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J Am Oil Chem Soc (2012) 89:1537–1543

DOI 10.1007/s11746-012-2052-8


Quantitative Analysis of Lard in Cosmetic Lotion Formulation

Using FTIR Spectroscopy and Partial Least Square Calibration
Endang Lukitaningsih • Miftahus Sa’adah •

Purwanto • Abdul Rohman

Received: 13 November 2011 / Revised: 26 February 2012 / Accepted: 6 March 2012 / Published online: 18 March 2012
Ó AOCS 2012

Abstract Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy Introduction

in combination with chemometrics of partial least squares
(PLS) has been optimized for rapid determination of lard in In recent years, the use of personal care products in the
a binary mixture with palm oil in a cosmetic lotion for- form of cream and lotion cosmetic products has increased
mulation. Lard, palm oil, and a binary mixture were tremendously [1]. Human exposure to cosmetic formula-
extracted from matrix samples using liquid–liquid extrac- tions and their ingredients occurs primarily via the topical
tion, evaporated with a vacuum rotary evaporator, and the route such as cream and lotion [2]. As a consequence, some
fat/oil yielded was further subjected to FTIR spectrometric considerations and care are necessary in relation to the
measurement using attenuated total reflectance (ATR) as a suitability, efficacy, effectiveness and safety of cosmetics
sampling handling technique. The level of lard in the products, because cosmetics products are used nearly
mixture with palm oil in the lotion formulation was constantly and come into direct contact with the human
quantified at frequency region of 1,200–1,000 cm-1. The skin [3].
PLS calibration model reveals good correlation between In some cosmetics preparations, pork fat or lard (LD)
the actual value of lard (x-axis) and the FTIR predicted obtained from the rendering process of fatty porcine tissue
value (y-axis) with a coefficient of determination (R2) of is commonly used as viscosity-increasing agents. Food and
[0.99. Furthermore, the classification between lotions with drug administration (FDA) has compiled LD as one of the
and without lard in their formulation was performed using generally recognized safe substances used for food and
principal component analysis using the same frequency cosmetics products [4]. However, cosmetics products
region used for quantification. The developed method was containing LD are prohibited to be used for the followers of
subsequently used for analysis of cosmetic lotions com- some religions, like Islam [5, 6]. Furthermore, among oil
mercially available in the market. All samples analyzed did ingredients used in lotions and other cosmetics products,
not contain lard in their formulations. palm oil is the most commonly used. Therefore, in this
study, we used palm oil as the oil mixture in LD. For some
Keywords Lard  Palm oil  Lotion  FTIR spectroscopy  reasons especially the restrictions to exposure to LD, the
Partial least squares development of an analytical method offering fast and
reliable results is highly desirable. One of the developed
methods is Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.
In the analytical field, FTIR spectroscopy provides a
highly effective choice. It is a fast and non-destructive
E. Lukitaningsih  M. Sa’adah  Purwanto  A. Rohman (&)
Faculty of Pharmacy, Gadjah Mada University, technique, sensitive, and does not need or is simple in
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia sample preparation and can be considered as a ‘‘green
e-mail: analytical technique’’ because of the low use of chemical
reagents and solvents in its operation [7]. Due to its sim-
E. Lukitaningsih  Purwanto  A. Rohman
Research Center of Halal Products, Gadjah Mada University, plicity in sample handling, an accessory of horizontal
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia attenuated total reflectance (HATR) is used for the analysis

1538 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2012) 89:1537–1543

of fats and oils [8]. Previous research has shown the ingredient on an analytical balance. Cetyl alcohol, stearic
potential of FTIR spectroscopy as a method for analysis of acid, propyl paraben, lanolin, dimetikon and oils used were
LD, mainly in food systems such as in cakes and chocolate heated at about 70 °C (oil phase). Triethanolamine together
products [9, 10] or LD in the mixture with other fats and with water was heated at about 70 °C (water phase). The
oils [11]. Guillen and Cabo [12] as well as Che Man et al. oil phase was poured into the water phase and stirred with a
[13] used FTIR spectroscopy to characterize lard and other magnetic stirrer until it reached ambient temperature
edible fats and oils. Almost all studies performed previ- (30 min). Perfume was added to the lotion obtained and
ously were based on food or food products. was further subjected to liquid–liquid extraction in order to
In cosmetics, FTIR spectroscopy has been used for extract the fat/oil from the lotion formulation.
determination of virgin coconut oil used as an emulsifying
system in cream formulation [14]. Recently, we also Calibration and Validation Samples
explored the use of FTIR spectroscopy for simultaneous
analysis of lard with virgin coconut oil (VCO) [15]. Com- For calibration samples, nine laboratory prepared lotion
pared with VCO, palm oil has the close similarity with LD as samples with certain LD concentrations were prepared. The
described in score plot of principal component in PCA model weight percentage ratios of lard and palm oil used were as
[13]. Besides, from research in the literature, there is no follows:
report available related to the use of FTIR spectroscopy for
analysis of LD in a binary mixture with palm oil having a Formula Fat/oil F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 F.6 F.7 F.8 F.9
similar profile to LD in lotion products. Therefore, the Lard 0 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.4 5
objective of this research was to develop FTIR spectroscopy Palm oil 5 4.4 3.8 3.2 2.6 2 1.4 0.6 0
combined with chemometrics of partial least squares (PLS)
and principal component analysis for quantification and F = formula
classification of LD in lotion formulations. A series of nine lotion samples prepared independently in
our laboratory, which were different from calibration sam-
ples, were constructed as prediction or validation samples.
Materials and Methods Lard, palm oil as well as their blends in lotion formulations
were extracted with chloroform, evaporated, and analyzed
Lard Preparation using an FTIR spectrophotometer. The spectral regions
where the variations among them were observed were cho-
Lard (LD) was prepared according to Rohman and Che sen for developing PLS and PCA models.
Man [16]. LD was extracted by rendering the adipose tissue
of pig (Sus scrofa) obtained from various slaughter houses
Fat Extraction
around Jogjakarta, Indonesia. The rendering process was
done at 90–100 °C for 2 h in a conventional oven. The
To representative samples of lotion (10 g) were added 5 ml
melted fat was strained through triple-folded muslin cloth,
of concentrated HCl and 20 ml of water and then shaken
dried with anhydrous Na2SO4, and centrifuged at
vigorously. The filtrate was transferred to a separatory
3,000 rpm for 20 min. The fat layer was decanted, shaken
funnel and extracted using 2 9 15 ml of chloroform. The
vigorously, and centrifuged again before being filtered
chloroform extracts were combined and drained into a
using Whatman filter paper. The filtered fats were stored in
250-ml round-bottom flask and evaporated using a vacuum
tightly closed containers in the refrigerator until being used
rotary evaporator at 40 °C, until chloroform was com-
for preparation of cream cosmetics. Palm oil and other
pletely removed. The lipid extracts obtained were further
materials used were bought in Jogjakarta.
determined using an FTIR spectrometer.
Preparation of Cosmetic Lotions
Instrumental Analysis
For each 50 g, the cosmetic lotions used consisted of
stearic acid (1.5 g); LD or palm oil as well as their blends FTIR spectra were scanned using a FTIR spectrometer
(5 g); cetyl alcohol (0.25 g); cera flava (0.25 g); liquid ABB MB3000 FTIR spectrometer (Clairet Scientific,
paraffin (0.05 g) propyl paraben (0.1 g), butylated Northampton, UK) equipped with a DTGS detector with a
hydroxytoluene (0.1 g); lanolin (0.1 g); dimetikon (0.1 g); resolution of 4 cm-1, number of scans 32 co-adding in the
distilled water (39.4 g); Na2EDTA (0.5 g); Glycerin 400–4,000 cm-1 region. Spectra were acquired using
(1.25 g); perfume (0.25 g) and triethanolamine (0.9). Horizon MB FTIR software version (ABB, Can-
Lotion formulation was prepared by weighing each ada). The samples were placed in contact with a horizontal

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2012) 89:1537–1543 1539

attenuated total reflectance (HATR) element (ZnSe crystal) components used in cosmetic lotions, especially in Indo-
at a controlled ambient temperature (20 °C). All spectra nesia. Both spectra look very similar and typical charac-
were ratioed against a background of an air spectrum. After teristic of absorption bands appear for common edible fats
every scan, a new reference air background spectrum was and oils. Each peak in the FTIR spectra corresponds to a
taken. These spectra were recorded as absorbance values at functional group responsible for IR absorption [17]. The
each data point in triplicate. peak assignment together with functional groups respon-
sible for peak absorption in Fig. 1 is shown in Table 1.
Chemometrics Both spectra appear very similar, however, they
revealed slight differences in terms of band intensities and
PLS and PCA were accomplished using Horizon MB FTIR the exact frequencies at which the maximum absorbance
software version (ABB, Canada). The leave-one- were generated for each fat and oil, due to the different
out cross-validation procedure was used to verify the cal- nature and composition of the evaluated fats and oils [12],
ibration model. The values of the root mean square error of especially at wavenumber regions of 3,006 (a), 1,117
calibration (RMSEC) and coefficient of determination (R2) (k) and 1,098 cm-1 (l). The frequency region of
were used as the validity criteria for the calibration model. 3,006 cm-1 was attributed to cis-olefinic C–H, while fre-
The predictive ability of PLS calibration model was further quencies of 1,117 and 1,098 cm-1 come from the stretch-
used to calculate the validation or prediction samples. ing vibrations of the ester linkage in triacylglycerols.
Determination of the fatty acid composition of the studied
samples (palm oil and lard) revealed that both oils have
Results and Discussion quite a high amount of oleic acid [13]. However, compared
to palm oil, lard contained twice as many linolenic acyl
Spectra Analysis groups as palm oil. This was reflected in the lard spectrum,
in which a sharper band was observed at frequency
Figure 1 shows FTIR spectra of LD and palm oil in the 3,006 cm-1 compared to the palm oil spectrum. Fats with a
mid-infrared (MIR) region (4,000–650 cm-1). The selec- high proportion of linolenic and linoleic acyl groups show
tion of a palm oil as oil mixture in this study (lotion for- a higher frequency for this band compared to a high pro-
mulation) was based on its popularity as one of new portion of oleic acyl groups [19].

Fig. 1 FTIR spectra of lard and

palm oil extracted from lotion
formulation. The assigned peak
with the circle constitutes
absorption bands which are
significant in differentiation

1540 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2012) 89:1537–1543

Table 1 Functional groups responsible for peak absorption in FTIR spectra of lard and palm oil [18]
Assignment Frequency (cm-1) Vibrations of functional group

(a) 3,005 C–H vinylic (stretching)

(b) 2,954 Methyl (CH3–) group (stretching)
(c) and (d) 2,924 and 2,852 Asymmetric and symmetric methylene (–CH2–) group (stretching)
(e) and (f) 1,743 Carbonyl (C=O) of the triacylglycerol ester linkage with strong
intensity due to the great difference in electro-negativity between
carbon and hydrogen atoms (stretching)
(g) 1,465 Methylene (–CH2–) group (bending)
(h) 1,417 Methylene (–CH2–) group (bending)
(i) 1,377 Methyl (–CH3) group (bending)
(j) 1,228 C–O (stretching) from ester linkage
(k) and (l) 1,117 and 1,098 C–O (stretching) from ester linkage
(m) 962 Trans-olefins
(n) 721 Overlapping of the methylene (–CH2) rocking vibration and out of
plane vibration of cis-disubstituted olefins

Lard and palm oil spectra show overlapping of two developed based on the calibration standard that included
peaks having maximum absorption at frequency regions of the different weighted amounts of LD blended with palm
1,117 cm-1 (k) and 1,098 cm-1 (l). These peak heights oil in lotion formulation. FTIR spectra with different
were shown to be inversely related with the proportion of concentration of LD and palm oil used for making cali-
saturated acyl groups and oleic acyl groups, respectively bration model were shown in Fig. 2. Using three PCs, the
[19]. Lard had an approximately equal proportion of sat- relationship between actual value (x-axis) against FTIR
urated acyl groups and oleic acyl group which was predicted value (y-axis) of LD in the mixture with palm oil
reflected in the lard spectra, in which peaks of 1,117 in lotion formulation is shown in Fig. 3 with R2 of 0.99059.
(k) and 1,100 cm-1 (l) appeared, as having the same The PLS calibration model was further subjected to
height. Palm oil in contrast, having a higher concentration cross validation using the ‘‘leave-one-out’’ technique. The
of saturated acyl groups than oleic acyl group, demon- root mean square error of cross validation (RMSECV)
strated unequal heights of peaks at 1,117 (k) and obtained is relatively low (1.72% v/v). For the validation/
1,100 cm-1 (l). In addition, lard and palm oil were also can prediction procedure, another samples prepared in the
be differentiated at frequency of 3,006 cm-1 (a). In this laboratory were used to minimize the prediction error and
region, lard had a higher absorbance than palm oil. These to provide an estimate of the overall accuracy of predic-
wavenumbers in which the peak intensities (absorbances) tions. The value of root mean square error of prediction
of lard and palm oil were slightly different were further obtained was 1.43%. Verification of spectral regions used
selected to be optimized for analysis of lard in lotion for carrying out the PLS calibration was done by calcu-
formulations. lating the predicted residual error sum of squares (PRESS)
value for different principal components (PCs) or factors.
Quantification of Lard in Cosmetic Lotions PRESS was calculated from prediction errors in calibration
standard samples by cross validation and subsequently
Quantification of LD in a mixture with palm oil as the oil plotted with the number of factors exploited in calibration
base in cosmetic lotions was performed using multivariate model. The optimal number of factors is three corre-
calibration of PLS at the combined frequency region of sponding to the point at which PRESS reaches a minimum
1,200–1,000 cm-1. This region was chosen due to its or begins to level off [20]. These results indicated that
ability to offer the higher value of R2 and the lower value FTIR spectroscopy combined with PLS is a reliable tech-
of RMSEC, compared with other frequency regions nique for detection and quantification of LD with detection
(namely 3,100–3,000 cm-1 and the combined frequency limit as little as 1% v/v.
regions of 3,100–3,000 cm-1 and 1,200–1,000 cm-1). The
main advantage of PLS is due to its ability to develop the Classification of Cosmetic Lotions Containing Lard
correlation between FTIR spectra and an analyte of inter-
est, even when no differences are visually observable in Classification of cream cosmetics with and without LD in
FTIR spectral data [8]. The PLS calibration model was their formulation was performed using principal component

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2012) 89:1537–1543 1541

Fig. 2 The FTIR spectra of lard extracted from prepared lotion formulations with different concentrations used for preparing PLS calibration

Fig. 3 The scatter plot for

relationship between actual
value versus FTIR predicted
value of lard extracted from
prepared lotion formulations (%
v/v) using PLS calibration at
frequency regions of
1200–1000 cm-1

1542 J Am Oil Chem Soc (2012) 89:1537–1543

Fig. 4 The PCA score plot for

classification of lotion products
containing lard or palm oil in
their formulations

Fig. 5 An example of FTIR

spectra of lotion formulations
commercially available in
supermarkets and pharmacy

analysis (PCA). Principal component analysis (PCA) is one reduced dimensions defined by the principal components
of the unsupervised pattern recognition techniques used in (PC). This technique is useful when there is a correlation
multivariate analysis. PCA projects the original data in present among data [21]. In this study, PCA was

J Am Oil Chem Soc (2012) 89:1537–1543 1543

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