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Worksheet – Identify Similarities and Differences
Christianity - Catholic Your chosen religion
Where did the religion
When did the religion begin?
Who was the founder or who
started it and why?
What is the holy book of this
Who do they worship? How
many Gods etc?
Who is the leader or the
community or religion now? Is
it different for different
countries etc?
How many people worldwide
follow this religion? Where are
they mostly located?
Where do the people gather to
What days and times of the
week do they worship?
When does the calendar begin
for this religion?
What do the dates in the
calendar of this religion link to?
Is there a holy month for this
religion? Explain it.
What are the seasons in this
religion? Name the most
important religious festivals/
that this religion celebrates

11 Religion & Ethics World Religions Worksheet 1, Term 2

What are the key beliefs of this
What are the practices of this
Explain the faith traditions of
this religion
Explain the belief systems of
this religion.
What are the rituals of this
What are the ethical teachings
of this religion?
Does this religion pray? How
often do they pray?
Explain how they pray.
What are their most important
prayers and prayer times?
Name and explain the sacred
spaces of this religion.
What are the sacred times of
this religion?
Find information about the
Important Places
Important Events
Important People
Important Text
Important Signs
Important Symbols
Dietary requirements (fasting,
abstinence etc)

What does the practice of this

religion mean to its followers?
How does this religion affect

11 Religion & Ethics World Religions Worksheet 1, Term 2

the daily lives of the people
who practice it?
What attracts people to this
religion over another?
Do the people that follow this
religion show respect for other
religions? Give a brief
explanation of the relationship
each religion has with other
How are women treated in this
religion? What does their holy
book say should be done?
What effects do outward
representation of this
religion and open
expression of their religious
ritual have on members
and non-members of the
Why do you think it might
be important to know
something about each of
these religions?
What similarities do you
see between the two
religions you have chosen?
Make a list of some of the
important terms and

11 Religion & Ethics World Religions Worksheet 1, Term 2

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