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BCI Polygraph

Section: Where the

Truth Lies
Cindy S. Erwin
Polygraph Examiner
London Office

12/7/2010 1
„ Background info

„ What is BCI?

„ Who do we serve?

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Topics of Discussion
„ Overview of Polygraph
„ How polygraph fits into an investigation
„ Procedure
„ Interview & Interrogation
„ Get that Confession
„ Misconceptions
„ Summary
„ Questions and Answers

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„ History of Polygraph

„ The Box

„ Types of Tests

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The Basics

„ When to test?
„ Who to test?
„ When to test?
„ Single issue test
„ Disqualifying factors
„ How do I schedule a test?
„ How does it work?
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Fight or Flight?

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Now What?
„ How to set up an exam?
„ Before the appointment
„ When you arrive
„ What to expect while you are at

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Interview & Interrogation
„ Balance professionalism and
„ First interrogation ever
„ Non-verbal communication
„ How to get answers without asking
„ Written and spoken words are very
„ Nothing happens in a vacuum

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Get That Confession
„ Miranda; signature and time (twice)
„ Voluntary
„ Letter of Apology
„ Two colored ink statement

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„ Admissible in Ohio courts since 1978
„ Single issue tests
„ Types of questions
„ Nervousness
„ Medical conditions & medications
„ Electric shock
„ Why test victim? New Law
(ORC 2907.10)

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„ Medications/drug usage

„ Physical countermeasures

„ Psychological countermeasures

„ Other attempts

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Nice try

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Court Cases
„ Souel case for Stipulated exams
„ Schieffer case in military courts
„ Sharma case with private
polygraph of suspect permitted
into court over objection of

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General Info
Cindy S. Erwin Michael Lopresti
London Office Richfield Office
740/845-2614 888/659-4600
Steve Stecheschulte
Bowling Green Office

Polygraph Information for Law Enforcement

„ Allegations must be of a felony nature and must be a single issue test.

„ Subject to be tested can be the suspect, victim, and/or a witness and must be 13 years of age or
older. If the subject is a juvenile, we must have parental/guardian consent to give them the test.
„ Please check for any and all medications the subject takes including the name of the drug, what
medical condition it is taken for, the mg per day, and how long the subject has taken the medication.
„ BCI cannot test subjects who are pregnant, suffer from epilepsy, and have a heart condition. In the
case of a heart condition, please obtain as much details as possible because we can discuss this
„ Please tell you subject to get a good night’s sleep, ant not to consume any alcohol or illegal drugs
within 24 hours prior to their scheduled test. Tell them that this may interfere with their test results!
It is BCI’s policy not to give the test under these circumstances.
„ Send pertinent case facts to your examiner at least a week prior to the scheduled polygraph

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your BCI polygraphist

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Questions or Concerns?
„ If you have any questions about a
case, please contact either of us.
„ There is no case that is too
weird….trust me
„ “In God we trust. All others, we
„ Tactic is the ability to make a
person see the lightning without
letting them feel the bolt.

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„ “What lies behind us and what lies
before us is not nearly as important
as what lies within us.”
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

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What do you see?

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Thank You!


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