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NTS QUESTIONS for pharmacist Exams

(DTL / DRAP / PQCB/ Forensic) Raw data

NTS QUESTIONS for pharmacist Exams (DTL / DRAP / PQCB/ Forensic) Raw data
1. Which of the follwoing drug increases phenytoin metabolism phenylbutazone,
chloramphenicol and some sulphonamides
2. Which hypoglycemia drug have no systemic effect Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors
(Acarbose, Miglitol)
3. Definitions of carbohydrates n volatile oils
4. Example of organised crude drug (clove, aloe, cinchona, digitalis)
5. Drug that cause emesis (Ipecuanha)
6. Saponin r used as EMLIENT
7. Elements of pcp 5
8. No. of weight equivalent of gm in 1 Liter
9. Which Cephalosporin have side effects like disulphiram CEFOPERAZONE
10. Volatile oil is the mixture of waxes, resins, and other lipophilic (oil-soluble) plant material.
11. Precursor/Fundamental part of protein is (Amino Acid)
12. Bonds in proteins (Peptides)
13. Example of unsaturated fixed oil palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, myristoleic acid, linoleic acid,
and arachidonic acid
14. What is percentage concentration of carbohydrate in plants and animals 30 IN PLANTS 50
15. Which is most abundant on earth (Carbohydrates, protiens, lipids etc)
16. Material that get moisture from environment and gets hydrated are called (Deliquesant,
anhydrous etc)
17. Rubber produce in trees in which areas/climate (cold & dry, cold & moist, hot & moist, hot
& dry)
18. Fixed oil for medicinal use is obtained by (dry water extraction, cold water extraction)
19. Which antidiabetic agent donot show systemic effects MIGNITOL
20. Sun rays rached earth im which form (conduction, convention, radiation, reflection)
21. Entire part is effective except (Ergot, ephedra, belladona, clove)
22. Carbohydrates are combination of (Aldehydes&Ketones, Aldehydes & phenol, Ketone &
23. Phenol contains ___ attached with aromatic ring (hydroxyl, ketone etc)
24. Codeine is (monomethyl ether of morphine, dimethyl ether of morphine, Acetyl group
with morphine)
25. If Pk-PH of a drug is 2 then what will be the percentage of unionized drug( 99., 1%)
26. Which of the following have nutritional value ( glucose& starch, starch & cellulose)
27. What is virtual memory?
28. MS access is used for (documentation etc)
29. CTRL+C command is used for (Cut, Copy, paste)
30. System to copy additionally in case of any problme (Backup, presentation etc)
31. To move back the file we process which button (back button, address button etc)
32. Use of key Enter
33. What was the cause of death if Abdul SattarEdhi (Heart attack, liver, diabetes,
34. Who was Amjad Ali Sabri (Qawal, Actor, singer)
35. Who is the minister of railways of pakistan
36. Date of cease-fire line in kashmir is (1947, 1948, 1949 etc)
37. Which young fighter in kashmir died recently (Burhanwanietc)
38. Capital of iceland is
39. 1/1.01 of 1111
40. 12 men complete a work in 80 days so how many days required for 16 men ( 45, 60, 55, 50)
41. 10 years ago the age of father was 7 times of son, what is age now?
42. Meter is for distance, as ____ is for clock (time, hour etc)
43. Gun for policemen as ____ for blacksmith (Hammer, pencil)
44. Complete the series..1, 3, 7, 55..
45. Scond digit add with first & divide with third, ans is (14, 2, 4, 3).
1. SSRIs classifications
2. Anesthetics used in gaseous form halothane
3. Enalapril belongs to which class of drugs angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) inhibitors
4. What the drug do to body is called pk
5. Pharmacokinetics is the study of? ADME
6. Pharmacodynamics studies the ...... effects of drugs. BODY
7. Aspirin is more potent than indomethacin
8. Area under curve gives what information on action of drug total drug exposure over time (
9. Barbiturates classification
10.Benzodizepines classification
11. Antidote of atropine is Psysostigmine
12. Half life of the drug
13. First pass effect of drug
14. Parasympathomimetic drug is which is a substance that stimulates the parasympathetic
nervous system (PSNS)
15. Parasympatholytic drug a substance or activity that reduces the activity of the
parasympathetic nervous system
16. What is the advantage of sublingual dosage form
17. Mode of action of antiviral drugs 1. Inactivate extracellular virus particles.
2. Prevent viral attachment and/or entry.
3. Prevent replication of the viral genome.
4. Prevent synthesis of specific viral protein(s).
5. Prevent assembly or release of new infectious virions.
18. Augmentin contains combination of which drugs Amoxicillin Clavulanate

19. Sulphonamide is drug of choice forwhich indication manengitis

20. Sulphacetamide causes side effectsh difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of
the mouth, face, lips, or tongue)
21. Diuretic mode of action
22. Phase 1 and 2 metabolism effects
23. Year of seperation of AJ Kashmir
24. What was the cause of death of abdulsattaredhi
25. Kashmir situation due to death of Which freedom fighter
26. What is the capital of iceland
27. What is the name of current minister of Railways of Pakistan
28. What is the antidote of Dopamine.
29. H-2 receptor antagonists classification
30. Ethoxamide belongs to which class of drugs?
31. What is the clinical use of guanethidine
32. The motto of UN is......
33. Which country on the map of world appears as long shoe..Italy
34. The most powerful organ of united nations is...Security council
35. The headquarter of green piece international is located in...Amsterdam
36. The headquarter of Nato is located in Brussels
37. General RaheelShareef dismissed 6 army officers because of
38. PSL final winner team was
39. Operation against chotto gang was named as
40. There are ....non permanent members of united nations
41. The currency of. Indonesia is
42. The europian unions working headquarter is located in
43. The D-8 is an organizations of 8...
44. Which country from following is not the member of UNO
45. The great wall of china is how long5,500.3 miles (8,851.8 kilometers)
46. The international court of justice is located inHague (Netherlands).
47. The oldest university of the world isThe University of Bologna, Italy, was founded in 1088
and is the oldest one in Europe
48. The united nations was founded on
49. What is the date of raiwind march
50.Saarc is the abbreviation of
51. Date of BurhanWani death
52. Modi visit to pak date
53. New chief election commissioner
54. Date of wagah border attack
55. Turkey martial law date
56. Date of Urri attack
57. What is bahamas leak
58. What is the use of minirin tablet
59.Nilamide belongs to which class
60. Urea osmotic diuretic is
61. URL is used Ans =Addres page locate on wolrd wide web
62. Windows Maximize used for Ans=for fit window to entire screen
63. which is not input device Ans=CRT(Cathode Ray tube)
64. Which is not Storage Device Ans=Printer
65. Data store on hard disk in form of Ans=Track
66. for printing command we use /Ans=CTRL+P
67. or point item on computer we use Ans=Mouse
68. Taskbar located on Desktop Ans=Bottom
69. RAM Stand for Ans=Random Access Memory
70. For bold we use short cut key Ans=Ctrl+B
71. Estazolam belongs to which class?? sedative-hypnotics
72. Long acting barbiturate? Phenobarbital (Luminal) and Mephobarbital (Mebaral)
73. Phenytoin is pharmacologically... anticonvulsant drug
74. Condition called from one continuous max peak to continuous trough therapeutic window
75. Valproic acid is classified as antiepileptic
76. Imipramine class tricyclic antidepressants
77. Physostigmine antidote atropine
78. Transport along conc gradient without energy facilitated diffusion
79. Local anaesthetics are weak acids weak bases etc weak bases
26. For protein bound drug which one is not true pharmacologically active
27. Tablets weight variation can cause which type of problem pkg & transpotation
28. Nutritional polysaccharide starch & glucose
29. Ability of a drug to bind with receptor is called affinity
30. Nitroglycerine is example of which tablet sublingual tab.
31. Proteins main building units are amino acids
32. Amino acid are bound by which bond peptide bond
33. The group present in phenol hydroxyl
34.Most abundant biomolecule on earth carbohydrates
35. Down regulation of receptor occur due to (agonist antagonist etc) inverse receptor
36. Resistance for change in pH of solution is called( buffers buffers action etc) buffer capacity
37. Fusion of bees wax that melt at 85 0C …. Bees wex add 1st
38. Which oral anti diabetic has no systemic effect miglitol
39. Strong bond formed by break down of serine …hydrogen bond
40. Which of the follwoing drug increases phenytoin metabolism chloremphnicol
41. The drug that is chemically converted to its active form to exert pharmacological effect is
42. All parts of crude drugs are used except clove
43. Basic drugs are soluble in which medium basic medium
44. Dissolution apparatus used for enteric coated tablet apparatus 2

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