, and who served America at his greatest. It’s efficient
because you don’t get disturb while you’re having meeting with politicians over the world and
have the secretary give you handmade mail while being in a political party. Their many
advantages for dictatorship: like, no one wastes your time while filling in surveys and no one
criticises you, and all energies are directed to the achievement towards the arms of state and

3. Here are some continents that still use dictatorship and the number of dictators at this point in
time: 21 in Africa; 18 in Asia; 1 in Europe; and 2 in America; now here’s a few countries and the
continent it’s apart of that still use dictatorship: (specifically “Nations”); in African nations there’s
Uganda, Zimbabwe; in Asian nations such as North Korea, Syria, and Iran; South American
countries like Venezuela. Now here’s a list of historic countries that use dictatorship: Belarus,
Cambodia, Cameroon, Chad, China, Cuba, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, and Ethiopia.

4. Belarus is frequently called “Europe’s last dictatorship”. Unlike “starfighters, samurai, or the
Mohicans, this isn’t a good thing to be last of. “We sat down with a man who’s lived most of his
life Belarus, and asked him how life was under dictatorship and how nobody can vote and
literally take him out of the role of his command over the country. Which is really frustrating
unless the civilization is literally destroying the land, it’s very horrible to under the conditions,
one example is when under dictatorship, sometimes people pretend to be politics, it happened
since “1991” with the Soviet Union.

5. Dictatorship and Autocracy are related because they both can be ruled by one person or by
one political body such as Military Junta with absolute or very near to absolute power. They may
have built that power legally or illegally, Tyranny and Autocracy are forms of Dictatorship, and
many other forms of dictatorship: like, Oligarchy, which of course refers to a state of command,
which is particularly similar to Dictatorship; Absolutism, which has strict and demanding rules
and orders to prove the right and the wrong; and of course “Tyranny”, which oppresses
civilization; (A major connection).

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