The Laws of The Universe

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The Law Of Vibration states that anything that exists in our

universe, whether seen or unseen, broken down into and

analyzed in it's purest and most basic form, consists of pure
energy or light which resonates and exists as a vibratory
frequency or pattern.

The Law Of Attraction The Law of Attraction is the Universal

Law which ensures that whatever energy is broadcast out
into the universe is joined by (or attracted to) energies that
are of an equal or harmonious frequency, resonance or

The Law Of Cause And Effect states that any action produces
or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act
or cause which initiated it. Also referred to as Sowing and
Reaping or Karma.

The Law Of Resonance The Law of Resonance is the

Universal Law which determines the various vibratory
patterns or frequencies which are determined and projected
based on various thoughts, beliefs and emotions and the
resulting projected frequency which activates the Law of
Attraction ensuring that this resonance or projected energy
can only harmonize with energies that vibrate or resonate at
a similar harmonious vibratory frequency which determine
and create your physical results.

The Law Of Growth The Law of Growth is the Universal Law

which is one of the simplest to comprehend. It simply exists
to ensure that something always grows, that creation is
constant and determined by the kind and quality of seed
which is planted. In the case of Universal truth this seed is
determined by the energy projected. Through it's immutable,
unwavering and predictable operation you can become
conscious and purposeful in what you project or plant which
will determine what you will receive or harvest in each area
of your life.
The Law Of Abundance The Law Of Abundance can best be
understood by looking at the continual growth and unlimited
resources available within our Universe. It is continuously
producing and multiplying effortlessly through the power of
the above Universal Laws, the abundance of which is
determined only by the kind and quality of the seed or
energy projected.

The Law Of Polarity Do you ever wonder why in a world of

unfathomable Abundance why it is that we must sometimes
go through events, conditions and circumstances that we
perceive as unpleasant? Becoming aware of and developing a
deeper understanding concerning the Law Of Polarity may
provide the insight that you need.

The Law Of Reciprocity The Law Of Reciprocity which is

intricately connected and harmonizes perfectly with all
Universal Law, initiates and creates an unwavering and
unfailing process which “Reciprocates” meaning to give and
take mutually or to return in kind or degree.

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