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Comenzado el domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020, 17:33

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020, 17:45
Tiempo 12 minutos 19 segundos
Calificación 90,00 de 100,00
Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta
Puntúa 15,00 sobre 25,00

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In this lesson we are going to practice about the frequency adverbs. Take a look at
the presentation and the video and then, go to the exercises:

Let's practice!
Using the information from the video and the presentation, rewrite
the sentences using the frequency adverbs. Be careful with spelling
and the punctuation marks:
For example:
I eat apples (never): I never eat apples.
1. My sister listens to music in the evening.
(sometimes): Respuesta
My sister sometimes listens to music in the evening.

2. Dario and Robert save homeless animals in their free time.

(always): Respuesta
Dario and Robert always save homeless animals in their free time.

3. Adriana goes to that restaurant. It is awful.

(never): Respuesta
Adriana never goes to that restaurant. It is awful.

4. During the week, I buy a slice of pie and a black coffee

after lunch. (usually): Respuesta
During the week, l usually buy a slice of pie and a black coffee after lun

5. Pablo and his family go out to have dinner.

(rarely): Respuesta
Pablo and his family rarely go aut to have dinner.

Pregunta 2
Puntúa 25,00 sobre 25,00

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In order to use the Fequency Adverbs correctly, we need to keep in mind habitual and
every day actions. On the following video you can see the link between these topics.
Pay attention:

So, simple present (the one we use for routines and repeated actions) can work
perfectly with the frequency adverbs.

There is one correct sentence in each set. Please, choose the correct option.
Keep in mind we are talking about the simple present and its link with the
frequency adverbs.

1. Respuesta

a. My mother goes usually in the evening to buy groceries.

b. My mother usually go in the evening to buy groceries.
c. My mother usually goes in the evening to buy groceries.

2. Respuesta

a. Tony, our black dog, never drinks water from the pool.
b. Tony, our black dog, never drink water from the pool.
c. Tony, our black dog, drinks never water from the pool.

3. Respuesta

a. When Alice has a test, she studies always.

b. When Alice has a test, she always studies.
c. When Alice has a test, she always study.

4. Respuesta
a. Mariana and Gia sometimes fight, but they are good
b. Mariana and Gia sometimes fights, but they are good
c. Mariana and Gia fight sometimes, but they are good

5. Respuesta

a. When I have a lot of work to do, I have always a cup of

b. When I have a lot of work to do, I always has a cup of
c. When I have a lot of work to do, I always have a cup of

Pregunta 3
Puntúa 50,00 sobre 50,00

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Enunciado de la pregunta

Verbs to talk about sports.

There are three verbs that we use with sports and other free time
activities: go, do and play, but they are not interchangeable:

• Go is used with activities and sports that end in -ing. The

verb go here implies that we go somewhere to practice this
sport: go swimming.
• Do is used with recreational activities and with individual,
non-team sports or sports in which a ball is not used, like
martial arts, for example: do a crossword puzzle, do
athletics, do karate.
• Play is generally used with team sports and those sports
that need a ball or similar object (puck, disc). Also, those
activities in which two people or teams compete against
each other: play football, play poker, play chess.

Remember, you can also play with different tenses to communicate. For example: I
went running last month.
Please, if you need further information, click HERE.

We use GO + ING We use PLAY

We use DO with...
with... with...

We often do aerobics at the

My friend Marcus plays
I usually go swimming every gym.

When my husband has time, we

Juan doesn't play football, he do
They go running on weekends.
plays tennis. puzzles for fun.

Now let's practice!

Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence:

1. Do you want to Respuesta
with me next week?

2. I don't know how to Respuesta

hockey. Can you teach me?

3. When my friends and I Respuesta

yoga, we feel relaxed.

4. She Respuesta

his first ballet presentation when she was 8 years old.

5. I want to Respuesta

dancing this friday.

6. He used to Respuesta

jogging every morning when he was young boy.

7. This summer, Tim is going to Respuesta
horseback riding.

8. Where is Mary? - She is Respuesta

aerobics now. Don't bother her.

9. My grandmother is 80 but she still Respuesta

gymnastics every morning.

10. You play rugby on a pitch. Where do you Respuesta



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