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Reading Section
This text is for questions 1 and 2
After attending an annual meeting held by Dinas Pendidikan Prov. Jakarta at SMAN Husni
Thamrin on Nov 30 – Dec 2, 2015, to prepare our students to face the final exam, Ujian Nasional,
we as the West Jakarta English Teachers’ Association representatives to the meeting are to inform
that the update blueprints of Ujian Nasional for SMA 2016 are available now. For those who are
interested, please contact Ms. Erika SMA 56 and Ms. Tanti SMAN 33 , Ms. Zulhelmah SMA 84
and Ms. Ade SMA 19 , Ms. Azizah SMAN 96 and Ms. Sabrina SMAN 95 and Mr. Masari SMAN
94. Any variety delivery service provided such as email, and “ojek” online services, facebook, Sir
Fabian’s blog at or come directly to the person in charge above.
Hopefully, this will help us to give important insights to our beloved students in facing the
exam. Thanks for your attention.
1. What is the text about?
A. English teachers’ activities.
B. Ujian Nasional 2016 preparation.
C. The annual meeting held by Dinas Pendidikan
D. The information of the blueprints’ availability.
E. How to face the final exam based on the update blueprints.

2. Due to the lack of web net facility, a teacher can possess the blueprints by …
A. email
B. facebook
C. ojek online service
D. browsing at Daru’s portal
E. visiting the school of PIC

This text is for questions 3 and 4

Munster Street, Manchester M4 5PA
GWP IHA 24894
14th January

Miss S. Fuller
15 Grove Road
Pidder Minster, Somerset

Dear Madam,
We were very sorry to learn from your letter of 10 th April that you have been dissatisfied with your
Quiller Q70 fountain pen.
We have examined the pen and find that the Quilfix nib assembly is not functioning properly. We
therefore have exchanged this nib assembly and have fitted the replacement to a peacock blue
barrel – the color of your choice
We are very sorry that you have been inconvenienced in this way. If you should have any further
difficulty with your pen, please do not hesitate to write to use direct.

Yours faithfully,
G.W. Pennington
Adjustment Manager

3. What is the purpose of the letter?

A. To apologize to Miss S. Fuller.
B. To describe the condition of the pen
C. To inform about the content of the pen
D. To reply the complaint of Miss S. Fuller.
E. To persuade Miss S. Fuller to use the pen.

4. What has been replaced by the company to make the pen work properly?
A. The color of the pen.
B. A peacock blue barrel.
C. The Quilfix nib assembly.
D. The Quiller pen company.
E. Quiller Q 70 fountain pen.

This text is for questions 5 to 7

Pele is the most iconic footballer of the twentieth Century. He epitomized the flair, joy and passion
the Brazilians bought to the game. Pele’s career spanned throughout the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
In his early career, the young and unknown Pele helped inspire Brazil to victory in the 1958 World
Cup. In 1962, Brazil retained the World Cup. In 1966, Brazil was hot favorites, but, lost out to the
home nation England.
His crowing glory was the Brazilian victory in the 1970 World Cup in Mexico. In this world cup,
some of the football played by Brazil and Pele was widely considered to the greatest in the history of
the game. Brazil won the final 4-1 against Italy; it was a genuine advertisement for the ‘beautiful
game’ and a fitting pinnacle of Pele’s international career.
Pele went on to score over 1,000 goals in professional games. His strike rate in international games
was one of the highest ever. In 92 appearances, he scored 77 goals. In the domestic league, Pele made
his debut for Santos aged just 16. He played for Santos in the Brazilian league from until the 1972 –
1973 seasons.
Pele finished his career in the lucrative US league. In 1975, he signed for New York Cosmos and
played three seasons. He led the New York Cosmos to the US title in 1977 – the year of his
After retiring has gone onto be a great ambassador for football and sport in general. In 1992, Pelé was
appointed a UN ambassador for ecology and the environment. He was also appointed a UNESCO
goodwill ambassador. He is not only one of the most gifted footballers of his generation, but, also a
mild mannered man who used his fame and prestige for a positive effect.

5. The text tells us about ....

A. Pele’s life
B. Pele’s achievement in football
C. Pele’s achievement in his career
D. Pele’s career in international games
E. Pele’s performance in Brazilian league

6. How long is Pele’s career?

A. 3 decades

B. 2 seasons
C. 16 years
D. 19 years
E. 8 years

7. “Pele finished his career in the lucrative US league.” (Paragraph 5)

The underlined word means...
A. destructive
B. innovative
C. propitious
D. selective
E. precious

This text is for questions 8 to 10

Here are some tips for saving money next time when you're at the supermarket:
A. Take a list so you don't forget anything. Only buy what's on the list. This makes
it easier to stick to your budget.
B. Put your grocery money in an envelope. Don't take any other cash or cards with
you so you can only spend what you have.
C. Buy in bulk and only go grocery shopping once a fortnight. Use all the food in
your pantry before you buy more.
D. Eat a meal or snack before you go to the supermarket. When you are not
hungry, you tend to buy less food.
E. Use our budget planner to help you save.
8. What does the text tell you about?
A. Some tips on shopping.
B. Tips to be thrifty when we are shopping.
C. Tip to spend the money we are shopping.
D. Some tips buy something at a supermarket.
E. Some tips to manage our budgeting on home utensils.

9. The writer suggests customers to shop something at the supermarket ….

A. every day
B. once in a week
C. once in two weeks
D. only every Sunday
E. at a convenient time to the customers

10. “Use our budget planner to help you save.”

The underlined word refers to ….
A. the readers and the customers
B. the customers and the writers
C. the cashiers and customers
D. the writer and the readers
E. the audiences

This text is for questions 11 to 13


One evening, Himali, a fisherman’s daughter, went to the beach to collect some seashells for
the next day's environmental studies lesson. There she saw a lot of tourists, some of them were
playing with their children and some of them were swimming. She walked along the beach
collecting sea shells. While she was watching the sky she heard a cry. She looked around the beach
and saw some tourists shouting. She ran towards them. Then she saw a tourist drowning in the sea.
The other tourists were scared and helpless.
As she is a good swimmer, she jumped into the sea, but the waves were so strong that she
had to fight with the waves to save the man's life. Bravely she started to swim towards him. In a few
minutes, she was able to hold him and quickly brought him to shore. One of the other tourists gave
him First Aid and then he recovered.
The next day Himali went to school. Suddenly there was an announcement for assembly in
the school's main hall. All the students went to the hall and waited for the Principal. Then the
Principal came and said "I have some good news this morning. Yesterday, when a tourist was
drowning in the sea a little girl jumped into the sea and saved him. I am happy to say that this little
girl is from our school. Her name is…" Then she announced, "Himali in Grade Nine!" Himali was
very happy but she was also a little shy. The Principal asked her to come up to the stage. She
walked slowly towards the stage. On the stage she received an award for bravery and the Principal
said "You are the Hero of the Year!" Himali was very happy and everyone clapped and cheered. It
was an unforgettable moment for Himali.

11. According to the text ….

A. Himali got honored through an award
B. Himali saw a woman drowning in the sea
C. the waves condition were not calm and friendly
D. students are announced to gather in the main gate
E. the principal was very proud of Himali achievement in swimming competition

12. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Himali’s success in helping the woman’s life.
B. The immediate first aid to the drowning man.
C. Himali’s trial to recover the drowning man
D. Himali’s notice on the drowning swimmer.
E. Himali’s bravery to save the man’s life.

13. We can infer that Himali lives ….

A. at a mild suburb
B. at an industrial zone
C. at a hot tourism seaside
D. at an isolated and danger seashore
E. at surrounding of the restricted beach

This text is for questions 14 to 16

A long time ago, there was a great kingdom in Halmahera. The people were sad. The great,
kind and wise king just died. The king had three children, two sons and one daughter. The sons
were Baginda Arif and Baginda Binaut, while the daughter was Putri baginda Nuri.
The queen talked to the soldiers’ commander about the next king. According to the rule,
the first child would be the next king. Therefore, they were preparing a ceremony to inaugurate
Baginda Arif to be the new king.
Binaut heard they conversation. Actually, he also wanted to be the king. He had a plan.
Secretly, he talked to the commander asked him to send the queen, Arif and Baginda Nuri to jail.

He told the people that his mother, his brother and his sister were drowned in the sea.
Becoming the new king, he was very cruel. He asked his people to pay high taxes. The
people suffered but they could not do anything. The soldiers would hurt them.
However, not all the soldiers wanted to follow Binaut. One of the soldiers named, Bijak,
made his own troops. He knew the queen, the prince and the princess were in jail. He wanted to
set them free. On one night, Bijak and his troops attacked the jail.
Not long after that, the mountain erupted. The lava was flowing. The people were running
to save their life. Binaut was also running. Amazingly, wherever he was running, the lava always
followed him. He was really scared. He went to the jail but they were not there.
Finally, Binaut could not run anymore. He was exhausted and he arrived at the sea. He
could not go back to the land because it was full of lava. Because he was very tired, he was
drowned. Slowly, his body turned into a cape. The people often heard someone crying from the
cape, therefore they named it the crying cape or Tanjung Menangis.

14. What attitude does Baginda Binaut have?

A. He is a generous person.
B. He is a heroic person.
C. He is a wise person.
D. He is a protective person.
E. He is an ambitious and selfish person.

15. How did Baginda get what he intentionally had done to his mother and siblings?
A. Being drowned and turned into a cape.
B. Becoming a wise and kind king to his people.
C. Pointing out his commander to be his advisor.
D. Repaying their kindness and letting his mother, brother and sister put in jail.
E. Having a good relationship with his family and also people in the kingdom.

16. What moral value can we get from the text?

A. We have to struggle to achieve our ambitious whenever and wherever we are.
B. Wealth and prosperity belongs to us if we are diligent and work hard.
C. Try optimally to get everything what we want and dream of.
D. Someone will do what we have done before to anyone.
E. Don’t sacrifice our family because of our greediness.

This text is for questions 17 to 20

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living
terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like shape and its
leopard-like coloring. Its chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs,
its horn-like ossicones, and its distinctive coat patterns. It is classified under the family Giraffidae,
along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. X
Giraffes have a body length between 3.8 and 4.7 m, a tail length between 78 and 100 cm, a shoulder
height between 4 and 4.7 m and they weigh between 0.6 and 1.9 tons. They have long legs, a
sloping back and an extremely long neck. They have a long muzzle, medium sized ears and large
eyes. On the top of their head they have bony horns called ossicones, especially the adult males,
which makes their total height to the top of their horn tips between 4.7 and 5.3 m and for females
3.9 - 4.5 m.
The giraffe's scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south and from
Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. They usually inhabit savannahs, grasslands, and open
woodlands. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they browse at heights most other
herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes are preyed on by lions; their calves are also targeted by leopards,
spotted hyenas, and African wild dogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong social bonds, though they
do gather in loose aggregations if they happen to be moving in the same general direction. Males

17. What is the text about?

A. The life of giraffes.
B. Giraffes’ primary food.
C. The unique traits of giraffes.
D. General description of giraffes.
E. Giraffes’ survival from the predator.

18. Why are adult giraffes hunted by other predators?

A. They posses weak and slim body.
B. They get no nutritious food for ever and after.
C. They have no strong social bonds among them.
D. They didn’t own a deadly weapon in their bodies.
E. They are really the prey of the wild animal because their clumsy move.

19. From the last sentence in paragraph 1, we can find out that Okapis ….
A. are still alive
B. are destroye
C. are dextinct
D. are vanished
E. are lost

20. Male giraffes ….

A. live in herd
B. fight for hierarchy
C. are solitary animals
D. only eat acacia leaves
E. are reserved in African National Parks

This text is for questions 21 to 24

Stop Blaming Video Games!

The video games phenomenon is somewhat new in this modern society. Although they often to be
entertaining, some people says that the contents which have become more violent and disturbing as
computing technology has become much more advanced. These days, the popularity of violent video
games has caused an increase in controversy. Parents and experts feel that some games are just too
violent and they demand the government to regulate the sales of these games. However, I strongly
believe violent video games do not cause an increase in aggression in adolescents and the forceful
plan by the government is caused by an exaggeration of the effects of violent video games and this
plan are indeed pointless.
Video games have several positive aspects. Based on my experience, video games can push
children's competence to the limit by forcing them to master certain ability to overcome the obstacles
in the level. Aside from the cognitive aspects, video games are also the tool of social interactions.
Friendships can sometimes be developed through playing video games and ultimately keeping them

21. We know from the text that ….

A. Government has arranged strict rule about video games
B. The writer shows different arguments about video games
C. Parents have main role to supervise their children in playing video games
D. Nowadays, modern society understands about the phenomenon of video games
E. There is an obvious relationship between playing video games and the growth of

22. The main idea of second paragraph is .…

A. The restriction of playing the video games
B. The beneficial arguments of the video games
C. The government strict regulation about video games
D. The easy way to avoid children from video games
E. The point of view about video games drawback

23. “… by forcing them to master certain ability to overcome the obstacles in …” (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word means ….
A. occurrences
B. drawbacks
C. completion
D. detentionsn
E. coverage

24. The purpose of the text above is ….

A. to state the writer’s rejection about video games
B. to share the writer’s experience about video games
C. to reveal the different points of view about video games
D. to inform the readers about the disadvantages of video games
E. to convince the readers that video games have a lot of contributions for people.

This text is for questions 25 to 28

Jakarta. Police on Tuesday searched the house of a woman who witnessed her friend die after
drinking coffee at a Jakarta cafe last week as evidence points more and more to foul play. Wayan
Mirna Salihin, 27, had taken only a sip of her iced coffee at Olivier cafe in Grand Indonesia mall,

Central Jakarta, on Wednesday afternoon, when she suddenly collapsed into convulsions. She was
initially taken to the mall's management’s clinic and later to the Abdi Waluyo hospital in Menteng,
Central Jakarta, where she was later pronounced dead.
According to police, Mirna was accompanied by two friends that day, identified only as
Mirna and Jessica, who also goes by the name Siska. Police have yet to disclose their full names.
Siska had reportedly arrived at the cafe almost an hour early and ordered drinks for both Mirna and
Hani, who arrived together.
Jakarta Police general crimes chief Sr. Comr. Krishna Murti said investigators searched
Siska's home on Tuesday. Siska “was the one who ordered [Mirna's] coffee. She paid for the coffee
while waiting for the victim. Based on this fact, we conducted a search [of her house],” Krishna
said, adding that officers confiscated "a number of items."
An autopsy on Mirna's body revealed the presence of "a corrosive substance that destroyed
the stomach’s mucous membrane,” Police chief medical officer Sr. Comr. Wayan Musyafak said
earlier. The National Police's forensics lab is still conducting tests on her stomach, liver and spleen.
Forensic expert Reza Indragiri said on Tuesday that based on "such violent and fast-acting effects,"
it is "high likely" the substance was cyanide or arsenic. “Around 200 to 300 milligrams is needed to
cause death,” he said. “And with such highly toxic substances, chances of survival are low."

25. What is the text about?

A. An autops on Mirna’s body.
B. The woman’s witness about Mirna’s death.
C. The woman who witnessed her friend died.
D. The police investigation on Mirna’s death.
E. The official statement of Forensic expert about Mirna’s death .

26. From the investigator search Siska’s home on Tuesday, we know the fact ….
A. Siska was not Mirna’s friend
B. Jessica was the usual suspect
C. Siska was not involved in the event
D. Siska was the one who ordered Mirna’s coffee
E. Jessica was the real one who caused Mirna’s death

27. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. A certain doses of cyanide or arsenic in Mirna’s cup.
B. The official statement of Forensic expert.
C. The expose of Mirna’s death cause.
D. The witnesses of Mirna’s friends.
E. The corrosive deadly cup.

28. According to the police’s forensic lab, what caused Mirna pass away?
A. Hani put corrosive substance in Mirna’s cup .
B. Cyanide or arsenic destroyed Mirna’s stomach.
C. Jessica killed her by asking her to drink the coffee.
D. Jessica and Hani arranged the Mirna’s murder on purpose.
E. Siska allegedly poured a dangerous poison in Mirna’s cup.

This text is for questions 29-31

The Pros and Cons of Using Twitter in Your Social Marketing
Twitter is popular online micro blogging social networking service that allow there registered user

to send and read message know as tweets, you can say a kind of social networking SMS. A twitter
user can share his or her thoughts and words by tweeting from his Tweet text box, which is publish
to his Profile tweets page and make those tweets available to there follower's home page as your
tweets update. Twitter is different. With users throwing around @’s, #’s, and acronyms, it can
seem a little foreign compared to the intuitiveness of Facebook. Even so, Twitter’s 288 million
active users is an attractive audience that you should consider connecting with. When you
understand the advantages and disadvantages of Twitter, you can decide to tweet or not.
Twitter is massive. Even if you are a small business with a very unique niche, Twitter is big
enough that you can find an audience. Every tweet goes to your followers. On Twitter, unless you
tweet directly to someone, each and every tweet goes to all of your followers. Tweets are easy to
create. While many brands share links to longer content, a simple tweet takes less than a minute
to write and send, but can still be very effective. During the Super Bowl power outage, Oreo’s “You
can still dunk in the dark” tweet generated over 15,000 retweets. You can get to the point. Since
you are limited to 140 characters, you need to get to the point. On Twitter, you should still be
polite, but you can be more direct than on other platforms.
On the contrary, Twitter is busy. Twitter users generate 340 million tweets per day, and
most users follow several hundred profiles. Because there is no Edgerank, if you only tweet once
or twice a day, your tweets are quickly buried in your followers’ feeds. Twitter is not ideal for
visual content. Twitter is mostly text based. If you want to share a lot of photos, Pinterest or
Instagram may be a better fit. You are limited to 140 characters. If you have trouble expressing
your thoughts in just a few words, Twitter will be a challenge. Not everyone can advertise. While
Twitter does allow for promoted tweets and profiles, you need to be approved by Twitter before
you can use its promotion features. You can find out more about promoting your small business
on Twitter.
Whether you decide to use Twitter or not, we hope you will consider it in your social
marketing efforts.

29. How can a twitter user share his or her thoughts?

A. By throwing around @ ‘S, ‘S.
B. By twitting from tweet text box.
C. By blogging social networking service.
D. By publishing to his profile tweets pages.
E. By comparing to the intuitiveness of facebook.

30. What do we do after we allow for promoted tweets and profiles?

A. We need to be approved by twitter before we can use its promotion features.
B. We can find out more about promoting twitter.
C. We can advertise by its promotion features.
D. We have to give profile twitter.
E. We have to link a photo twice.

31. How do you compare paragraph 2 and 3?

A. Both paragraphs tell the process of twitting.
B. Paragraph 2 support the idea of paragraph 3.
C. The two paragraphs expose the advantages of twitter.
D. Paragrah 2 tells about the reasons why we tweet while paragraph 3 tells the risk.
E. Paragraph 2 tells the pros of twitter whreas paragraph 3 talks about cons of twitter.

32. Study the following sentences!

How to stop Nose Bleeding

1. Squeeze your nose until it stops bleeding. 5

2. Loosen the clothing around your neck. 2
3. First, keep calm and don’t panic. 1
4. Put a cotton pad in the bleeding nostril. 3
5. If your nose continues to bleed, call doctor. 6
6. Then sit down with your head leaning forward. 4

The best arrangement is....

A. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 6
B. 3 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 5
C. 3 – 1 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 6
D. 3 – 2 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 5
E. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 6 – 5

The text is for questions 33 to 35

Complete the following text with the correct words!
Last Friday, a friend of mine asked me to accompany him to buy a new shirt at a
department store. We left home at 03.00 p.m. by motorcycle. As soon as we arrived there, we
went to the clothes section. I let him choose one. An hour later, I got bored watching him
confused in choosing a shirt. So I left him and went to the cassette counter. Thirty minutes later, I
went back to the clothes section but I couldn't find him there. My … (48) was broken so I couldn't
call him. I went to the parking area. I saw his motorcycle was there but I couldn't find him. I waited
for him for a few moments then finally I gave up and decided to go home.
When I arrived home, my mother told me that my friend called. She said that he was in the
department store looking for me. My mother asked me to come back to the department store.
Reluctantly, I walked to the department store and you know what? When I … (49) there his
motorcycle was not in the parking area. He just went home. I was very tired. There was no other
choice, I had to walk home again. When I arrived home, I was so tired. I was very … (50) but when I
saw my friend in front of the door.

33. A. laptop
B. cell phone
C. motorcycle
D. power bank
E. motor cycle’s key

34. A. departed
B. arrived
C. went
D. saw
E. fled

35. A. sad

B. relief
C. happy
D. angry
E. ridiculous

This text is for questions 36 to 38

Born Cassius Marcellus Clay, Jr., in Louisville, Kentucky, on January 14, 1942, the future three-
time world champ changed his name to Muhammad Ali in 1964 after converting to Islam. He
scored a gold medal at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome and made his professional boxing
debut against Tunney Husaker on October Muhammad Ali, an American boxer, was one of the
greatest fighters in the history of the sport. Colorful, talented, and sometimes controversial, Ali
entertained fans and intimidated opponents. His boxing style involved graceful footwork and
powerful jabs. He also became famous for bragging about himself. For example, he once
described his skills by saying that he could “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.” In 1978 Ali
became the first boxer to win the world heavyweight championship title three different times.
29, 1960, winning the bout in six rounds. On February 25, 1964, he defeated the heavily
favored bruiser Sonny Liston in six rounds to become heavyweight champ.
He began boxing at the age of 12, after his bicycle was stolen and a police officer suggested
that the young Clay should learn how to box. By age 18 Clay had amassed a record of 108 wins
and 8 losses in amateur competition. This included six Kentucky Golden Gloves titles, the 1959
International Golden Gloves heavyweight title, and a gold medal as the light heavyweight
champion at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, Italy.
At the height of his fame, Ali was one of the most famous athletes in the world, and even
after his retirement he was recognizable wherever he went. After his boxing career ended, Ali
donated much of his time to various charities and humanitarian missions around the world. He
was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990, and in 1996 he was awarded the
honor of lighting the Olympic torch in Atlanta, Georgia, to begin the Summer Olympic Games.

36. Based on the text we know that Mohammad Ali was raised ….
A. in the religious family
B. in the Moslem family
C. in the Christian family
D. in the high class family
E. in the low class family

37. Mohammad Ali might not have ... unless someone had stolen his bicycle.
A. learned how to box
B. converted to Islam
C. been a police officer
D. become the greatest athlete
E. won a gold medal at the Olympic Games

38. “He was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1990” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word is closest in meaning ….
A. inaugurated
B. terminated
C. undergone
D. provided

E. released

This text is for questions 38 to 41

The internet connects all parts of the world without borders between them. Many people
take advantages of the internet network. One of them is by opening virtual stores, meaning people
are providing shops in cyberspace. They show photographs of goods with all their characteristics.
They also reflect prices, discounts and quality of goods. In addition to all the convenience of
shopping online, we have to be very careful and cautious in doing transactions through cyberspace.
Many people have experienced bad impacts of shopping online. Here are some examples of
negative impacts of shopping online.
First, people tend to become consumptive because quality goods are often sold cheaply and
buyers don’t need to go anywhere. Such convenience raises the desire to continue shopping and
it’s hard to resist.
Second, online shopping habits create crimes, such as deception. Many people take
advantages of this consumer psyche to open fake online stores aiming to get as much money as
possible. Many prospective buyers are deceived by such stores only because they offer bigger
discounts than usual. Without thinking people will immediately transfer money and hope to get
good stuff at very cheap price, but they never receive the goods they ordered.
Third, shopping online may create a feeling of disappointment because the items that buyers
receive do not match what they ordered. Unfortunately, the goods cannot be returned which
means they have lost their money and hope for getting good items.
Fourth, people tend to look at their cellphone very often to browse various virtual stores.
They began to ignore people and events that happen around them. Gradually, they will lose their
social empathy.
Knowing that there are many negative impacts of shopping online, we have to remain
cautions of scams and not shop online too often. We need to browse in real shops, so we are not
ignorant of people and events around us.

38. What is the topic of the text?

A. The advantages of shopping online.
B. The disappointment of shopping online.
C. The negative effects of internet connection.
D. The characteristics of goods in online shop.
E. The negative consequences of shopping online.

39. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

A. Criminals like doing online shopping.
B. All online stores in the internet are fake.
C. Unusual big discounts can mislead buyers.
D. Many people get benefits from online shopping.
E. Buyers receive the goods after they transfer money.

40. People who have a habit of looking at cellphone very often …

A. like to browse online shops
B. can lose their social sensitivity
C. will lose their important events
D. make them ignore their cellphones

E. may help them visit various virtual stores

41. “… , we have to remain cautions of scams and not shop online too often.” (Last paragraph)
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A. trick
B. tactic
C. strategy
D. prompt
E. hoax

This text is for questions 42 to 44


Sea stars, commonly called, “starfish” are not fish. Sea stars live underwater, but that is where
their resemblance to fish ends. They do not have gills, scales, or fins. Sea stars live only in
saltwater. Sea water, instead of blood, is actually used to pump nutrients through their bodies via
a 'water vascular system.'
Also, sea stars move by using tiny tube feet located on the underside of their bodies. With so
many little legs, starfish can reach enormous speeds. Adult sunflower sea stars can move at the
astonishing speed of one meter per minute using 15,000 tube feet. Tube feet also help sea stars
hold their prey.
Sea stars are related to sand dollars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers, all of which are
echinoderms, meaning that they have five-point radial symmetry. However, this does not mean
that all sea stars have five arms and species with 10, 20, or even 40 arms exist! If one of these
arms is lost, a sea star has the amazingly ability to regenerate it.

42. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell how sea stars live.
B. To describe particular sea stars.
C. To convince that sea stars are not fish.

D. To compare between sea stars and fish.

E. To inform general description of sea stars.

43. How do you compare paragraph 2 and 3?

A. Paragraph 2 is about the movement of sea stars but paragraph 3 is about their relationship.
B. Paragraph 2 is about how sea stars move but paragraph 3 is about category of sea stars.
C. Paragraph 2 is about how sea stars feed but paragraph 3 is about the form of sea stars.
D. Paragraph 2 is about the action of sea stars while paragraphs 3 is about their regeneration.
E. Paragraph 2 is about adult sunflower sea stars while paragraph 3 is about the arms of sea

44. “Adult sunflower sea stars can move at the astonishing speed …”(Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. exciting
B. amazing
C. attractive

D. wonderful
E. fascinating

"I started a clothing line while on bedrest."

—Meg Remien, 31, San Francisco, CA
"In 2014 I broke my spine in a skiing accident. Actually, I broke about 10 bones—six of them were
in my back. I could not function on my own for several months and relied on my family and
husband to do everything for me. Being in that condition was humbling, but it was also very
boring. Binge-watching all kinds of shows and movies eventually became monotonous. That's
when I started to design. After my accident, I was in bed for most hours of the day. My pajamas
and sleepwear became uncomfortable. I noticed I didn't like the waistband on one or the fabric of
another and I began researching where I could find exactly what I was looking for. Then I realized
it didn't exist. I also started researching eco-friendly fashion. That's how my clothing company,
Raven & Crow, came to be. I never thought this would turn into a business, but every time I
explained my concept to someone new they said, 'That sounds amazing. Let me know when you
have some and I'll buy it.' So, with a simple design and bamboo fabric that I adored, I had my first
pair cut and sewn. The rest is history."
This text is for questions 45 to 47

45. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text?

A. To amused readers with her true story.
B. To tell readers how she started her business.
C. To inspire readers by sharing her experience.
D. To share an amazing experience with readers.
E. To give motivation to readers how to survive.

46. From the text we know that the Meg Remien ….

A. intended to start her business when she was on bed rest
B. started to set up her business after she got a skiing accident
C. began her clothing company with her family and husband
D. got an idea to design clothing after searching eco-friendly fashion
E. was supported by her family and friends to start her clothing company

47. Meg could do nothing for several months. …, she needed her family and husband’s help.
A. Because
B. Whereas
C. Although
D. Otherwise
E. Therefore

This text is for questions 48 to 50

In the modern world, women have the benefit from the wider chance of getting a career
outside their household sphere. Many women, however, have some difficulties deciding whether
they will pursue a career or not. Some of them stay at their offices, while at the same time they act
as housewives. But, the others choose to concentrate their attention to their household only.
Being career women offers the advantage of a wider chance of self- actualization. They can
widen their knowledge to develop their capacity. For example, many women do not know exactly

what their talent is before they start a career. But then, after they have a career they know which
field they can do best and which one they cannot. This will help them to refocus their life goal.
Another big advantage is that they can help supporting their household’s finance so that
men do not become a single fighter in financing their families. For example, if a wife works, she
can help her husband finance their children’s educational budget, so that their children can have
the best education.
Being career women, on the other hand, has some significant disadvantages, too. They have
more burdens in their life, as they have to manage their jobs as well as their household. For
example, a female teacher has to prepare teaching material for tomorrow class while at the same
time she has to think about how to handle their naughty son.
In addition, being career women can be risky for their household. For example, many women
have to spend their time more in their career as it grows more challenging, so they have only
limited time left for their family, resulting in their lack of care and attention for their husband and
children. The extreme impact of this situation is broken home.
In the end, the decision that each woman makes will depend on their own personal values,
as well as their readiness for taking on the considerable consequences of each choice.

48. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To present two different opinions about career women.
B. To discuss some points of view about successful women.
C. To convince readers that career women should be good wives.
D. To tell readers that career women should actualize themselves.
E. To inform how career women manage their career and household.

49. How can you compare the third and the fourth paragraphs?
A. Both paragraphs 2 and 4 are about the benefits of being career women.
B. Both paragraphs 2 and 4 are about the disadvantages of being career women.
C. Like paragraph 2, paragraph 4 is about opinions for and against career women.
D. Unlike paragraph 2, paragraph 4 is about the disadvantages of being a career woman.
E. Paragraph 2 is about an opinion for career women but paragraph 4 is against career

50. We can infer from the text that ….

A. it is against the nature that a woman follows her career
B. it is wise for a woman to concentrate her attention to the household
C. it will bring more harm than good if a woman gets her career outside
D. it relies on her personal value whether or not a woman pursues her career
E. it is advisable that a woman helps her husband finance the household needs

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